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"10 third-level spirit stones? Sorry, but not having experience in auctions I don't know if it's a high or a low amount," Hei asked puzzled.

Although he knew first-hand the effectiveness and usefulness of a third-level spirit stone, it was also true that he didn't know how much that amount was worth within an auction. He needed to get an idea at least approximate to understand how to manage his finances during the auction.

Hearing his question, the faces of the other disciples became even uglier, only Ying Yue remained calm, even laughing at the reaction of her companions. It didn't matter to her if the sect leader gave him 10 third-level spirit stones. After all, Hei had given up on becoming a personal disciple of one of the elders or even the sect leader, thus giving up a probable future promotion as an elder. Taking this into consideration, 10 third-level spirit stones weren't such a great reward,

"10 third-level spirit stones are equivalent to 100 second-level spirit stones or 1000 first-level spirit stones. Normally, spirit beasts with little spirit power or low lineage are bought with first-level spirit stones. Those with a power comparable to a fourth-fifth stage spirit apprentice are bought with second-level spirit stones. Those similar to a sixth stage or with a higher lineage can come to cost several third-level spirit stones.

The problem is that there are rarely people capable of controlling spirit beasts of that power, so their value isn't comparable to objects or weapons designed for martial artists. In the end it is still an external force and doesn't directly increase the power of the martial artist. Therefore, considering that you are only interested in buying spirit beasts, the sum I am giving you is more than enough." The sect leader calmly explained.

Hei hearing her words, thought for a moment. If what she said was true, he could actually buy many spirit beasts even if it depended on the quantity and quality of the exposed spirit beasts and if he didn't meet any contenders in the auction, which was quite easy to happen considering the number of participants.

"Do you want to waste 10 third-level spirit stones just for some stupid beasts? Are you stupid or what?" Cao Su suddenly emerged with contempt in his voice. Hearing the speech between Hei and the sect leader, he could no longer contain his frustration and anger.

Although his father, the sixth elder, spoiled him very much, he wasn't yet to the point to hand over such a sum to his son. So the sum available to Cao Su was much less than 10 third-level spirit stones. Of course, if necessary, the sect leader would use the sect's money to buy resources for Cao Su and the others.

But an instant after Cao Su said this, surprising those present in the VIP room, Hei jumped up from his seat and moved to Cao Su stopping his left hand a few inches from the boy's face. Intense dark green nails sharp as blades were pointed at the height of Cao Su's eyes while at the same time Hei discovered his blue teeth, revealing two pointed canines that gave the sensation that they could bite a person's flesh.

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"I'm warning you. May this be the last time you spit similar words in my presence. Obviously, if you don't want me to give you a lesson. Do you understand, Cao Su?" Hei threatened fiercely as his eyes hooked onto the still youth in his place.

From Hei's head, Bao Bei moved slightly and shifted her eight eyes, staring the sect leader and the other two elders. They were suddenly paralyzed by a cold shiver down their backs and instantly realized with their amazement and terror that they weren't alone in there.

Cao Su, who hadn't foreseen such an outbreak of anger but was provoked by Hei's words, said, "Give me a lesson? Who? You? Brat, if you care about dying we can do it now if you dare."

Did a boy younger than him dare to disrespect him like that? He, the son of the sixth elder of one of the big five sects? He had already endured enough for having been overtaken in the ranking of the younger generation inner members of the young generation, but he wouldn't allow a lack of respect like that. Not in front of the other personal disciples, the elders and the sect leader.

It must be said that Cao Su, besides being an arrogant youth, was one who gave a lot of importance to appearances. As a son of the elder in charge of the regulation division, he had learned that honor and respect were fundamental for a martial artist. This ended up creating a sense of arrogance and superiority in the youth, even if the intent of the sixth elder was instead to make him respectful of the rules, feeling a sense of pride in being faithful to his own code of honor.

However, before the situation got out of hand, the sect leader intervened nervously, hoping that the situation wouldn't further degenerate

"Hei, Cao Su. That's enough, we are in a public event and in the presence of all the other sects. If you feel like coming to the hands, do it once you get back to the sect. And if you can't hold out until we get back, use that desire to fight in tonight's sparring contest. But under no circumstances are you allowed to fight among sect companions throughout the duration of our stay here and on the return journey. I do not accept objections. This time I will pass on your behavior, but it will never happen again. As a son of the regulation division elder, you should be more aware of your Cao Su position."

Hearing the warning of the sect leader, Hei let go of Cao Su who only snorted but didn't resume arguing. Hei also returned to his place and resumed feeding Ye and Xing, reassuring them and Lian that he was fine. The three of them had in fact been frightened of his sudden outburst of anger and were ready to go into combat at any moment whenever it had been necessary.

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As for why he reacted this way, it wasn't because he was called stupid but it was because Cao Su used that term to define spirit beasts. Accepting the use of this term to refer to spirit beasts meant accepting also that his little sisters and his mother were called that. In no way would he allow someone to disrespect them. He could accept any insult directed at him, but not even a single one towards them. Of course, the same was true for Lian as she had become part of his family.

Once calm was restored, the people in the VIP room returned to concentrating on the auction. Fortunately, no one downstairs or in the other VIP rooms had noticed anything, taken as they were in the auction. After all, the conflict hadn't degenerated into a real fight and there had been no fluctuations in spirit power.

The auction continued to proceed with articles of various kinds until it was the turn of the first spirit beast.

"Well, the next article will surely interest the tamers of spirit beast. For today's auction we have a dozen spirit beasts to sell at the auction, including a big surprise. But I don't want to spoil the surprise. In any case, here is the first spirit beast."

This time, instead of the usual cart, a metal cage with a young black-colored colt was transported. When the public's eyes rested on it, it waved its head vigorously as it circled the cage.

"This young colt is a specialty of our kingdom, the Friesian Horse. Its strength and speed make it perfect as a war horse. This specimen in particular comes from parents with both spirit power. Although he hasn't yet developed spirit power, there is a high chance that he will. The initial price is 5 first-level spirit stones."

Upon hearing the words on the colt's background, some people in the audience commented in a low voice with the neighbors. There were various beast tamers present and most were part of a sect. They were therefore interested in acquiring new spirit beasts to increase their own power and that of their own sect.

The Friesian Horse was a first-order breed of horses and the fact that both parents had developed spirit power was promising. But with the spirit beasts, it happened sometimes to have normal specimens, meaning simple animals. Awaking the spirit power of these animals would therefore be left to the ability of the beast tamer as to awaken the dormant potential, but not everyone was willing to work so hard when they could directly buy one that had already awakened its spirit power.

After a few moments of reflection, the first offer appeared in the lower places. Given the cost of 5 first-level spirit stones, even if the colt turned out to be a simple animal, it wouldn't be a big loss.

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After the first offer, other successive offers appeared and the price went to fix at 17 spirit stones of first level. At that point, while everyone thought it would be sold at that price, Hei made his offer.

"20 first-level spirit stones!" Hei exclaimed from his seat.

His voice resonated throughout the room, immediately attracting the attention of the public as it came from one of the most elevated VIP seats. With a glance, they realized immediately that it was the post assigned to the Flower Sect. But the strangest thing was that instead of the sect leader or one of the elders, it was a youth who pronounced the price.

The auctioneer looked for a moment at the sect leader as if to ask if that youth was authorized to bid on behalf of the sect. The sect leader nodded with her head and the auctioneer proceeded to formalize the offer.

"20 first-level spirit stones from the Flower Sect. There are other offers? None? 1, 2,3, last call. Assigned the colt to the Flower Sect. Congratulations on your purchase." The auctioneer gave a brief applause as he had the colt taken away on stage.

Meanwhile, various whispers among the various participants began to fill the room.

"Hey, since when the Flower Sect raise spirit beasts?"

"I don't know, from what I recall they never made bids for such items."

"Didn't you know? Apparently they now have a powerful beast trainer. It seems they even have a spirit beast near the second level."

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"What? Seriously, right? If it passes to the second level, wouldn't it mean that they would have a spirit beast comparable to a spirit soldier? "

As the various voices were being generated here and there, they didn't last too long as there wasn't much time to discuss with each other. The next article had already arrived and diverted their attention from the matter about the Flower Sect.

The time allowed for the auction was several hours, until late afternoon. As most of the participants had brought things to sell, there were hundreds of items auctioned for the event.
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In addition to the Frisian Horse, Hei ended up buying blue swallowtail butterflies, monarch butterflies and silver silkworms. Since they were eggs, it was difficult to understand their potential, but considering their number, it was more likely that a spirit beast specimen would come out. As a result, their price remained in the dozens of first-rate spirit stones.

Other spirit beasts were auctioned among the items that could be purchased with first-rate spirit stones but Hei didn't buy them. Having limited funds, he had already made the decision that he would buy only those with more potential or talent. The Friesian Colt had a good background while Hei was familiar with the insects, which is why they had been chosen.

After the first wave of items, there was a brief pause in which the participants of the auction exchanged a chat or went to collect their purchased items. After the break, they began the second wave of items and here the situation became more intense as the competition would see the medium and large sect as participants as well.

Mei, Zan, Li, Cao Su and Ying Yue were just waiting for this moment of the auction. Basically, most of the items bought in this second wave of items would go to them.

Unlike the smaller sects, the Flower Sect was self-sufficient as regards less important resources. Therefore it wasn't necessary to purchase resources for the disciples of the outer sect and not even for those of the inner sect with less potential. They also had enough stocks for those in the top 50 that showed a worthy potential. Unfortunately, their future prospect wasn't comparable to the first seven in the rankings, and therefore only they would benefit more about the objects purchased at today's auction.

"Although it is a pity for the young promises of the sect, this time we cannot do otherwise. The stakes are too high. There isn't much time left, I just hope we can prepare them as soon as possible." The sect leader thought to herself with a worried expression.

The first and second elders also had a tense expression. In fact, usually only the king's birthday would have been celebrated without any additional events. The organization of an auction of this magnitude was due to a secret reason that only the greatest influences within the kingdom knew. A reason that would have involved the various powers on the Rainbow Island and perhaps created havoc between the balance of power between the three kingdoms and the various existing sects.

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