The next morning. Because the bed was so much better than the one I usually sleep in, I ended up sleeping for hours past my normal wake-up time. I probably would have stayed in bed all day if Felix hadn’t come to rouse me.

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When I opened my eyes, I was taken aback by the sight of a stunning face staring back at me; however, upon closer inspection, I recognized Felix’s familiar features. He looked so good that it’s bad for my heart.

“Felix, good morning… Sorry, I must have overslept. Did you come to wake me up?” 

“No, it’s not that late.”


Having said that, Felix was now dressed in his usual attire, having shed his nightgown. The indigo shirt he wore today went well with the white pants he opted to wear. His golden locks gleamed in contrast to his dark shirt.

The moment I pushed myself up by my shoulders, Felix sat on the side of the bed and reached for my head. His hands brushed my hair softly, smoothing out the tangles and frizz that had developed overnight. It was so soothing under his touch that I almost dozed off once more.

Hmmm…I’m usually still in bed at this time on my off days. But I can’t sleep a second time at Felix’s house, which is indeed someone else’s and my boss’s, can I?


“If it’s all right with Takumi, my mother and brothers would like to have breakfast with you. Is that okay?”

“I don’t mind, but… I don’t know anything about table manners.”

Your typical good manners will suffice, I’m sure. You are the one who has been invited, so it’s not like you have anything to worry about. Felix beamed at me as he said this.


Erm… To be honest, I would love to join you for the breakfast itself. I’d really like to chat with Felix and his family about what kind of people they are. But I don’t have any clothes to change into. 

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I felt it would be inappropriate to appear in front of Felix’s family, who are nobles, in the same attire as yesterday.  However, as if sensing my concern, Felix immediately said, “I have prepared a change of clothes for you, so don’t worry.”

I blinked my eyes when I heard the unexpected line. “Did you go out of your way to prepare this for me?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Indeed, I did. Seeing as how I made you travel here yesterday against your will.”

Eh, really? You even got me a change of clothes? Even hotels don’t treat you this well. The Alpharetta family is amazing! 

“But, I feel like I’m being spoiled by your kindness too much… If you have indeed purchased the item, I’d like to buy it from you.”

But only for a price that is within the realm of common sense. Even if you offer a price that has several zeroes in a row, I can't swing my sleeves if I don't have one!

“Please don’t worry. I just had my own clothes tailored to fit Takumi’s figure, so there was no need to spend money on new clothes.”

“Eh? Did you do all that yesterday?” 

“My mother enjoys sewing… It may be a bit of family favoritism, but she is quite good at embroidery. She once was an instructor for unmarried women, for brides-to-be.”

“I see. That’s amazing. Neither I nor my family can sew or embroider at all. I admire her.”


If I were asked by someone else to re-tailor this outfit to my size, the only thing I could do would be to rip the sleeves out from the armpits and the clothes would certainly ruined to shreds.

Hearing my words, Felix opened his eyes a little and showed a surprised expression. 

“Is something wrong, Felix?”

“No, I’m sorry… I just thought it was a little unusual. It was the first time I heard you talk about your family.”

Eh, i-is that so? Haven’t I talked to Gazelle or Felix about my family? Hmm… I guess not. It’s probably because I had nothing to talk about.

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“If you don’t mind me asking, what were Takumi’s parents like? What kind of people were they?” 

“What kind of person?… They’re both a couple who work together as office workers. Besides, my brother and I, we are an ordinary family of four. My parents both work at a place like… They both work in some kind of business association.”

I almost said, “they work for a company,” but then I realized that would not convey my message, so I hurried to rephrase. Felix once again looked surprised at my explanation.

“Both of your parents? That’s unusual.”

“Is it? Well, that’s how it is, so neither of them was home most of the time when I was a kid. But I still respected both of them.” 

“I’m sure you must be very lonely, not being able to see your family.”

For some reason Felix had a pained expression on his face and gently touched my cheek.

“You’re really kind, Felix.”

He was so kind that I honestly thought, “I won’t miss them so much, will I? I’m sure my family is doing well on the other side of the world! What should I do? Oh, but there is one more reason why I don’t miss them so much. 

“I won’t be lonely since I have you, Felix.”

“Eh, Takumi, that’s—”

“Gazelle, Felix, Iris, and all the Black-winged knights are my family now. So I won’t be lonely at all.”

“Oh, ah…・・・・ that’s what you meant.” Somehow Felix managed a wry smile with a blush on his cheeks. 

What’s wrong?

When my head cocked to the side in surprise, Felix’s lips curled into a grin, and he cupped my chin with his fingers. “Takumi …… you shouldn’t say things to a man on a bed that might make him expect too much, right? It could be taken as an invitation.”



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“I mean it like this.” Felix laughed and moved his face close to mine and kissed my lips. 

The squeaky kiss jolted me out of my slumber instantly. “Felix, mmmnhh…”

Instead of stopping at just one, he showered my cheeks, lips, nose tip, and lips with a barrage of kisses. The feel of his soft lips on my face felt comforting, but the close proximity of Felix’s insanely beautiful face was absolutely intoxicating.

When I squeezed my eyes shut involuntarily, Felix let out a muffled laugh. “You are really adorable. You’ve done this so many times and you still can’t get used to it?”

How can I get used to it? I’m an amateur! How come you’re so good at it, Felix? Is it because he’s handsome? Well, I suppose it can’t be helped then! 

Felix laughed again at my inability to respond, and he embraced me around the waist with ease as I fumbled around for an answer.

Where are you touching me, Felix? Oh, hey, hey! You can’t touch me there…!

“Felix, Takumi? Are you ready to go?” Just as Felix’s hand slipped inside my jacket, there was a knock at the door, followed by Felix’s brother calling out to me.

In response, Felix backed away from me and said, “Wait a little longer, brother.” 

“I understand. Since it is such a lovely morning, Mother has decided to have breakfast outside in the courtyard, on the terrace. There’s no need to rush, so if you think you can eat with us, please come to the courtyard.”

“I understand, brother. I will be on my way with Takumi in a little while.”

After Felix’s reply, I noticed his brother, who had been waiting at the door, leave. When his brother was no longer in sight, Felix turned to face me. He appeared disheartened and had lost whatever momentum he had just gained.

“I’m sorry, Takumi. I almost forgot what I initially wanted to do when I came here.” 

“I see. I’m glad you remembered.”

“When I’m with you, I always lose the ability to make my decisions calmly. It wasn’t until I met you that I realized what it means to lose myself.”

Come to think of it, Felix’s father told me yesterday that since he was a child, he had always put the count’s household before anything else. He must have had that level of calmness and open-mindedness, to the point, in some cases, where he would suppress his own will.

“Erm, I guess… If Felix is able to express his feelings, I think it’s a good thing, and I’m happy too. But it would be helpful if you exercised a bit more moderation.” I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t help but say it out quickly. 

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Felix, do you know how good-looking you are? You have a face that could kill a man, you know? There are times when my heart throbs just by being by your side, so I’m begging you, please don’t kiss me or do any other skinship without asking me.



Even though I said this, Felix hugged me again with a bright smile.

Th-This, did you even hear what I just said, Felix-san! Didn’t I just ask you to do it in moderation!?!?! 

Finally, after quieting Felix’s attempts to touch me, I somehow managed to get ready in my room, then we moved to the courtyard outside of the Count’s mansion. The clothes Felix had worn when he was about sixteen years old had been altered, and I found them to be much better tailored than the clothes I normally wear.

It’s comfortable, but I don’t feel at home! I think I should get it dry-cleaned before returning it, but is there even a dry-cleaning service in this world? What if they don’t? I’m too scared to wash it by hand myself!

I asked Felix, but he smiled and said, “Please take them if you like Takumi,” but I don’t think that’s possible. So, although I was a bit nervous about getting my clothes dirty, I had a wonderful breakfast with Felix and his family.

The crepes were baked so thin you could almost see through the crust, and the bacon was grilled to crispy perfection. There was also a half-boiled egg and a salad of fresh vegetables. The rose jam that accompanied the crepes was made by Felix’s mother, who had grown it in their garden. As I savored the delicious meal, I responded to Countess Alpharetta’s questions about Felix’s daily routine and his work style. 

“Thank you for today, Takumi-kun. This child never responded to my letters.”

“Mother, I was disowned by my father…”

“See? He’s so stubborn and won’t listen to me once I start talking to him. Really, he’s just like him in every way,” Countess Alpharetta laughed cheerfully in an elegant manner. She looked so gorgeous that it didn’t look like she had given birth to three adult children.

After we finished breakfast, Countess Alpharetta coyly said to me, “Thank you for mediating between Felix and his father… Please continue to take care of him,” she whispered. 

Hmmm… it’s kind of the opposite. If anything, I probably should have gotten down on my knees and asked Felix to not abandon me and say: I’ll do anything for you.

Shortly after that, I accompanied Felix to visit his father, Count Alpharetta, and greeted him again before leaving the mansion. Before on my way home, Count Alpharetta thanked me profusely which made me flustered in response.

I’m the one who’s indebted to Felix! Rather, I’m the one who should thank Felix! But if I insist too much, he’ll say, “Oh no, this kid really takes social pleasantries to heart.” Perhaps, they would likely think, can’t you read the atmosphere, you pathetic…”

Therefore, with these in mind, I only nodded to his words. 

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