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Translated by: Futaba(Navi)
Edited by: GM_Rusaku

Episode 150: Stage for the Decisive Battle

The following day.

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At last, the day of the Battle with Mammon had arrived. Yuuto got up early in the morning, went out the mansion to get the aerobike that was in the garden.

「Good morning, Master」

When I was about to reach my destination, Spica was there polishing the aerobike with a cloth. The aerobike runs with the use of the wind as it’s power source, but because mud tends to stick easily on the body so Spica decides to regularly maintains it.

「Are? Spica, so you’re already up」
「Yes. Considering that master will be going to an important fight…… I want to be of help even if I am to stay here……」

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Why can’t I participate with master in this fight?

After being troubled with that question Spica arrived with the best idea, and it was to polish my bike turning it shiny.

「Are? Somehow, the seat feels strangely warm」

When Yuuto touched the bike, he felt a sence of incongruity. When leaving a bike in the garden, usually the seat will becomes very cold――. But for some reason, today it was very warm.

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「Etto…… To tell you the truth, I have warmed it up using my body」
「Eh? Spica did!?」

「Cease your complains. Do you want to die? All of you should just stay silent and do what you are ordered you to do」
「……Certainly. By the entire will of the master」

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If this was the usual Mammon, he definitely wouldn’t lower down the barrier and let the adventurer inside, but――. It was different this time.
The demon called Greater Demon who can freely manipulate three Unique Abilities, he was among Mammon’s men who was also his masterpiece that ranked 15th in the rankings.
Having the achievement on defeating Greater Demon, Mammon had judge that Yuuto was qualified to be powerful enough to challenge the 《Tower of the Four Beast》

(It has been a long time since a challenger last appeared. Shall you entertain me for a little while……?)

Mammon has spilled dauntless smile while looking down upon the scenery from the top floor of the tower.

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