Sky World

Chapter 2.02


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Chapter 2: The Quest
Part 2

Shiroko lost her temper in the inn bar.

While drinking with her members, she started verbally abusing Jun. The girls who at noon had been praising Jun’s expertise in killing the raid level monster alone had now forgotten the matter completely. They were now fawning over her.

While hearing the others bad-mouthing Jun, Eri, sitting at the counter, brought out the clock app on her tablet.

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It had already been three hours since Kasumi had gone to visit Jun. She was pretty clever. Shiroko still had not noticed her absence. As far as the narrow-minded guild leader was concerned, Jun had undermined her authority in the eyes of her members. She saw him as her nemesis. If she found out that Kasumi had become that nemesis’ apprentice…

She would surely never forgive Kasumi. Kasumi would be expelled from the guild.

(She’s really reaching her limit…)

Eri awaited her chance to get off the island.

She thought that now would be her only chance. For that reason, she was taking advantage of Kasumi’s presence.

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When Eri first met Kasumi, Kasumi was asking Shiroko “Please help me.” Kasumi was pure, honest, and unfazed by her previous failures. She continued trying her best to accomplish her objective. She was full of energy. For these reasons, Eri manipulated Kasumi with her words.

(Aren’t I unpleasant)

It seemed like Jun would pick up on her manipulation. That magic swordsman boy was “enjoying himself” in this world. Eri did not know how much he would sympathize with her reasoning behind it.

Kasumi’s communication stone started shaking in Eri’s hand.

Communication stones, about the size of a fingertip, came in many different colors. Sold in sets of two, they were items that facilitated communication between companions. In Sky World, they were used in a manner similar to cell phones.

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Eri left the noisy bar room and listened to Kasumi’s voice.

“Yeah. … Phew, he’s helping you out. … Yup, you’re just going on quests together, right? You can just watch him from behind and gradually pick up his techniques.”

‘Uh… Eri-chan. Jun-san said you should come with us… Is that fine?”

“He noticed what I did… huh.”

‘Eri-chan, that was only a little push.’

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“Well, either way, I did that. …Ok, I’ll go.”

They did not intend to stay in such a rotten guild for much longer.

“I’ll go tell him. Thanks!”

Now, she understood. Eri was the one who pushed her onto Jun.

Even now, after finding that out, she did not change her mind about anything.

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