Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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"Shishishi, I'll let you do all the talking." I giggled to Jin-Woo as we arrived at Jin-Ho's table. 



Jin-Woo pulled up a chair, sitting down. 

There wasn't another chair at the table so I just leaned on his chair. 

"Oh sir, I'll pull up a seat for you." Jin-Ho quickly rose seeing me standing. 

"It's fine, I prefer standing." I told him, waving my hand. 

"No, I insi-" 

"I'm fine." I said with an underlying meaning. 

"O-Ok." Jin-Ho stuttered, sitting down. 

Seeing I was done talking, Jin-Woo spoke. 

"So how did you find my number?" 

"Oh, well I do have a few connections in the guild." Jin-Ho responded, bragging slightly. 

"Would either of you want a cup of-" Jin-Ho started, but quickly stopped when he remembered how I shut him down earlier. 

"I didn't expect to see you again." Jin-Woo said, clearing up the silence. 

"Well, you're both my saviors!" Jin-Ho said excitedly. 

"You did share all the crystals with us, so we earned some money." Jin-Woo responded. 

'Oi, this guy knows how to talk to people.' I thought, recalling his timid self. 

"Also, you've kept quiet. So we haven't had any problems yet." Jin-Woo said, gazing sharply at Jin-Ho. 

'Scary.' I thought, sensing his gaze even though I couldn't clearly see it. 


"T-Those guys were going to harm us! Hunters can't just die so easily..." Jin-Ho said, looking up at me for a brief second. 

"So why did you want to meet us?" Jin-Woo asked, leaning back in the chair. 

"I'm planning to create a personal attack-" 

"Declined." Jin-Woo said, shutting Jin-Ho down, immediately. 

"How fast!" I murmured, shifting my legs around. 

"B-B-But I didn't even finish my sentence!" 

'God, help me!' I yelled in my mind. 

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"I've got to use the bathroom!" I said, flickering away from their conversation and arriving in front of the bathroom. 


I swung the door opening, creating a loud noise when it hit the wall. 

'Sh*t!' I thought, dodging the man washing his hands as I flung myself into a stall. 


I quickly unzipped my pants and threw my pants off, sitting on the toilet. 

"OH GOD!" I yelled, a demon hitting the splashing through the surface of the water. 


'What was that?' I thought, turning behind me. 

"OH LORD!!!" I screamed, ignoring the weird feeling. 

"HAVE MERCY!!!" Another demon was released. 


'How bad I feel for this toilet is indescribable...' 





The sun hadn't even finished rising yet, and I was already outside doing my daily exercise. Sometimes I would go out with Jin-Woo to exercise, but today wasn't one of those days since his sister stole my spot, and I didn't feel like going with another person. 

"Now that I think about it... didn't Jin-Woo get that key from a blessed box he got after doubling his daily quest?" I murmured to myself, looking at the board in front of me. 

[Daily Quest: Increasing your Strength!] 

Push-up, 125 times: Incomplete (125/125) 

Sit-up, 125 times: Incomplete (126/125) 

Squat, 125 times: Incomplete (125/125) 

Running, 15 km: Incomplete (2/15) 

※Warning: Incompletion of Daily Quests will result in appropriate levels of punishment. 

'I know I'm not strong enough to conquer the dungeon yet... but I can still kill that guard dog and get its equipment.' I thought, thinking of the pros and cons. 

'Let's do it!' 


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'Oii, I made it.' I chuckled, looking at the tower in front of me. 

[Daily Quest: Increasing your Strength!] 

Push-up, 125 times: Incomplete (250/125) 

Sit-up, 125 times: Incomplete (250/125) 

Squat, 125 times: Incomplete (250/125) 

Running, 15 km: Incomplete (31/15) 


[Quest Complete!] 

[Quest Rewards] 

[You may choose your rewards from below] 

Reward #1. Status Recovery Potion 

Reward #2. +4 Status Points 

Reward #3. Skill: Blessed Random Box 

Reward #3. Skill: Cursed Random Box 

[Reward Confirmed] 

-[Blessed Random Box] 

I looked down at the key in my hand, the reward I got from the box. 

'I feel like I'm just getting the exact same rewards as the ones that Jin-Woo got in canon.' I said, looking at the key all around. 


-[Item: Demon Castle's Key] 

Item Rarity: S 

Type: Key 

A key that allows you to enter the dungeon demon castle. Can be used in Song Pa Gu Tower. 


'Cerberus should be an S Rank beast. With my title and all my skills, I should be able to bring him down to an A Rank just like me.' I thought, preparing myself for the fight to come. 


I turned the key mid air, a red portal forming around my hand and the landscape changed to that of a burning hell. 


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I heard a deep growl as the flame parted, revealing a huge three headed dog. 

[Hell's Gatekeeper, Cerberus] 

It said in red. 

'Damnit! I thought it would be orange. I'm stronger than Jin-Woo when he faced it yet he still won.' I complained. 

I waited a second and saw my [Beast Slayer] title activate, giving me my signal. 

I summoned my blade, and cast a skill. 

'[Dash]' With my speed increasing by 50%, and Cerberus' stats decreasing by 50%, I knew I had a chance. 

I jumped up, using all my speed cutting at the dog's eyes. 


It moved swiftly, making me cut its ear, the attack barely doing anything. 


[Hp: 3107/4780] 

I was caught off guard... 

The dog used it's heads to crush me, thankfully I reacted at the last second and caught its head, wedging me in between them. 

"DAMN!" I yelled as I felt my arms buckling. 

[Hp: 2804/4780] 

"[Bloodlust]!" I yelled, activating my skill. 


I dropped to the ground, landing on my feet letting my weakened arms droop. 

As I looked down at the ground, I felt a murderous intent coming from above me as three screens appeared in my vision. 

[The enemy's resistance was too high. The effect was cancelled] 

-[Hell's Gatekeeper Cerberus is using [Skill: Wrath]] 

Wrath will last for 3 minutes. 

Cerberus' stats will be doubled. 

'F*ck! It's back to full strength!' I yelled to myself as I opened my inventory. 


I drank a [Status Recovery Potion], refilling my health and nulling my fatigue all the while giving me a 15% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes. 

"It's not over yet!" 


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I blasted off the ground, spinning like a fan while swinging my sword. 


I flew past the dog's left head, taking out its eyes and cutting its ear clean off. 


The dog screamed in pain. 

"Just die!" I yelled, bouncing off the wall of the tower as I repeated the process, blinding the dog and cutting off its hearing. 

"Should've died earlier." I said as I hacked at the dog. 

[You have slain Hell's Gatekeeper Cerberus.] 

[Level up!] 

[Level up!] 

[Level up!] 

[Level up!] 

[Level up!] 

[Level up!] 

'Recalling what's in the dungeon... I'd definitely live, but I'd struggle. I don't have a class yet, the only reason Jin-Woo was able to clear it out so easily was because of his summons yet I don't have that.' I thought, stumbling over to the dead body. 

-[Item: Warden's Necklace] 

Item Rarity: A 

Type: Necklace 

Agility +20, Perception +20 

-[Item: Castle Door Key] 

Item Rarity: A 

Type: Key 

A key that can open the Demon Castle's door. Obtained by killing the Gatekeeper. 

-[Item: Cerberus Fang] 

Item Rarity: None 

Type: Material 

A fang that can be obtained by slaying creatures. 

'Jeez, with this my speed will go through the roof...' 

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