“Are you saying you feel sorry for him?”

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“Yes. So please let him go.”

Ibelina nodded weakly as she answered my question.

“I appreciate your thought of helping me, but I am actually someone who serves God.”

She took off her hood as if revealing her identity to me.

Her pink hair was exposed and sparkled like platinum in the sun.

“….Is that so?”

“All of my wealth belongs to Lorenzia, and it is my duty to give it to the people in need.”

I heaved a deep sigh looking in her eyes that resembled the color of a summer sea.


I couldn’t even respond to her absurd reasoning.

“I’m fine with giving him all my wealth. I’m really fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”

She added, perhaps because she noticed I didn’t respond to her.

“I give my entire wealth to this person now. Even if I do, the Pope will take care of me.”

As Ibelina said, her money wasn’t her own. Because she could use the church’s wealth as if it was her own.

‘All she has to do is ask for money again. That’s all.’

The problem was that all the money came from the Pope, and the Holy Church of Las Vecchia collected taxes from citizens.

‘Did she not know that all the money she has is from forced tributes?’

It’s not like the people are paying taxes for the saint to give it to scammers.

‘….But it’ll be troublesome to get involved with her.’

Fortunately, she couldn’t see my face because I wore a hat with a visor that cast a long shade over my face.

“Yes, I see.”

I shrugged lightly, removing the alchemy that bound the scammer.

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“It’s your money, after all.”

“My name is Ibelina, Lady.”

“I see.”

We were supposed to introduce ourselves, but I didn’t want to reveal my name to her.

‘Come to think of it, she will be my husband’s lover in the future.’

Of course, I wished for Joseph’s happiness, so I was determined not to disturb their love, but strangely it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

‘People say you tend to date someone who is similar to you. But I didn’t expect she would be an even worse pushover than Joseph.’

However, I couldn’t be sure if Joseph and Ibelina were even comparable. My husband was without a doubt a good man, but he wasn’t a big fool like her.

‘Is it because she grew up in a church?’

Ibelina, who easily gave people’s hard-earned money to a swindler, smiled at me benevolently.

“Ah, you don’t have to thank me.”


“I helped you to do good deeds. But all of this must be the will of Lorenzia.”

I almost choked looking at Ibelina’s innocent smile.




‘Crazy bitch.’

Oscar thought so about Ibelina when he was sneaking behind Rita. It was clear that the pink-haired woman, who claimed to be a priest, must have a few screws loose.

‘Should I have stepped up earlier?’

He wanted to rush up immediately to get Rita out of this absurd situation.

Just when Oscar couldn’t stand it anymore and tried to step forward, Rita’s red lips slowly moved under the visor covering half of her face.

“Stay there.”

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It was an obvious warning. As if she knew Oscar was tailing her.

‘…Did you notice my presence?’

Oscar hid himself under the roof and frowned. He didn’t conceal his presence as much as when he was on an assassination mission, but he was still the head of Spina. Even a trained knight would not feel his movement now.

However, Rita slightly lifted her outer coat as if to signal him.


Oscar noticed a purse hiding under Rita’s black coat and briefly clicked his tongue.

‘She wasn’t a queen, but a thief cat.’

During her short scuffle with that woman, she seemed to have stolen the purse from the scammer.

Oscar stared blankly at Rita as she raised the corner of her mouth in a playful manner. He pressed his temple hard.

‘She’s definitely having fun.’

That smile was a little dangerous. It made him want to cross the line.

Rita noticed Oscar’s presence without having the slightest idea of his dangerous thoughts and began to move toward the town square along with the peculiar priest.

It was just around the time she entered the town square that the swindler realized that the purse had disappeared.

“You crazy bitch! How dare you steal my money!”

As if the man had enough of pretending to be an old woman, he brought his gang to block Rita and Ibelina.

“I-It’s that bitch over there, Brother! That woman stole my money bag!”

A man who appeared twice his size seemed to be the leader of the scammer group. The swindler raised his voice and pointed at Rita.


Rita was confused as to why Ibelina followed her to the town square, but she got alarmed by the thugs and screamed.

“Follow them!”

The thugs began to push them little by little to the corner of the square, completely surrounding Rita and Ibelina.

“Please don’t do this, everyone. Lorenzia loathes discord among the Believers….”

“Shut up!”

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Ibelina did not understand the situation and cried as she tried to dissuade the thugs, but the giant thug only frowned harshly as he threatened her.

“You have to return the money that you stole from my underling!”


Oscar thought it was finally his turn to intervene.

The woman named Ibelina was totally useless even though she had Holy Power, and Rita was only a skinny woman.


Crack, crack!


If the walls surrounding the alleyway where the thugs cornered Rita had not collapsed, Oscar would have definitely gotten rid of them in one sweep.

“Wha- what?”

The thugs began to cough as they dazedly looked around the wrecked building.

“Witch! She is a witch!”

Rita twisted the corners of her mouth coldly as if their scared faces were funny. As if it was an old nickname that she was tired of.

“Why didn’t you tell me, you punk!”

The thugs’ leader yelled at the swindler.

“I told you already that she was using a weird trick!”

“I thought she was just a drunkard! She is an alchemist, you punk!”

The people in this Empire tended to look down upon alchemy. However, the man who acted as the thugs’ leader had experienced the great power of alchemy during his countless battles.

Moreover, Rita’s attitude was especially relaxed.

‘Did you prepare in advance?’


Black stems emerged from the ground and began to wrap around the men’s bodies except for the thug’s leader.

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The stems were as flexible as a monster’s tentacles, but they were hard enough so they couldn’t even be scratched.

“For, forgive me!”

The thugs’ leader lay face down, asking for forgiveness.

Rita showed her indifferent expression amid the floating dust, and stepped on his back.

“What a pity.”


“Fists are faster than feet, you see.”

Because Rita put strength in her feet as she stepped on the man. The giant man’s jacket was stained with mud.

“Sorry. It looks expensive, though.”

He hurriedly shook his head with his head still placed on the ground.

“I,It’s fine!”

‘Woah. I’m in trouble.’

Watching the scene, Oscar bit his lip while pressing his pounding heart.

‘I think I’m really falling in love with you.’

The young servant, who stuck close to the wall to avoid the thugs, fell to his knees.



“I’m so proud of you!”


“Madam is a thousand times cooler than Sabrina!”

Although he didn’t know who this Sabrina woman was, Oscar nodded eagerly in response to the young servant’s exclamation.

‘Yes, of course. My queen is 10 ,000 times cooler than anyone!’

It was from that day on.

Oscar Spina, leader of the Black Thorn assassination guild and the top dog of the great ruler of the south, fell in love with his idol.

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