Seriously? How incredibly kind of him! Also, the way he said that and his gestures were so handsome! I was stunned even though I was speaking to someone of the same sex! I can’t believe how nice he is to me after I gave him such an incomprehensible explanation……

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I feel a little touched. As expected of the Commander of the Blackwing Knights. 

“But I mean, if Takumi is willing, you can join our knight order right now, if you want?




Surprised by these sudden words, I stared intently at Gazelle’s face.

Gazelle did not seem to mind my rude gaze and smiled pleasantly. Finally, he left the words, “Think about it.” Then he took the wooden mug in his hand and moved to another table. 

I watched his back in dismay.


Huh? No, what?

Ca, can someone please explain the situation to me ……?

SIDE Blackwing Knights Vice Commander Felix


–Go to the western sea area and defeat the pirate Badrud and his crew.
That was the mission that the Blackwing Knights were ordered to undertake this time.
We had come to this port city to finish off the pirates that were rumored to be roaming the western seas, targeting trading ships and merchant vessels. However, it seems that the pirates were expecting our arrival.
It was only a matter of time before the two sides got into a melee, and before we knew it, Badrud had kidnapped several of our knights and taken them aboard his ship. And then he left on his ship, leaving his own men behind.
If Badrud challenged the Blackwing Knights to a head-on battle, he would not be able to win.
Taking hostages was likely done so it would be difficult for our forces to rashly take action against them.
……Watching the pirate ship gradually fade into the distance, Felix sighed.
Even if we left them alone–. ……No, it’s the opposite.
If our members were taken as hostages, then we could not let it slide no matter what happened in the end.
The Blackwing Knights pursued Badrud’s ship and proceeded through the azure sea.
The merchant guild’s escort ship that they rented in the port town and the skill of the helmsman were flawless. Even so, it was not easy to catch up with Badrud’s compact ship because of its small size.
Fortunately, just before Badrud left on his ship, Gazelle, the Commander of the Order, and some other members of the Blackwing Knights were able to board his ship.
Since Gazelle is there, likely nothing bad will happen……but they were highly outnumbered. They may not be able to get away unscathed.
I was anxious to join in and defeat Badrud as soon as possible.
–However, contrary to my expectations, the pirate Badrud was easily defeated by a young man.

“–so you were at a place like this?”

When I called out to him, the young man – Takumi – slowly turned around. He must have known that I was approaching. He had no sign of surprise and stared back at me with a blank expression.


“Did you not like the noise, Takumi?”
“I don’t mind it, but I’m a little tired. I was just cooling off out here.”
“You’re just like me, then. If you don’t mind, may I sit next to you?”
“Yes, of course. ……Sorry, Felix. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, not at all. I just wanted to talk to you in private like this.” 

I handed the cup I had brought to Takumi, who was leaning on the balcony behind the inn. I brought fruit juice to help him sober up.
After a quiet “thank you,” Takumi accepted it.
Looking at him as he stood there looking somewhat lost, I began to wonder if he had really defeated the pirate Badrud.
I shook my head to shake off that thought.
I had watched from afar as Takumi had defeated Badrud without difficulty.
However, the slender man didn’t look like he had much physical ability. He didn’t seem to be able to use magic either.
And even his fingertips, which had faintly touched mine when he accepted the cup just now, were very soft.

‘Kidnappers I see. They were probably planning to sell him as a slave.’
‘What a terrible thing to do.’
‘That black hair and dark eyes would certainly fetch a very high price as a sex slave……’

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‘Hey, idiot, people can hear! Rather, Commander Gazelle is glaring at us really fiercely!’

–Momentarily, I remembered what my comrades had just said earlier.

……That’s right.
According to what Takumi said, he had been captured by those pirates and locked in the ship’s hold. I’m not sure how he was kidnapped, but surprisingly, he didn’t even know the name of this country. 

To be honest though, it’s not hard to see why the slavers would go to such lengths to kidnap Takumi.
He had black hair, black eyes, and smooth ivory skin. Legend has it that the legendary hero who defeated the demon king three hundred years ago looked like that, but I thought it was just a fairy tale.
In this continent, most of the people have the same light-colored hair as me, and people with dark hair and eyes are rare.
And yet, he has beautiful ebony hair and eyes that are like no other in the world. By just having this color, it is a valid reason to get abducted.
In addition, before I called out to him, I saw his profile, alone, looking out at the dark ocean.
Despite being expressionless, it was filled with loneliness, and yet it was completely defenseless. The alluring profile and the slender nape of his neck that could be seen through the opening of his shirt would surely be desperately coveted by those kinds of connoisseurs.
But, just why?
If he was able to get rid of Badrud so easily, why was he so easily captured by the pirates?
If Takumi was serious, it would have been easy to defeat him or escape before he was kidnapped.

“…… Takumi. I hope you don’t mind answering.”
“What is it, Felix?”
“Why were you so easily caught by those people? It was deliberate, wasn’t it?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg lcdelglcu atja, Kjxewl’r fsfr klvfcfv lc regqglrf jcv tf ujhfv ja wf.
Glv tf wjsyf atlcx atja P tjvc’a cbalmfv?
Ktf fzqgfrrlbc jcv jaalaevf tf revvfcis rtbkfv kjr jqqgbqgljaf obg tlr juf jcv wjvf wf rwlif j ilaaif.

“Po Kjxewl vbfrc’a kjca ab afii wf, atfc P uefrr la mjc’a yf tfiqfv. Lbkfnfg, P mjc’a bnfgibbx atf mbcvema bo agfjalcu sbeg bkc ilof klat vlrgfujgv. P xcbk atlr wjs rbecv ilxf wfvvilcu, yea qifjrf ecvfgrajcv.” 

Everyone has a secret or two. And he is the one who saved Commander Gazelle’s life. If there are any specific reasons, I don’t want to force him to talk.

“–Life, huh? If I die, will I be able to go home?


Those words, uttered softly and in a low, barely audible volume, shocked me.
Forgetting to drink the fruit juice I was about to sip, I stared at Takumi intently.
It seemed that what he had just said had slipped out of his mouth, and he hadn’t meant for me to hear it. As if to show this, Takumi made an uncomfortable face.

“Takumi, you’re not……”
“Sorry. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mean to say that.”

He knew he would be enslaved, and yet he was captured by an opponent of a lower calibre.
And the fact that he went at Badrud alone, without even drawing his sword from its sheath, without knowing his strength.

–Could it be that he was looking for a place to die?
I was about to press him on the issue without thinking, but I gulped back and restrained myself.
He doesn’t trust us yet. If I tried to force him to talk at this point, he would keep his mouth shut all the more.
I looked at Takumi again.
He has a slight innocence in his features, like a boy who has yet to grow up. Such a young man is throwing away his own life so recklessly. No matter what the circumstances, it was something that could not be overlooked.

“What is it?”
“When we arrive at the royal capital, please join the Blackwing Knights.”

Takumi stares at me with a blank look on his face. 

He was given that suggestion earlier by Commander Gazelle, but it seems like he never expected to be asked by me as well.
……Takumi’s current expression is age appropriate and terribly cute. But at the same time, it worries me that he has such a defenseless look in front of a man.
I’ve heard that in some countries, same-sex love is still not allowed. Could it be that Takumi is also from such a country?
In the Litzheim Magic Kingdom, same-sex love is publicly recognized, and there are also people in the Blackwing Knights who have same-sex partners. Before any misunderstandings happens, I should probably give Takumi a warning about this.
……but yes. If Takumi can’t tell me what’s going on because I’m a stranger to him, then I’ll just welcome him into the group.
That way, I could find out what was going on without any reservations and carry his burden together.
–I wanted to help him if I could, just as I had been helped by the Commander and everyone in this Order. If there was anything I could do, I wanted to help him.

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“…… Fufu, be prepared, okay? Even if Takumi doesn’t want to join us, I’m sure Commander Gazelle and Iris will force you to come with us.”

As I said this, I was surprised at the feelings I was secretly harboring inside myself. It was the first time I had ever felt such unconditional feelings of cuteness and concern for another person.
Takumi’s obsidian-like eyes widened and stared at me in surprise.
Looking at his face again, I realized once again how cute he was. However, the me at this time still didn’t know the actual name of this feeling.


Ooooh, I’m drunk……
I haven’t had this much to drink in a while. It’s a little rough.
I walked out of the crowd and came to the back of the tavern, which was less populated.
The cool night breeze on my cheeks felt good against my burning body. Leaning on the balcony, I looked up and saw the stars twinkling in the dark night sky.

“…… Such a beautiful starry sky. You wouldn’t be able to see it at the place where I live.”

The air was so clear that just breathing in it seemed to wash the pent-up feelings away.
I leaned on the parapet for a while, looking at the sky, until a voice called out to me from behind.

“So you were at a place like this?” 

The person who called out to me was Felix, the vice commander who had been sitting next to me at the banquet earlier.
He had hair that reminded me of fine gold thread, and a face with a clear nose bridge, and when he appeared, it was as if a rose had blossomed and brightened the area. Even the humble abode of an inn becomes like a scene from a fairy tale.

“…… Felix.”
“Did you not like the noise, Takumi?”
“I don’t mind it, but I’m a little tired. I was just cooling off in here.”
“You’re just like me, then. If you don’t mind, may I sit next to you?”

But just why did this handsome guy with a refreshing face bother to come and talk to me?
Co, could it be that he took pity on me for being a loner?

“Ah, of course…… Sorry, Felix. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, not at all. I just wanted to talk to you alone like this.” 

Saying that, Felix handed me the cup he was carrying. I thanked him and took it. The bright pink liquid seemed to be just juice without any alcohol in it.
I see. He must have sensed that I was drunk and felt sick.
To take care of a lonely stranger like me, he’s such a nice guy……
Mhm. Someday I’d like to be able to act smartly like this too.

“……Takumi. I hope you don’t mind answering.”
“What is it, Felix?”
“Why did you let yourself get caught by those guys? It was deliberate, wasn’t it?”


……Oh no. I think I’m getting really drunk without realizing it.
I’ve just been asked a question that I don’t think is possible.

“If Takumi doesn’t want to talk about it, I guess it can’t be helped.” 

And the conversation just ended like that-?!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, what kind of a shift in thinking is that? What kind of fun is it to get caught by those people on purpose?
Does he think that all men of my age are bloodthirsty battle junkies like his own knights? ’It’s impossible to be captured by a pirate of that caliber! You were going to see what would happen and turn the tables on them, right?’ is what you mean?
…… Mmmm, it’s very possible in this world of “Change the World” ……. No, rather, it may be common sense in this world. It is a world where pirates, bandits, monsters and demon lords are quite common after all.

“However, I can’t overlook the conduct of treating your own life with disregard. I know this may sound like meddling, but please understand.”

While I was getting perturbed, Felix said that and softly smiled as if a bud was blooming.
Wow. Even though he’s the same sex as me, his expression looks super cool!
What’s more, his gentle smile shows that he has grasped the charm that he possesses and made the most of it. It’s true that a handsome man knows that he is handsome……
…… still, don’t treat your life with disregard, huh?
That’s a perspective I hadn’t thought of.

“–life, huh? If I die, will I be able to go home? 

I think the reason I came to this world……was because I was hit by a motorcycle in the original world.
If so, wouldn’t it be possible to return to the original world if I tried to die in this world as well?

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–Well, I would never try it unless the odds were a hundred percent!
If I’m wrong about this hypothesis, we’ll just be producing one happy suicide corpse. That would be too dumb.
As I slurped down the contents of my cup, I suddenly felt a fierce gaze on me from the side. When I shifted my eyes to look, for some reason there was a handsome man gazing at me, eyes fully rounded with a refreshing honey face……not. It was Felix.
Ah, could it be that he heard what I said just now?

“Takumi, you’re not……”
“Sorry. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mean to say that.”

Oh crap, this is so embarrassing! So he did hear me just now!
I thought I said it in a low voice, but since there was no one else around, it must have reached Felix.


While I was sluggishly sweating and trying not to look to my side, Felix called my name.

Fearfully, I looked up to his face.

“When we arrive at the royal capital, please join the Blackwing Knights.”

I stared at Felix blankly. 

“…… Fufu, be prepared, okay? Even if Takumi doesn’t want to join us, I’m sure Commander Gazelle and Iris will force you to come with us.”

However, Felix didn’t seem to care about my behavior, but rather nodded reassuringly with a determined look on his face.
Leaving me baffled, he said, “Well, try not to stay up too late.” and left.
No, I mean, ……? What do you mean by me joining the Order of the Blackwing?
Hmmm? Maybe Felix is a gentleman with a strong sense of responsibility, as he is the vice commander of the Blackwing Knights. He even brought me some juice when I was drunk earlier.
He must have thought that I was crazy when I suddenly said something incomprehensible in the middle of our conversation.
He probably thought something like, ‘Poor guy, he must have hit his head during the battle with Badrud……that’s what happens when a complete newbie comes in and tries to unnecessarily meddle.’ and pitied me.
I heard that Felix and a few others were watching the fight between me and Badrud from the ship they were on.
During the feast earlier, Felix said, “I’ve never seen a fight like that before. To settle the score without letting the enemy shed blood…… Takumi is not only strong, but also kind.” to me. But he was obviously just flattering me.
Because I had tripped over, that’s all!
Anyway. Mr. Felix was kind enough to give me such a follow-up, even for me who was unmistakably an illegal immigrant.
He probably thought, ‘You’re quite a miserable kid, aren’t you? If you don’t have a place to go, why don’t you do some chores in our Blackwing Knights for now? That’s probably what he meant when he told me to join the Blackwing Knights.
If you think about it that way, it explains Gazelle’s comment earlier about joining the Blackwing Knights.
…… Holy crap.
Gazelle and Felix ……. Just how nice can they both be……?!
To be honest, I definitely don’t want to be a part of the Blackwing Knights or any of that dangerous business, but I’m kind of touched by their thoughtfulness.
Not just Gazelle and Felix, but maybe the people from the Blackwing Knights are all kind people.

During the banquet, Iris and the rest of the Blackwing Knights also said, “Eat more, Takumi. Here, this is delicious!” and “You’re so thin, you must not have been fed well before, huh?” and recommended various things to me. The latter comment about being “thin” was unnecessary, though! It’s not that I’m thin, it’s that everyone in the Order is too robust!
…… Well, it’s a group of such kind people, and to be honest, I’m a little interested in joining the Blackwing Knights …….
……but, there is no way I’ll be able to join the Blackwing Knights.
–Litzheim Magic Kingdom’s Blackwing Knights.
Litzheim Magic has a total of eight knight orders. There are the Goldwing Knights, Silverwing Knights, Blackwing Knights, Whitewing Knights, Redwing Knights, Bluewing Knights, Greenwing Knights, and Yellowwing Knights. The Goldwing is responsible for the guardianship of the royal family, the Silverwing for the protection of the royal capital, and the Blackwing Knights and the rest are mainly responsible for the defense of the country, defeating monsters and guarding the borders.
In the game scenario of “Change the World”, the main character meets the Blackwing Knights in his adventures and deepens his interaction with the members of the Order.
However, in the game, the Blackwing Knights were destroyed.
This is because, in an event that occurs in the middle of the game, all the members of the Order die, except for one.
I have absolutely no confidence that I will survive when that event occurs. In other words, joining the Blackwing Knights, who are destined for destruction, is like setting a death flag for myself.
That’s why I can’t join the Blackwing Knights.
I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Of course, the cause of this is nothing but guilt.
Gazelle, Felix. And Iris.
And everyone who has been kind to me, though I can’t remember their names yet.
…… I’m going to abandon and let the people who rescued me to die because of my selfishness .

“……let’s stop.” 

I muttered and slowly shook my head.
I tried not to think about what would happen next. I desperately tried to block out my thoughts and closed my eyes.
However, because I closed my eyes, I was aware of the faint heat that remained in my fingertips.

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I remember Felix’s faint touch when he brought me the cup earlier.
The warmth of his fingertips was proof that he was, indeed, a living person in the here and now.

“Damn it.”


I look up above me.
The night stars were covered with the glitter of the sky. The stars look like spilled kompeito candy and the moon is round like a gold coin, like a scene out of a storybook.
Under this unrealistically beautiful sky, I was finally able to empty my mind of all the mess.
After meditating on the balcony for a while, a cold wind suddenly enveloped my body, pulling my consciousness back to reality.

“…… hmm?” 

As soon as I came back to my senses, a question surfaced: “Right, just where do I sleep today……?”

Unfortunately, there was no one to answer my question as I stood there alone–


In the morning, I woke up to some kind of commotion.
My vision was blurry and my mind was not functioning. My body was pleading for me to stay in bed.

“…… Huh?”

I wonder why.
For some reason, my body is very warm. It’s moist, yet soft, as if I were being hugged by something hot. ……

I squinted my eyes and recognized the something that was wrapped around me. 


–Crap. I woke up at once.
The first thing that came into my sight was a strong flat chest.
Then, with trepidation, I looked up and saw his short wine-red hair. It’s currently fully shut, but in a little while, I’ll be able to see those beautiful golden eyes.
Yes. It was Gazelle, the Commander of the Blackwing Knights, who was sleeping in the same bed with me.
No, it wasn’t just sleeping in the same bed. Gazelle was sleeping with my face pressed against his chest, embracing me snugly in his strong arms. Yeah, no matter how you look at it objectively, I’m in a state of being a hug pillow, thank you very much.
Rather this is no time to be thinking that!
Wh, why am I in an awkward situation like being a hug pillow for a Gazelle?
And how can he sleep so soundly in such a cramped position?

“…… Gazelle.”
“Nn……what, is it morning already?”

I was unsure what to do, but I made up my mind and decided to wake him up. 

What woke me up earlier with its noisy ringing was an alarm clock. It looked like a small lamp filled with water. The water inside was a light blue and sparkling.
I remember this from the game. I wonder if it’s called a “water clock” in this world?
I had already stopped the alarm when I woke up, so now the room was completely quiet.
He seemed to be sleeping comfortably, and I could have let him sleep a little longer, but the fact that the alarm was set meant that Gazelle must have some business to attend to at this hour.
I tapped his body lightly.

“Nn……ah, Takumi?”
“Good morning, Gazelle.”
“Oh, good morning. Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
“That’s good.”


Even if we left them alone–. ……No, it’s the opposite.
If our members were taken as hostages, then we could not let it slide no matter what happened in the end. 

This part was kind of confusing because the original was like 「そんなことをしても…いや、逆か。そんなことをされたら、なにがなんでも許すわけにはいかないというのに。」(Even if we did that…No, it’s the opposite. If that was done to us, then we could not let it slide no matter what happened in the end). If I kept it that way it’d be weird and vague in English so I specified the sentences to how I interpreted it. Hopefully that’s what Felix was trying to say. If anyone has a better suggestion please let me know.

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