Ch21.2 - Volume 2 – 4 (Part 2)

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“No, it’s… I’m sorry if I have misled you. It’s just my act of unwinding myself that brought me here.”

“…Unwinding yourself?” I was taken aback by Felix’s unexpected words. 

“Hmm, that’s right. That… I actually like horses.”

In fact, Felix’s beloved horse was still staring at Felix, as if telling him, “Look at me, look at me, master!” and “Play with me more, play with me!” I could somehow understand by looking at the horse’s pampered gaze toward Felix.



“I originally loved taking care of horses, so when I first joined the order, I even volunteered myself as a stable boy.”


“Yes. But since I became vice commander, I can’t do those jobs publicly anymore…”


Well, that’s true. We certainly can’t have the vice commander take care of the horse manure and replace the hay… Even if the person himself likes to do it, if other knights see this, it might lead to a bad reputation for Felix and the Black-winged knights themselves.

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“So you snuck in after everyone was gone?”

“That’s, erm, I-I’m sorry…”


Despite the gloom of the setting sun, I could make out that Felix’s slightly flushed cheeks.

“Hmmm. I wondered what really happened, but is that so…”

“I’m sorry for worrying you needlessly…”


“No, I’m sorry for jumping into conclusions. But still, Felix also has a cute side as well.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“P-Please don’t tease me. I never thought Takumi would notice me.”

Felix’s cheeks dyed red, feeling embarrassed. With such an expression, he looked younger than his actual age. His unusual reaction made me want to tease him a little more, but I felt it’s best to leave it at that.

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“Well, it’s nice to hear everything’s alright. By the way, Felix, are you working tomorrow?”

“No, tomorrow is my off day…” 

“Do you have any plans?”

“Not at the moment, no, but..”

Yes, I’m glad~~

I already knew the off days for each member since it was posted in the barracks, but I asked just in case I remembered it wrong. I had thought about the possibility that Felix himself had plans, but he said he didn’t. 

“My off day is tomorrow too. I’ll keep what happened today between us, so if you don’t mind, would you like to go out with me tomorrow?”

When I casually invited him to join me, Felix’s eyes widened in surprise and he asked in a small voice, “Is that… Are you sure? I’d be happy to, of course.”


“I wanted to go out and do some shopping, but I’m not used to the city yet. So I’d be happy to have you show me around.”

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“If that’s the case, I’d be happy to. But that only benefits me more. I didn’t expect you to not only keep it a secret, but also to ask me out on a date,” Felix’s eyes narrowed, and his face broke into a smile of delight. 

W-W-What?! A d-d-date?!! That’s not it!?!? I just wanted to invite Felix to hang out with me…

Wait?!?! If we’re going out alone, isn’t it really a date? Ehhh???

“If this is the result, I wish you had found me sooner.”

“That… You’re teasing me again by saying that… Is this a payback for earlier, Felix?” 

“Hahaha. It is true that I am pleased with your invitation. I look forward to escorting you tomorrow.”

As I was flustered, Felix narrowed his amethyst-like purple eyes and gave me a teasing smile.

It seems he was trying to get back at me for what I said earlier. Hmmm, I’m beat. I knew Felix was one or two steps ahead of me.

“In the first place, you don’t have to do it in secret. “No one would say anything if you were taking care of your horse in the daytime.” 

“No one…”

“Un, that’s right. And, look. It’s time to go back to the barracks. It’s getting cold out here.”

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“…Erm, Takumi,”


“Thank you so much,” Felix said while holding back, his eyes shook with sadness.

I, in turn, remained silent and looked him straight in the eye. Perhaps the reason Felix was here at this hour was not only because he wanted to take care of his beloved horse.

Unwinding himself, he said… He wanted to be alone. That’s why he’s here at this hour.

…Maybe. My invitation tomorrow might have been unnecessary. However, I didn’t want to leave Felix alone, who appeared to be in an unusually sullen mood. 

No, but I still think it’s none of my business! Oh no, I’m getting really worried now!

Although Felix said, “I have nothing scheduled tomorrow,” but what if he was actually thinking, “I’m not stepping out of my room tomorrow, no matter what anyone says!”


What should I do if he actually thought that?!?! No, Felix is probably not an otaku hikikomori like me, so I think he’ll be fine…

Argh! Let’s leave it till tomorrow for now! Tomorrow, I’ll do my best to help Felix unwind himself! 

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