
Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Kill you on sight!

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 “It’s the people of Fight If Salty.” Lin Che had a solemn expression, “Why are they ignoring us? Based on the kind of person that Flaming Rat is, he would have attacked us already by now. Have they not discovered us?”

“We are less than 200 yards apart with no covers between us. The mini-map would have indicated that we are here.” I frowned, “Flaming Rat must have seen us but was too occupied to deal with us. Instead, he continued onward with his group. A target more attractive than the Chosen Studio must have appeared.”

“A steel boss?”

Everyone reached the same conclusion.

“Let’s go.” I used a potion and said, “Follow them. Let’s see what they’re doing. Since Fight If Salty has already declared war on us, we won’t stay our hand.”

“Yeah. Let’s do it.”

We left the swamp and got onto the hill. Flaming Rat’s party could be seen far ahead of us. We followed behind them, trying to see if a steel boss had indeed appeared. We were already at the deepest map of the newbie region. It would be reasonable to assume that a steel boss would appear here.

We reached the top of the hill. Looking forward, we could see that between the mountains before us was a valley covered in clouds and mist. The view looked like a scene out of paradise itself. Flaming Rat’s group was rushing towards this valley. At the same time, a system notification rang out beside our ears.


System notification: A player has discovered the secret map [Savage Gorge]. The sealed treasure chest along with its treasures has reappeared in the world. Players nearby are free to head there to fight for the treasures.

“A treasure chest has appeared! No wonder!” Lin Che was getting excited.

My heart throbbed, “Let’s go. Since a treasure chest has appeared, we have to snatch it. Our Chosen Studio’s main objective is to make money. Whoever dares to stop us from getting the treasure chest will be our enemy.”

“Kill them all!”

Zhang Wei and Big Hai brandished their weapons and shouted in excitement. We charged forward and the instant we entered the Savage Gorge, we saw a golden beam amid the clouds. At the middle of the Savage Gorge was a huge and heavy looking treasure chest. Yellow seals were pasted all over the chest with magic runes written everywhere.

This was indeed a sealed treasure chest. A sealed treasure chest had a HP bar and one could only get the treasures within after reducing the HP bar to zero.  When we arrived, the surrounding of the treasure chest was already a killing field.

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At least fifty people from Fight If Salty were here with Flaming Rat. Around half of them were already dead. Gravestones littered the ground. On a standoff with them was a group of people that was equally familiar to me. A Knight holding a shiny sword fully decked in shiny bronze equipments were among them. He was currently stepping on the gravestone of a Fight If Salty member.

Above his head, “Be Good For You” could be seen. He was sneering, “Brother Rat, how many people do you still have? Do you have enough for me to kill?”

Flaming Rat smiled gloomily, “Where have you bought the information that there’s a treasure chest here for you to suddenly bring so many people here?”

“You don’t need to know that.” Be Good For You held his sword and smiled, “Winner takes all. You people of the Fight If Salty are trying to fight me over the domination of our newbie village? Death is your only fate!”

“Is that so?” Flaming Rat was in no rush to start the fight. He glanced at us and said with a smile, “I don’t think so. If memory serves me right, on the power and level rankings, the first place is taken by a guy called Hopeful Present. That has nothing to do with the Dynastic Hegemon.”

“Hopeful present…” Be Good For You looked at me with a sharp gaze. When he noticed us, killing intent flashed his eyes, “You’re here too?”

I raised my sword and leisurely moved forward with a smile, “Even the system has announced that a treasure chest has appeared. Can’t I be here?”

Be Good For You sneered, “If you are smart, piss off with your men. You are thinking of fighting over this treasure chest with only four of you? I tried inviting you to my team before but you refused my olive branch. Take my advice. Submit to me and prosper, oppose me and perish!”

“What if I decide to stay?” I asked with a nonchalant smile. Instantly, the atmosphere grew heavy.

“You leave me no other choice then.” Be Good For You shrugged indifferently and continued, “Since you have decided to be my enemy, I will have to kill you on sight.”

“Well spoken.” Wang Jinhai was holding onto his gun and smiled, “Liu Qiang, I’m quite curious. How are you guys going to kill us of the Chosen Studio on sight?”

I frowned, “Big Hai, you know him?”

“Yeah.” Wang Jinhai spoke in the party chat, “This guy is Liu Qiang. He comes from a family of real estate developers. His family made their wealth repurposing several properties and selling them. Then, they spent the money to open an internet café. That’s the Dynastic Hegemon Internet Café. He was one of the people beating me up that day. Liu Qiang doesn’t really have any special talent. But he is very good in spending money and acting tough. I doubt many people can be as good as him in these two aspects.”

Wang Jinhai clenched his teeth in anger while he spoke. I looked over and found that behind Liu Qiang, he had over 20 people left. As for Flaming Rat’s side, there were only about a dozen of them left. Flaming Rat did not have the advantage in this confrontation. Then again, our arrival had also broken their deadlock.

Flaming Rat looked at me with a smile, “Hopeful Present. You’re an expert as well. I doubt you can stand someone saying they will kill you on sight. What if we work together to kill the Dynastic Hegemon first? We can then split the treasure chest evenly. What do you think?”

“Split evenly…” I smiled, “Are you really that kind? You clearly have more people on your side. Moreover, you guys have all gone through the class advancements.”

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“You’re smart.”

Flaming Rat coughed, “We don’t have to beat around the bush when speaking with smart people. When we get the treasure chest, we can roll for it. The winner can have everything. How about that?”


“Then…let’s work together to deal with the Dynastic Hegemon first?”


I waved my hand. Lin Che and the other two moved towards the left with me. With our movement, we had the Dynastic Hegemon people in a pincer.

“Big Brother Chen…” Lin Che did not feel comfortable with this, “Have you forgotten Flaming Rat’s war declaration on the forums? Working with people like him is like asking for the tiger skin from the tiger itself…”

“I’m aware of that.” I smiled and spoke in the party chat, “Flaming Rat will definitely turn on us. So what? We will be turning on them as well. When the fight starts, hold back your strength. Let Flaming Rat’s people waste their strength. When the time comes, we can take out both their groups. The treasure chest can only belong to us!”

“So we’re betraying the traitor?” He laughed.

“I laughed as well, “It is hard to put food on the table nowadays. We won’t be able to put good food on the table if we aren’t crafty enough. By the way, we are not betraying anyone. We are a bunch of hardworking youngsters working hard for money!”

Everyone laughed, “Yeah. Work hard!”

 “Do it!” At the other side, Flaming Rat initiated the fight. Five tongues of raging flame curled up from the fingers of his left hand. He then hurled a Fireball over to a Swordsman at Dynastic Hegemon’s front line. A damage number of 709 popped out. Next, an Archer beside him launched a combo attack of Heavy Shot + Triple Shot. That Swordsman was instantly killed.

“Screw you!”

Be Good For You shouted and charged after unsheathing his sword. He shouted, “All Swordsmen, activate Blitz after you get into melee range. Kill as much as you can. Ignore the Chosen Studio for now.”

He was going to fight Flaming Rat first.

“Let’s observe for now.” I raised my hand and calmed the people on my side. Truth be told, we still lacked understanding on the class skills of players above level 10. It would be beneficial for us to first observe this battle. Both parties entered a chaotic battle. Five Swordsmen of the Dynastic Hegemon acted as the vanguard. With a wave of their swords, their bodies were suffused in reddish-gold glow.

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This was a skill they had obtained at level 10, Blitz. It was able to increase the user’s attack speed by 50% and had a duration of 5 seconds. One could say that during the early game, a Swordsman was nearly undefeated after activating this skill. Anyone who did not flee after encountering this skill would die.

The five Swordsmen was about to get within range to attack Flaming Rat. Unfortunately for them, Flaming Rat was very good in PK. Therefore, he deliberately baited the Swordsmen to get near him. Then, he raised his staff.

A frosty aura curled around the staff. Next, he slammed his feet on the ground, sending a wave of frosty aura out, transforming his surroundings into a frosty zone. This was a skill Mages could learn at level 10, Frost Domain. Any non friendly units around the user would have their speed reduced by 15%. Instantly, the five Swordsmen were slowed by 15%. They moved slowly, as if they had sunk into a pile of mud.

“Lit them up!” Flaming Rat commanded while calmly retreating. The Mages, Archers, and Gunmen of his group opened fire and instantly killed the five Swordsmen before they could do anything. A pile of recovery potions dropped as loots.

“The Frost Domain will only last three seconds. Go!” Be Good For You charged with his sword raised. He commanded with cold eyes, “Wang Xi, seal and kill them off one by one.”

There was a level 16 female Talisman Master called Head Lowered Kissing You among the Dynastic Hegemon group. She obviously had a similar type of username with Be Good For You. A level 16 Mage was among their group as well, his name was Spoil You. There was also a level 16 Archer called Naughty Pudding. They all had unique names, names that were extremely corny.

Despite their funny names, all of them were equipped in at least two bronze equipments. Their combat strength was not to be underestimated. They would not be easy to deal with. The moment their Talisman Master sealed someone, that person would be instantly killed. Two main DPS dealer of Flaming Rat’s side were killed off in succession.

Be Good For You was leading the charge with his Shield of Honor active. He was taking a huge amount of damage yet his HP remained above 50%. Good equipments were indeed helpful. Both parties continued battling and exhausting each other.

In less than two minutes, only five of Flaming Rat’s people were left. The Dynastic Hegemon had less than 10 people left as well. However, they had been able to maintain their advantage over Flaming Rat’s side.

“Hopeful Present, are you guys going to continue watching?” Flaming Rat shouted, “Chosen Studio, do you still want your treasure chest?”

“Of course we do!” I started advancing with my sword, “Little Che, seal and kill them off one by one.”


 “Watch out! Hopeful Present is coming!” Naughty Pudding shouted. He had just opened his mouth when he was frozen at the same pose. Lin Che’s Bodyseal Technique had landed on him. I rushed forth and with my sword shining brightly, I hit him with a level 2 Heavy Slash. My sword streaked past his neck, dealing 748 points of damage to him and instantly killed him.


Their Talisman Master hastily turned yet before she could react, I advanced towards her and launched a combo of normal attack + Breaker to send her back to the newbie village. The combo damage of 552 + 760 was sufficient to instantly kill her even if she was at full HP.

Be Good For You was enraged when she died. He ignored Flaming Rat’s group and charged me the moment he turned around. He bellowed at me, “Hopeful Present, die!”

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He launched a three hit combo of normal attack + Heavy Slash + Breaker on me. It seemed like he was not aware that slipping a normal attack in between skills would work even better. Because of this, he was unable to do as much combo. Still, without slipping a normal attack in between, his combo was executed more smoothly than mine. Just as his sword was whizzing past the air, lighting the air with a multicolored True Qi, I lowered my body and placed my shield in front to activate a perfect defensive stance.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Three sparks appeared on my shield as his attack landed. Three damage numbers popped out as well.

1! 47! 149!

Even a damage number as low and humiliating as one had appeared. Liu Qiang had obviously not expected that my defensive stance could be activated so quickly. While he was still in stupefaction, my normal attack + Heavy Slash landed on his head. 374 and 457 popped out above him. His equipments were truly impressive for him to only receive this much damage from me.

Unfortunately for him, Lin Che and Big Hai were right behind me. They each launched a two combo attack, landing four total attacks on him. Even under his Shield of Honor, he was beaten until his HP reached the critical level. Right this moment, two golden beams landed on Liu Qiang. That was the healing skill of a Cleric.

+450! +145!

No wonder Liu Qiang could survive the bombardment of Flaming Rat’s team. That Cleric called Shedding Tears was actually a high end healer. Of course, he still had to die. The instant my cool-down ended, I activated Breaker to deal a two combo attack on Liu Qiang. The healing speed was unable to keep up with our bombardment. Lin Che’s talismans were especially scary. Magic damage was the nightmare of Knights as an early game Knight had no magic resistance. They would take however much damage the magic class player was able to dish.

“Hey, the guy who enjoys acting cool, take a slap from me!”

Behind me, Zhang Wei arrived like an unstoppable hero and slammed his Ferocious Tiger Palm on Liu Qiang’s head. Unfortunately, his aim was a tad bit off. Therefore, his palm missed Liu Qiang’s head and landed on his crotch instead. Bang! It was a critical strike. The Knight who had occupied first place on the power rankings time and time again thus died.


Liu Qiang had an indignant gaze at his moment of death. At the same time, he also looked at the beautiful Cleric behind him with a longing gaze.


Flaming Rat hurled a Fireball out and turned the Cleric into a clump of white light. His gaze was cold, “You’re not Romeo and she’s not Juliet. What the hell are you doing this longing look for?”

I lamented inwardly that this Be Good For You was quite the romantic.

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