Soaring the Heavens

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: March Onwards to the Sea of Constellations

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Translator: Kelaude Editor: Milkbiscuit
After arduously leading everyone to Mount Calming Sea once again, Miao Yi
was ignored by Qin Weiwei as always.
Miao Yi had already gotten used to this, but it wasn’t so bad this way; after all,
he wasn’t really needed, so he could have more time to himself and go about
his own business.
Leading his troops at a gallop out the Mount Calming Sea mountain gates,
Miao Yi turned to throw Zheng Jinlong a look. The latter understood his
intentions, and brought his dragon steed forward to ride alongside the Cave
“Are there any signs of movement from Xiong Xiao?” Miao Yi transmitted a
message to him to ask.
He had already ordered Zheng Jinlong to get in touch with the School of Blue
Jade, to help keep an eye out for any signs of movement from Xiong Xiao, as
well as his underlings.
Every single abode of Immortals belonging to South Edict Manor had the
School of Blue Jade’s disciples stationed within, so if Xiong Xiao himself or
even his underlings were to make a move, the School of Blue Jade would be able
to grasp their movements almost completely.
The purpose of bringing Zheng Jinlong to Mount Calming Sea this time, was
distinctly to let Zheng Jinlong get in touch with the person-in-charge here at
Mount Calming Sea.
Zheng Jinlong knew that he was worried that Xiong Xiao would strike at him
secretly, so he transmitted back, “Rest assured Cave Master, I have already
asked for the school’s help; any sign of movement from the people of Mount
Shaotai will be within our grasps. If anyone were to go missing, someone will
notify us. For the time being, Xiong Xiao has not made any movements out of
the norm.”

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He was trying to raise the value of his own face with these words; he didn’t
have the qualifications yet to make the entire School of Blue Jade cooperate. It
was only because the School of Blue Jade wanted to make use of Miao Yi that
they went along with his needs.
“Very good.” Miao Yi felt relieved. At first, he had been a little anxious that
Zheng Jinlong’s level of influence was not sufficient to convince the School of
Blue Jade to help. Now that he had their assistance, as long as he could grasp
the movements of Xiong Xiao and his underlings, he wouldn’t need to be afraid

of any tricks that Xiong Xiao might try to pull. Otherwise, he would inevitably
feel a little nervous even if it was just a trip to Mount Calming Sea.
The group quickly returned to East Arrival Cave, and Miao Yi sped back to his
own silent cultivation quarters and made a few preparations. He then called
Xue’Er over, “Ask Yan Xiu to come over.”
“Yes!” Xue’Er replied and left.
Not long after, Yan Xiu came over in quick steps. Cupping his fists, he said,
“What does the Cave Master ask of me?”
Miao Yi waved his hand, sending both Qian’Er and Xue’Er away from the silent
quarters, then beckoned Yan Xiu over; looking at him with a solemn gaze, he
told him confidently, “I am preparing to lead the men of East Arrival Cave to go
hunting at the Sea of Constellations. What do you think?”
“Ah…..” Yan Xiu was speechless, and could only laugh bitterly. He had long
guessed that the Cave Master had this idea, only that the Cave Master himself
had never admitted it. Yan Xiu could only earnestly advise him, “Cave Master,
the Sea of Constellations is a place of utmost danger; who knew how many
have perished every time the ‘Sea of Constellations Subjugation Crusade’ was
held. I am afraid with just the strength of our East Arrival Cave, it would be a
journey with no return. Please reconsider, Cave Master.”
To be blunt, it was because our cultivations were too low that going there was

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tantamount to courting death.
“My mind is set. You don’t need to try and convince me otherwise.” Miao Yi
waved his hand, completely resolute; he said, “The reason why I am telling you
beforehand, is because I trust you, and also because I don’t plan on bring you
along to the Sea of Constellations to take this risk with me. When I am away, I
would like to leave East Arrival Cave in your hands.”
“.......” Yan Xiu was unsure whether he should feel grateful for his trust, or if he
should feel something else, but there were some things that he couldn’t
understand so he asked, “Cave Master, there are some things that I am unsure
if I should ask or not.”
Miao Yi nodded and said, “It is fine, speak your mind!”
Yan Xiu said, “Cave Master, even though your current Cave Master position is
low, but it is also a starting point that is admired by countless cultivators
across the land. In addition, you have Manor Head Yang Qing’s favor, so you
would only need to maintain a stable cultivating lifestyle, and in a couple
hundred or so years when your cultivation has been raised, a Mountain
Chieftain’s seat would be well within your grasp. Why not be patient and
slowly raise your cultivation up? You will be able to expect great things in your
future; why do you still need to gamble with your life like this? I do not believe
that you have the ambition to compete and test your strength against the
realm’s heroes, and even if you did, if I may be so forthright as to say, there are
new talents constantly arising amongst the cultivators of the realm, but those
who were able to reign supreme over a single domain are obviously in the

minority. Instead, steadily cultivating and slowly improving oneself seems like
a better option.”
Miao Yi shook his head and answered, “This has nothing to do with ambition.
Do you still remember, back in Transient Light Cave, when I told you about my
younger brother and sister?”
Yan Xiu nodded, “I remember!”

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“I still remember that Luo Zhen had once warned me, ‘when your own
cultivation has yet to reach a realm that allows you to protect yourself from
harm, it is best not to let anyone else know about matters concerning your
younger brother and sister. If something were to happen, you will easily be
exploited by others, and this will become a soft spot which they can use to take
advantage of your siblings’.” Miao Yi pursed his lips, and said, “I still
remember these words, but I want to find them, and take them in at East
Arrival Cave. However, my own situation is not exactly ideal. It is difficult
enough to keep myself safe; even if I manage to find them now, I wouldn’t be
able to take care of them. I can only continue to endure.”
When Luo Zhen was mentioned, Yan Xiu turned silent and didn’t say anything
else; he only nodded his head and smiled, “I understand. When does the Cave
Master plan on returning from this trip? What if the superiors were to discover
something, and ask for your whereabouts? How should I reply then?”
“I’m not sure when I will return, but I do hope I’ll be able to come back alive. If
the superiors were to discover that I’m gone, just tell them that I have gone to
the Sea of Constellations to hunt. So long as I can return alive, with Yang Qing
supporting me from behind, Qin Weiwei can’t do anything to me.”
Yan Xiu didn’t know what to say of him. Whatever this Cave Master had set his
mind on doing, he wouldn’t hesitate to put his own life in danger.
“Cave Master, have you ever considered, once Zheng Jinlong and the rest find
out that you’re planning on bringing them to the Sea of Constellations to go
hunting, they might not willingly go along with you. When that happens, you
might not be able to suppress them on your own.”
“Is that so?” Miao Yi raised his arm and invoked his arts, wiping off the Soul
Concealing Paste on his forehead; the vivid outline of a three-petaled white
lotus flower appeared between his brows. He coldly said, “There is only death
for those who disobey! Now, they might not be able to defeat me even if they
joined hands. I could kill Fan Renfang and Fang Ziyu, could I not do the same

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for those lot? If they have the audacity, they are welcome to try; I will be sure to
let them experience how sharp the spear in my hand is! In East Arrival Cave,
those who do not heed my orders are my enemies, and I have never shown any
mercy when facing my foes!”
He had wanted to go to the Sea of Constellations to hunt a long time ago, but he
knew his transcendence energy at the time was not up to par, and couldn’t
quell the masses, so he had only endured for the time being.

Now that his cultivation had broken through to White Lotus Third Grade, he
didn’t need anyone’s help. With just the spear in his hand, he had confidence
that he would be able to subdue all the subordinates of East Arrival Cave!
Yan Xiu stared at the lotus outline on his forehead with eyes wide and mouth
agape. He was thoroughly stupefied!
How many years was this? Yan Xiu didn’t expect that Miao Yi’s cultivation had
already broken through to White Lotus Third Grade!
By normal estimations, those with a higher cultivation tended to refine Orbs of
Will at a quicker pace. With a normal White Lotus First Grade cultivation, it
would take at least a year to refine a low-grade Orb of Will, but it was evident
that the Cave Master’s refining speed was greater than normal.
To achieve this, one needed the aid of a good cultivation method. The greatest
difference between a good cultivation method and a bad one was the pace at
which they refined Orbs of Will. None of the new talents that constantly
emerged in the cultivation realm were so, but it wasn’t known what grade the
Cave Master’s cultivation method was.
Yan Xiu now understood why the Cave Master insisted on taking a risk by
going to the Sea of Constellations. The reason was simple, the share of Orbs of
Will of a mere East Arrival Cave was no longer enough for the Cave Master to
use, and the Cave Master was obviously not strong enough to take over the
surrounding territories to obtain more Orbs of Will.

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