Chapter 1

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Inside the hall of Ziliang Jinzhu, an imposing man sat at the top. He’s the He Zheng, the fifth prince of the Heshi dynasty and the most likely imperial prince to ascend.

   At the entrance to the hall, another man in white winter clothes slowly walked in.

   The huge incense burner in the center burned with the scent of high quality spices and the raised smog blurred the face, leaving only a faintly recognized outline.

   Sitting in his high seat, He Zheng seem to not have him in his sights, playing with the jade seal in his hand, a picture of indulgence and laziness.

   After some time, the visitor who came by himself was unable to hold back, and said with some difficulty, “I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

   The white clothed man’s voice was cold as ice and as brittle as jade colliding, his flat tone containing a touch of warmth.

   He Zheng raised his eyes slightly, his attitude was neither warm nor cold. “So it turned out to be Third Imperial Older Brother. Is there something you wished to discuss?”

   The so called third imperial brother, He Lang, tugged the edge of the sleeve, the white jade in his hand warming his palm.

   “A’ Zheng, I have something to give to you.” He Lang’s small voice dissipated in the empty hall. This seemed to be his purpose.

   After hearing He Lang’s words, he didn’t show the slightest care. Raising his head slightly, his eyes drifted down, not revealing the slightest bit of happiness. Instead, he seemed vexed as to why He Lang was sending him gifts again.

   He Lang’s finger moved and said to him. “This is the pair of jade Mother gave me before her death.”

   The jade can be divided into two pieces of jade, which are generally used as a token of affection between lovers in their country. What’s more, his parents left this behind so they must have a significant meaning. He Zheng has a piece, and he also has a piece. This can be considered to be him finally confessing his feelings.

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   He Zheng had now begun to assist in the affairs of the state. In his hands, he was holding and reading a memorial to the emperor. Thus he has no time to attend to He Lang. When he heard the matter of the jade, he frowned slightly and didn’t lift his head, merely faintly said, “No need.”

   A sense of loss fleeted from He Lang’s eyes. In the past, He Zheng often refused his gifts, but this time it was different. In either case, he wanted to give his most precious things to him.

   Seeing that He Lang was determined this time, He Zheng put down the memorial in his hand to pinch his eyebrows. Showing a trace of impatience in his eyes, he called the servant to bring him the gift.

   He Zheng held half of the jade in his hand, examining it. The clear colour and luster showed the quality of the jade. However, why do he want to give him this kind of token between lovers? He looked up at He Lang for a long time before voicing his thoughts.

   “I think A’ Zheng is already aware.” He Lang lowered his gaze slightly, his voice was not as cold as usual but contained a slight shyness. The recently ice cold face was now blushing as red as a plum.

   He Zheng’s mouth hooked up but his expression was still as calm as before. “I know.”

   When He Lang heard this, he frowned. Looking down, he did not dare to look at him again. When he spoke, there was no shortage of bitterness in his tone: “Then why do you have to be on friendly terms with the right minister’s daughter…”

   “I did it deliberately.” He Zheng played with the jade in his hands for a while before he continued, “In order to make you give up on your feelings.”

   He Lang’s face was pale as he tightly tugged at his sleeves. His heart was full of disappointment. So it turned out that He Zheng had already known his feelings. He had encumbered his younger imperial brother. He did not ask for his feelings to be acknowledged. He merely wanted to quietly watch him govern the country, and even if his feelings could never come to light, that would be acceptable.

   However, he prefers to be with other women. Is it so difficult to give him a chance to watch over him? Do his feelings really make him so disgusted?

   He Zheng looked at He Lang’s expression for a while. The jade in his hand seems to have lost its temperature. Seeming to have lost interest, he threw the jade to the servant girl and told her: “Put the gift in the warehouse.”

  Finally, he showed a mild smile, “Imperial Elder Brother, I accepted it, are you satisfied?”

   He Lang’s looked down, revealing a forceful smile, but his heart felt as if it’s been drenched in ice.

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   “I’ve received the gift, does Imperial Brother have other matters to discuss?” He Zheng’s mouth quirked up, but one could see he was not smiling, merely a perfunctory politeness between brothers.

   He Lang kneaded his sleeves, thought about it, and shook his head.

   He Zheng stopped smiling, changing his mask in a flash, bowed his head and picked up the memorial. “Servants, come accompany Third Elder Brother and see him off.”

   He Lang stared blankly at the person sitting in the high position. He seemed to have seen several years into the future: He Zheng was sitting on the imperial throne, his position high, importance a necessity, graceful and poised, just like every emperor of HeShi before him. In the palm of his hand is the lane under heaven but he remains unmoved.

  He couldn’t help but force a smile. Ever since He Zheng was younger, he knew that it would be like this in the future, but he couldn’t help it. He had wanted to give that lonely boy a little warmth to ease his impatient and frantic heart.

   He wanted to tell that young man that this world under the heavens flourishes and burns as bright as the sun and moon. What he wants, not all of it get be obtained by power and influence. That power was not as good as he imagined.

   “Please.” The soft voice of the servant girl recalled him from his thoughts. He nodded stiffly and turned for a last glance, then he finally loosened the hand that held the sleeve and left.

   The clear figure walked out of the hall into the vast snow, and the heavy snow, seeming more cruel than in previous years, slowly engulfed his body from sight.

   When He Lang returned to his courtyard, the coat was long covered with ice and it was extraordinarily white. His long lashes were also covered with thin frost, his lips were pale, and his handsome face was as white as snow.

   A servant in a thick coat knitted her slender brows tightly and quickly helped him into the house. She stuffed an old carved copper heater into his arms. “Your Highness, today the weather is cold enough to freeze but you only wore one layer of winter clothes. The fifth prince gave you a heavy winter coat, why didn’t you wear it?”

   He Lang hugged the heater, the chill on his palm gradually dissipated, and took off the frosted coat, and gently said, “I can’t bear to.”

   The coat’s workmanship was delicate, when worn out in this type of snow, it will surely get wet with snow. If it’s wet, it will be bad.

   He Zheng gave it to him precisely for this reason. It was also given to him under the suggestion of their father, but he regarded it as a treasure. If it was damaged, he would feel bad.

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   The servant girl sighed. She also knew the mind of her master, but the fifth prince’s heart was set on the throne. Feelings beyond what is proper between brothers can only leave a stain for one bound on the path of emperor.

   “Hua Chun, don’t worry about me.” He Lang’s hands touched the copper heater’s carved handle. “How can this servant not worry?” said Hua Chun, her beautiful eyes were turning misty. There’s no one who doesn’t know that on the path to the imperial throne above tens and thousands of people, the brothers will not be able to avoid fighting. Even if Master has no intention to participate in this battle, in the precedent of HeShi’s previous emperors, the five princes cannot be let go.

 The path to becoming the emperor is filled with cruel battles of life and death. Of all the princes, only the one who finally survived can become king.

   Her master’s power is weak, and his mother, Concubine Hui, is not from one of the main families and has already passed away. Presently, her master has no power to rely on, and the fifth prince is ruthless and power obsessed. Master, I’m afraid the first one who will be forced to death is you.

   When the master died, what about the slaves who grew up with the master in this courtyard?

   Whenever she thinks of this matter, Hua Chun couldn’t stop the sorrow in her heart.

   His response to Hua Chun was a pale smile. “What is there to fear in death? You can’t hide nor dodge it…”


   It was early spring, the season of growth and life. The flowers started to blossom and the grass was shooting out from the ground. The snow on the treetops in front of the courtyard fell, melting into a pool of spring water and finally into the mud.

   What should have been a bright and joyful time was turned into a stage for massacre.

  In just a few hours, the Crown Prince was charged with the heavy crime of colluding with a neighbouring country, and the second prince got drunk and burned the palace chambers and was imprisoned by the wrath of the Emperor. As for the rest of the princes who did not have any power to rely on, they were easily taken care by He Zheng’s soldiers, surrounded and then killed.

The last one left is the third prince He Lang.

   Even if he has been mediocre and inactive and cannot bring him any harm, the strange feelings He Lang has for him are an obstacle that might erupt any time during his reign.

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   He Lang had long been prepared. There was no need for He Zheng to waste any soldiers. He was not willing to make him (HZ) worry about himself (HL). He had already prepared a cup of poisonous wine. The weather had not heated up yet, and he was dressed in a thin garment, sitting alone in front of the pavilion, waiting for his death.

   He Zheng came towards him, who merely leisurely sipped his wine, an incomprehensible feeling rising in him.

   When the desolate person raised his cup of wine with a smile, he felt that something was wrong, but he did not stop him from slowly drinking the wine in one gulp.

   “What are you doing?” He frowned and begrudged. His eyebrows and eyes showed a lack of affection, his expression resentful.

He Lang’s internal organs stirred up, and accompanied by dizziness, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He breathed deeply, half-kneeling and fell to the ground, “Turn your head, don’t dirty your eyes.”

   As he said this, his trembling appearance rendered him unseemly. He Zheng knew that he was willing to take poison and die. He thought to himself that his imperial elder brother is too virtuous1, not even letting him spend a little effort. 

   He turned and walked out of the pavilion quietly. He didn’t want to see He Lang’s death, afraid that it would evoke emotions he had long abandoned. Moreover, he did not hate him completely like his other brothers. After about half an hour, someone came up behind him and said “Reporting to Fifth Prince! The third prince is dead.”

   He Zheng’s eyelids fluttered slightly, but his inner emotions was not revealed the slightest as he asked: “Fifth Prince?”

   The imperial guard’s body shivered and quickly changed his address. “Emperor!”

   Finally satisfied with this title, he nodded. He could not help but turn his head to look. A pool of blood flowed unrestrained. It was extremely disturbing.

   Overnight, he took the throne, from being the fifth prince to the ruler of the HeShi dynasty, the ruler of tens and thousands of people.

  On the day of the coronation, the people’s glances were filled with awe, and they shouted ‘long live’. His mouth hooked up knowing that this ten-year-long coveted thrown was finally his. He laughed and the satisfaction could be heard in his tone. 

   However, towards this moment when his blood should be racing, He Zheng could not help but think that his heart felt a little hollow. Subconsciously, he quickly looked at the officials in front of him, searching. Where was that virtuous, gentle and tolerant gaze?


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