
Chapter Prologue


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Shanghai, a city filled with high rises, illuminated with all sort of lights, a city that never sleeps. Among the high rises was a building with a delicate fox emblem on it. This building was extremely conspicuous, a local trademark even. This was the Silverfox Club, one of the top competitive gaming clubs in the country.
Deep inside the building was the dormitory for the members and it was currently filled with smoke. Within the room were two people seated across each other.  They took one drag after another from their cigarettes. However, the two were in fact non-smokers. While they smoked, they coughed so hard they were close to tearing.
“Are you really leaving?” Zhou Hong’s eyes were red, “Perhaps there is still a way around this? Please wait a bit more. Skyroad is going to launch this year. That will definitely be a historic game. The club has already invited two helpers from South Korea. With them, our club will definitely have great prospects for the future. Please stay?”
“What does the club plan to do with me if I do stay?” I snubbed out my cigarette and smiled bitterly, “Am I going to continue being a backup?”

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“They higher ups have decided to continue using Lin Tu’s tactic for now. I know this is unfair for you. But there will be hope so long as you stay. Isn’t that right?” He was still trying to make me stay.
I shook my head, “Forget it. Since the start of the previous season, the veterans of Silverfox have been leaving one after another. Lin Che left, and Zhou Tian left as well. Even if I stayed, I will be left at the sidelines.”
“No, that won’t happen. You are the Final Horseman. You are the strongest horseman in the national server!” He clenched his fists as he spoke, getting somewhat agitated.
“Today is the last day of my contract.” I stood up and carried my Skywarp helmet and the backpack that I had prepared long ago. I then slung the team jacket onto my shoulder, the shiny team emblem still on it, “Zhou Hong, thank you for coming to see me off.”
“I…” Zhou Hong clenched his teeth and sank into silence.

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I opened the door. On the familiar corridor was a smart-looking figure. This person was wearing the captain’s uniform of the Silverfox Club. He was Lin Tu, a newcomer that was also lauded as one of the top five tacticians of the national server. He was also the current captain of Silverfox, the person who had led Silverfox into the top eight during the national tournament.
“Are you really leaving?” Lin Tu asked coldly.
I glanced at him before turning to leave.

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“Remember!” He raised his voice, his tone filled with confidence, “I will admit that Silverfox had indeed entered the Golden League under your leadership. But I still need to tell you that your tactic is already outdated. Nobody can live forever in his past glory. Face the truth.”
I remained silent and walked straight till the end of the corridor.

“Ding Muchen!”
A different voice rang out. I did not need to look to know who this was. At the other side of the corridor was a person clad in a set of uniform, standing all by herself. This was Su Xiran, a team leader of Silverfox, also the person who had brought me into Silverfox in the past. She spoke, her voice shuddering, “If you must leave, tell me where you’re going.”

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“Anywhere will do.” I stopped walking and replied softly.
“I already saw your retirement announcement on your Weibo. Skyroad is going to launch soon. Will you start gaming again?”
“We’ll see.”
The moment I walked out the club, I exhaled deeply, feeling more relaxed than ever.

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