Matchless Dream Warrior Bury A Dream...

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 A Dream Burial Hero, that must have been my nickname in that "isekai dream".
 The origin of the name is not the result of having made a name for myself in some way, or having defeated a powerful enemy, or anything of that sort.
 In fact, I think that in the dream, I was "unbelievably" cautious, cowardly ...... also a type of troublesome hero who was afraid of killing people and refused to do so.
 In the beginning, my friends were always saying things like, "You're too naive" and "Don't talk about beautiful things!" and so on.
 But... those guys say this in the end.

[There is no hero as rational, merciful, and cruel as you.] 

 Is that so? What I did in that "isekai dream" was no big deal.
 If I had the "power of dreams" in my hands as in that dream....... I think I would act the same way.
 Because I don't want to get hurt in various disputes, and I don't want to die...
 So what I did was not that big of a deal, I just... gave them a dream.
 For those who are trying to do something.

In "Shared Dream" they can learn about the feelings, loves and hates of others.
The "Past Dream" reminds them of their sins that they have forgotten.
The "Premonition Dream" will tell them which of their loved ones will be sacrificed for their future deeds.
The "Future Dream" tells them the worst of what they might expect in the future....

 That's the extent of what I did in my dream at most.
 And yet, in a strange way, my name was becoming increasingly popular on its own.

 A certain evil-minded mad king has suddenly abandoned his ambition (dream) to destroy his neighboring country and turn it into a vassal state.
 A certain privileged noble suddenly repented of his desire (dream) to fatten his own pockets out of self-interest, and began to work hard for the people, destroying himself.
 A clan of sub-humans who have been oppressed by humans because of their race, have buried their desire for revenge deep in their hearts, hoping for more than just reconciliation.

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 This is what they say about the Hero who buries ambitions, desires, aspirations... and dreams that drive people to madness.
 A warrior of a dream who buries a dream...

 But... in the dreams, in the other world, I had only one action principle in mind.
 It's exactly the same feeling as it is now...

"Let's wrap this up quickly and go home with Amane"

 I was surprised to find myself muttering something so natural, so natural that it seemed like nothing at all, and then I "pulled" out a large sword from the "Dream Book" that I was holding in my hand.
 Then, I swung the sword at the horde of mannequins in front of me.


 With that alone, that's all it took, and the crowd of mannequins that covered the area in front of me wasn't slashed, nor was it destroyed by any kind of impact..... It just "disappeared".


 I can't help but agree with the voice of the "guy" that leaked from the speakers... That's how stunned I was by what I had just done.
 I didn't feel like I destroyed it, I just shook it and erased it...... That's how it feels.

"What is this sword... or rather this power!?"
"Lo~ok~ I tell you that the demon dream's power is no match for you, right?"
"Ah... Un..."

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 But to my astonishment, Suzu-nee nodded in a strangely confident manner, even though she was still a mass of light with no recognizable expression.
 Indeed... If you had such overwhelming power and were struggling, you'd be dumbfounded.
 However... I'm inwardly terrified that the enemy that I was surely struggling with earlier has disappeared in an instant.
 …………I guess TUEEEE is not suitable for me. (TLN: slang romaji of "tsuyoi" or OP, A certain cautious hero)

 Meanwhile, a group of mannequins, still standing on the platform, came clattering down the tracks with weapons in their hands.
 I looked at Suzu-nee for a moment, wondering what to do, and I saw Suzu-nee with her thumb down without hesitation.
 I swung my sword sideways in hesitation.


 With just that... The mannequins had disappeared without a trace from the platform that had been occupied by a large number of mannequins earlier, leaving only a sound as if the air had been sucked out of it.
 The station platform itself was unharmed and undamaged, and all that remained was a deafening silence.
 Then a rather panicked voice began to come over the speakers.

[What is this... What is that power!? Are you really human!? There is no way that a mere human can destroy a nightmare!!]
"N-No... even if you told me that..."

PUWA------N ............

 As I was being asked questions that I had no way of answering, a train from both the up and down trains came barreling onto the silent platform at the same speed, with no sign of stopping.
 This time, they want to kill me... But.
 I'm confused about "my power", but I'm completely unfazed by "nightmare" ... I thrust my sword onto the tracks in front of the oncoming train.
 With just that... The trains that were supposed to be coming from both directions disappeared as if they were melting into the air.

[No way!? Impossible!?]

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"Haa... It's a foolish thing to challenge Yumeji with a nightmare... And "Amane's Nightmare" is not even an enemy..."

 At the sound of panic, Suzu-nee let out an exasperated sigh.

"What do you mean? That Amane's nightmares won't stand a chance against me?"

 Even though I've just been beaten to a pulp until a while ago ... When I asked curiously, Suzu-nee grinned.
 As always, I could tell her expression by her mood.

"Because for Amane, it's Yumeji who protects her from the scary stuff. For Amane, you are the natural enemy of her nightmares."
"Uh......... Ah, that's so..."

 I shouldn't have asked... If someone says it clearly, and there is even evidence in front of me, there is no way to deny it... I'm so embarrassed.
 To be relied on and trusted to that extent is ...... well ...... not a bad feeling, though.
 If I could choose... I want to hear it from the person herself...

[Fu, fufufu, FUFUHAHAHAHA...!]

 However, as I was thinking about something inappropriate, I heard the "guy" slightly desperate voice coming from the speaker.

[Indeed... Indeed, you guys are strong! I apologize for underestimating you... It seems I have no chance... of defeating you...]
"Oya? How laudable..."

 A declaration of defeat from the bad guys' side, perhaps they will just flee from Amane's dream?
 However, despite my hopes, it seemed that the "guy" still had his own agenda.

"But... No matter how strong you are, this is still Kanzaki Amane's dream... and..."

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As if in sync with "his" words, a black mirror-like object appeared in the space in front of us... There I saw Amane, separated from me and looking anxious.

[This is her world. As long as Amane is under our spell... her nightmare, her third nightmare, will continue...]
"W-What did you say?"
[The guilt she had been holding for those she had hurt... The guilt she feels for you, as long as I have her biggest nightmare... It's as if that girl's future is set in stone...]

 A chill runs down my spine.
 If the third nightmare is successful, she will be killed... That's what Suzu-nee said.
 The content of the nightmares, if they are not based on the killing as represented in "Monkey Dreams"...
 What if she's still a little bothered by what happened with me during childhood?

 But when I imagined the worst and paled... I got smacked in the back of the head.

"It hurts... Suzu-nee?"
"Don't worry... Amane will be fine."

 When she said this to me in a confident tone, Suzu-nee turned her gaze further into the void.

"I'll give you one piece of advice, you nameless "demon dream of this world". Don't underestimate Kanzaki Amane... No, it's better not to look down at "that woman" for your own good, okay?"
".........What are you talking about... against a little human girl?"

 At this time, I had no idea what Suzu-nee was talking about.
 And... she's really giving him some serious advice... That means...

"She won't forget... There's no way she'll forget. That greedy, possessive woman. All the memories she had with her man..."

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