
Chapter 8

Chapter 8: First bronze monster

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Finally, we reached level 5. As usual, I allocated all my stat points to strength. My attack rose greatly and reached 29 – 46. As for my HP, it reached 500. More importantly, my power rating reached 100. This was probably one of the top power ratings right now. Levels were in fact extremely important. This was even more so during the early game when most people still did not have good equipments. The stats one could gain from levels would play a huge role. Those with higher levels would rule the early game.
We continued killing the Lantern Demons. With my new attack rating, this Lantern Demon was killed with four strikes. As it collapsed onto the ground, with a pop, loot dropped. This time, it was a pitch-black stick.
Lin Che went mad with excitement. He grabbed at the stick and started laughing heartily, “My weapon! Finally, a weapon dropped!”
As he held onto the stick, the dust around it fell off, revealing the original form of the stick. This was actually a wooden sword. Several simple glowing incantations were carved on the blade. This was indeed the weapon of the Talisman Master class, a magic sword. A Talisman Master could only use their talisman magic when equipped with this weapon.
Lantern Sword (White equipment)
Magic attack: 8 -14
Level requirement: 4
 We were unable to conceal our happiness. Now, killing monsters became much easier. When I slashed on the Lantern Demon and dealt 200 damage to it, a fiery talisman would fly over and struck the Lantern Demon’s head, dealing 171 damage to it. How powerful. The Talisman Master class was indeed a class one shouldn’t underestimate. The moment they were equipped with a magic sword, they would instantly turn into a main DPS dealer.
“Little Che, how come you have talismans?” I asked while fighting.
Lin Che appeared somewhat embarrassed, “I had actually kept a newbie item on me when you told us to sell all our stuff before. I kept a talisman pack with 200 uses on me. I had believed that it will definitely be useful. Therefore, I did not sell it.”
“Mhm, that’s a correct decision.”
I nodded and continued, “But if there are only 200 uses, you have to control your usage. It will be sufficient to use only one talisman per Lantern Demon. Let me deal with the rest. I can still recover my lost HP but you can’t replenish your talismans without going back. I don’t plan on going back before level 10. The cost of going back is too great.”
“Alright. Understood.”
Time passed. After killing a bunch of Lantern Demons, we showered in light. All of us leveled up to reach level 6, and once again, our stats increased. We continued forward. Ahead of us was no longer the Lantern Demon zone. Instead, it was the zone of a different monster. Although we were still in the Terror Fields, the monster here was different.
Rustle! Rustle!

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Stepping on the dead leaves, we advanced. Everyone was somewhat anxious travelling amid the dark night. Far away, an indistinct huge silhouette could be seen walking around. This was a demon spirit wearing a set of broken red heavy armor. It did not look like a human, nor did it look like a ghost. With a battle axe on its hands, it looked rather ferocious. Above its head, its name was blood red as well. This was yet another monster that was more than three levels higher than us.
Will O Wisp (Common monster)
Level: 9
Attack: 15 – 42
Defense: 18
HP: 900
Skill: Heavy Slash
Introduction: Will O Wisp, a demon spirit that had been invaded by the devilish aura. This was a commonly seen demon spirit on the Skyroad Continent. Possessing a part of the devil spirit’s powers, they are very powerful and have been giving the warriors of the empire countless troubles.
 “What a terrifying attack. I don’t know if I can tank it with my defense of 25.” I was somewhat anxious.
Lin Che said, “Seems like…normal battle tactics won’t work on them? It will be too dangerous. We might all get killed by this Will O Wisp’s battle axe.”
“Yeah. The damage will be very high when a defense of 25 is hit by an attack of 42.”
I gave it a thought and said, “How about this. Little Che, you attack with your talismans. Talisman attacks have a range of 40 yards. You will be able to land three attacks before the Will O Wisp can even reach you. That will knock 400 HP off it. Let me deal with the rest.”
Lin Che nodded and smiled. He was already a main DPS of the team. Big Hai was somewhat dissatisfied, hating the fact that he did not have a firearm on him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t need to be a leech here.
Two talismans flew over and struck the Will O Wisp’s red armor, creating sparks on it. By the time its HP was reduced by about 300 points, the Will O Wisp was already furious. Holding its battle axe, it charged Lin Che. I was already waiting there and struck it with my sword to deal it 247 damage. The damage dealt by me was still not as high as what Lin Che did. Therefore, he was still holding onto the monster’s aggro.
It behaved as if I hadn’t attacked it at all. By the time Lin Che’s third talisman arrived, my second attack landed as well. However, I was still ignored.
Only after landing five attacks on the Will O Wisp did its aggro shifted to me. However, it was already near death at this point. Before long, it was dead. I had only taken a single Heavy Slash from it. That attack dealt me 294 damage, a very scary damage. I definitely couldn’t face tank this monster. With our current stats, if we did that, all of us would die.
The Will O Wisp collapsed on the ground as its body transformed into a pile of dust. At the same time, a blood red helmet dropped and rolled onto my feet. When I picked it up, I found that its stats were quite good.

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Will O Wisp’s Helmet (White equipment)
Type: Heavy
Defense: 9
Level requirement: 6
I immediately equipped the helmet. A blood red helmet was now on my head, making look like quite the powerful player. At the same time, a heavy sensation spread through my body as my defense was increased by nine points.
“The exhaustion rate of the talisman pack is quite high.”
Lin Che frowned, “I need to use three talismans on each Will O Wisp. The talisman pack with 200 uses will only last me through 70 Will O Wisps. This won’t do.”
“That’s about enough.” I glanced at the EXP bar and added, “One Will O Wisp will give us 5% EXP. Killing 70 Will O Wisps will send us to level 9. While killing them, we will be getting loots such as equipments and consumables. We would also be getting EXP. At level 9, we can think of a new method to grind our way to level 10. We will definitely be the first group of level 10 players in this newbie village. After we reached level 10, we can return to the newbie village to prepare ourselves to get the first kills.”
“First kill?” Zhang Wei blanked, “What’s that?”
I waved my hand and shared the official website’s screen with everyone and said, “I saw this while I was healing up earlier. Every newbie villages have the same event. During the event, two first kills will be up for grabs. The event involved getting the first kills of a bronze boss and a steel boss. Players getting the first kills will obtain permanent rewards. Therefore, we must try to get them.”
Lin Che inhaled deeply as excitement filled his eyes, “Let alone a boss, we haven’t even seen any common bronze monsters. Our level must be still too low for this.”
“Yeah. I guess level 10 will be when we start seeing them.”
Having healed up, I stood up and said, “Time to continue. Kill more Will O Wisps and rush to level 10. Time is everything. There are too many people in the newbie village. Therefore, we will have a lot of competitors for the first kill. None of us can sleep before getting the bronze boss first kill!”
Everyone felt their blood boiling with excitement.

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Half an hour later.
When I slashed my sword at a Will O Wisp’s chest, it died with a flash of light. Yet another equipment dropped. Lying on the ground was a pair of crimson bracers. This was definitely another white equipment, the Will O Wisp Bracers. I picked it up and noted that it added eight points of defense. I equipped it immediately. With this new equipment and the level up I reached 10 minutes ago, my stats were much higher now.
Hopeful Present (Probationary Horseman)
Level: 7
Attack: 41 – 64
Defense: 43
HP: 700
MP: 100/100
Luck: 0
Great achievement: 0
Power rating: 140
My defense was now higher than the Will O Wisp’s attack. Therefore, Lin Che no longer needed to waste his talismans. I took on the role of holding the Will O Wisp’s aggro all by myself. I could even easily kill a Will O Wisp by myself now. After 20 minutes, when we had nearly cleared this zone of its Will O Wisps, we finally showered in light again. Level 8 reached!
 “Time to switch location. Killing Will O Wisps won’t give us much anymore.” I said.
Currently, our entire team looked like a changed person. All three of them were fully equipped with a messy collection of white equipments. Although none of them had a full set of equipment, what they had were already pretty impressive. With our equipments, we would definitely cause a sensation if we return to the newbie village.
One ought to know that most players were still stuck between level 3 or 4 right now. The moment a group of level 7 players like us appeared, everyone would be shocked. The in-game night was slowly coming to an end. The eastern horizon was suffused with white as the first ray of morning light started arriving. We travelled through the Terror Fields and when we were at the edge of the map, a forest of golden shrubs appeared before us.
The dead leaves littering the ground and the golden shrubs filling the entire field gave off a feeling of tranquility. Amid the shrubs were numerous ferocious beasts moving slowly. These were the Hyenas, a monster known for its treacherousness.

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We slowly approached, not daring to make a sound. When we were 30 yards from one of them, its stats appeared. When we saw it, our hearts throbbed in fear. At the same time, excitement filled us as well. What we feared was the terrifying stats while what excited us was the fact that these Hyenas weren’t common monsters. These were bronze monsters. This signified that these Hyenas had a chance to drop bronze equipments as loots. Equipments at bronze-rank and above would start giving the users stat point bonuses. Although the drop rate was extremely low, one could still dream.
Hyena (Bronze monster)
Level: 11
Attack: 32 – 68
Defense: 30
HP: 1100
Skill: Bite
Introduction: Hyena, the most treacherous monsters of the shrubs. They were greedy by nature, and were incredibly sly. The patrols of Great Xia Dynasty would rather face the dead or the devil spirits than these Hyenas that would always move in groups.
“We will get at least 150% EXP killing monsters three levels above us.” I licked my lips. The future seemed ever so hopeful.
Lin Che, “Of course, we must ensure we won’t get one shotted by these Hyenas.”
Big Hai coughed, “Are we doing it? One must always take risks in life. What if we get bronze equipments out of them? We might be the first players of this newbie village to be fully equipped in bronze equipment.”
“Full set of bronze equipment is not possible.”
Lin Che narrowed his eyes as he studied the wandering Hyenas, “Our team is too small, with some of us being leeches. We are different than those top national teams like Dragonslayer, Ancient Sword, and Heavenslaying Alliance. Each of them would have four or five kings in their lineup. Their farming speed is definitely higher than ours. We don’t need to think that far ahead for now. Let’s first get the first kill of this newbie village.”
“Prepare yourself.”
I raised my sword, “Little Che will be attacking with talismans. Four talismans per Hyena. I will look for an opening to attack. Big Hai and Big Brother Wei, stay alive.”

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