Chapter 9: Chapter 9

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"Jeez, are you allowed to treat us like slaves?" A prisoner complained when Gang Tae-Shik released his chains. 


'If Gang-Tae Shik is a B Rank that should be around level 25, and I'm level 35 around the very beginning of A Rank. I should be able to handle him easily but his [Stealth] skill will be very annoying... And he has a lot of experience killing.' I thought in my mind, going over my plan. 

'So If I go down the middle path with Mister Kim and the big guy, I should be able to kill all the goblins gaining a few levels and reach Tae-Shik, allowing me to kill him while Mister Kim calls for help.' 

I told myself, following the large group into the gate. 





A goblin screeched as it flew out of nowhere, Mister Song easily burning it alive. 

"KEKK! KEEKK!" More goblins yelled, charging towards Mister Song, trying to get revenge on their fallen comrade. 


All they did was make Mister Song increase his flames even more, burning them to an unrecognizable crisp. 

"Yipee!" I yelled, punching straight through a goblin's stomach. 

"I would've felt sorry for your children if you weren't a goblin." I murmured with a chuckle. 

"Man this is more fun than I thought!" I said, flicking the blood of my hands. 

I looked back at the group before saying something. 

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"How are you all so clean?" I asked. 

If you were looking at me you could see I was almost completely covered in blood. 


"You're totally different Sky. You used to be such a quite person." Mister Song said to me, sweat dripping down his face. 


"Well having a near death experience could change someone." I said, glancing at Jin-Woo. 

"Well you could say so... It seems you and Sung have improved quite a lot. And where did you get such a good dagger Sung? It's strange seeing the usually barehanded Sung, wielding a weapon." Said Song with a compliment. 

"Yeah, thats right! Did you both do martial arts or something while you were gone?" Ju-Hee asked us. 

"I-" Jin-Woo started before he was quickly cut off by me. 

"Yeah actually! We've been going at it every single day." I said, slinging my arm over his shoulders. 

"What are you doing?" Jin-Woo whispered in my ears. 

"Trying to make your image even better. Who knows, she might be interested in someone who has a drive." I responded with a wink, causing Jin-Woo to blush slightly. 

"Wow, really! You guys are so different from how you used to be!" Ju-Hee said, engaging in a conversation with Jin-Woo while we approached a fork in the cave. 

Tae-Shik spoke to Mister Song about splitting up while I whispered to Jin-Woo. 

"The boss is on the left." I whispered. 

Jin-Woo quickly nodded and told me I was right before speaking aloud. 

"Mister Song, lets go to the left path!" Jin-Woo pointed. 

"Aww, you're not even gonna ask me if I wanted to come with you?" I pouted. 

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"Well you're stronger than me, and it would be better if you went with Mister Kim so we could even out the groups a bit." Jin-Woo said with a straight face. 

"Tsk you're no fun." I complained, dropping my arm. 

"I have a bad feeling anyway, so I would've been going down the middle path with Mister Kim no matter what." I told Jin-Woo one last thing before we split up. 


[Level up!] 

"You guys should probably just let me take care of all the goblins." I said to the two behind me, letting the goblins dead body drop off my arm. 

"S-Sure..." Mister Kim responded with a scared expression. 




"Hey, Mister Tenki." I heard a voice coming from behind me as I was finishing up the group of goblins in front of me. 

"What's up?" I asked, turning back to the nervous Kim. 

""We're sorry for leaving you behind!!"" The two in front of me yelled bowing down in front of me. 

"E-Eh?" I let out a noise of surprise. 

"Our selfishness in the dungeon over took us, we should have stayed with you to the very end!" Kim said to me, peaking up at my surprised face. 

Realizing what happened I calmed down and a smile appeared on my face. 

"I accept your apology. It's not really your fault. If anyone else was in your position they very well would've done the same thing. It's a natural characteristic to be scared of death." I said, reaching out my hand. 

After staring at my hands for a few seconds, the two grabbed them. 


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I yanked the two up, pulling them both into a hug. 

"Thank you." I could hear Kim tearing up, and we just stood like that for a few minutes. 



"Look's like the tunnel is coming to an end." Kim said. 

"Oh, what is this." 

He reached the end of the straight and made a sharp turn. 

"W-What!" Kim yelled, stumbling back slightly. 

Seeing how scared he was worried me so I quickly caught up and stood in front of him. 

"Ah, Mister Gang Tae-Shik." I said, looking at the purple haired man, choking a prisoner by his neck while the others were on the ground dead. 

"So the pathways were connected huh?" 

'[Dash]' I activated in my mind, preparing to attack Tae-Shik. 

"That means the way to the boss room is to the left. Now I don-" Seeing he wasn't paying very much attention to me, I dug my foot in the ground and blasted of towards him as he cut the head of the prisoner off. 



When I was near his face, he used my momentum to push my arm away, trying to stab at my side. 


I in return, used that added motion to do a full spin, pulling my blade out in the middle of it, and slashing at Tae-Shik's neck. 

He barely dodged, letting me cut his chest. 

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"You're fast! But so am I!" He said, putting his hands on the ground lifting his legs up and kicking me away. 


I hit the wall since I didn't have enough time to react. 

"Who are you, what rank are you?" Tae-Shik asked. 

Forcing myself out of the rubble I created, I responded. 

"Sky Tenki, an E Rank." 


Name: Sky Tenki | Level: 37 

Class: None | Title: Beast Slayer 

Hp: 6241 | Mp: 924 

Fatigue: 21 


Strength: 73 

Stamina: 81 

Agility: 94 

Intelligence: 69 


Perception: 93 

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