“What did you just say?”

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George knitted his brows as if he couldn’t believe what I said.

“You may take Sabrina as your maid.”

I tilted my head to the side as if I found his reaction strange. Meanwhile, he twisted his lips coldly when he stared at my innocent eyes.

“Are you up to something? Don’t you know that Sabrina and I have an illicit sexual relationship?”

I was dumbfounded by George’s annoyed tone.

‘Do you want me to be jealous?’

The same person who used to be annoyed every time I accused him of being in a relationship with Sabrina.

“Your Highness, I don’t have a say in your private choices.”


Instead of answering George’s question, I raised the corners of my mouth. Just in time, Dante appeared with a tray of freshly brewed black tea.

‘So you came with Sabrina.’

George kicked her out, but she seemed to rush here upon hearing the news that I was with George. I briefly looked at the figure with glossy red hair.

‘Aren’t you cold?’

Ignoring Katan’s cold weather, Sabrina dressed in an outfit that would normally be worn in Cardinale.

A short-sleeved maid’s uniform, which was close to sleeveless, was designed with a quite revealing deep neckline.

“Madam, I brought some refreshments.”

At Dante’s signal, Sabrina walked up to George and put down the freshly baked cookies on the table.

“It’s an earl grey cookie that Prince George likes.”

I lightly shrugged upon hearing Sabrina’s voice that seemed to deliberately keep me in check, and then stood up while holding Dante’s wrist next to me.

“I believe Sabrina will be able to serve Your Highness well, so I’ll take my leave now.”

“…You’re leaving already? Leaving me here?”

“Yes. I happen to have something to discuss with Dante.”

It was an obvious lie, but the tactful Dante immediately nodded.

“What is it about?”

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“It’s about the Estate.”

I could easily tell from his expression that George was saying, ‘That’s something an outsider like you doesn’t need to stick your nose in.’

In front of Dante, George only raised his chin stiffly, perhaps he didn’t want to appear offensive.

“Alright. You may leave.”

“Yes, I hope you have a comfortable time.”

I tried to smile as kindly as possible before leaving the parlor with Dante. It wasn’t an excuse at all because I really had something to ask Dante.

‘You said you have to go to the black market, right?’

It was a fact that I, his right-hand, didn’t even know.

A smile rose on my face as the plot began to unravel.




‘What’s changed?’

George frowned as he recalled Rita’s appearance, which was several times more beautiful than what she looked like before the marriage.

‘Her aura is different.’

Rita has always been a beautiful woman and lived up to her nickname, the Rose of the Cardinale, but George seemed able to see her beauty only now.

‘You couldn’t even look me in the eyes before.’

George was always aware of Rita’s passionate love for him. How could he not when she always gazed at him with longing eyes?

However, Rita’s eyes today did not contain a single light, let alone passion.

“Lord George, I missed you so much.”

Sabrina whispered in a sweet voice and plunged into George’s arms. A sweet scent like melted caramel enveloped him.


George tucked back some of Sabrina’s unruly hair and smoothed her lips.

“What is the relationship between Rita and Joseph like?”

“…You mean Madam and His Highness? They are married, of course.”

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“I mean, between those two, what kind of relationship do they have when you see them?”

Sabrina was offended by George’s question. Until now, George had never talked about Rita, saying that he didn’t want to think about work while enjoying the secret affair with Sabrina.

‘Why are you suddenly interested?’

Sabrina replied while pouting, unable to hide her displeasure.

“Well, like most aristocrats, they look like a married couple who avoid each other. Because they don’t even share a bedroom.”


“Yes. I don’t think they are in a passionate relationship like Lord George and I.”

Sabrina leaned over to hug George again without seeing that George, who was satisfied with her answer, lifted the corner of his mouth.

Letting her soft arms wrap around his neck, George didn’t grope her body like usual.

“Why do you ask that?”

Sabrina asked with furrowed brows, wondering why he didn’t pay attention to her today.

“I think Rita got prettier. I was wondering if it was thanks to the Grand Duke.”

Sabrina bowed her head to George’s honest answer, trying to hide her trembling lips.

‘I know you don’t like jealous and clingy women.’

She knew George’s taste in women very well. She shouldn’t cling to him like he was the only one even though they had spent a long night together.

“…Is that so? Well, Madam is 20 years old now. She’s at the blooming age.”

“Yeah. That’s possible.”

George nodded lightly and caressed Sabrina’s cheek.

“How old are you?”

“I’m 27. Someone said, it is the age at which women ripen most beautifully.”

She blinked her long eyelashes to better flaunt her seductive beauty.

“Huh? You’re already 27?”

However, George only briefly clicked his tongue.

“Southern women are like roses. Most beautiful in spring and summer when they have just begun to bloom.”

Sabrina noticed that what George meant by ‘roses and bloom’ was Rita.

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“Yeah. But I still adore you even if you’re 27. Don’t you see how great my love for you is?”

He spoke as if he wanted her to thank him, so Sabrina’s mouth began to twitch. She wanted to scream and ask if he had a death wish, but then she remembered that her opponent was the Emperor’s son.

“You’re right. Thank you for loving me, Lord George.”

Sabrina smiled beautifully and began to rack her brain.

‘I have to establish my place in the Imperial Family as soon as possible.’

Before George lost interest in her. The thought that it may be just around the corner made her nervous.

“Lord George, when will you take me to the palace…”

“Oh, Rita said I can take you to the palace as my maid, but I want you to stay in Katan for a while to monitor the situation.”

George had promised to marry her. She was supposed to be Count Cardinale’s concubine, so there had to be a price to pay for plucking her from that situation.

“Your maid? Are you going to take me as your maid now?”

‘Because of you I begged Rita to take me to Katan!’

Sabrina couldn’t bring herself to speak her mind, and yet George blurted out lightly.

“Yeah. My mother opposes taking you as my wife.”

George shrugged as if he was clueless as to why she was surprised.

“As long as you can be with me, right? That’s all you want.”

Sabrina was taken aback by George’s words, but she made an effort to calm her expression.

“…Then, does that mean Lord George’s first child became an illegitimate child?”

“What do you mean?”

George was stunned by Sabrina’s confession and opened his eyes wide.

“Are you pregnant?”

“Yes. It’s your child.”

“…Are you sure?”

Sabrina began to squeeze out tears pitifully.

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“Are you doubting me? I came all the way to Katan to avoid Count Cardinale for you!”

“No, that’s not what I meant…”

George shook his head in a hurry while caressing Sabrina’s tearful face.

“Of course, I believe you. I asked just in case.”

“Hic, hic.”

“I’ll talk to my mother again.”

Sabrina bit her lips while hugging George, who patted her back to calm her down.




‘Seems like she cried.’

Sabrina’s face was red as she left the parlor. I tilted my head, glancing at her clothes which showed no wrinkle.


“Yes, Madam.”

“How was your conversation with the Prince?”

“Are you talking about me going to the Imperial Palace?”

I nodded indifferently at Sabrina’s question as she seemed to be wary of me.

If George’s motive to go to the black market was to attain the holy grail, then I didn’t have any reason to keep Sabrina in Katan. Because all she did was create trouble while she was here.

“…Madam, do you want me to go to the Imperial Palace?”

“Wouldn’t that be comfortable for you and me?”

I answered Sabrina’s question with a question.

“Ha, why? Are you scared that I would also steal the Grand Duke from you?”

I bit my lips and glared at Sabrina as if I wouldn’t lose to her.

“Who did you steal from again? Is it George?”

How ridiculous.

“I’m not that greedy, so take them all for yourself.”

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