Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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"It's way too dark. Gyu-Hwan, create some light." Hwang Dong-Suk said upon entering the gate. 


I watched as a small ball of light appeared in the mages hand, illuminating the entire cave system. 

'I wonder... If I study the properties of this magic would I be able to use it despite the restrictions?' 


'Whatever, it's not important right now.' I thought, looking around the cave. 

"Why are there no monsters?" 

"Weird, there are no lights as well. It's normal for dungeons to have a few luminous stones." 

A few people spoke, bringing me out of my mind. 

"Well the monsters are here, just hiding." I murmured, focusing my ears on the distant sounds in the different tunnels. 

*Scuttle* *Critter* 

I could hear feet tapping the ground. 

"It's not that there are none, they just haven't come out yet." I heard Jin-Woo say to Jin-Ho. 

"Yup." I said. 

"And move in packs... Live in darkness..." I could hear Jin-Woo's voice fading in and out as he slowly figured it out. 

"IN-" He started to yell, before I quickly stopped him by covering his mouth. 

"They're Insect type monsters from above. I have enhanced senses along with my regeneration, so trust me." I spoke loudly, looking up when I had everyone's attention. 

Just yelling it out panicked like Jin-Woo would have would put the entire group in disarray, and I didn't want to deal with even more yelling. 

"I'm pretty sure they're coming from above." I said with a frightened face. 

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"No way." One said. 

"Is this an ant nest?!" One man spoke, making everyone realize that could very well be a possibility. 

"THEY APPEARED!!!" Another yelled, pulling everyone to attention. 

"What are these numbers!?" One man yelled. 

"Who cares! Use magic, get them off the ceiling!!" Hwang Dong-Suk yelled. 

I watched as the magician fired a shot, forcing all the ants of the ceiling. After they were all grounded, Hwang Dong-Suk cast one of his spells, forcing all the bugs to charge at him. 

"Over here!" He yelled, attracting even more bugs. 

"Damage dealers!!" Hwang Dong-Suk yelled, signaling to his crew mates. 

'They have good teamwork.' Seeing all of them distracted, I decided to make a little move. 


I let down the green bag on my shoulders and got into a running stance. 

'[Dash]' I activated my skill, pulling out my blade. 

*Slash* *Slash* *Cute* 


Within seconds I dashed around the cave, killing ants and injuring some of the crew as well. 

Before 3 seconds could even pass, I was back in my original spot with my bag back on. 

I don't even think Jin-Woo saw me, although he definitely saw me put down the bag. 

'Getting up close I got to admit, they're pretty rough.' I said in my mind, walking over to talk to Jin-Woo. 

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"Jeez man, you're just gonna kick one like that?" I asked Jin-Woo, seeing him utterly destroy a bug that had charged at him. 



"Take all crystals! We're splitting them among nine!" Hwang Dong-Suk yelled out, approaching me. 

"You really saved us. I never knew you had heightened senses along with regeneration." He said, patting me on the back. 


"Yeah, they don't always activate when I need them though." I said, acting nervous. 

"Well I need to see the bag for a bit, a few of us got cut on the legs." Hwang Dong-Suk said with an ashamed voice. 

'Man, this guy is a master actor...' I said, smiling back at him before he left to talk to the rest of the group. 


""Jin-Ho"" Me and Jin-Woo both said, seeing the aura the rest of the group gave off for a brief second. 

'Killing Intent.' I said to myself. 

"That sword and shield are expensive, right?" Jin-Woo started. 

"Yes? Oh, my father made sure I was equipped when he heard I was going on my first raid." Jin-Ho responded. 

"I know for a fact." I said. 

"That you should be wary." Jin-Woo finished. 

Jin-Woo looked at me and we both nodded before turning back to Jin-Ho. 



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'Ant tunnels.' I groaned in my mind, this place was an entire maze. 

Over the course of exploring the dungeon, me and Jin-Woo hand carried the bags so we didn't need to do much. 

Everyone else had taken out the monsters, while we just watched. Every once in a while we would start eating while the rest of the group talked and me and Jin-Woo conversed between ourselves. 

"Beware of the lizards... Yeah they've been in front of us the whole time." I murmured to Jin-Woo. 

During all our time travelling the dungeon, me and Jin-Woo had spoken a lot, and this is the conclusion we came up with. 

'They were traitors from the start, but of course I already knew that.' I thought. 

"My god.... It's the boss room." I heard Hwang Dong-Suk say. 

'It will take us a second to fully get there.' I thought to myself. 

Seeing we were almost at the boss's room when I whispered something to Jin-Woo. 


Jin-Woo nodded nervously while being slightly confused. 

I took the bag off his shoulders and threw it back the way we came, signaling to Jin-Woo. 

"Ah! Sorry guys, I think I left the bag back there when we stopped for a break." Jin-Woo said with a nervous smile. 

"Me and Jin-Ho can go back and get it, don't worry!" He said, grabbing Jin-Ho's hand before walking back. 

"Tch, can't even keep up with a bag right." I heard the magician murmur. 

"They were pretty quick to leave, I think they were just scared." Another said. 

"Lets stop guys. We still have the boss ahead." Hwang Dong-Suk said, noticing I didn't leave with them. 

They started walking forward, before I quickly stopped them. 

"Guys? Maybe we should wait for them to come back..." I said in a frightened tone as I approached the group. 

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"Tch, another nuisance. It's fine, we alone are enough to take care of the boss." The magician said, trying to hide the first part of his words. 

"Well, maybe instead of dying while fighting the boss, why don't you just die here?" I said, pulling my sword out of my inventory. 

"An E Rank trying to kill us?" The red head said. 

*Chuckle* *Chuckle* 

The whole group broke out into laughter, not even noticing the sword in my right hand. 

"Oh well." 


*Slice* *Slash* *Cut* *Slash* *Slice* *Slash* *Cling* 

I unleashed 7 cuts, killing 6 of the hunters in an instant while Hwang Dong-Suk reacted fast, shielding him and the Magician. 

'Man, I've really gotten stronger.' I thought to myself, flicking the blood off of my blade as I turned my head to the two behind me. 

"You should've just died with the first swing." 

[An Emergency quest has been issued!] 

[Emergency Quest: Kill the Enemies] 

There are entities nearby that intend to murder the 'Player'. Slay them and ensure your safety. If this quest is not completed your heart will stop. 


Enemies required to be killed: 2 

Enemies killed: 6 




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