Chapter 3

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He Lang could no longer see nor feel anything. He did not know how long he spent in this perpetually numb state until he was conscious enough to open his eyes. He was greeted with the face of a young boy through his peripheral.

The young boy’s facial features had already started to develop into a bright, handsome appearance with a tinge of sharpness yet still containing the tenderness of youth.

His face reflected an air of arrogance and there was a gleam reflected in his dark eyes but they were nonetheless incomparably clear.

He Lang glanced at him and subconsciously looked up to survey his surroundings. His years of living in the palace allowed him to immediately recognize that he was somewhere inside the palace.

The exquisite decoration that could be seen as far as the eyes could see and the antique furniture were similar to the palace in his world. He began to entertain the thought that he was still in his original world.

“Hey, This Highness is talking to you. Why are you looking elsewhere like a fool?”

The young boy’s discontented tone pulled him away from his train of thoughts. He Lang carefully measured up the youth in front of him.

He was wearing a slim embroidered robe, lined with golden thread and a dragon threaded on his lower garment. In addition to the aloof and imperious tilt of his face, it was obvious his identity was not ordinary.

He looked at himself wearing an ordinary blue robe with high quality satin. With the fan in his hands, he appeared to be a scholar and his position was most likely not low.

The young boy saw that He Lang’s attention had finally returned to his person and said “Just now, did This Highness speak wrongly?” He Lang lifted his eyes to him. Just as he did, fragments of memories started emerging. After a second or two, he understood the basic outline and said, “This is knowledge that has been passed onto the emperor by the ancestors”.

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The young boy seemed used to hearing this argument and looked upon the scholar disdainfully and sneered, “To make a long story short, This Prince does not believe you”.

When He Lang saw this childish attitude but with such a mature appearance, in his mind he couldn’t help but think it’s funny. Even though he was not clear on what they were speaking about, he still followed along with the youth. He softly smiled and said, “If you don’t trust me, then you don’t trust me. My conscious is clear.”

The young man slowly looked and stared at him. Originally, he had been purposefully making things hard for him and gave him a contrary problem in order to bait his anger and satisfy his rebellious heart. However, he did not expect that the always inflexible Imperial Tutor would reply with an unusual answer. Towards this kind of feeling as if his punch had landed on cotton, he was a little bit unsatisfied but a little bit pleased.

He grinded his teeth and adopted a provocative attitude, waiting for the reaction. He kept in mind that if he was just guessing then perhaps he will get angry. However, he did not expect that He Lang would remain eye contact and gently smile as if he was gazing at a glistening and lustrous lotus pond on a warm summer’s day. His smile contained no self awareness towards their impact.

The youngster choked a bit in his throat, pausing the dialogue and simultaneously allowing He Lang to catch up to the memories bumbling forth. He Lang gained a basic knowledge of the youth. His name is Zhen Pu Yang and he was the 9th imperial prince, recently turned 12.

His current host was named He Lang, similar to his own name.

(TN: Sounds the same but written differently)

At the side, he saw the servant girl observing their silence and approaching them. “Your Highness, please spare the Imperial Tutor from your anger. Lin imperial concubine invited you to dine with her.”

This was providing a way out of a sticky situation and let him step down without losing face. Actually, since earlier, Zhen Pu Yang was in fact not angry. Thus when he hears this, he responded as if nothing had happened by saying “No need to. Tell Mother that tonight This Highness will dine with Imperial Tutor.”

Zhen Pu Yang gestured at him when the servant girl remained flabbergasted at his words. However, she still obeyed and returned to report to Lin concubine. He Lang saw that Zhen Pu Yang was still not putting him in his sight and knew he’s not at all sincere with his invitation. Believing that he was only used a pretext to be excused from the dinner, he waited until the servant girl had walked away and bid farewell. Unexpectedly he stopped when he heard the words “Why are you walking so urgently like that? This Highness said that we will dine together.”

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He Lang had just arrived in this world and his mind was thus a mingled mess of confusion. He had wanted to depart early to organize his thoughts but did not expect that this prince, who had never been fond of this host before, would suddenly want to approach him. He was hence forced to bow and decline, “This Official’s identity is humble and thus I do not have the qualifications to dine together with the prince”.

Zhen Pu Yang felt rather satisfied towards this excuse and thought to himself that this excuse needed great courage and even aroused a feeling of pity towards the speaker.

“Imperial Tutor is a high ranking official, so you narrowly qualify to share a table with This Highness. Furthermore, a man’s promises must be kept. Could it be that you are not willing to dine with me?”, he answered back.

The young man looked at him with a lukewarm expression and his words resembled a threat. Indeed, He Lang considers for a moment his place and nods. Zhen Pu Yang then curls his mouth and smiles innocently, baby fangs out, resembling a mischievous child. He doesn’t know why he feels that Imperial Tutor is suddenly not annoying. The more he wants to throw him off, the more he wants to tangle with him so as to bait him to reveal a vexed face.

At first, He Lang thought that this evening’s meal was to be held at the palace. Towards social niceties, he regarded it as easy to deal with, if only once in a while. However he did not expect that Zhen Pu Yang would want to go inside his (HL) private residence to eat.

“This Imperial Tutor’s residence is not presentable and really cannot compare to the palace. I’m afraid that this will not be fit to receive guests.” He Lang again declined.

Zhen Pu Yang was not irked when he heard the decline but instead wanted to persist even more. Quite concernedly he asks “How can that be? Can it be a high ranking official’s salary is not enough? Then I will report this matter with Imperial Father another day, okay?”

“…..” He Lang stared at the youngster’s beaming pure smile as he gazed back at him.

“It would be this official’s honour to host Your Highness” He Lang responds. He only now faintly recalls that inside the palace walls, Zhen Pu Yang was also known as the devil incarnated….

Indeed, this devil king insists on visiting his home and they enter the entrance together. He avoids the curious peeping everywhere and turns to ask, “There actually exists such a small courtyard on this earth?”

He Lang looks at the beautifully decorated buildings and the spacious and intricate garden courtyard and finally received a new insight into the prince’s pampered lifestyle.

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Having heard of the impending arrival of the ninth prince, the kitchen staff was busy preparing the finest ingredients for cooking. The number of servants entourage responsible for serving him was more than a dozen, all patiently waiting for him.
Although Zhen Pu Yang initially had the mind to ignore this, having seen the result, his mood was not bad. Perhaps because he saw that he could throw the residence into disorder by his mere presence that he was cheerful. 
The meal was not yet ready, so He Lang showed him around the residence.
“How come your house is so shabby?” The young man walked up the steps to the main hall and observed it. He overthrew a few chairs and pushed the plain tea sets on the floor to the ground. The surrounding servants looked on in confusion before quickly going to clean up. 
He Lang looked on helplessly, knowing that he could not stop him. If he said anything, he might displease him. Thus, he did not go forward to stop it, merely calmly looked at the mess and did not react. “As long as you’re happy then it’s fine.”
Surprisingly, he did not blame him? Zhen Pu Yang stopped his evil actions and smiled deeply. Without a care, he turned and sat in the highest seat and raised his legs to rest on the armrests. On the way he took down the paintings on the wall and threw them on the floor. “Get rid of them all. This Highness will give you better ones another day.”
“En…” He Lang hesitated. “Then I will first express my thanks to His Royal Highness.”
Hadn’t this stubborn old antiquated guy always been rigid and stiff? Why is he so different today, making him want to provoke him? Zhen Pu Yang smiled slightly. Tired of the empty hall, he proposed to change venue, “Let’s go to your bedroom.”
He Lang was already prepared for his perfectly good room to be destroyed. He didn’t expect that the little devil would actually be merciful. When he entered his bedroom, he didn’t set ablaze to anything he viewed as unpleasant. He merely looked around curiously at his room, even at the table and teacups. 
“This is where you sleep…” Zhen Pu Yang’s tone was lighter. 
The layout of the room was practical but not simple. On the desk was ink and a row of different brushes, full of strong literary atmosphere, resembling him.
Zhen Pu Yang lost interest and sat down on the stool. The room was filled with the unique smell of his (HL) body: the faint residue of bamboo leaves, clear, and bitter mixed with grass. He couldn’t help but take a deep breath, giving rise to a refreshing feeling.
Perhaps owing to the quiet atmosphere, he was not as rude as in the main hall. Except for flipping through his (HL) books, he did not do anything excessive.
Zhen Pu Yang had wanted to tease him and use the ink to paint on the painting on the desk, but as he held up the brush with a touch of ink, he gazed upon He Lang’s still indifferent eyes. Right then, he didn’t know why he was unable to do it and instead set down the brush. From since when he was born, he had never wanted to retreat, as such he set the brush down angrily.

“This Highness is hungry. Does Imperial Tutor’s home usually take so long to prepare food?!”

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He Lang called the servants to urge the kitchen staff. He did not know what happened to the little devil kind that he started ordering people around again. Obviously just now he had wanted to smear on the painting, but he stopped. 
During the meal, He Lang noticed the food that Zhen Pu Yang did not like. He did not like meat dishes but since the kitchen staff did not know his taste, he only picked the most exquisite and precious dishes. He did not expose that he was not used to these, but when he saw that he did not like it, it was immediately pushed aside to the distance. 
“Not eating?” He Lang couldn’t help but ask. Although he was previously also a prince, his life could not be compared to this pampered prince.
Zhen Pu Yang shook his head decisively.

He Lang raised his eyes and swept up and down at the body of Zhen Pu Yang, revealing a hint of sympathy and regret. He murmured: “No wonder…” ..his body is so slender.
It is reasonable to say that Zhen Pu Yang was the most favored prince, and his monthly allocation for dining and clothing was the best. However he did not seem very strong, and even seemed a little thin, eating only a mouthful and being a picky eater. 
“You!” Zhen Pu Yang held his hand with his chopsticks and cast him a gaze. Thinking that he was laughing at him, he fumed in rage.
He wanted to counterattack and sneer back at the scholar, but found that Imperial Tutor was indeed a tall, eight-foot tall figure. Although he was not as tall and thick as those sort of men, he was definitely not weak. He indignantly shoved a few mouthfuls of vegetables into his mouth, thinking that he had time to grow into an adult and that he should not not care about this pedantic scholar.

But there was still a thought that slowly formed in his mind: one day he will be taller than Imperial Tutor… See if he still dared to laugh at him.

The author has something to say:
Um… slow burn, New World, I write pretty slowly and the protagonist will grow up after each world. He won’t be very powerful at once.

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