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Originally thinking that the huge wave caused by the embezzling of disaster relief would die down after the furor following Yue Gao Yang's execution, unexpectedly, after the day that the Emperor passed on the follow-on issues to Zhen Pu Yang, He Lang and Zhen Pu Yang received a report regarding the armed robbery of the disaster relief funds.

Those who were able to act so quickly were definitely court officials, and there must have been a group of well-trained people who did not belong to the inner management of the court. Zhen Pu Yang was a little angry, he originally did not enjoy overseeing such things, and it even created such trouble, he was even more impatient.

Once He Lang checked, and was led to Zhen Pu Qi (1). Regarding this outcome, he was surprised, but it also fell within his expectations.

On the first meeting, Zhen Pu Qi was praised by all to be an elegant gentleman, as gentle as jade, humble and courteous, and did not participate in the struggle for the throne.

But in He Lang's understanding, he was not actually such a relaxed person, like what he presented himself to be – uncaring of the throne, just wanting to explore the wonders of the world.

He also couldn't forget that the day Zhen Pu Qi was humiliated, his eyes had a deep color of forbearance.

He Lang felt that Zhen Pu Qi was an opponent who could require more caution than the Crown Prince Zhen Pu Jia.

Because the number of supporters the Crown Prince had was clear to all, it was obvious that those who supported him were blood relations. This was common knowledge and would naturally allow them to create counter-measures at every step.

It was just that Zhen Pu Qi looked one way in the front and another in the back. If not for this, he would almost believe that he was who he presented himself to be, standing aloof from worldly affairs, only wanting to sightsee, concerning himself with the arts.

He made everybody believe that he was alone in the world, but in actuality, he had the ability to put obstacles in the way of Zhen Pu Yang's development. His means were obscure, and therefore there was no way to deal with them completely.

They were unable to have a definite countermeasure at this point, He Lang's position was not to act hastily and scare the culprits, in the end only symbolically sending someone to investigate the murderer, resulting in the false impression that they were panicked and at a loss as to what to do, letting Zhen Pu Qi relax.

It seemed that Zhen Pu Qi did not intend to actually play his hand this time, so he did not create an unrecoverable loss for them, and they intended to turn a blind eye to it. It was just that they were afraid this was meant to lure them into revealing their plans, waiting for them to be flustered, impatiently putting their all into investigating, then biting them.

He Lang himself had his own plan to solve this, once he arranged the relevant matters, he was in a good mood, Zhen Pu Yang followed suit, "Teacher, letting him go just like this?" He pouted, memories flashing in his mind making him ask unhappily, "In the previous literary test, you and Imperial Brother had a pleasant conversation."(2)

"...Was there such a thing?" He and Zhen Pu Qi had merely exchanged a few compliments, why did it become a pleasant conversation in His Highness's words? He Lang smile, and directly refuted.

Zhen Pu Yang stood and raised his necks, deliberately flaunted, "Anyway, after that time, the one who won every literary exam was me."

He Lang took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, truthfully saying: "The two of you are both equal, the only difference is the Emperor's bias."

"It is Teacher who is biased!" Zhen Pu Yang made a complaint.

He Lang looked out at the sky, and was shocked to realise that the sky was already dark, and hurriedly persuaded Zhen Pu Yang to return to his palace (3), his words and manner were both very warm, fearing that he would want to remain at his home.

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"It's already late, Yang'er be good, go back to rest."

Zhen Pu Yang stared at his pink lips that were moist with tea, his heart was restless. What he said was contrary to his heart but his face did not redden and his heart did not skip, "I want to stay to listen and Teacher recite books today, appreciate Teacher's rare talent, will Teacher just do as I wish? I still want to listen to Teacher speak of the gentlemanly ways, and how to be a good emperor?"

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He Lang helplessly sighed, he had known early on that no matter what, His Highness would have this desire, but hearing that he took the initiative to learn the way of being an emperor, he was still slightly relieved.

But it was really just too late, scared that he wouldn't return, the servants in his Palace would need to serve for the whole night and be unable to rest.

"The hour is late, let's not let your maidservants worry. Tomorrow morning, this Minister will definitely impart knowledge, alright?"

Zhen Pu Yang withdrew his pretense of obedience, acting shamelessly, directly removing his outer robes, rolling onto He Lang's bed, completely refusing to get up, "No, tonight I will sleep here."

"This is not too appropriate."

"Imperial Tutor is giving me the cold shoulder? The outside is so cold and dark, I have already taken off my outer robes, scared that I will get a chill by going outside, can Teacher bear to see this?"

"How could it be..." He Lang shook his head.

"Then it's settled." Zhen Pu Yang immediately responded, then adjusting his attitude, self-consciously sleeping right in the innermost part, giving up a spacious place for He Lang. Seeing that he was still unwilling to get on the bed, his anticipatory mood was lifted, and had an urging expression, patting the side of the bed.

After accepting the current situation, He Lang glared at his sparkling eyes and changed, and then lit the candle, pulled the screen, and lied down.

"This Minister will tell His Highness of some historical monarchs."

In actual fact, He Lang was already tired, but recited these stories to Zhen Pu Yang and closed his eyes, at the same time speaking and thinking back on some model emperors who were immortalized.

This gave Zhen Pu Yang to have an opportunity, he was completely unknowing that His Highness was using his eyes to stroke over his sideview.

It was as if Zhen Pu Yang was bewitched, the more he crossed the distance between the two, almost sticking onto his chest, all too eager to glue himself tightly and listen to his heartbeat.

This person normally spoke with a warm and soft voice, once the surroundings became noisy, his voice was easily overwhelmed.

But at this time, because the two of them were so intimate and close together, his voice became particularly distinct in the night, it was smooth and steady. Even when he whispered, there was a faint magnetism that was suave and moving.

Zhen Pu Yang could even hear the sounds of him inhaling and exhaling, like drinking a cup of tea, this clear and shallow warmth reached the bottom of his heart directly.

Moreover, hearing him say so many words that were all specially said for him... He could enjoy this moment to his heart's content, holding him in his embrace, listening to him whisper, smelling his scent, wantonly staring at his handsome face.

Zhen Pu Yang couldn't help but curve his lips, but also paradoxically wanted to scold himself lightly.

He never thought that there would be a day where he could snuggle into the other man's embrace, even patiently listening to his long-winded story, and he also never thought that he could actually think that this kind of feeling would be this good.

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Moreover, he had merely a taste of this experience, and developed a sense of reluctance to leave, what would he do in the future?

He stared at that person's even lips, heart struggling with inner turmoil. As such, a tiny seed stayed in his heart, gradually taking root, sprouting into a vague idea.

He had awakened his first love, not yet understanding the word love, but he knew that his inner desires would grow intensely, breaking the walls of his heart.

His brain, his heart, and every single part of him, all told him that he actually liked Imperial Tutor, like him to the point that if he took a glance at other irrelevant people, he would become greatly infuriated.

Not caring whether he was acting righteously, anyway he was that tyrannical, this was something that would never change, so he would not care about others, and would obtain who he wanted, if not... Zhen Pu Yang's eyelash moved slightly, gaze deepening.

If not obtained, he would pursue till death.

The candle on the bedside drawer was blocked by the curtain and flickered naughtily, swaying and moving, together with the mild and gentle voice by his ear, was like a hypnotizing spell, Zhen Pu Yang in the midst of his obsession, fell asleep at his own will just like that. Nestling up against this person's warm chest and falling asleep, he had a good rest all night.

The sound of gentle breathing emerged, He Lang was also done telling the story, opening his eyes slightly, expressing his own wishes, "This Minister hopes that Your Highness will also be able to become such a capable and virtuous ruler in the future..." Only he lowered his head to see that the youth had already unknowingly moved into his embrace and fell fast asleep.

His Highness was normally someone who maintained his dignified aura, normally covering his face to look stony-faced, but at this time, he looked like a child snuggling in his embrace, carrying a kind of childishness. If this were revealed, nobody would believe that this was His Highness of the past who was so unruly.

He Lang laughed slightly. He wondered why it was so quiet, it was because he had already fallen asleep. He could only rise and extinguish the candle, putting the blanket over his shoulder, afraid that he would feel cold. He rested his hands on him, lightly bringing him into his embrace, himself falling asleep quietly.

It was just that Zhen Pu Yang who was originally fast asleep, smiled in the crook of his arms, Teacher, it was you (respectful) who taught me forbearance, so just wait for the day he really grew up, and would plunder every single thing that he wanted to have in one breath.


(1) Chapter 7: Zhen Pu Qi is the 4th Prince who had a mother of little background and was supposed to win the literary examination, but Zhen Pu Yang won instead. Had to re-read to refresh my memory...


(2)If you don't remember, they basically praised each other for being literati.


(3) The author changed her way of referring to ZPY's living area, it used to be residence but now it's palace...

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