Her Relationships That I Didn’t Know

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 One day, there was a case where a high school girl was murdered.
 According to the first discoverer, she was already not breathing when he found her, and from a large amount of blood spreading on the ground, it was obvious that she had been stabbed by the sharp blade she had received behind her and lost her life due to excessive blood loss.
 According to the police, after what sounded like a quarrel between a boy and a girl, they heard a woman screaming and rushed to the scene, only to find her dead.
 The victim’s name is “Kanzaki Amane”, she was a second-year student at a nearby high school, a popular student with many friends, and her classmates are angered and saddened by her death.
 The police are pursuing the case, including a possible grudge line.
 I read about this incident in the newspaper and… squeezed the newspaper.

“I’ll definitely……… kill you!!”



 I jumped out of my skin when I realized that I was the one who was squeezing out those vengeful words.

“D-Dream… It’s a dream… right…”

 The face was full of dark hatred, a look that made me feel like I wasn’t myself, that I was just a demon… I can’t even imagine how cruelly “this guy” will kill the murderer of Amane, who still is unknown.
 However, I would definitely do it… That was the only thing I was sure of.
 …… Just like the last time, sweat was pouring out of my body all over, and the moment I woke up, my body was suddenly cold and shivering.

“I’m glad… It’s a dream…”

 I was uttering this line again.


“Ah, good morning. What happened last night, we didn’t get to dream together.”

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 When I walked out the door early in the morning, I was so relieved to see Amane standing there, safe and sound, then I fell to my knees.
 In the dream I had last night, all I could see was that “Amane had been killed by someone”, so I was worried about her until I saw her in person.

“T-Thank goodness~~ You’re all right…”
“Hey!? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

 I was worried about Amane, but I didn’t want to make her worry about me.
 …… But that dream that seems to be a premonition is difficult to interpret and judge.
 Because I can’t specify the scene I want to see, so I can’t be sure that I can get detailed information, and there is no certainty that the dream I had is a premonition dream.

 At first, I was thinking of not telling Amane about the premonition, thinking that it might not be a good idea to make her too worried or anxious, but as expected, Amane questioned me about my suspicious attitude… I thought it would be better to tell her about the danger and warn her, so I decided to talk to her.

“A premonition dream… Speaking of which, it was written in that dream book. It automatically warns you when you or someone close to you is in danger, I think?”

 As expected, she paled at the part about her being in danger, but Amane’s face quickly turned thoughtful.
 Do you have any idea about that?

“Remember the other day when Amane fell down the stairs? Actually, I had a premonition at that time, too, so I could go save you. I was very doubtful, though…”
“Eh? At that time?”

 Amane looked surprised, but then she remembered something, and for some reason, she looked a little grim. What the hell is that?

“Ne~e, Yumeji-kun… at that time… that… thank you?”

 I was so confused by the sudden words of thanks that I let out a terribly dumb voice.

“You saved my life when I fell down the stairs. I hadn’t even thanked you yet for saving me…”
“Eh… Ah, about that.”

 I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous when Amane blushed a little and said that.
 At the same time, an indescribable feeling of satisfaction and excitement comes… Helping a girl and being thanked for it… I think I understand the feelings of the heroes of the world who always rush to the scene of a crisis to save a beautiful girl.

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 However, I just feel a little embarrassed when people say it straight out…

“No, don’t worry about it? I tried to catch you, but you ended up falling down with me, and it was the dream book that helped prevent that from happening in the first place…”
“… That’s not the case. That’s not true. If you hadn’t helped me out there, I would have been seriously injured, wouldn’t I? The dream book told you in a premonition.”

 I immediately remembered the scene from my previous premonition of “Amane falling and lying in a pool of blood”.
 It’s true that the book clearly stated that the condition for a premonition is “a crisis of me or someone close to me”, so it’s natural that Amane would expect that.
 And if it’s taken very seriously… it’s a little.

“Seriously, don’t worry about it! I mean, for me, it’s like I got a reward.”
“Yeah, by accepting it, I can enjoy the most comfortable girl in my arms… It’s nothing.”

 As soon as I dared to joke around, Amane’s face turned bright red and she lightly chopped me.




“… So, I know you probably don’t want to think about it, but has anyone done anything to you lately to cause resentment?”

 The grudge line, it sounds like a common phrase in the news and crime dramas, but without knowing more about it, there’s no way to counter it…
 As far as I’m concerned, Amane is at the center of the class and has a lot of friends, so it’s hard to imagine that she would do something that would cause anyone to resent her.
 However, Amane’s judgment seemed to differ from mine, and she tilted her head and began to groan, “Hm~m”.

“Does that ring any bells?”
“I don’t know? Rather, there’s too much so it’s hard to know…”

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 Surprising… Super surprising.
 Amane is not the kind of person who would be the target of such a thing, and I had assumed that Amane herself was not sensitive to malice, but it seemed that Amane was building relationships in her own way, quite calmly.

“Seriously!? Even though you look like you’re having a great time chatting with that many friends all the time?”

 I said in surprise, and Amane chuckled.

“You seem to think a li~ttle too highly of me as a woman, right? There are people I don’t want to be friends with, and I say bad things about them. The more relationships you have, the more things you can resent and the more things you can be resented for.”

 …… Mu, if you say so, I can’t deny it.
 It’s true that there was a period of time when we were estranged, so my image of Amane stopped at her childhood.
 I’m also not the same as when I was a child.

“Now, the one who is resenting me… I think it’s that selfish guy who is most likely to resent me.”
“That guy?”
“Kawaguya Yuichi, the misunderstood shallow playboy who got involved in our robot discussion yesterday”
“Aah, it’s that guy…”

 By the way, I just realized that I only recognized that guy as a “shallow playboy” and didn’t know his name at all even though we were in the same grade.
 … Well, I just didn’t know about it because I wasn’t interested.
 But when she said his name, Amane’s face twisted blatantly, and I was honestly happy to see it, I thought to myself that I had a bad character.

“I interrupted his boyfriend’s pretense, and I denied him outright~.”

 It’s funny to remember now that the guy who was implying that I was hotter than him was the one who got beat up. Is this called pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others?

“Because his look is little nice, he is carried away, he’s as flirtatious as he looks, and he’s a gutless man with no patience, and the bonus is he’s short-tempered. On top of that, he’s quick to approach any woman he’s attracted to, but he seems to be very strict about prohibiting girls from cheating on him, and there are rumors that he’s even violent when they break up with him…”
“…Seriously? He’s that much of a jerk?”

 Amane’s story clearly increased my disgust for him.
 Apparently, he was a few dozen times more of an asshole than I thought he was.

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 However … Then, as Amane said, after being denied outright this time, even if “Amane’s dream of being stabbed to death” was a premonition, I think the possibility of being killed by such a selfish person in a fit of rage is high.
 I can’t say for sure, but at least he’s the first priority.
 And as we proceeded to talk about our future vigilance like that, Amane told me something that caught my attention.

“By the way, when I fell down the stairs, I felt like I was pushed by something …”

 I stopped walking and looked back at Amane… What did she say?

“And that day wasn’t the only thing… When I was walking in the courtyard, a baseball came flying from somewhere, and in the back of the school building, a potted plant fell from above…”

 I felt like I was about to lose my mind.
 How could such a coincidence happen in succession unless there was a man-made plan by someone with obvious and clear hostile intent in addition the stairs accident!

“Balls and potted plants…”
“Kagura-chan noticed the ball and caught it as soon as she could, and luckily the potted plant didn’t get hit.”
“…Why don’t you tell me first about such a big deal!”

 I couldn’t help but sigh at the fact that Amane hadn’t had a problem with it before.
 Apart from me, there were plenty of people that Amane could have talked to about this, whether it was a friend or a teacher.

“There is a bit… I’ve got a lot on my mind… I forgot about it until now.”

“Another thing? I can’t believe you forgot about such an important matter that puts your life in danger…”

 When I tried to say, “How is that possible?” Amane turned her slightly resentful eyes on me and covered them.

“Hey… It was because I had been shown a dream that I was someone’s wife every night…”
“I’m very sorry!!”

 I dared to get down on my knees without fear of being seen by others.
 Yes, it’s 100 percent my fault for my misdeeds!!

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