Sky World

Chapter 3.10

Chapter 3: Raid Guild

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Part 10

Daikoku, the Illusionary Brigade’s commanding officer, folded his arms as he watched his subordinates engage in battle with a Phoenix.

They had fought fifteen battles since that boy named Jun made contact with him.

They stayed at the respawn spot of the dreadful undying bird, which was also known as the physical incarnation of flame itself, without moving an inch. Since they had been accustomed to the battle and were well coordinated, they continued unilaterally dealing damage to the Phoenix.

“We have an issue with supplies,” a male adventurer said seriously as he adjusted his glasses.

That man, Size, was Daikoku’s aide. Like Daikoku, he had been a part of the Illusionary Brigade from the start.

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“We’re running low on high-grade burn salves and anti-corrosion agents.”

Jun. That boy is trying to make our stockpiles of medicine we need for the Phoenix raid run dry by cutting off our supply.

“No matter what, we want to save as much as possible. We can reduce the amount of people fighting in order to lower our consumable expenditures…”

“No, let’s not.” Daikoku shook his head. “If we had our main army, we could defeat them with three parties. But those guys…”

“After all, they’re just a motley crew of adventurers. They’re completely different from our well-equipped, experienced, and well-trained army.”

Daikoku was concerned that if they changed tactics this far in, the soldiers would only get confused, and he would lose his authority. Daikoku understood bureaucracy well. In real life, he was a regular white-collar worker, a low level manager. Playing MMORPGs was a longtime favorite hobby of his. At least to the extent that he bought a personal tablet just for the purpose of playing Sky World.

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He could assert his own experience. Telling his current subordinates to adapt to the situation and act appropriately would bewilder their less capable selves.

“Hmm. I’ll make that person join us. He’ll pay for his mistakes.”

“It’s the higher-ups’ policy. The elites think that since we already have plenty of intelligent leaders, disposable fighters are of a higher priority, with simple honesty valued more than wit. It’s not your responsibility as a commanding officer.”

“Criticism from the elites, huh.” Size pushed his glasses up and gazed downwards. Though he was quite capable, he was still just a college student. He didn’t understand the strength and dreadfulness of so-called “bureaucracy”.

“That was a slip of the tongue. Please forget what I just said.”

“Best case scenario, it’s still a complicated situation. Don’t say anything carelessly.” That boy’s loyalty ran deep. For this reason, Daikoku thought that he couldn’t only protect himself. “Don’t fret. We’re acting. I believe that people have just set out for the fourth ring. They should arrive tomorrow.”

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“On an airship, right?”

“Yeah. I told them to send twelve powerful men, along with some medicine. It’s Sakamoto’s company.”

“Sakamoto-san is…” Size was surprised, and Daikoku smiled at him. Sakamoto was one of the veterans of the guild, just like Daikoku. Though he lacked any seriousness, a heavy warrior, he was the guild’s number one tank. But then, he did have the best equipment. Given that they sent his group, the higher-ups must have seriously been resolved to not let this Phoenix camp fall into anybody else’s hands.

“Furthermore, I see that it’s possible that that person, Jun, called on other guilds for gold and silver.”

The Silver Winged Knight Association, and the Golden Berry Club were powerful guilds that competed with the Illusionary Brigade for influence. He heard that their conflicts on the higher rings had intensified.

“I didn’t think that it seemed that they would have such support.”

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“However, in actuality, those guys managed to gain control over all of the adventurers in Payang in a blink of an eye.”

“That’s because we’re hated.” Size glanced down at their underlings as if they were ants swarming around the Phoenix. “We’re not managing these energetic brats well enough. Whenever they go into town, I heard they often cause all sorts of ruckuses.”

“They blindly follow whatever anybody stronger than them says.”

“Isn’t that what the higher-ups said? … Well now, we’ll be scrutinized for it.”

“That’s for me to do.”

“Of course. … We’ll fight the Phoenixes steadily.”

This raid too would end safely. They had the same amount of consumables as usual. They reckoned that they should just barely be able to maintain their ground until the supply airship arrives.

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