Chapter 20 : Big Wedding

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Facing Zhen Pu Yang's eyes who's like a torch bitter, He Lang is speechless for a while.

That's right, he did inquire about these things clearly earlier, and didn't tell his highness that he (HL) was just afraid that he (ZPY) would be angry. As this time, like a wayward child, rejecting all arrangements for his sake, and only care about his own happiness.

But he felt that this was time for his highness to grow up, take on the responsibilities of being an adult, and think about his way to seizing the throne.

Knowing whether he (ZPY) was listening or not, He Lang patted his shoulder softly but was thrown away by the other party. He was obviously still angry. He (HL) wasn't discouraged and continued to hold his hand until he shook it back.

"If you're not happy, just treat her as a vase and put it in your house as a servant, okay? besides, after the Emperor gave you a marriage, he also gave you the palace. it's just a street away from the minister's residence. You can visit this minister anytime and anywhere, don't you like it?" Although it sounds like coaxing a child, Zhen Pu Yang still just accept it. 

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He (ZPY) thinks about it, and thinks that this concubine (JYQ) might be a good one to pretense and shield, he was reluctant but still nod in the end. But then he thought about he was going to conclude a marriage contract with another woman, Zhen Pu Yang still felt aggrieved, and rushed to his mother concubine's palace in a hostile manner, and asked how this thing came about.

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Seeing that he (ZPY) didn't make a fuss, concubine Lin was completely relieved, and she told him calmly that she had taken his feelings very much into consideration. Jiang Yu Qing had a big temper and was not a proper concubine, and she was afraid that Zhen Pu Yang wouldn't accept it. 

Zhen Pu Yang wanted to fight of it again, but his mothe who had always loved him gave him a hatred iron and steel and scattered all her servants before whispering, "Do you think mother doesn't know what you're doing behind my back is damaging your own face? you're getting involved with a man for a long time! you were young and playful, your father also indulge you. But don't you know that your father's condition has been getting worse recently, and othe brothers ar all about to move around. If you don't stand up for yourself, think more about it, and find another shortcut, don't expect anything else! do you want your mother, uncle, and all others in the family be declining with you?!"

The beautiful eyes of concubine Lin were wide and the color was distorted. Zhen Pu Yang was shocked, and lost his word for a moment. It turns out after Zhen Pu Yang was summoned by his mother concubine last time, concubine Lin sent someone to investigate all the dealings around him, trying to find out who his sweetheart was, but she didin't find any traces of woman. He stick with the Imperial Tutor all day. If it is for business matter, Zhen Pu Yang's sentiment is totally different when they (ZPY & HL) communicate in private.

Concubine Lin was furious when she learned about it at the time, but she endured with her strong mentality that had been in the harem for many years. In the process, she was also pleased to find out that her son had connections with othe officials, proving that his son really grew up and wanted to fight for the throne, so wisely among the brothers fighting each other and hidden in secure.

That being the case, before he took the throne, he couldn't leave any stains on his body, and couldn't give other people any opportunity to corrupt the mother and son. It is so thrilling.

The maidservant who has served her for a long time was actually the one who had been inserted by the queen many years ago. If she hadn't been found and executed earlier, these scandals would have been spread out, and she would have been ruthless. With one blow, she afraid that both mother and son will infamous and be rusted.

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The matter of accepting concubines can completely cut off the possibility of the rumors, and it can also bring him a lot of help. Concubine Lin didn't understand why his song was so obsessed, arguing with her over a man.

Zhen Pu Yang listened to all the passing, and suddenly fell into a chair, countless distracting thoughts impacted his brain, his mother clearly told him that he had no choice.

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He remember what his sweetheart had said to him, "Your highness, you should grow up." But this speed is too fast, in a trance he was still nestled in the arms of teacher yesterday, and the next day, the wedding began to organized, and it was here.. at the end of the month,  it is officially the wedding day.

It's just that in this festive day is particularly simple. Although it's a concubine, there's no pray and the other links are also omitted. In the end, there is only a dinner party, which is not at all the solemn appearance of a royal wedding.

But everyone wasn't too surprised, they knew that these 9th prince would not follow the same rules as everyone else. As of today, Zhen Pu Yang still hasn't seen any Jiang Yu Qing's side, and the bride wasn't present at the dinner. He lamented that he could at least have an comfortale meal in the end.

But then, he was not so comfortable again.

The officials took turns toasting, he nodded lightly and even added a few polite compliments and thanks, but in the end He Lang also toast him at the dinner, he (ZPY) could no longer calm down.

"Teacher, why are you---" he held the wine glass tightly and slightly trembling. He didn't want to be witnessed by him (HL) on this occasion.

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He Lang ignored his (ZPY) bad face, raised a blessed smile and said, "Congratulations to your highness for  getting married." This is the etiquette and rules that he should follow. Besides, as his teacher, can't he show up?

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"Marriage? it's just a humble concubine/" Zhen Pu Yang listened with a slight sadness and replied blankly. He Lang was startled slightly. His highness hadn't started his love yet. He thought that this might make him more satisfied, but he didn't expect that his highness would be disgusted with this matter.

"Although she is a concubine, she is also the person next to you. Your highness should not humiliate a woman in this way."

Zhen Pu Yang was like choke in a throat, and his chest was uncomfortable with a sullen breath he was silent, and only looked at him (HL) quietly. Isn't the person next to his pillow is he (HL)?

Seeing that his (ZPY) expression was so gloomy that he had never been before, it seemed that he had changed a lot in a short period of time. He Lang was a little bit subtle, and he always felt that something was out of his plan. 

He tried to make the atmosphere more lively, so he raised his wine glass and delivered the last congratulatory message, "I wish your highness a hundred years and an early bi---" Zhen Pu Yang's face was so black that he immediately interrupted him, "Teacher hurry up and eat." Then, he leaving behind the oficials who were still waiting, he dragged him (HL) to dinner.

It's a pity that the dinner taste like chewing a wax. Zhen Pu Yang stopped his chopsticks after taking a few bites, staring at He Lang who's slowly eating, and from time to time he picked up the chopstick.

"Ol' 9th brother will also love others? it seems that he will love his wife in the future, and the admiral's daughter is really blessed!" Upon hearing this, the other brothers on the table joked quickly.

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Zhen Pu Yang shook the glass and smiled perfunctorily. It didin't take long for a shout from far away, "The bride's sedah chair is coming, Your royal highness must not miss the good time."

Zhen Pu Yang was surrounded by a group of people in the center of the hall, he turned around only to find He Lang's figure disappeared. Now, his mood dropped to zero in an instant, and he pushed away a few booing people impatiently, and the audience was quited by his sudden anger.

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Looking left and right at the banquet, but still didn't find the figure he wanted to see, Zhen Pu Yang was a little frustrated and turned around everywhere. The aura of loss was raging, making it difficult for him to stand, covering his whole body, his heart seemed to bleed. Large mass of cotton being plugged, making it hard for him to breathe.

On the night of the bridal chamber, Zhen Pu Yang simply lifted the hip flask, hung her cup by cup, and finally filled the bride till unconcious. After the third shift, he took off an eye catching dress and changed into night clothes.

With a guard guarding the door, he (ZPY) simply jumped on the beam of the house with light effort and climbed to the eaves. With a light figure and fast walking, he slid into He Lang's house with ease.



The author has something to say : Yes@#$$# it shooking! on the day of the wedding the groom treated the bride like this during the first night in the bridal chamber...

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