“Why have I never heard of the Grand Duke in society?”

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Rona, who made a fuss, tilted her head in amazement. It was strange enough that a rumor about his handsome face did not spread at all.

“You may not have heard about the Grand Duke of Katan…but have you never heard of the deposed Crown Prince?”

“Pardon? I heard the deposed Crown Prince was cursed by the devil and died of a disease that made his skin rot. Is that what you mean?”

Not many people knew that Joseph Katan was originally Joseph Las Vecchia Angelos. The Red Palace of Las Vecchia wanted to hide the fact that a demon hunter was born in the Imperial Family.

‘That’s why they disguised the deposed Crown Prince as the Grand Duke of Katan and made him guard the border.’

In other words, they sent a child to the cold northern part of the empire, where there was nothing but monsters, and left him to die alone.

But who would have predicted that Katan would thrive under his leadership?

Only the Imperial Family and the church knew that Joseph was the brother of the current Crown Prince, Carlo.

Known as the Grand Duke of Katan, he was reluctant to go to crowded places, and he was rarely seen in the Imperial Palace.

‘But he’s always been that cold.’

No matter how handsome Joseph may be, there weren’t many women who could handle a vicious demon hunter who returned alive after crushing the western barbarian alone.

‘But he isn’t as cold as he appears to be.’

As proof, he did his best to protect me, his wife.

“Rita Cardinale, right?”

Joseph, who moved his long legs towards the carriage quickly, asked me. Even though the carriage’s height was quite high, his tall figure allowed him to make eye contact with me.

“Rita Annunciata Cardinale. I humbly greet Your Highness Grand Duke of Katan.”

The cool wind brushed past his white hair.

‘You certainly look younger than the last time I saw you.’

We were married when I was 20 and he was 24.

Gazing at his countenance, who had been condemned for being a devil, I hurriedly bowed my head at the thought that I had been staring at his face for too long.

“I’m Joseph Katan.”

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He kissed the back of my hand that held the window.

“…It’s not the first time we met.”

I tilted my head at Joseph’s words. It was the first time I heard about it since he was already deposed before I entered the Imperial Palace.

‘We first saw each other at our wedding, right?’

Did he come to my debutante?

As a member of the Holy Church, I had my debutante banquet at the palace. It was possible that I didn’t see him among so many people.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter.’

“Then I’ll see you at the castle.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

He briefly bowed before returning to his horse. Katan was a chilly place even during summer. However, the back of my hand that his lips touched felt as hot as fire.


To meet my demands, it was decided that our wedding will be very simple.

“Are you sure you don’t want to rent a cathedral?”

Dante, the butler in charge of the Katan household, continuously tried to confirm my sincerity, as if he couldn’t believe that the Grand Duke’s hall was enough for a wedding ceremony.

“Yes. I’m fine with that.”

“The Grand Duke is not so frugal for him to forbid you from renting the cathedral.”

Dante continued. He was stuttering as if he thought I misunderstood Joseph.

“Isn’t your marriage an important occasion that will mark the union between the Holy Church and the Imperial Family?”

‘My father and George are using that reason to push our marriage for their own benefit.’

I shook my head at the butler’s words.

“But the Gray Hall is enough for me.”

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Since the cathedral, which was only used for the weddings of high ranking nobles, has only been used once.

“I know His Highness is not a frugal man, so you don’t have to worry, Dante.”

Joseph hated getting people’s attention, but he was willing to comply with my request to use the cathedral as a wedding hall back then.

‘Because of that, I got an earful from George.’

It was him who forced me to marry the Grand Duke of Katan, but he berated me for having a splendid wedding with Joseph.

[What an arrogant decision to hold a wedding in the cathedral. Does he not realize how impudent he was for someone who was no longer a member of the Imperial Family?]

[But it was my decision to choose the cathedral as my wedding hall, my prince.]

[Are you taking his side in front of me?]


[I can’t believe you’re swayed by his face!]

‘Now that I think about it, George wasn’t angry because he was jealous. It must have been because of his inferiority complex towards Joseph.’

I was told that George had never defeated Joseph in swordsmanship despite being the Holy Knight of the Empire.

“Do you know my name?”

The butler made a strange look when I frowned at the unpleasant memories.

‘Ah, I made a mistake.’

Dante was the Grand Duke’s butler whom I met almost everyday back then. Of course I know Dante’s name and his child’s name, who was going to be born a few years later. But right now, I’m not the madam who took charge of the household for 7 years anymore.

“I’m the one who’s going to be the Grand Duchess of Katan. It’s only natural for me to know the name of my butler.”

I grinned and answered nonchalantly to gloss over my mistake.

“…I see.”


When he watched me clumsily nod my head, Dante’s eyes somehow looked a little warmer than before.


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“When My Lady told me to order a dress from Madame Elva’s Salon, I actually wanted to oppose it.”

Rona, who was staring blankly at me as I tried on the wedding dress for my wedding ceremony, suddenly brought it up.

“Really? Why?”

I tilted my head and asked, but she hesitated for a moment while holding a pearl, which will be used to decorate my hair, in her hand.

“…Madame Estee’s dresses are much more famous, while Madame Elva’s dresses are elegant but modest.”

Rona, who already put rose powder on my cheek, exclaimed.

“But I think it’s super beautiful when My Lady wears it! It doesn’t look modest at all.”

Rona, who looked like she was about to cry at any moment, pulled the mirror in front of me.

“As expected, you have a good eye! As a matter of fact, this dress makes your beauty shine more than Madame Estee’s fancy dress.”

Following her lead, I got up from the sofa and spun around to check my dress one last time. As a result of my gestures, the hem of the white dress swirled and brushed the floor.

‘It’s really better than I thought.’

The wedding dress that was made from light, flowy chiffon looked plain even though red silk was added as a decoration.

‘The red adornment highlights my green eyes.’

Standing in front of the mirror, I slowly blinked my eyes, which were covered with dense eyelashes. A woman with a coy expression was looking at me from afar.

“I guess it’s because our lady is naturally gorgeous. Isn’t that right, Sabrina?”

Rona, who was babbling while fixing my headpiece, turned her head to Sabrina. She was stuck in the corner, and only bowed her head without saying a word.

Both Sabrina and Rona were my maids, but instead of helping Rona, she was busy running errands from time to time.

‘Figures, she must be a little embarrassed to tend to me.’

Sabrina, who was suddenly called out, was surprised and looked at us alternately.


“Madame Elva’s dress looks as bright as a summer rose when My Lady wears it, doesn’t it?”

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Sabrina nodded nervously when Rona shamelessly referred to my nickname, ‘The Brilliant Rose of Cardinale’, when she described the dress.

“Uh, yeah. Well, My Lady’s beauty is famous in society.”

“Oh, no. My Lady is not a beauty.”


“You’re the beautiful one, Sabrina.”


“But My Lady is right here, and she’s going to be offended by that.”

Sabrina looked away as if she was embarrassed, but she didn’t deny Rona’s words. Rona, who attached a snowflake patterned crown over my head, added leisurely.

“I mean, My Lady is more dazzlingly beautiful than a self-proclaimed beauty like you. I think it’s more appropriate to describe her beauty as one that can entrance someone since it can make people lose their mind.”

“Huh? Yes?”

Sabrina’s black eyes opened wide, perhaps wondering if she heard Rona right. Rona smirked as she looked at the stiffened Sabrina.

“Did you just misunderstood what I mean?”

Rona….. She surprisingly has a feisty personality. I watched from the side as she enthusiastically humiliated Sabrina.

“Sabrina, you’ve got it all wrong. Of course, My Lady is ten million times more beautiful than you are.”

Sabrina nodded, biting her lips as if she couldn’t contradict Rona in front of me.

“…That’s right.”

It was a little embarrassing, but it wasn’t so bad to watch Sabrina’s trembling fingertips. Due to that, I kept silent as if I didn’t hear their conversation.

“Lady Cardinale, if you’re ready, I’ll take you to the Grey Hall,”

Dante’s polite voice came from outside the door.

Finally, my second chance in Katan has come.

‘I’ll never make stupid choices again.’

With that in mind, I followed him with a firm commitment.

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