“Takumi, what are you thinking now?”

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“What, you’ve got a lot of time on your hands, don’t you?”

“Ah, s-stop it… no…!”



The two men seemed to have discovered that I had been reminiscing about the days leading up to this point. Felix touched my scrotum with his palm and rubbed it slowly. A numbing sensation spread from my lower body to the rest of my body. My penis was constantly dripping with runny discharge, soaking Felix’s hand with it. Felix, however, showed no sign of disgust but rather smiled happily.

“Mmmnh… F-Felix, I’m about to cum, so let go of your hand…!” 

“Hmm? It looks like you’re cumming. Well then, since it’s been a long time, why don’t you cum with me?”



Gazelle, who had been lightly nibbling on my earlobe, suddenly quickened his rhythm, seemingly in response to what I had just said. The impact was so intense that clear semen spurted out of my penis all at once, with my eyes flickered at my climax. Even so, Felix still did not remove his fingers from my penis, and he even handled my shaft to match Gazelle’s hip movements.

Erm, Felix-san?!?! I’m sure I told you to let go of me.


“Ah, ah, ah… Mnnh..!”

“This… I can’t hold back anymore.”

Gazelle’s penis rubbed the inner walls of my flesh. Each time, I would sweetly moan as a tremendous amount of pleasure rushed through me. Then, while firmly gripping my waist, Gazelle drew his penis out right by my entrance and thrust it all the way up to my deepest part in one single, yet forceful motion.


—Instantly, my vision whitened. 

Gazelle roughly pounded his hot, pulsating penis at my secret innermost part which was currently begging him to stop. The intense pleasure made my flesh contract as if seeking semen, and soon the entire wall of my flesh tightened around Gazelle’s penis. Almost immediately, my inner thighs quivered, followed by my body arching back.

“Mmmmh, ah, ah!”

“Ah-ack..!” Gazelle’s ragged breath registered into my ear.

I could feel Gazelle’s semen being expelled thickly and thickly into my stomach at the same time my body climaxed. Gazing down, my lower abdomen and Felix’s hand were wet, covered in a cloud of white. 

I-I’m sorry, Felix! That’s why I’m telling you to let me go…!

“Ha..ha.. phew..”

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However, my head was so foggy that I couldn’t muster the energy to wipe the white smudge from Felix’s hand.

“Sorry, Felix…” 

“Fufu, it doesn’t matter.”

When I apologized, Felix licked the white semen off my hand with a mischievous gleam in his purple crystal eyes. His red tongue, which licked my sticky sperm, jutted out as if to show it off, turning my face ruddy in an instant.


“D-Don’t do that, Felix…”

“Ohh~, why’s that?” 

W-why? Because, you’re not supposed to do lick that, don’t you?!?! It’s as if you’re saying, ‘pet me, pet me now!’

When I was too embarrassed to say anything else, Felix smiled at me in an amusing way.

“Fufufu, we’ve been doing more than this, but you never get used to it, do you?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“But you know, this naivety part of Takumi is so cute.” 

Long fingers reached out and grabbed my chin, forcing me to turn to the side. Gazelle’s eyes sparkled with desire despite the fact that he had just spewed his sperm into me. The gleam in his eyes told me he needed more of me.

“Look, Takumi. It would be a pity to leave you at Felix’s mercy, wouldn’t it? I haven’t loved you enough yet.”

“G-Gazelle! I can’t do it anymore.”

“Is that true? Doesn’t it look like you’re still unsatisfied here?” 


Gazelle withdrew his penis from my entrance and held my thighs from above.

T-This posture, isn’t it completely exposed to Felix in front of me!?

I hurriedly turned my accusatory gaze to Gazelle behind me. However, Gazelle was unfazed by my reaction. 

“Felix, how do you want to position yourself?”

“Well, do you mind if you hold Takumi up while I do it?”

“Of course, you can.”

The two of them mutually exhaled in agreement as they passed me around. 

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No, no. You two?!?! You’re leaving me out of this?



“Takumi, it’s alright. Please don’t look so frightened.”

Felix gently touched my cheek, as if he were cupping it with his palm. For a man, his hands were soft and pale. Nonetheless, his palms were riddled with sword dents, indicating that he was a knight who was constantly caught up in battles. 

“Felix…, ah! Mmnh!”

Felix pressed his erection against my exposed rear hole. When his hot, pulsating rod grazed against my entrance, my hole softened and immediately engulfed Felix’s glans.

“Kuh… Takumi, you’re really hot inside…! Even though you just swallowed Commander Gazelle’s, your insides entwining against mine…”

“Ah, ahhh, mmmnh!!” 

Felix buried his penis in me at a frighteningly slow speed. Perhaps he was concerned about my body, which had just accepted Gazelle’s manhood. However, his action had the opposite effect. My body, which had been opened by Gazelle, had become extremely sensitive on top of my existing heat. And with this speed, I could feel the shape of Felix’s penis more thoroughly.

“Nnngh, Felix…” The back of my lower abdomen squirmed, feeling unsatisfied. I rocked my hips unconsciously, and suddenly, a rugged palm crawled on my chest.

“Hmm? Mnnh, Gazelle…!”

“I didn’t touch you much earlier. See, you like it here, don’t you?” 

“Ah, that place…ah! Mmmnhh.!”

When Gazelle who was behind me pinched the pointed protrusions on my chest with his fingers, the back of my suddenly numbed in pleasure. My nipples were tormented by his soft fingers, and the tingling sensation in my lower abdomen became more and more intense.

“Ah, Felix…!”


I squirmed every time Gazelle teased my areolas with his fingers as the stimulation was too subtle for me to ejaculate. The same was true for Felix, who was gently sliding his penis in and out of my rear hole, feeling concerned about me. The frustration of constantly being simmered over low heat heightened the tingling sensation in my body.

With tears in my eyes, I tearfully gazed up at Felix and shamelessly confessed, “I-I’m fine. I’ll be fine if you make it stronger. So, if you—”

“…! Takumi!”

“Nnngh, ah, ah, ah!” 

The second Felix called my name with a desperate voice, Felix slammed into the deepest part of me accompanied with sounds flesh being pounded.

“Ah, ah, ah!”


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“Ha.. ha… Takumi, can you feel it? I’ve got mine in here right now…”

Felix gently placed his graceful fingertips on my lower abdomen. He stroked my lower abdomen lovingly, tracing the shape of his penis buried there. He continued caressing me in that manner as if satisfied with his lust conquering me. When I saw the dark side of his gentle smile that he had always shown me, I felt a shiver run down my spine. It was at this moment, 

“What is it Takumi? Begging Felix like this, don’t you think you’re making me jealous?”

“Hya!! Ah, Gazelle, that place…!”

Suddenly, I felt a faint sharp pain in my neck. Rotating my head, I could see Gazelle’s glossy crimson hair at the edge of my peripheral vision. From the pain, I realized Gazelle was biting me tenderly on my neck with his teeth.

“Gazelle! If you put a mark in that place, someone will see it and—ahh!” 

“”Okay, let’s show them. “Takumi is ours, right?

“Ahhhh!? G-Gazelle, you can’t do that now…!”

Gazelle reached down and gently kneaded my penis, which was getting erect again. The long-awaited pleasure made my hips sway in circles on their own accord. Although I knew such behavior was disgraceful, I couldn’t stop myself from doing it.

“Ah, ah, mmmn, ah!” 

Gazelle wrapped his palm around my shaft and poked my urethral entrance with his fingernail. Every time he did this, my hips would sway so wildly that Felix, whose penis was still inside of me, would let out a low growl and knit his eyebrows.


Felix, who sounded impatient, grabbed my waist firmly and began pounding into me with a smacking sound. On top of that, he started to fondle my penis with one hand.

“Hiiii?? No, don’t do it together! Ah, ah!” 

“Ehh~ you’re amazing. You just came, but it’s overflowing again.”

“Gazelle, I can’t do it anymore… I-I’m already…!”

“Takumi…look at me. I am the one who is opening your body right now…!”

“Felix, that’s why, don’t touch it…. Ahnn, ah, ahhh!!!” 

My penis that was kneaded by two hands; with my shaft handled, my glans groped with their fingers, and my urethral opening prodded with their fingertips—soon, spewed white semen once again.

“Mnnh, ahhh! Felix, I just came, wait a minute…ahhh!”


“I’m sorry… but I can’t take it anymore either…!”

“Hey—ah, ah, ah!” 

The two men’s hands continued to grope my penis, which spurted out semen without stopping. Meanwhile, Felix slammed repeatedly into my back hole. Whenever his penis was pulled and plunged into my hole, his glans would grind against my prostate gland.

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Since I had just ejaculated, my prostate was extremely sensitive, and a light touch from Felix’s hot, pulsating penis sent waves of inexhaustible pleasure through my entire body. But as Felix persisted in gouging at my tender prostate gland, my sanity quickly departed.

“Haa, ha… ha…”

The heat in my body did not go away. Meanwhile, Gazelle and Felix’s hands continued to caress my slippery penis, which had already expelled semen, with increasing intensity. 

“Ah, ah, no, this…!”

My penis, which had already ejaculated semen twice, began to erect with its glans raised once more. It was as if I had no control over my own body.

As I shook my head in protest, Gazelle, who was behind me, whispered softly into my ear, “It is all right Takumi. You can leave it to both of us.”

“Ah, Gazelle…!” 

As if to reassure me, gentle kisses descended on my neck and shoulders, accompanied by a gentle voice and a soft kissing sound. Occasionally, my soft, tender skin was sucked endearingly bitten by Gazelle’s lips.

“Mmmmnh, ah, ah, ha…!”

“Takumi… Now, let’s cum together…!” Felix said while slamming his hips harder.

With a slapping sound, I was thrusted inside more forcefully than I had ever been before. 

“Ah, ahhh, ahhhh!”

Before the lingering afterglow of my second ejaculation subsided, I was forced to climax for the third time. However, my penis had almost nothing left to spit out, and I could only spit out a small amount of clear fluid.


At the same time as my Felix overlapped his body tightly against my waist and spurted out his semen into the deepest part of my body. My mind was clouded with euphoria as I felt hot, white sperm being expelled deep into my body. My body continued to convulse as I gasped for air and bent my toes. 

“Ah…. Ha…”

After a total of three ejaculations, I had no strength left in my body and I soon plopped down, resting my entire back against Gazelle who was behind me. Then, he whispered, “Good work, Takumi,” before patting my head.


Felix, on the other hand, raised his body and brought his face close to mine, kissing my forehead with a kissing sound. Then, with a gentle smile on his face, he said, “You should get some sleep. The magic that was cast on your body seems to have subsided, for now.”

“However, the magic cast on Takumi’s body remains a mystery to me… The fact that they put a spell in his body that causes him to go into an abnormal state after the battle is over, leaves me in an extremely bad taste.” 

“I suppose we’ll just have to figure it out as we go along. Though, there’s a side benefit to it.”

“…Well, that’s also true. But I really want to connect with Takumi without this pretext.”

“Huh…That’s right.”

Gazelle and Felix were having such a conversation just before I succumbed to extreme drowsiness. And before I could comprehend what was going on, my consciousness had completely departed to the dream world. 


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