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Recap: Pu Zhen Yang was jealous of Pu Zhen Ren and wanted He Lang to know he sucks...

Soon, there was an opportunity.

The prince was to wield both the pen and sword, it was previously a written exam, there was actually also another martial exam.

It was just that the martial test had an age limit. Generally, princes over the age of ten would use this opportunity to compete, and it was all voluntary.

Just like every child who wanted to display their skills, Zhen Pu Yang was also anxious to prove himself to He Lang, that he was the most talented.

Therefore, when he learnt that the martial test was soon approaching, he immediately issued a challenge to Zhen Pu Ren, with an icy tone that carried his usual ridicule.

"Competing with This Highness, do you dare?"

He Lang looked at the two indifferently, but did not worry. Ren'er's character was quiet and refined, and definitely wouldn't make trouble with Zhen Pu Yang.

But he didn't expect that the quiet and scholarly Zhen Pu Ren took a look at He Lang, and actually responded.

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Both sides voluntarily competed, making He Lang's head hurt. He massaged his forehead, His Highness was being wilful again.

But it was still ok, everybody was scared of harming the brotherly relations, it was stopped when necessary. Although His Highness looked reckless, but in the area of martial arts, with so many experts keeping watch, he probably wouldn't be too heavy-handed.

It was just that although Zhen Pu Yang looked sloppy, but was indeed suitable for martial arts, there was no need to say if Zhen Pu Ren could win him...

Even if he could, did he really dare to win?

All those in the palace were tied up by this little tyrant, even if he didn't appear in person, there was still many idle people who wanted to find trouble. Basically, there wouldn't be any good results.

Zhen Pu Yang was mischievous from young, and couldn't persevere in what he did, he had no patience, including studying which he gave a half-baked effort in, but took martial arts seriously.

In comparison, Zhen Pu Ren's Mother-Concubine died in labour, with a congenital illness he had a weak body, even after drinking tonics to strengthen his body, he was still not as strong as the average man.

Other than their physiques, the two also received vastly different training, there was no big question in the outcome of comparing martial talents.

The competition had commenced for less than one incense stick(1), and Zhen Pu Ren was already gradually losing ground, and Zhen Pu Yang went on a forceful offensive, launching a swift and fierce attack, using his fists and moving agilely.

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Zhen Pu Ren was one-sidedly suffering from the blows, and had little opportunity to counter-attack. In the end a blow landed on his chest, and the results were quickly determined.

Under thunderous cheering, Zhen Pu Yang flew up, jumping lightly off the stage, rushing through the surrounding crowd, and directly landed in front of him.

There was a romantic atmosphere that arrived together with him, letting He Lang's body sway unsteadily , and was stabilized by a strong arm.

He hesitated slightly, His Highness originally had a little bearing of a young man, big and strong, and was able to use one hand to hold on to his body.

But at this moment he looked like a small child, showing a childish smile, pasting himself onto He Lang's body, as if flaunting him, even his honourable self-address was not used.

"Teacher, I won."

He Lang gave a hum, and didn't give much of a response.

Zhen Pu Yang winning was within his expectations, but he couldn't really understand why Zhen Pu Ren would accept this challenge. In a competition that he was doomed to lose, why even start it in the first place.

He looked at the Zhen Pu Ren who was sprawled on the ground, whose personal eunuchs wanted to help him off the floor, but was rejected.

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Even though standing on his own would be more awkward and miserable, but he still did so slowly, using both hands to support his body, clenching his teeth and kneeling on the floor, back unwilling to bend. As suspected, he had guts.

Following He Lang's line of vision, Zhen Pu Yang's joy was instantly weakened, almost immediately the strings that controlled the reasoning in his brain were about to snap.

Why is he looking at the piece of trash again! What was good to look at! Why not just look at him?!

What must he do to become the best? Ascending the throne, was it was his only wish?

Zhen Pu Yang was furious, without anywhere to vent his anger, clenching his fists, helplessly holding He Lang's hand.

It was just that his strength was too much, He Lang's hand made a cracking sound, almost breaking his bones.

This put He Lang in a lot of pain, he took a cooling breath, tightly frowning, disagreeably glaring at him.

This made Zhen Pu Yang wake up from his stupor, looking at He Lang's hand in shock, then immediately letting go.

"Teacher, I, I didn't mean to..."

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"Return to your assigned seat, the other princes are not done." He Lang interrupted him, trying his best to maintain his calm, but almost having his hand broken by another was not a good experience, his tone could not be good.

He was complacent just a while back, the powerful and stern 9th Prince still composed himself, pulled a long face and returned to his seat.

In the end, even if his brothers whom he had always hated were beaten soundly by the 4th Prince, he was also unable to cheer up.

He was beaten a few times by Zhen Pu Ren, he didn't know if he had been hurt, he would go in a while to let Teacher help him look carefully.

But, when would Teacher come to coax him to return?


The author has something to say: His Highness is extremely childish... [smoke]+



(1) Depending on how thick and long the incense stick is, it will burn for however long, but I think this one should be around either 30 minutes or an hour. 

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