solo laveling

Chapter 26

Tue, 11th It's been three days since I went to the C-level gate.

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It was Saturday, and early on, Jinna sniffed her nose and quickly threw her shoes off.

"What's your brother, chicken?"

"I did not do it, but I set it just the right time."


When Jin-woo sat down beside the table and shook his hand, Jin-ah ran his eyes in a circle.

"What are you doing? I have a big brother. Was there any good thing? "

"Hey, come down from the bag. What kind of a girl is so urgent? "

"No thanks. It's not even a bag. "

A little while ago the bag was heavy and the guy who did not like to take a folding umbrella.

It was hard to hide the smile that kept coming out while Jinwoo was dragging his tongue.

'Did something good happen?'

Of course there was.

Today 's account balance has increased from 800,000 won to 183 million won.

180,000 was the money I had sold and 500,000 won was sent to my landlord.

180 grand!

The raid was held in the hands of 180,000 at a time.

Hunter life has been steady, but now I feel like a real hunter. It is time for people to think about money from Hunter.

When I visited the place with a marble stone, the look that the Marquandex Exchange staff made was still vivid.

"Is this all by yourself?"

"It happened to me."

"Oh my gosh… Great. "

49 Class C ore stones.

The initial appraisal price was just over 300 million.

But the taxes are so low.

"You get 40 percent of your taxes?"

"Yes, when an individual sells it, 40 percent tax is paid, and when a guild sells 10 percent."

"Are there any reasons why the guild's tax is low?"

"Guilds, unlike personal raids, if the mobilization falls, you must cooperate unconditionally."

I remember that when I had an accident in a double dungeon, I was told that the 'Baekho'

The guild also has the privilege to cooperate with the request of the national and the association.

So I had a little trouble.

'Would you rather have a marine rock and then dispose of it after joining the guild?'

But soon I gave up.

When you enter the guild, you will be targeted to the A and B Gates.

There is no way to compare the price of the marine rock with that from the C-class gate. It was now a pity that I was sick.

'I'm going to cut taxes a bit and I can not get a stamp on any guild contract right now.'

"Okay. I do business. "

It was the amount that was 180 million.

As Jin-ah said, "Chicken and beer were a celebration party to celebrate the great success.

"I will enjoy this food."

The finger of Jin-woo hit the forehead of Jin-a, whose hand went down with a beer can.



"You are this."

Cola cans were placed in front of Jin-a.

"Hiding … I was just kidding … "

With Jinha rubbing his red-shifted forehead, Jinwu picked up a cool beer can and poured it into his mouth.

It was then.


Jinwoo reacted sensitively to the mechanical sound.

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'What system message suddenly?'

[Detecting harmful components.]

['Buff: Decompression' to start the treatment.]

[3, 2, 1 … Decryption completed.]

'You decipher the harmful ingredient? Are you talking about alcohol? "

Jinu drank all the remaining beer and took another can.


[Detecting harmful components.]

['Buff: Decompression' to start the treatment.]

[3, 2, 1 … Decryption completed.]

The same message arose.

In the blink of an eye, I did not have any odor even when I left two cans of beer.

One thing that was buff effect or what effect was certain.


Jin woke to his head.

Hunter, who is still buffing, has never met.

Hunter with such a special ability works mostly in the guild.

There is no chance to meet with the association.

'If someone buzzed secretly, a system message would have informed me.'

Then there are two possibilities.

I received a buff when I was unconscious, or I received a buff before the system worked. Personally, weighed more in the latter.

"Brother, what is it? Did you pretend? Be careful. "

As Jin-woo's face became serious, Jin-a asked anxiously.

"Suddenly there is an urgent matter. You are eating first. "

Jinwoo went into the room.

And I reconsidered every minute memories of whether I had missed something in the past.


There was something that passed through the hair.

'All quests were rewarded. Even up to the penalty quest. But there was a quest that was the only one that could not confirm the reward. '

Jinwu hastily opened the message box.

At that time, I did not know what the system was like, dust, and compensation, but then I was told that the quest completion condition was met.

My heart began to accelerate.

Jinwoo found the message at the bottom of the message box.

Welcome to [Player]. (Verified) Jinwu said in a trembling voice.



[This system supports 'Player' growth.]

[There may be a penalty if you do not follow instructions of this system.]

[Payment of compensation is completed.]

I knew it.

There was a mention of compensation.

The first voice I heard in the underground shrine.

The voice said:

[You have met all of the conditions for "Secret Quest: Courage of the Powerless."]

Secret Quest is also a very elaborate quest.

But I have not yet confirmed the compensation.

I thought it was delusional at the time.

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[…There may be penalties if you refuse.]

[Payment of compensation is completed.]

[Are you sure you want to check the reward?] (Y / N) 'Yes.'


'Secret Quest: The courage of the helpless' Completion Reward] Blessing of Kandiaru vs. Shaman Sorcerer Kandiaru, who surpassed your courage, presented a special order for you. As long as the blessing of Candiaru is together, you will always be able to enjoy a healthy and healthy life.

"Be a light in the days ahead of the challenger." – Temporary Effect 'Willingness to Rehabilitate': Recovers all parts of a damaged body.

– Sustained effect 'No disease longevity': Immune to all diseases, toxic and abnormal effects, and the ability to regenerate when sleep is explosively increased.

Now the angel fell down.

'So the injured leg …'

It was a quest reward that the cut legs returned to their original state.

I do not take it now.

'Wait, all the pois are immune?'

The eyes of Jinwoo gleamed.

So this is …?

Jin-woo pulled out one item from the warehouse.

[Item: Kasaka's Poison] Difficulty: A Type: Pocket containing the poisonous liquid of Kasaka. If you catch a casa, you can get it with a very rare chance. Drinking a poisonous liquid will give you a hard skin, but toxicity permanently damages your muscles.

Effect 'Kasaka's Iron Scales': Physical damage reduced by 20% Side Effects 'Damaged Muscles': Muscle strength -35 'If the muscle is damaged by toxicity, can it be prevented by detox buff?'

There is only one way to find out.

Jinwoo closed his eyes and drank the liquid in his pocket.

It's a bitch.

A sticky liquid passed over the neck.

The flavor was in vain, but I ate it.

'I wrote in my mouth what is good for my body …'

A message popped up as I swallowed all the venom.

[Detecting harmful components.]

['Buff: Decompression' to start the treatment.]

[3, 2, 1 … Decryption completed.]

['Side effects: Damaged muscles' disappear.]


Jinwoo grabbed his fist.

I still do not know the stat window came up.



Strength: 53 Stamina: 30

Dexterity: 53 Intelligence: 30

Sensation: 35

(Distributable Ability Points: 0) Physical Damage Reduction: 20% There was no decrease in muscle strength as expected.

The muscle strength remained at 53 points, and a new ability value of physical damage reduction was created.

Physical damage is limited, but it was a stunning ability to reduce damage by 20 percent.


When Jinwoo was delighted with the new stats, Jing's voice came from the living room.

"Brother, do you know who Eugene is? Eugene Ura is looking for a guy? "

"That's probably not Eugene Wu …"

Jin went out into the living room and took his handset from his brother.

"I changed the phone." – Brother, I'm sorry. Yu Jin Ho.

I knew it.

The voice beyond the receiver was familiar.

"…How did you know the number? "- I know someone in the association. Inevitably on the phone because you do not get on the phone.

"Only you." -Ah! I'm sorry, brother. By the way, I can tell you by phone … May I meet you and talk to you?

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Jin woke to his head.

'Does he want to meet me even after going through that?' – Please, please.

It was a weird guy anyway.

*** Jinwoo allowed only one hour in Yu Jin-ho's plea.

Promised place is french cafe in front of house.

[Cafe X Yes] Despite the weekday, there were quite a few people in the cafe because of the promise just after lunch time.

"Brother, I am!"

Yoo Jin-ho greeted me with pleasure.

Before entering the cafe, I maximized my senses, but I did not feel the other Hunter's position.

At least the retaliation was not the purpose.

I do not remember doing anything that would be worthy of retribution, especially when it was retribution.

Jinwoo sat on the opposite side of Yu Jin-ho.

"I did not know you would see it again."

On the table, there was only ice cream.

Yoo Jin-ho stood up and asked.

"Did you place an order? Will I get some coffee? "

"no it's okay."

Yoo Jin-ho sat down with a sour face for some reason.

Jinwu put on his mouth first.

"But for what?"

It was then.

"Is he really like that? It was not a joke. "

Jinwoo looked around.

Three students with a big, impressionable athletic student on the side table were shaking with three girls.

Jinwoo tried to focus on conversation again.

"Let's see what."

"When did I do that? Look at this young lady who is being built in front of women! "

"…Let's see. "

"You did it! – Can I show you a picture? Do you see the evidence once? "

The boys' voices were big, but the sound of the girls was too rustling.

"…"As it was hard to keep up with the noise, Jinwu stood up and walked quietly to the side table.

The eyes of the boys turned to Jinwu at once.

"Could you calm down, please? There are many others here. "

One male student put his hand on the back of his head and nodded his head.

"Yes, yes, I'll be quiet. I'm sorry. "

The girls giggled at the appearance.

"…"Jinu looked down at them and turned around.

But as soon as I turned around, something hit my back.

The only thing that fell on the floor was a rounded paper napkin.

"Pooh ha ha ha ha."


"Hey, do not do that."

The boys laughed and laughed, and the girls pretended to dry and scoffed.

The face of Yu Jin-ho watching the scene slowly froze.

"tongue… brother."

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Jinwoo picked up a spoon that was next to Yu Jin-ho's ice cream and went to the counter.

"Look at that.

"Mom, I hear that. Please dry. Pour. "

In the meantime, the story continued.

Jin-woo asked a fellow of a gorgeous expression.

"How much is this spoon?"

"I'm sorry, sir. We do not sell spoons in our stores. "

"Not expensive than ten thousand?"

"Yes? Oh, yes. Perhaps…"

Jinwoo put a circle on the counter and turned around.

"customer? Hey, sir? "

Jinwoo ignored the voices of the salesmen and headed straight to the table where the athletic boys were.

When Jinwoo's eyes were not in sight, the boys stood up from their seats.

"What? Why?"

All eyes in the caf̩ were concentrated on the table.

Jinwoo showed the boys the spoon they were holding.

'…?"…?'When the question mark came up on the boys' faces, Jin-woo started to get his spoon in his hand.

A spoon that ridiculously loses form in the hand of Jin-woo.

The boys' faces began to change gradually.

Talk. I'm sorry.

It was no longer a spoon that lay on the table.

It was a crumpled bone like a ball.


The boys swallowed their saliva.

'It is not the power of man.'

'Hunter, it's Hunter.'

Among the boys who had noticed each other, the guy who threw the paper napkin bowed his head to Jinwoo first.

"Sin, I'm sorry."

Other members also bowed their heads together.


"We made a mistake. Sorry."

The boys bowed their heads several times with a frowning face and walked out of the caf̩ as they ran away with the girls.

Wow – The guests around the table, who were concerned about the noise of the table, gave thanks to Jinwoo.

Jinwoo came back to his seat and sat down.

Yoo Jin-ho said, shining his eyes.

"I am too brother!"


Jinwoo went back to the main point.

"What did you want to see?"

"there… brother. I've been thinking a lot. I've thought it over and over again. I must tell my brother. "

Jin woke to his head.

"What is it?"

"Brother, in fact …"

Yoo Jin-ho gave me courage when I was blushing.

"Actually, I'm trying to create a team of individuals."

Jinwoo said without hesitation for just one second.


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