Sono Mugen no Saki

Chapter Prologue

Prologue -“Second prologue”

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While taking the morning that the sun presented from the horizon of the wilderness, a horse carries with a GATOGATO sound.
I am not like something to put the guests on, but a carriage with a simple hood. I am sitting directly on the loading platform, so my pain suffers a lot. Because you gave me a lift for free, I won’t complain, but the damage to my ass is serious. [Yes, it legitimately said that.]
I have called and have advanced earnestly for three and a half days, but this isn’t enough to get accustomed to this shaking yet.

It is a wasteland spreading out endlessly from what is shown from the gap inside the hood, and vegetation hardly grows in the distance of the horizon.
The crowd inside coach were talking, and it seems that this place was a place where people could not get around in the wilderness long ago.
There is a town called “Labyrinth city” [It’s maze city, but labyrinth sounds better]

Although it is in contact with other countries. it is impossible to enter from other than the kingdom, and it is a special city with independent autonomy right above mid-point that the procedure of “departure” will be necessary even if entering from the kingdom.
The is dungeon according as its name suggests, and it is said that innumerable “adventurers” search and get their daily bread.
There seems to be any existence of the dungeon itself besides this town, but it seems that it seems that searching for it is established as a profession, it is only here that it is effectively used.
Certainly, it has been 10 years since I was born in this world, but I have never heard of such a job other than rumors of this labyrinth city, like where I can earn money simply by exploring the dungeon.
To be honest, it’s only a rumor of a shady eyebrow, and I would have never ridden this carriage unless I had some confidence.
Indeed, except for the cooperative, I and the other one are on the carriage that is going back and forth to this labyrinth city. Because there is little luggage, it seems only to be here.

To the extent that such a huge hit should be hit, this world is severe. Even living here is difficult. It’s because I am living in a story like a dream like this.
I want to live a good life like a royal aristocrat or a fame revealed as a hero.
People, no, at the very least I want to live a life to maintain the dignity of human being and to live a long while, I use a ray of hope and am heading for labyrinth city.

Editing left here————-

Suddenly, I have memories my previous life.

Even though I believed in reincarnation, I did not get summoned by anyone as if I was run over by a reincarnation truck like a web novel themed reincarnation.
The existence of a god can’t be confirmed, so there is a possibility that I died of a God’s mistake that infinitely flooded web novels is still left.

When I noticed, I was born in this world different from the Earth that I knew…….       In the meantime, I remembered the memories of the previous life I had.
The end of the previous existence in memory should be ordinary daily life.
Or, there is a possibility that I’m living normally, with the setting that only memory has flowed in.
I also imagined the case that it was trapped in a game-like world for some reason, but I am convinced that this is impossible.

Unfortunately, it seems that in this world memory of previous life is not that unique.
It is unusual to be rare, but it seems that there are thirty to fifty people in one person. It is the proportion of those who are rare surnames who had one person in the class.
When I regained my memories I felt I was special and inflated my heart in the future, but my scarcity was that extent.
However, even if you say that there is memory, contents and degree are various, there are many things that you do not remember almost anything, not far from being foolish, and the case that you remember vividly like me is a “somewhat unusual place”.
Mostly it seems that the name and sex of the previous life remain as “records” or only experiences with a strong impression can be remembered.

There was a net novel that can be read on the Web in the former world Japan.
One of the genres that was popular at the posting site of that net novel by a system that posted what the user wrote and can be read by other users is a different world incarnation thing.
As this promised kind of promises, this hero will incarnate from contemporary Japan, often because of the emotional import of readers. It’s like my present situation.
However, in this world where there are countless immigrants, nothing is the origin of the world of Japan … Japan, not limited to the Earth.
Indeed when you meet the previous life, there are far more people who are incarnating from a world other than the Earth. It also from multiple worlds.
Now, the old man who is doing the carriage of the carriage on which I am riding seems to be a mysterious tribe called a world horse head, and in the village of his hometown three hundred years old aristocrat of this world There was also a person who self-named it was.
Only two people met the former Earthling in my past 15 years. It is only a former Japanese boy sitting opposite the former Nepalese who served in the king’s inn.

“It was the first time I met a former Japanese,”

The appearance of the guy who said so on her self introduction was far from the Japanese. I mean, I have a face that I can not do on the earth.
I am short. This is good because there is something about 150 centimeters, well, well, I’m 14 years old.
Shiny, loose, wavy white hair. “Shiraga” seems to be older, but its fantastic beauty attracts eyes even in this world where the color of hair is varied.
My eyes are bright red. It is not congested but pupil and iris are red. Together with my hair, it looks like a rabbit somewhere.
And, even if it is said to be a woman, there is no sense of incompatibility, and the expression of a face that only has a feeling of incongruity when it is told to be rather a man is only the expression of beauty form. I will not say dare to be a beautiful boy.
Since fearlessness has no fragments, it will be out of scope for a woman seeking a sturdy male image, but it is a shotty child who is definitely motivated to make a sister. She is a daughter of a man without doing anything wrong.

This person’s name seems to be “Yukito”. I am doing it because it is said that he calls me “Yuki” when introducing myself.
I might feel a sense of incompatibility with a Japanese name, but this is his name in this world.
It also applies to my name, but it seems to have been named based on the name of the previous life, and there were many people who think that even those who I met until now have a good word.
So, in this world the naming rules and customs for each country and region are very weak, with so many free names. Unity also has no fragments.
That tendency can be seen in sub-races who use their own language.

One of the reasons for this is status.
It is like a game, but in this world the Father teaches the status …… name, gender, ability value, skill etc. in facilities such as church. You can also see it as a character if you use a special tool.
In the case of a previous generation, it seems that even a newly born child may have a name already, so many cases are used as it is.
Well, it is unlikely that the habit of name will be born like unity.

By the way, if parents naming them separately, their display will change, and it is likely that there are many things to name newly based on the name of the previous life.
In the case of Yuki, I heard that it was originally “Yuki” and that “T” was added later.
The person himself does not seem to like this name, and if he calls “Yukito”, his mood gets worse.

“Because it is a man’s name if it is Yukito”

No, if it is a way of reading from the past life, it is a place you want to say that you are a man, but Yuki seems to have been a woman in the previous life.
Still, I’d like to say that I am living as a man for 14 years, but he is not convinced. Be stubborn.

“Why does Tsuna go to a labyrinth city

if it says so ?” That is what I have said is a reality Yuki that is not my recollection.
This guy is a girl even a voice. Actually, there is a possibility of being deceived, so it may be better to check if it is attached later.
There should not be much problem because it is male, but it seems to get a bit excited.

“It’s for living”

Even though I say it myself, my answer is terribly realistic, but it’s such a thing in the world.
If anything is a town that will come true, let me live a normal life for the time being. After that I think from then.

My hometown in this world was a terribly poor village, and there was nothing to eat. In the year several people are at the level of starvation.
In such a village, I was born as the third son of a village-oriented house, but the position of the third son is extremely low in farmers like these worlds.
The eldest son is the successor to the house, and there are both the house to succeed and the field. The second son has a weaker position than the first son, but still can live as the eldest son’s spare.
But the third son is a spare spare, and even the amount of meal that comes around is small. I can not have clothes on my face. Winter was hell.
My parents said, “If it was a girl I sold it but why are all men.” I want you to apologize to the house where he is not born.

It is a terrible story, but this is normal in the village, and girls are few people as they got donadona every year. Or else the house was only the eldest daughter.
If it is a story or the like, romance with a pretty girl in the village is drawn before the real story begins in earnest, but there was no room for such an event to occur.
By the way there are few young men. Most of the war that happened when I was a child was drafted up, and even though I came back I was donadonna.
It seems that the house was survived because he was working as a village mayor. The villagers would have been more miserable.
There were several young men and old people in the village, and only a few children. It was not a marginal village level. It is a marginal breakthrough village.
People who sell are selling, the number of people has decreased, and food is still insufficient. It was good inside of the mountains where there are animals and plants to eat, but I even tried that and even planned to eat the villagers when it was awful.

Well, it was not so bad every year, but could you understand that it was painful anyway? I’m just introducing myself.
This is difficult because of the memory of the rich life of Japan, it is painful, but it gets used to it, surviving desperately desperately every day.

The marriage of such a middle-aged man was decided and was previously bought Semi-born son was born half a year later, the second son and the third son became a payment box.
We were forced to live by two brothers, but we were almost kidnapped as we arrived, we have continued working in the royal minor in the kingdom until a few days ago.
Actually, if the timing to become a payment box is bad, there is even a possibility that it was eaten.

“It’s awful,”
“No, Even this mon. I die and continues committed to common sense in Japan, surely. … No way, at a price crash of the slave market, did not imagine the situation that can not even sell itself”

Imperial City After going to slavery, I went to a sale that I could eat the rice rank, but it is a refusal to buy the truth.
It was such a situation that too many numbers were too much and red was issued with maintenance fees, even if they became slaves they had to pay the deposit to pick them up.
Even slave quarters who were called the biggest major in the kingdom are like that. You will not buy anything.
So, we brothers who had no choice but to ask their distant relatives to exercise their abilities as the name of Takaza, who worked as a tavern of the bar in that tribe.
If you can work in the bar, you would think that worrying about rice would not be needed, but leftovers are put out for sale in a brief sentence to the slum guys, and the coffee that comes round to us is the amount of survivable girigiri.
I had hardly earned salaries, so I could not buy food separately. Still I think it was better than my hometown village.

I will go even if I throw everything if I cook lots of rice on the back streets of Tokyo. It is only treats like convenience store’s expiration date and now it is a treat. A country of satiety in memory remembered that it was shining.

“I am a little more …. No, it’s pretty good, I am also the third son, but since the house was relatively wealthy, the rice was eaten and it was never to be kicked out.”

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“Well, I used past banners normally I can talk about it because I heard a more terrible story after going to the Kingdom
… No, really, it was a serious living The story of the place where I don t want to linger is quite lively I’m rolling. Cliff Mr. Cliff who is underworking at the quotient and the level that comes out in a dream too ruggedly ”
” No, I do not want to hear ”

What’s wrong, Cliff says. Because the human dignity is sending a half-hearted half-life.
I am sorry for something I boast of unhappiness. It was the worst just by listening to episodes that can break childhood friend.
In the future my life will not have Cliff ‘s turn, but his gruesome half life still sticks to my heart and does not leave.

“Well, that’s why it’s not that fancier to become an adventurer in a labyrinth city by dreaming of a fortune, that’s a citizenship, but it will limit the move, but I did not have such a good deal”
“It’s rare but not strange, I can not earn money by doing adventurers in neighboring cities, I have no chance of getting rich quick.”

So, in this world I also existed in my career that used my mental strength and fantasy novels and games Adventurers also exist. I saw a lot when I worked at a tavern and heard stories.
It exists, but it was a terrible occupation as I heard it. It is easy to become, but it did not seem to be a decent life.
So it’s extra gambling to believe the rumors of the labyrinth city.

“The story of a labyrinth city hears about rumors is not only a chance, a good story that you can earn money, or a good story that you hear.There is —

” Does the Japanese smell? ” ”

Perhaps we have found that say I. Yuki covered my line.
That’s it. The rumors there are numerous keywords that only Japanese people can understand. As if as if calling.
And the sources of rumors that we can imagine the same incarnate as us are not in parallel. If you have the power of cheat protagonist Buri to say it, it feels that way.
That is the kind of guy who god got under way to give cheat ability. If so, it is enviable.

“Even if it is not about to get rich quickly, if that is the case I can live a

crowd of people, perhaps I might know a way out of the system in this world” Status , Skills that can not be learned by,, there was not anything useful but it is definitely a systematic world.
I might be able to hear something like that, I got power by pulling a hole in this system.

“Ah, is that enough, I wonder if I collect a bit of

information … ”

“Whatever, there is
something involving something. ” “I’m sorry, I thought that I was gathering more information a bit more, and in the usual case, it is courageous to go to the city where many dubious rumors are going to go . because there
it because only those shady Any over there of the rumors you hear in the city. But there is that I met the person who came out, entered Once it was also rumored I do not come out again.
Oh well That’s right, as long as I hear the story, I think that there are cases like that. ”
” It is a secret tone of voice, let us hear from Yoshimi in the same town. ”
” Well, the Kingdom has already left Well, I wish I could come so far … … In fact, most of the material written about that city has an

encrypted “Japanese” description. It has no smells or fucking. Are not you convinced?

“Ok, I knew only the rumors, so it was a blind spot,”

I can hardly read the letters. Writing is also my name position.

“Even saying it is a cryptographic cryptogram that I can not read in Japanese one by one, but I know there are things when collecting various things.”
“The son of a merchant’s sister is a flowing stone In the

first place, I was born in this world and I saw a letter other than the status screen after I went to the kingdom.
By the way, the sign of the shop that is working under is the first. I thought that books do not exist. …… The application when entering Kingdom was a penitent.

“The labyrinthine

capturers will be given great power, great treasure, and great glory,” something seems to be great.

“- That, Nde made dungeon of Rogue specific non ○ discussions to” Yo addition to decipher the statement, everyone in the play Uze’ was written I (· ∀ ·) b “!”

To say that I opened a book that was written as it was.
I seemed to be sluggish though I was sitting. What is it? I saw it for a long time Japanese, and emoticons.
It is mixed with common words and mysterious characters used in the kingdom, but it is oblique reading and there is neither encryption nor shit.
Yuki laughs at the look of my face whose eyes are rounded. No, that is surprising.

“This is the simplest example, but it seems that something, especially the part of the emoticon is difficult to decipher, it seems that it is being pulled by it so that I can not understand the meaning of other letters well, it looks like
ancient characters Actually it may not look like an emoticon or an unknown
person.In any case the encryption itself was simple.If you know Japanese it is a level that you can solve even with kids.It is just a diagonal reading , Except for the Japanese part, it is almost a mystery language ”

What is this feeling of weakness.

“Oh, what I told you do not want to increase the number of competitors?”
“Yeah, it’s not like people like you who have already decided to go, even people living normally live in a labyrinth city I think that it is not necessary to kick off, but I do not have to bother to explain it kindly.In addition
, I do not know how much the labyrinth is, but I cut it with a monster There is no way that I can afford it, so if you can live normally, that way is better … … I have not even told my family. ”

That might be the case.
Regardless of the rough one who is doing mercenaries and adventurers in town, people who have a job in their hands will not bother their trouble bothering me.
I do not usually want to get too close to such a rough.

“Is there anything else in the information? …… Oh,

is there a charge?” As this carriage was free, there are still some money, but can not we get it there?

“Well, I guess it will save you a party party over there … If you say rogue, it’s” normal
“, it’s not a solo, is not it?” “By the way is it Rogue?” That

, Yuki The move has solidified.
You know the dungeon of the faction. A girl who attacks a zombie to a dungeon whose structure is changed every time he enters bread with bread.

“Well, I do not know much about it …”

Yuki who was quickly tired looked up.
Rogue seems to be a MAP auto generation type dungeon search RPG displayed on a text basis. It seems that the dungeon of non-Osa is also a subspecies of it.
Yuki was a fan of this and seems to have kept doing things in text display even though graphical games came out.
By the way, it seems that there are various clones saying roguelike, but when I heard it, I could not understand the difference. In the first place, I do not understand well the difference between my husband and his 3rd shrimp.

“In the first place, there were no game machines in the house when I was a child.It started with a UNIX machine that was covered with dust at the warehouse.What I did not know what at first … …”
“No, the original game The story is good now. ”

The marketers have decided that addicts in this hand say that there is no dirt. I knew well because there were those guys in the past life as well.

“More than that, that is, does the structure change every time a dungeon in a labyrinth city enters?”
“No, I do not know it, I did not actually see it, I did not have any detailed information, I think that it will be

advantageous if I know it, I think to a certain degree. ” Umm, I do not know well because I never did it .
I did not get used to getting back to Lv 1. There is no concept of level in this world, so it may not be that specification.
In the first place, computer games themselves, super-large titles and other standards have not done so far. From those who did not do it at all, I was told that I was playing games, but I think it was quite a light gamer.

“By the way, it seems that it does not die in the dungeons of the case,” it seems, “It does not die” in the case of dungeon. ”
” Well, it does not die, what kind of
technology is it? ” ” I do not know the mechanism and I do not know the details, I heard that I actually died in the dungeon. ”

Is it okay if I die, does it mean I can do a zombie attack?
Oh, but it’s not a game so do you taste the pain or suffering equivalent to death?

“Well, if it works hard then I can easily clear it? No, it may be a system that is not clear.”
“It does not matter that you can take the opposite meaning – you can die many times It is a natural

there are places like synonyms of games that are dead and memorized ” … ” ……………… ” That is tight.
But is it better than to die? Are you okay?

“Well, both the

shabby and the shrine have come to see the wall, I still have a distance but that is a labyrinth city.”
When I looked at the cart from the cart, the night was completely dawn.
What you can see is the huge and heavy rampart to call local cities.
There is a huge crack in the wilderness as far as the eye can see, there is a wall that gives an overwhelming presence at the end of the bridge hung there.

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“That … … labyrinth city”

I do not know which way he said.
However, it was overwhelmed by the heaviness that I had never seen in contemporary Japan.

Separated from the lizard of the lizard, labyrinth is a strict entrance to the city? While lining up in the column of judgment, Yuki waved a topic with no other love.
It is a story of my name I did not want to touch too much.

“That reminds me, is your name really doubt whether it is Japanese, is your original name a chicken?”

Ordinary if there is no other love story. But the story of my name is a demon.
“Tuna” is a strange class in this world. In short, in modern Japan it sounds more unique. Oh, unlike Yuki, it is originally a tuna.
It is a tuna can mostly remember when Japanese people hear it as tuna. It is a registered trademark somewhere, but Yuki says it can be a sexy shooter. The two are nicknames in the past life, which is the name used more than the real name.

“By the way, what kind of letter?”
“It’s a rope.” That which makes a mistake as “the net”

It’s a strange name even if you know kanji.

“Oh, the last name is Watanabe Kana Wonderful, you seem to be able to get rid of a demon, did not you have friends with Kintaro?”
“Do you know …. Well, the original surname is Watanabe Watanabe rope.

Well, it is neither public nor relying on public time. ” Yes, the warlord of the Heian era, Watanabe rope is the original story. Even saying that parents are not familiar with such history, they searched for the great man of Watanabe surname. It is almost a DQN name.
But my child never knew such history, and since my first grade of elementary school I was called “Tuna Can” my nickname was “Tuna Can” or “Shikkin” all the time. Rarely “salad”.
A friend who was close to me was forced to have a name that seems to have entered a salad. Some were gladly called tomatoes.

Kintaro says by Yuki is Sakata Kozumi, who also served as Genji Watanabe as Watanabe rope. The childhood era who became a picture book is a famous great man.
Of course there is no such friend.

“Here in the dungeon, because seems likely to remember the skills with quality, Do not? Do not you remember or” sword surgery “skills in the name derived from”
“I to do to remember.’ll Never seen here in Nante Japanese sword”

If there Although I can use it, I have not even touched it even when I was in Japan in the first place. Is it different from classification as a sword?
In general, the sword of the Heian era was supposed to be different from the so-called Japanese sword we know.

“I have never seen it, but maybe it’s here, Katana”

Yuki’s got a heavy labyrinth of a city gate.
It certainly can not be. If you have the power to build a huge city so far, you can also make Japanese swords.

“But I have never used a sword in my previous life, so I did not have any kendo classes at school, and I did not have any club activities.”

At best, I bought it for my souvenir of a school trip. It certainly had to be swung several times and it became fertilizer of the closet.

“What, the one not to be prone sword hero those different world fantasy”

Do were many Come to said, sword hero.

“Well, what about weapons, what will we do, what weapons will do is only the knife position except the picked up sword.” Afterwards club stick. ”
To tell you what I meant to be a good adventurer” I

talked even in the carriage, There was not.

“How about you, the hero of a different world fantasy?”
“I am good at one hand sword and short bow.It is not so powerful that the size is small”

Damn it was normal. Considering Yuki ‘s physique and weight of weapons it is a realistic line.
I should have said that if you mention a big sword or a big sickle, you are the second and the sick.

“Because I think that we are selling a weapon in many ways because it is a labyrinth city, I only have a knife for everyday use,”

I can not say the answer, but since I’m betting everything in this city, I have money There is an end. For some reason the owner ‘s wagon was also free.
Even though it is said that about one weapon will manage somehow.
I should have bought the kingdom’s purchase as if I could search for a labyrinthine home better, but … I hope to buy it cheaply.
For dungeon exploration, it’s nothing like a knife …. At the worst, there are hands to wield logs or squares, but I want to be a weapon.

“I buy something with a weapon before registering, but I’m told to party, but I do not want to relax as I wait to train.”
“Nice, I,” Proximity Battle “and” One Hand Weapons 》のギフト持ちだから、その二つのどっちかに合致するものだったら大丈夫だよ。弓とかじゃなければ、最悪棍棒でも何とかなるぞ」

『スキル』というのは、読んだ通りの代物だ。 Impossible. It is a very good smile. It seems that it is enough to remember as only a strong impression experience. There was a net novel that can be read on the Web in the former world Japan. One of the genres that was popular at the posting site of that net novel by a system that posted what the user wrote and can be read by other users is a different world incarnation thing. As this promised kind of promises, this hero will incarnate from contemporary Japan, often because of the emotional import of readers. It’s like my present situation. However, in this world where there are countless immigrants, nothing is the origin of the world of Japan … Japan, not limited to the Earth. Indeed when you meet the previous life, there are far more people who are incarnating from a world other than the Earth. It also from multiple worlds. Now, the old man who is doing the carriage of the carriage on which I am riding seems to be a mysterious tribe called the world horse head, and in the village of his hometown, the aristocrat three hundred years ago in this world There was also a person who self-named it was. Only two people met the former Earthling in my past 15 years. It is only a former Japanese boy sitting opposite the former Nepalese who served in the king’s inn. “I was the first time I met a former Japanese,” The appearance of the guy who said so on self-introduction was far from the Japanese. I mean, I have a face that I can not do on the earth. I am short. This is good because there is something about 150 centimeters, well, well, I’m 14 years old. Shiny, loose, wavy white hair. “Shiraga” seems older, but its fantastic beauty attracts eyes even in this world where the color of hair is varied. My eyes are bright red. It is not congested but pupil and iris are red. Together with my hair, it looks like a rabbit somewhere. And, even if it is said to be a woman, there is no sense of incompatibility, and the expression of a face that only has a feeling of incongruity when it is told to be rather a man is only the expression of beauty form. I will not say dare to be a beautiful boy. Since fearlessness has no fragments, it will be out of scope for a woman seeking a sturdy male image, but it is a shotty child who is definitely motivated to make a sister. She is a daughter of a man without doing anything wrong. This person’s name seems to be “Yukito”. I am doing it because it is said that he calls me “Yuki” when introducing myself. I might feel a sense of incompatibility with a Japanese name, but this is his name in this world. It also applies to my name, but it seems to have been named based on the name of the previous life, and there were many people who think that even those who I met until now have a good word. So, in this world the naming rules and customs for each country and region are very weak, with so many free names. Unity also has no fragments. That tendency can be seen in sub-races who use their own language. One of the reasons for this is status. It is like a game, but in this world the Father teaches the status …… name, gender, ability value, skill etc. in facilities such as church. You can also see it as a character if you use a special tool. In the case of a previous generation, it seems that even a newly born child may have a name already, so many cases are used as it is. Well, it is unlikely that the habit of name will be born like unity. Incidentally, if parents naming them separately, their display will also change, and it is likely that there are many things to name newly based on the name of the previous life. In the case of Yuki, I heard that it was originally “Yuki” and that “T” was added later. The person himself does not seem to like this name, and if he calls “Yukito”, his mood gets worse. “Because it is a man’s name if it is Yukito” No, if it is a way of reading from the past life, it is a place you want to say that you are a man, but Yuki seems to have been a woman in the previous life. Still, I’d like to say that I am living as a man for 14 years, but he is not convinced. Be stubborn. “Why does Tsuna go to a labyrinth city if it says so ?” That is what I have said is a reality Yuki that is not my recollection. This guy is a girl even a voice. Actually, there is a possibility of being deceived, so it may be better to check if it is attached later. There should not be much problem because it is male, but it seems to get a bit excited. “It’s for living” Even though I say it myself, my answer is terribly realistic, but it’s such a thing in the world. If anything is a town that will come true, let me live a normal life for the time being. After that I think from then. My hometown in this world was a terribly poor village, and there was nothing to eat. In the year several people are at the level of starvation. In such a village, I was born as the third son of a village-oriented house, but the position of the third son is extremely low in farmers like these worlds. The eldest son is the successor to the house, and there are both the house to succeed and the field. The second son has a weaker position than the first son, but still can live as the eldest son’s spare. But the third son is a spare spare, and even the amount of meal that comes around is small. I can not have clothes on my back. Winter was hell. My parents said, “If it was a girl I sold it but why are all men.” I want you to apologize to the house where he is not born. It is a terrible story, but this is normal in the village, and girls are few people as they got donadona every year. Or else the house was only the eldest daughter. If it is a story or the like, romance with a cute girl in the village is drawn before the main story begins in earnest, but there was no room for such an event to occur. By the way there are few young men. Most of the war that happened when I was a child was drafted up, and even though I came back I was donadonna. It seems that the house was survived because he was working as a village mayor. The villagers would have been more miserable. There were several young men and old people in the village, and only a few children. It was not a marginal village level. It is a marginal breakthrough village. People who sell are selling, the number of people has decreased, and food is still insufficient. It was good inside of the mountains where there are animals and plants to eat, but I even tried that and even planned to eat the villagers when it was awful. Well, it was not so bad every year, but could you understand that it was painful anyway? I’m just introducing myself. This is difficult because of the memory of the rich life of Japan, it is painful, but it gets used to it, surviving desperately desperately every day. The marriage of such middle-aged son was decided and was previously bought Semi-born son was born half a year later, the second son and the third son became a payment box. We were forced to live by two brothers, but we were almost kidnapped as we arrived, we have continued working in the royal minor in the kingdom until a few days ago. Actually, if the timing to become a payment box is bad, there is even a possibility that it was eaten. “It’s awful,” “No, Even this mon. I die and continues committed to common sense in Japan, surely. … No way, at a price crash of the slave market, did not imagine the situation that can not even sell itself” Imperial City After going to slavery, I went to a sale that I could eat the rice rank, but it is a refusal to buy the truth. It was such a situation that too many numbers were too much and red was issued with maintenance fees, even if they became slaves they had to pay the deposit to pick them up. Even slave quarters who were called the biggest major in the kingdom are like that. You will not buy anything. So, we brothers who had no choice but to ask their distant relatives to exercise their abilities as the name of Takaza, who worked as a tavern of the bar in that tribe. If you can work in the bar, you would think that worrying about rice would not be needed, but leftovers are put out for sale in a brief sentence to the slum guys, and the coffee that comes round to us is the amount of survivable girigiri. I had hardly earned salaries, so I could not buy food separately. Still I think it was better than my hometown village. I will go even if I throw everything if I cook lots of rice on the back streets of Tokyo. It is only treats like convenience store’s expiration date and now it is a treat. A country of satiety in memory remembered that it was shining. “I am a little more …. No, it’s pretty good, I am also the third son, but since the house was relatively wealthy, the rice was eaten and it was never to be kicked out.” “Well, I used past banners normally I can talk about it because I heard a more terrible story after going to the Kingdom … No, really, it was a serious living The story of the place where I don t want to linger is quite lively I’m rolling. Cliff Mr. Cliff who is underworking at the quotient and the level that comes out in a dream too ruggedly ” ” No, I do not want to hear ” What’s wrong, Cliff says. Because the human dignity is sending a half-hearted half-life. I am sorry for something I boast of unhappiness. It was the worst just by listening to episodes that can break childhood friend. In the future my life will not have Cliff ‘s turn, but his gruesome half life still sticks to my heart and does not leave. “Well, that’s why it’s not that fancier to become an adventurer in a labyrinth city by dreaming of a fortune, that’s a citizenship, but it will limit the move, but I did not have such a good deal” “It’s rare but not strange, I can not earn money by doing adventurers in neighboring cities, I have no chance of getting rich quick.” So, in this world I also existed in my career that used my mental strength and fantasy novels and games Adventurers also exist. I saw a lot when I worked at a tavern and heard stories. It exists, but it was a terrible occupation as I heard it. It is easy to become, but it did not seem to be a decent life. So it’s extra gambling to believe the rumors of the labyrinth city. “The story of a labyrinth city hears about rumors is not only a chance, a good story that you can earn money, or a good story that you hear.There is — ” Does the Japanese smell? ” ” Perhaps we have found that say I. Yuki covered my line. That’s it. The rumors there are numerous keywords which only Japanese understand. As if as if calling. And the sources of rumors that we can imagine the same incarnate as us are not in parallel. If you have the power of cheat protagonist Buri to say it, it feels that way. That is the kind of guy who god got under way to give cheat ability. If so, it is enviable. “Even if it is not about to get rich quickly, if that is the case I can live a crowd of people, perhaps I might know a way out of the system in this world.” Status , Skills that can not be learned by,, there was not anything useful but it is definitely a systematic world. I might be able to hear something like that, I got power by pulling a hole in this system. “Ah, is that enough, I wonder if I collect a bit of information … ” “Whatever, there is something involving something. ” “I’m sorry, I thought that I was gathering more information a bit more, and in the usual case, it is courageous to go to that city where many dubious rumors are going to go . because there it because only those shady Any over there of the rumors you hear in the city. But there is that I met the person who came out, entered Once it was also rumored I do not come out again. Oh well That’s right, as long as I hear the story, I think that there are cases like that. ” ” It is a secret tone of voice, let me hear you in Yoshimi in the same town. ” ” Well, the Kingdom has already left Well, I wish I could come so far … … In fact, most of the material written about that city has an encrypted “Japanese” description. It has no smells or fucking. Are not you convinced? “Ok, I knew only the rumors, so it was a blind spot,” I can hardly read the letters. Writing is also my name position. “Even saying it is a cryptographic cryptogram that I can not read in Japanese one by one, but I know there are things when collecting various things.” “The son of a merchant’s sister is a flowing stone In the first place, I was born in this world and I saw a letter other than the status screen after I went to the kingdom. By the way, the sign of the shop that is working under is the first. I thought that books do not exist. …… The application when entering Kingdom was a penitent. “The labyrinthine capturers will be given great power, great treasure and great glory,” something seems to be great. “- That, Nde made dungeon of Rogue specific non ○ discussions to” Yo addition to decipher the statement, everyone in the play Uze’ was written I (· ∀ ·) b “!” To say that I opened a book that was written as it was. I seemed to be sluggish though I was sitting. What is it? I saw it for a long time Japanese, and emoticons. It is mixed with common words and mysterious characters used in the kingdom, but it is oblique reading and there is neither encryption nor shit. Yuki laughs at the look of my face whose eyes are rounded. No, that is surprising. “This is the simplest example, but it seems that something, especially the part of the emoticon is difficult to decipher, it seems that it is being pulled by it and you do not understand well the meaning of other letters, it looks like ancient characters Actually it may not look like an emoticon or an unknown person.In any case the encryption itself was simple.If you know Japanese it is a level that you can solve even with kids.It is just a diagonal reading , Except for the Japanese part, it is almost a mystery language ” What is this feeling of weakness. “Oh, what I told you do not want to increase the number of competitors?” “That’s right. As long as you are a person like you who is already deciding to go, people living normally also labyrinth I think that it is not necessary to kick off, but I do not have to bother to explain it kindly.In addition , I do not know how much the labyrinth is, but I cut it with a monster There is no way that I can afford it, so if you can live normally, that way is better … … I have not even told my family. ” It may be. Regardless of the rough one who is doing mercenaries and adventurers in town, people who have a job in their hands will not bother their trouble bothering me. I do not usually want to get too close to such a rough. “Is there anything else in the information? …… Oh, is there a charge?” As this carriage was free, there are still some money, but can not we get it there? “Well, I guess it will save you a party party over there … If you say rogue, it’s” normal “, it’s not a solo, is not it?” “By the way is it Rogue?” That , Yuki The move has solidified. You know the dungeon of the faction. A girl who attacks a zombie to a dungeon whose structure is changed every time he gets bread with bread in hand. “Well, I do not know much about it …” Yuki who was quickly tired looked up. Rogue seems to be a MAP auto generation type dungeon search RPG displayed on a text basis. It seems that the dungeon of non-Osa is also a subspecies of it. Yuki was a fan of this and seems to have kept doing things in text display even though graphical games came out. By the way, it seems that there are various clones saying roguelike, but when I heard it, I could not understand the difference. In the first place, I do not understand well the difference between my husband and his 3rd shrimp. “In the first place, there were no game machines in the house when I was a child.It started with a UNIX machine that was covered with dust at the warehouse.What I did not know what at first … …” “No, the original game The story is good now. ‘ The market is decided if addicts of this hand talks out there is no dirt. I knew well because there were those guys in the past life as well. “More than that, that is, does the structure change every time a dungeon in a labyrinth city enters?” “No, I do not know it, I did not actually see it, I did not have any detailed information, I think that it will be advantageous if I know it, I think to a certain degree. ” Umm, I do not know well because I never did it . I did not get used to getting back to Lv 1. There is no concept of level in this world, so it may not be that specification. In the first place, computer games themselves, super-large titles and other standards have not done so far. From those who did not do it at all, I was told that I was playing games, but I think it was quite a light gamer. “By the way, it seems that it does not die in the dungeons of the case,” it seems, “It does not die” in the case of dungeon. ” ” Well, it does not die, what kind of technology is it? ” ” I do not know the mechanism and I do not know the details, I heard that I actually died in the dungeon. ” Is it okay if I die, does it mean I can do a zombie attack? Oh, but it’s not a game so do you taste the pain or suffering equivalent to death? “Well, if it works hard then I can easily clear it? No, it may be a system that is not clear.” “It does not matter that you can take the opposite meaning – you can die many times It is a natural difficulty, there are places like synonyms of games that are dead and memorized ” … ” ……………… ” That is tight. But is it better than to die? Are you okay? “Well, both the shabby and the shrine have come to see the wall, I still have a distance but that is a labyrinth city.” When I looked at the cart from a cart, the night was completely dawn. What you can see is the huge and heavy rampart to call local cities. There is a huge crack in the wilderness as far as the eye can see, there is a wall that gives an overwhelming presence at the end of the bridge hung there. “That … … labyrinth city” I do not know which way he said. However, it was overwhelmed by the heaviness that I had never seen in contemporary Japan. – Separated from the lizard of the lizard, labyrinth is a strict entrance to the city? While lining up in the column of judgment, Yuki waved a topic with no other love. It is a story of my name I did not want to touch too much. “That reminds me, is your name really doubt whether it is Japanese, is your original name a chicken?” “Neeyo” Ordinary if there is no other love . But the story of my name is a demon. “Tuna” is a strange class in this world. In short, in modern Japan it sounds more unique. Oh, unlike Yuki, it is originally a tuna. It is a tuna can mostly remember when Japanese people hear it as tuna. It is a registered trademark somewhere, but Yuki says it can be a sexy shooter. The two are nicknames in the past life, which is the name used more than the real name. “By the way, what kind of letter?” “It’s a rope.” That which makes a mistake as “the net” It’s a strange name even if you know kanji. “Oh, the last name is Watanabe Kana Wonderful, you seem to be able to get rid of a demon, did not you have friends with Kintaro?” “Do you know …. Well, the original surname is Watanabe Watanabe rope. Well, it is neither public nor relying on public time. ” Yes, the warlord of the Heian era, Watanabe rope is the original story. Even saying that parents are not familiar with such history, they seem to have searched for the great man of Watanabe surname. It is almost a DQN name. But my child never knew such history, and since my first grade of elementary school I was called “Tuna can” my nickname was “Tuna Can” or “Shikkin” all the time. Rarely “salad”. A friend who was close to me was forced to have a name that seems to have entered a salad. Some were gladly called tomatoes. Kintaro says by Yuki is Sakata Kozumi, who also served as Genji Watanabe as Watanabe rope. The childhood era who became a picture book is a famous great man. Of course there is no such friend. “Here in the dungeon, because seems likely to remember the skills with quality, Do not? Do not you remember or” sword surgery “skills in the name derived from” “I to do to remember.’ll Never seen here in Nante Japanese sword” If there Although I can use it, I have not even touched it even when I was in Japan in the first place. Is it different from classification as a sword? In general, the sword of the Heian era was supposed to be different from the so-called Japanese sword we know. “I have never seen it, but maybe it’s here, Katana” Yuki’s got a heavy labyrinth of a city gate. It certainly can not be. If you have the power to build a huge city so far, you can also make Japanese swords. “But I have never used a sword in previous life, I did not have any kendo classes at school, I did not have any club activities.” At best, I bought the wood sword I bought with a souvenir of a school trip. It certainly had to be swung several times and it became fertilizer of the closet. “What, the one not to be prone sword hero those different world fantasy” Do were many Come to said, sword hero. “Well, what about weapons, what will we do, what weapons will do is only the knife position except the picked up sword.” Afterwards club stick. ” To tell you what I meant to be a good adventurer” I talked even in the carriage, There was not. “How about you, the hero of a different world fantasy?” “I am good at one hand sword and short bow, it is not big enough, so the size is small” Damn it was normal. Considering Yuki ‘s physique and weight of weapons it is a realistic line. I should have said that if you mention a big sword or a big sickle, you are the second and the sick. “Because I think that we are selling a weapon in many ways because it is a labyrinth city, I only have a knife for everyday use,” I can not tell you the answer, but since I’m betting everything in this city, There is an end. For some reason the owner ‘s wagon was also free. Even though it is said that about one weapon will manage somehow. I should have bought the kingdom’s purchase as if I could search for a labyrinthine home better, but … I hope to buy it cheaply. For dungeon exploration, it’s nothing like a knife …. At the worst, there are hands to wield logs or squares, but I would like to be a weapon. “I buy something with a weapon before registering, but I’m told to party, but I do not want to relax as I wait to train.” “Nice, I,” Proximity Battle “and” One Hand Weapons “If it matches one of the two, it will be okay if it matches one of the two, if it is not a bow, the worst club will do something” ” ” Wow, that’s great, it’s a skill that is completely useless for farmers ” Skill “is a substitute as you read. Having this, technology improves and physical ability improves. It seems to be able to use magic.
There are so many that it exists for this skill, every action, talent. And if you do not have this and you do not have that difference in every way.

For example, there is a skill called “swordsmanship”. This can be anything as long as it is a weapon that is categorized as a sword, but corrections are applied to the technology when used. It seems that somehow good usage is understood.
However, as an approximate measure to take to acquire this skill from nothing, it is said that it is necessary to train for about a year. Of course, no matter how much effort you can not master what is not fit.
Moreover, it is difficult to master and acquire the skill of “two handed weapons” while training training to acquire “swordsmanship”.
Also, “swordsmanship” and “small swordsmanship” are different skills, there seems to be “dagger art” and “fine swordsmanship”. It is too fragmented.

And “gift” refers to the skill that we have inherently. There is no distinction between the performance of both, the display position of the status column is different.
However, there are those who rarely have unique skills, and I call them such as holding gifts.

In my case seems to have “close battle” and “one handed weapon” from the time I was born.
Basically, it seems that reincarnation is often born with a gift in the former skills, but for some reason I am extremely fighting skills.
Is it because it was a warrior job with MMO-RPG who was playing? If so, it is really appropriate.

“By the way there are skills” survival “and” food appraisal “,
” Yes, I thought that I have that kind of sort. ”

” Survival “and” food appraisal “are skills I got acquired afterwards. It can be said that it was desperate for living.
“Bow”, “hunting”, “animal demolition”, etc have not got talent or we do not have it. I wanted it to get animal protein.

“How about you, ok? … oh, it’s OK to say it.” In

this world, basically it does not teach others the skills, and you can not see it early unless you have special skills.
Lifestyle and customs also appear as skills, so there are privacy concerns as well.
However, there is no law not to teach, but if it is the partner who forms a party as an adventurer, you can listen to the battle related skills.

“There are also” swordsmanship “and” throwing “, and” arithmetic “that are likely to lead to battle, I think that you also have.”
“Well,” arithmetic “does not. In previous generation the elementary school lower grade level It seems to have just acquired

myself in mathematics. “If you have learned mathematics to the extent that you can do basic arithmetic in previous life, it seems that it is born with” arithmetic “in general. It is a story heard from former Nepalese people.
Nonetheless, learning arithmetic skills from scratch in the world is pretty tough and it seems that it will not appear as a skill even if you learn mathematics that a merchant can use.
Born this way, this skill has never worked, but it is a story that makes me think that I was good at studying in the previous life.
Actually, this “arithmetic” is a skill that will be considerably advantageous when it gets merchanted by merchants, but I was out of scope because I can hardly read the letters.
…… Well, it is also that I can not read the letter, but this world is told that the literacy rate itself is less than 10% in the first place. Most people can not read their status either. Impossible. It is a very good smile. It seems that it is enough to remember as only a strong impression experience. There was a net novel that can be read on the Web in the former world Japan. One of the genres that was popular at the posting site of that net novel by a system that posted what the user wrote and can be read by other users is a different world incarnation thing thing. As this promised kind of promises, this hero will incarnate from contemporary Japan, often because of the emotional import of readers. It’s like my present situation. However, in this world where there are countless immigrants, nothing is the origin of the world of Japan … Japan, not limited to the Earth. Indeed when you meet the previous life, there are far more people who are incarnating from a world other than the Earth. It also from multiple worlds. Now, the old man who is doing the carriage of the carriage on which I am riding seems to be a mysterious tribe called a world horse head, and in the village of his hometown three hundred years old aristocrat of this world There was also a person who self-named it was. Only two people met the former Earthling in my past 15 years. It is only a former Japanese boy sitting opposite the former Nepalese who served in the king’s inn. “I was the first time I met a former Japanese,” The appearance of the guy who said so on self-introduction was far from the Japanese. I mean, I have a face that I can not do on the earth. I am short. This is good because there is something about 150 centimeters, well, well, I’m 14 years old. Shiny, loose, wavy white hair. “Shiraga” seems to be older, but its fantastic beauty attracts eyes even in this world where the color of hair is varied. My eyes are bright red. It is not congested but pupil and iris are red. Together with my hair, it looks like a rabbit somewhere. And, even if it is said to be a woman, there is no sense of incompatibility, and the expression of a face that only has a feeling of incongruity when it is told to be rather a man is only the expression of beauty form. I will not say dare to be a beautiful boy. Since fearlessness has no fragments, it will be out of the scope of a woman who is seeking a sturdy male image, but it is a Shotakuchi who is undoubtedly making a sister to her sister. She is a daughter of a man without doing anything wrong. This person’s name seems to be “Yukito”. I am doing it because it is said that he calls me “Yuki” when introducing myself. I might feel a sense of incompatibility with a Japanese name, but this is his name in this world. It also applies to my name, but it seems to have been named based on the name of the previous life, and there were many people who think that even those who I met until now have a good word. So, in this world the naming rules and customs for each country and region are very weak, with so many free names. Unity also has no fragments. That tendency can be seen in sub-races who use their own language. One of the reasons for this is status. It is like a game, but in this world the Father teaches the status …… name, gender, ability value, skill etc. in facilities such as church. You can also see it as a character if you use a special tool. In the case of a previous generation, it seems that even a newly born child may already have a name, so many cases are used as it is. Well, it is unlikely that the habit of name will be born like unity. Incidentally, if parents naming them separately, their display will also change, and it is likely that there are many things to name newly based on the name of the previous life. In the case of Yuki, I heard that it was originally “Yuki” and that “T” was added later. The person himself does not seem to like this name, and if he calls “Yukito”, his mood gets worse. “Because it is a man’s name if it is Yukito” No, if it is a way of reading from the past life, it is a place you want to say that you are a man, but Yuki seems to have been a woman in the previous life. Still, I’d like to say that I am living as a man for 14 years, but he is not convinced. Be stubborn. “Why does Tsuna go to a labyrinth city if it says so ?” That is what I have said is a reality Yuki that is not my recollection. This guy is a girl even a voice. Actually, there is a possibility of being deceived, so it may be better to check if it is attached later. There should not be much problem because it is male, but it seems to get a bit excited. “It’s for living” Even though I say it myself, my answer is terribly realistic, but it’s such a thing in the world. If anything is a town that will come true, let me live a normal life for the time being. After that I think from then. My hometown in this world was a terribly poor village, and there was nothing to eat. In the year several people are at the level of starvation. In such a village, I was born as the third son of a village-oriented house, but the position of the third son is extremely low in farmers like these worlds. The eldest son is the successor to the house, and there are both the house to succeed and the field. The second son has a weaker position than the first son, but still can live as the eldest son’s spare. But the third son is a spare spare, and even the amount of meal that comes around is small. I can not have clothes on. Winter was hell. My parents said, “If it was a girl I sold it but why are all men.” I want you to apologize to the house where he is not born. It is a terrible story, but this is normal in the village, and girls are few people as they got donadona every year. Or else the house was only the eldest daughter. If it is a story or the like, romance with a pretty girl in the village is drawn before the real story begins in earnest, but there was no room for such an event to occur. By the way there are few young men. Most of the war that happened when I was a child was drafted up, and even though I came back I was donadonna. It seems that the house was survived because he was working as a village mayor. The villagers would have been more miserable. There were several young men and old people in the village, and only a few children. It was not a marginal village level. It is a marginal breakthrough village. People who sell are selling, the number of people has decreased, and food is still insufficient. It was good inside of the mountains where there are animals and plants to eat, but I even tried that and even planned to eat the villagers when it was awful. Well, it was not so bad every year, but could you understand that it was painful anyway? I’m just introducing myself. This is difficult because of the memory of the rich life of Japan, it is painful, but it gets used to it, surviving desperately desperately every day. The marriage of such a middle-aged man was decided and was previously bought Semi-born son was born half a year later, the second son and the third son became a payment box. We were forced to live by two brothers, but we were almost kidnapped as we arrived, we have continued working in the royal minor in the kingdom until a few days ago. Actually, if the timing to become a payment box is bad, there is even a possibility that it was eaten. “It’s awful,” “No, Even this mon. I die and continues committed to common sense in Japan, surely. … No way, at a price crash of the slave market, did not imagine the situation that can not even sell itself” Imperial City After going to slavery, I went to a sale that I could eat the rice rank, but it is a refusal to buy the truth. It was such a situation that too many numbers were too much and red was issued with maintenance fees, even if they became slaves they had to pay the deposit to pick them up. Even slave quarters who were called the biggest major in the kingdom are like that. You will not buy anything. So, we brothers who had no choice but to ask their distant relatives to exercise their abilities as the name of Takaza, who worked as a tavern of the bar in that songwriter. If you can work in the bar, you probably do not need to worry about rice, but leftovers are served to the slums for bilingual sentences and coffee that comes round to us is the amount of viable weapons. I had hardly earned salaries, so I could not buy food separately. Still I think it was better than my hometown village. I will go even if I throw everything if I cook lots of rice on the back streets of Tokyo. It is only treats like convenience store’s expiration date and now it is a treat. A country of satiety in memory remained shining like that. “I am a little more …. No, it’s pretty good, I am also the third son, but since the house was relatively wealthy, the rice was eaten and it was never to be kicked out.” “Well, I used past banners normally I can talk about it because I heard a more terrible story after going to the Kingdom … No, really, it was a serious living The story of the place where I don t want to linger is quite lively I’m rolling. Cliff Mr. Cliff who is underworking at the quotient and the level that comes out in a dream too ruggedly ” ” No, I do not want to hear ” What’s wrong, Cliff says. Because the human dignity is sending a half-hearted half-life. I am sorry for something I boast of unhappiness. It was the worst just by listening to episodes that can break childhood friend. In the future my life will not have Cliff ‘s turn, but his gruesome half life still sticks to my heart and does not leave. “Well, that’s why it’s not that fancier to become an adventurer in a labyrinth city by dreaming of a fortune, that’s a citizenship, but it will limit the move, but I did not have such a good deal” “It’s rare but not strange, I can not earn money by doing adventurers in neighboring cities, I have no chance of getting rich quick.” So, in this world I also existed in my career that used my mental strength and fantasy novels and games Adventurers also exist. I saw a lot when I worked at a tavern and heard stories. It exists, but it was a terrible occupation as I heard it. It is easy to become, but it did not seem to be a decent life. So it’s extra gambling to believe the rumors of the labyrinth city. “The story of a labyrinth city hears about rumors is not only a chance, a good story that you can earn money, or a good story that you hear.There is — ” Does the Japanese smell? ” ” Perhaps we have found that say I. Yuki covered my line. That’s it. The rumors there are numerous keywords that only Japanese people can understand. As if as if calling. And the sources of rumors that we can imagine the same incarnate as us are not in parallel. If you have the power of cheat protagonist Buri to say it, it feels that way. That is the kind of guy who god got under way to give cheat ability. If so, it is enviable. “Even if it is not about to get rich quickly, if that is the case I can live a crowd of people, perhaps I might know a way out of the system in this world.” Status , Skills that can not be learned by,, there was not anything useful but it is definitely a systematic world. I might be able to hear something like that, I got power by pulling a hole in this system. “Ah, is that enough, I wonder if I collect a bit of information … ” “Whatever, there is something involving something. ” “I’m sorry, I thought that I was gathering more information a bit more, and in the usual case, it is courageous to go to the city where many dubious rumors are going to go . because there it because only those shady Any over there of the rumors you hear in the city. But there is that I met the person who came out, entered Once it was also rumored I do not come out again. Oh well Yes, as long as I hear the story, I think that there are cases like that. ” ” It is a secret tone of voice, let me tell you in Yoshimi in the same town. ” ” Well, the Kingdom has already left Well, I wish I could come so far … … In fact, most of the material written about that city has an encrypted “Japanese” description. It has no smells or fucking. Are not you convinced? “Ok, I knew only the rumors, so it was a blind spot,” I can hardly read the letters. Writing is also my name position. “Even saying it is a cryptographic cryptogram that I can not read in Japanese one by one, but I know there are things when collecting various things.” “The son of a merchant’s sister is a flowing stone In the first place, I was born in this world and I saw a letter other than the status screen after I went to the kingdom. By the way, the sign of the shop that is working under is the first. I thought that books do not exist. …… The application when entering Kingdom was a penitent. “The labyrinthine capturers will be given great power, great treasure, and great glory,” something seems to be great. “- That, Nde made dungeon of Rogue specific non ○ discussions to” Yo addition to decipher the statement, everyone in the play Uze’ was written I (· ∀ ·) b “!” To say that I opened a book that was written as it was. I seemed to be sluggish though I was sitting. What is it? I saw it for a long time Japanese, and emoticons. It is mixed with common words and mysterious characters used in the kingdom, but it is oblique reading and there is neither encryption nor shit. Yuki laughs at the look of my face whose eyes are rounded. No, that is surprising. “This is the simplest example, but it seems that something, especially the part of the emoticon is difficult to decipher, it seems that it is being pulled by it so that I can not understand the meaning of other letters well, it looks like ancient characters Actually it may not look like an emoticon or an unknown person.In any case the encryption itself was simple.If you know Japanese it is a level that you can solve even with kids.It is just a diagonal reading , Except for the Japanese part, it is almost a mystery language ” What is this feeling of weakness. “Oh, what I told you do not want to increase the number of competitors?” “That’s right. As long as you are a person like you who decides to go already, people living normally live in labyrinth city I think that it is not necessary to kick off, but I do not have to bother expressing it kindly, and I do not know how much the labyrinth is, but I cut it with a monster There is no way that I can afford it, so if you can live normally, that way is better … … I have not even told my family. ” It may be. Regardless of the rough one who is doing mercenaries and adventurers in town, people who have a job in their hands will not bother their trouble bothering me. I do not usually want to get too close to such a rough. “Is there anything else in the information? …… Oh, is there a charge?” As this carriage was free, there are still some money, but can not we get it there? “Well, I guess it will save you a party party over there … If you say rogue, it’s” normal “, it’s not a solo, is not it?” “By the way is it Rogue?” That , Yuki The move has solidified. You know the dungeon of the faction. A girl who attacks a zombie to a dungeon whose structure is changed every time he gets bread with bread in hand. “Well, I do not know much about it …” Yuki who was quickly tired looked up. Rogue seems to be a MAP auto generation type dungeon search RPG displayed on a text basis. It seems that the dungeon of non-Osa is also a subspecies of it. Yuki was a fan of this and seems to have kept doing things in text display even though graphical games came out. By the way, it seems that there are various clones saying roguelike, but when I heard it, I could not understand the difference. In the first place, I do not understand well the difference between my husband and his 3rd shrimp. “In the first place, there were no game machines in the house when I was a child.It started with a UNIX machine that was covered with dust at the warehouse.What I did not know what at first … …” “No, The story is good now. ” The marketers have decided that addicts in this hand say that there is no dirt. I knew well because there were those guys in the past life as well. “More than that, that is, does the structure change every time a dungeon in a labyrinth city enters?” “No, I do not know it, I did not actually see it, I did not have any detailed information, I think that it will be advantageous if I know it, I think to a certain degree. ” Umm, I do not understand well because I never did it. I did not get used to getting back to Lv1. There is no concept of level in this world, so it may not be that specification. In the first place, computer games themselves, super-large titles and other standards have not done so far. From those who did not do it at all, I was told that I was playing games, but I think it was quite a light gamer. “By the way, it seems that it does not die in the dungeons of the case,” it seems, “It does not die” in the dungeon of the matter. ” ” Well, it does not die, what kind of technology is it? ” ” I do not know the mechanism and I do not know the details, I heard that I actually died in the dungeon. ” Is it okay if I die, does it mean I can do a zombie attack? Oh, but it’s not a game so do you taste the pain or suffering equivalent to death? “Well, if it works hard then I can easily clear it? No, it may be a system that is not clear.” “It does not matter that you can take the opposite meaning – you can die many times It is a natural difficulty, there are places like synonyms of games that are dead and memorized ” … ” ……………… ” That is tight. But is it better than to die? Are you okay? “Well, both the shabby and the shrine have come to see the wall, I still have a distance but that is a labyrinth city.” When I looked at the cart from a cart, the night was completely dawn. What you can see is the huge and heavy rampart to call local cities. There is a huge crack in the wilderness as far as the eye can see, there is a wall that gives an overwhelming presence at the end of the bridge hung there. “That … … labyrinth city” I do not know which way he said. However, it was overwhelmed by the heaviness that I had never seen in contemporary Japan. – Separated from the lizard of the lizard, labyrinth is a strict entrance to the city? While lining up in the column of judgment, Yuki waved a topic with no other love. It is a story of my name I did not want to touch too much. “That reminds me, is your name really doubt whether it is Japanese, is your original name a chicken?” “Neeyo” Ordinary if there is no other love . But the story of my name is a demon. “Tuna” is a strange class in this world. In short, in modern Japan it sounds more unique. Oh, unlike Yuki, it is originally a tuna. It is a tuna can mostly remember when Japanese people hear it as tuna. It is a registered trademark somewhere, but Yuki says it can be a sexy shooter. The two are nicknames in the past life, which is the name used more than the real name. “By the way, what kind of letter?” “It’s a rope.” That which makes a mistake as “the net” It’s a strange name even if you know kanji. “Oh, the last name is Watanabe Kana Wonderful, you seem to be able to get rid of a demon, did not you have friends with Kintaro?” “Do you know …. Yes, the original surname is Watanabe Watanabe rope. Well, it is neither public nor relying on public time. ” Yes, the warlord of the Heian era, Watanabe rope is the original story. Even saying that parents are not familiar with such history, they searched for the great man of Watanabe surname. It is almost a DQN name. But my child never knew such history, and since my first grade of elementary school I was called “Tuna Can” my nickname was “Tuna Can” or “Shikkin” all the time. Rarely “salad”. A friend who was close to me was forced to have a name that seems to have entered a salad. Some were gladly called tomatoes. Kintaro says by Yuki is Sakata Kozumi, who also served as Genji Watanabe as Watanabe rope. The childhood era who became a picture book is a famous great man. Of course there is no such friend. “Here in the dungeon, because seems likely to remember the skills with quality, Do not? Do not you remember or” sword surgery “skills in the name derived from” “I to do to remember.’ll Never seen here in Nante Japanese sword” If there Although I can use it, I have not even touched it even when I was in Japan in the first place. Is it different from classification as a sword? In general, the sword of the Heian era was supposed to be different from the Japanese sword we know. “I have never seen it, but maybe it’s here, Katana” Yuki’s got a heavy labyrinth of a city gate. It certainly can not be. If you have the power to build a huge city so far, you can also make Japanese swords. “But I have never used a sword in previous life, I did not have any kendo classes at school, I did not have any club activities.” At best, I bought the wood sword I bought with a souvenir of a school trip. It certainly had to be swung several times and it became fertilizer of the closet. “What, the one not to be prone sword hero those different world fantasy” Do were many Come to said, sword hero. “Well, what about weapons, what will we do, what weapons will do is only the knife position except the picked up sword.” Afterwards club stick. ” To tell you what I meant to be a good adventurer” I talked even in the carriage, There was not. “How about you, the hero of a different world fantasy?” “I am good at one hand sword and short bow, it is not big enough, so the size is small” Damn it was normal. Considering Yuki ‘s physique and weight of weapons it is a realistic line. I should have said that if you mention a big sword or a big sickle, you are the second and the sick. “Because I think that we are selling a weapon in many ways because it is a labyrinth city, I only have a knife for everyday use,” I can not say the answer, but since I’m betting everything in this city, I have money There is an end. For some reason the owner ‘s wagon was also free. Even though it is said that about one weapon will manage somehow. I should have bought the kingdom’s purchase as if I could search for a labyrinthine home better, but … I hope to buy it cheaply. For dungeon exploration, it’s nothing like a knife …. At the worst, there are hands to wield logs or squares, but I would like to be a weapon. “I buy something with a weapon before registering, but I’m told to party, but I do not want to relax as I wait to train.” “Nice, I,” Proximity Battle “and” One Hand Weapons “If it matches one of the two, it will be okay if it matches one of the two, if it is not a bow, the worst club will do something” ” ” Wow, that’s great, it’s a skill that is completely useless for farmers ” Skill “is a substitute as you read. Having this, technology improves and physical ability improves. It seems to be able to use magic. There are so many that it exists for this skill, every action, talent. And if you do not have this and you do not have that difference in every way. For example, there is a skill called “swordsmanship”. This can be anything as long as it is a weapon that is categorized into a sword, but correction is applied to the technology when used. It seems that somehow good usage is understood. However, as an approximate measure to take to learn this skill from nothing, it is said that it is necessary to train for about a year. Of course, no matter how much effort you can not master what is not fit. Moreover, it is difficult to master and acquire the skill of “two handed weapons” while training training to acquire “swordsmanship”. Also, “swordsmanship” and “small swordsmanship” are different skills, there seems to be “dagger art” and “fine swordsmanship”. It is too fragmented. And “gift” refers to the skill that we have inherently. There is no distinction between the performance of both, the display position of the status column is different. However, there are those who rarely have unique skills, and I call them such as holding gifts. In my case seems to have “close battle” and “one handed weapon” from the time I was born. Basically, it seems that reincarnation is often born with a gift in the former skills, but for some reason I am extremely fighting skills. Is it because it was a warrior job with MMO-RPG who was playing? If so, it is really appropriate. “By the way there are skills” survival “and” food appraisal “, ” Yes, I thought that I have that kind of sort. ” ” Survival “and” food appraisal “are the skills I got acquired afterwards. It can be said that it was desperate for living. “Bow”, “hunting”, “animal demolition”, etc have not got talent or we do not have it. I wanted it to get animal protein. “How about you, ok? … Oh, it’s okay to say it.” In this world, basically it does not teach others the skills, and you can not see it early unless you have special skills. Lifestyle and customs also appear as skills, so there are privacy concerns as well. However, there is no law not to teach, but if it is the partner who forms a party as an adventurer, you can listen to the battle related skills. “There are also” swordsmanship “and” throwing “, and” arithmetic “that are likely to lead to battle, I think that you also have.” “Well,” arithmetic “does not. In previous generation the elementary school lower grade level It seems to have just acquired myself in mathematics. “If you have learned mathematics to the extent that you can do basic arithmetic in previous life, it seems that it is born with” arithmetic “in general. It is a story heard from former Nepalese people. Nonetheless, learning arithmetic skills from scratch in the world is pretty tough and it seems that even if you learn mathematics that a merchant can use, it will not appear as a skill. Born this way, this skill has never worked, but it is a story that makes me think that I was good at studying in the previous life. Actually, this “arithmetic” is a skill that will be considerably advantageous when it gets merchanted by merchants, but I was out of scope because I can hardly read the letters. …… Well, it is also that I can not read the letter, but this world is told that the literacy rate itself is less than 10% in the first place. Most people can not read their status either. Impossible. It is a very good smile. Become regardful! There was a guy who appealed. Is it a team name or something? “It was a dream, I tripped on a lot of developments ” It is a perfect evacuation. If you were not with me and cat ear, it was not amusing to be taken away. “I would like you to explain where I am coming back, if possible, I would like to explain … … No, I guess it is better to ask the sister of the window.” “I do not mind being careful. As I said earlier, It is on the verge of being out of this city because of its poor reputation Nhaha. In this city bad things are gathered up and the adventurers are forcibly retired as it goes above a certain value and again this labyrinth city It will not be able to enter “That’s awesome system. I do not understand the standards well, but I can not do things like bad reputation. …… These guys, I meant to call out with good intentions. “Naka is a matter of life or death for me because people who have become accustomed to this town can live outside,” “Ah” The taste of the set meal I ate earlier has come back. I could understand it in a moment. I can not do bad things. “So, because I think that it is a nice thing to be threatened with another eye, it is safe to say” Nya ” ” By the way cat animal persons, I guess you have to put on me at the end ” … I want to appeal to individuality Nya. It’s easy for popularity.The clans in my place are all like this ” It was quite a messy character making. Why do you take popularity for what? “…… Um, that’s because the sister of the window has been looking at me with a lot of frustrating feeling.” “Oh, if you anger it you are a scary person, so if you ask questions or register it, that’s a good idea. I will go somewhere again . ” ” Ha … … ” I broke up with a cat person and finally reached the window that was the purpose. I had a great experience in a few meters. The atmosphere is somewhat irritated, but her older sister is a very nice smile. “Well, I’d like to register, ” Yes, it is my first time. Welcome to Labyrinth City, Labyrinth Guild Headquarters ” In this way, we finally started to develop as adventurers. Become regardful! There was a guy who appealed. Is it a team name or something? “It was a dream, I tripped on a lot of developments ” It is a perfect evacuation. If you were not with me and cat ear, it was not amusing to be taken away. “I would like you to explain where I am coming back, if possible, I would like to explain … … No, I guess it is better to ask the sister of the window.” “I do not mind being careful. As I said earlier, It is on the verge of being out of this city because of its poor reputation Nhaha.Now this city is bad things accumulate the bad points and when it goes above a certain value adventurers are forcibly retired.Inadvertently in this labyrinth city It will not be able to enter “That’s awesome system. I do not understand the standards well, but I can not do things like bad reputation. …… These guys, I meant to call out with good intentions. “Naka is a matter of life or death for me because people who have become accustomed to this town can live outside,” “Ah” The taste of the set meal I ate earlier has come back. I could understand it in a moment. I can not do bad things. “So, because I think that first of all Toka threatened attached separately eye Nyai, peace of mind to say Nha” “What the way cat beast human person, Toka do I need with a Nha to endings, such ……” “This I want to appeal to individuality Nya. It’s easy for popularity.The clans in my place are all like this ” It was quite a messy character making. Why do you take popularity for what? “…… Um, that’s because the sister of the window has been looking at me with a lot of frustrating feeling.” “Oh, if you anger it you are a scary person, so if you ask questions or register it, that’s a good idea. I will go somewhere again . ” ” Ha … … ” I broke up with a cat person and finally reached the window that was the purpose. I had a great experience in a few meters. The atmosphere is somewhat irritated, but her older sister is a very nice smile. “Well, I’d like to register, ” Yes, it is my first time, welcome to Labyrinth City, Labyrinth Guild Headquarters ” In this way, we finally started to develop as adventurers. It will not be solo, is not it? ” ” By the way, what is Rogue? “That , Yuki’s movements settled. You know the dungeon of the faction. A girl who attacks a zombie to a dungeon whose structure is changed every time he gets bread with bread in hand. “Well, I do not know much about it …” Yuki who was quickly tired looked up. Rogue seems to be a MAP auto generation type dungeon search RPG displayed on a text basis. It seems that the dungeon of non-Osa is also a subspecies of it. Yuki was a fan of this and seems to have kept doing things in text display even though graphical games came out. By the way, it seems that there are various clones saying roguelike, but when I heard it, I could not understand the difference. In the first place, I do not understand well the difference between my husband and his 3rd shrimp. “In the first place, there were no game machines in the house when I was a child.It started with a UNIX machine that was covered with dust at the warehouse.What I did not know what at first … …” “No, The story is good now. ” The marketers have decided that addicts in this hand say that there is no dirt. I knew well because there were those guys in the past life as well. “More than that, that is, does the structure change every time a dungeon in a labyrinth city enters?” “No, I do not know it, I did not actually see it, I did not have any detailed information, I think that it will be advantageous if I know it, I think to a certain degree. ” Umm, I do not know well because I never did it . I did not get used to getting back to Lv 1. There is no concept of level in this world, so it may not be that specification. In the first place, computer games themselves, super-large titles and other standards have not done so far. From those who did not do it at all, I was told that I was playing games, but I think it was quite a light gamer. “By the way, it seems that it does not die in the dungeons of the case,” it seems, “It does not die” in the case of dungeon. ” ” Well, it does not die, what kind of technology is it? ” ” I do not know the mechanism and I do not know the details, I heard that I actually died in the dungeon. ” Is it okay if I die, does it mean I can do a zombie attack? Oh, but it’s not a game so do you taste the pain or suffering equivalent to death? “Well, if it works hard then I can easily clear it? No, it may be a system that is not clear.” “It does not matter that you can take the opposite meaning – you can die many times It is a natural difficulty, there are places like synonyms of games that are dead and memorized ” … ” ……………… ” That is tight. But is it better than to die? Are you okay? “Well, both the shabby and the shrine have come to see the wall, I still have a distance but that is a labyrinth city.” When I looked at the cart from the cart, the night was completely dawn. What you can see is the huge and heavy rampart to call local cities. There is a huge crack in the wilderness as far as the eye can see, there is a wall that gives an overwhelming presence at the end of the bridge hung there. “That … … labyrinth city” I do not know which way he said. However, it was overwhelmed by the heaviness that I had never seen in contemporary Japan. – Separated from the lizard of the lizard, labyrinth is a strict entrance to the city? While lining up in the column of judgment, Yuki waved a topic with no other love. It is a story of my name I did not want to touch too much. “That reminds me, is your name really doubt whether it is Japanese, is your original name a chicken?” “Neeyo” Ordinary if there is no other love . But the story of my name is a demon. “Tuna” is a strange class in this world. In short, in modern Japan it sounds more unique. Oh, unlike Yuki, it is originally a tuna. It is a tuna can mostly remember when Japanese people hear it as tuna. It is a registered trademark somewhere, but Yuki says it can be a sexy shooter. The two are nicknames in the past life, which is the name used more than the real name. “By the way, what kind of letter?” “It’s a rope.” That which makes a mistake as “the net” It’s a strange name even if you know kanji. “Oh, the last name is Watanabe Kana Wonderful, you seem to be able to get rid of a demon, did not you have friends with Kintaro?” “Do you know …. Yes, the original surname is Watanabe Watanabe rope. Well, it is neither public nor relying on public time. ” Yes, the warlord of the Heian era, Watanabe rope is the original story. Even saying that parents are not familiar with such history, they searched for the great man of Watanabe surname. It is almost a DQN name. But my child never knew such history, and since my first grade of elementary school I was called “Tuna Can” my nickname was “Tuna Can” or “Shikkin” all the time. Rarely “salad”. A friend who was close to me was forced to have a name that seems to have entered a salad. Some were gladly called tomatoes. Kintaro says by Yuki is Sakata Kozumi, who also served as Genji Watanabe as Watanabe rope. The childhood era who became a picture book is a famous great man. Of course there is no such friend. “Here in the dungeon, because seems likely to remember the skills with quality, Do not? Do not you remember or” sword surgery “skills in the name derived from” “I to do to remember.’ll Never seen here in Nante Japanese sword” If there Although I can use it, I have not even touched it even when I was in Japan in the first place. Is it different from classification as a sword? In general, the sword of the Heian era was supposed to be different from the Japanese sword we know. “I have never seen it, but maybe it’s here, Katana” Yuki’s got a heavy labyrinth of a city gate. It certainly can not be. If you have the power to build a huge city so far, you can also make Japanese swords. “But I have never used a sword in my previous life, so I did not have any kendo classes at school, and I did not have any club activities.” At best, I bought it for my school trip. It certainly had to be swung several times and it became fertilizer of the closet. “What, the one not to be prone sword hero those different world fantasy” Do were many Come to said, sword hero. “Well, what about weapons, what will we do, what weapons will do is only the knife position except the picked up sword.” Afterwards club stick. ” To tell you what I meant to be a good adventurer” I talked even in the carriage, There was not. “How about you, the hero of a different world fantasy?” “I am good at one hand sword and short bow, it is not big enough, so the size is small” Damn it was normal. Considering Yuki ‘s physique and weight of weapons it is a realistic line. I should have said that if you mention a big sword or a big sickle, you are the second and the sick. “Because I think that we are selling a weapon in many ways because it is a labyrinth city, I only have a knife for everyday use,” I can not say the answer, but since I’m betting everything in this city, I have money There is an end. For some reason the owner ‘s wagon was also free. Even though it is said that about one weapon will manage somehow. I should have bought the kingdom’s purchase as if I could search for a labyrinthine home better, but … I hope to buy it cheaply. For dungeon exploration, it’s nothing like a knife …. At the worst, there are hands to wield logs or squares, but I want to be a weapon. “I buy something with a weapon before registering, but I’m told to party, but I do not want to relax as I wait to train.” “Nice, I,” Proximity Battle “and” One Hand Weapons “If it matches one of the two, it will be okay if it matches one of the two, if it is not a bow, the worst club will do something” ” ” Wow, that’s great, it’s a skill that is completely useless for farmers ” Skill “is a substitute as you read. Having this, technology improves and physical ability improves. It seems to be able to use magic. There are so many that it exists for this skill, every action, talent. And if you do not have this and you do not have that difference in every way. For example, there is a skill called “swordsmanship”. This can be anything as long as it is a weapon that is categorized into a sword, but correction is applied to the technology when used. It seems that somehow good usage is understood. However, as an approximate measure to take to learn this skill from nothing, it is said that it is necessary to train for about a year. Of course, no matter how much effort you can not master what is not fit. Moreover, it is difficult to master and acquire the skill of “two handed weapons” while training training to acquire “swordsmanship”. Also, “swordsmanship” and “small swordsmanship” are different skills, there seems to be “dagger art” and “fine swordsmanship”. It is too fragmented. And “gift” refers to the skill that we have inherently. There is no distinction between the performance of both, the display position of the status column is different. However, there are those who rarely have unique skills, and I call them such as holding gifts. In my case seems to have “close battle” and “one handed weapon” from the time I was born. Basically, it seems that reincarnation is often born with a gift in the former skills, but for some reason I am extremely fighting skills. Is it because it was a warrior job with MMO-RPG who was playing? If so, it is really appropriate. “By the way there are skills” survival “and” food appraisal “, ” Yes, I thought that I have that kind of sort. ” ” Survival “and” food appraisal “are the skills I got acquired afterwards. It can be said that it was desperate for living. “Bow”, “hunting”, “animal demolition”, etc have not got talent or not. I wanted it to get animal protein. “How about you, ok? … oh, it’s OK to say it.” In this world, basically it does not teach others the skills, and you can not see it early unless you have special skills. Lifestyle and customs also appear as skills, so there are privacy concerns as well. However, there is no law not to teach, but if it is the partner who forms a party as an adventurer, you can listen to the battle related skills. “There are also” swordsmanship “and” throwing “, and” arithmetic “that are likely to lead to battle, I think that you also have.” “Well,” arithmetic “does not. In previous generation the elementary school lower grade level It seems to have just acquired myself in mathematics. “If you have learned mathematics to the extent that you can do basic arithmetic in previous life, it seems that it is born with” arithmetic “in general. It is a story heard from former Nepalese people. Nonetheless, learning arithmetic skills from scratch in the world is pretty tough and it seems that even if you learn mathematics that a merchant can use, it will not appear as a skill. Born this way, this skill has never worked, but it is a story that makes me think that I was good at studying in the previous life. Actually, this “arithmetic” is a skill that will be considerably advantageous when it gets merchanted by merchants, but I was out of scope because I can hardly read the letters. …… Well, it is also that I can not read the letter, but this world is told that the literacy rate itself is less than 10% in the first place. Most people can not read their status either.

“Well then, we are pretty sure that avant-garde skills are
fulfilling. ” “I think it’s better than two guards, but if you want a recovery job, you want a recovery wizard.”

If you are a game, other thieves (scouts) A witch, if there is a priest, well-balanced.

“I can hardly see you in this world, wizards.”
“I know, I just said”

This world is also a fantasy seemingly witch … … Although there are magicians, they are mostly above the clouds. I have never actually seen it, just by talking.
Even if there is magical power, it is difficult to memorize magic, there is no manipulation ceremony open to the public. I do not know whether there is a manga-like chant. It is a world of almost a one-sided receiver.
Magicians monopolizing such technology are basically rich. There is no need to bother to become such a dangerous adventurer.
So, I am tempted by a net novel, since I was a baby I’ve trained magical power and I am almost impossible to do TUEEE.

By the way, the Fathers in the church have the skill to see the status, but can not use the recovery magic. Recovery magic seems to be a magician’s territory.
It treats with the power of God and does not fuck faith. They are quite serious people. Or … I have never heard of God’s story though there is a church.

“Well, for a while it’s a muddy fistbeast with two people”

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“It looks like a plain picture ” There is no fragrance

. Even though I’m going through a different world incarnation, the reality will be such a thing.
But here it seems to be able to taste fantasy ingredients a bit. A boy would adore it.

“Come to think of it, are people who line up in this row aspiring to adventurers?” If they are told, there are many people who

look like rows of adventurers and mercenaries wearing weapons.
I have never met real objects, but some people have worn magical robes. Or, a pretty person in front of me.

“Is that so? It’s a labyrinth city.”
“But usually it’s a little mixed with merchants, but there is no one like that.”

To be sure, unnatural, you can fight There are only people.

“You guys, you do not know?”

The pretty little robe talked to me. I understood it by voice, but it seems to be a girl in the male rate of this threat.
Oh no, there are cases like Yuki behind, so I do not know if it is still a girl or not.
I can hardly see my face with a robe, but I think it is cute in the visible range ….

“I do not know?”
“The thing of judging here.The story that labyrinth city accepts only basic adventurers”
“Is it such a rule?” By the

way, even when you ride a horse-drawn carriage, I feel like I was told a thing.
Do you like trade? Even though it is part of the kingdom, are you doing isolation in the country?

“I do not know whether it’s a rule or not, but the information that is circulating among adventurers is that it seems like it was a story that refugees and migrants are not accepted.”
“Hmm, the adventure of the main business who is there has its own sources of information? I am me I was not heard that story. ”
” Yeah. in adventurers Guild of the empire, only the information that is published “to the person who is judged me there is a certain level of ability

‘s it , Yuki’s information network will not be stuck.
Adventurers seem to have a place to build their own world.

“Yeah, that’s … I came from the empire? It’s been a long journey.”
“Yeah, it was a rather troublesome route, I do not know if I crossed the borders,” The

murmuring appearance seemed very tired . It is probably far from the Yoko Empire.
Well, I do not know what the empire is in the first place.
I do not know the state system of empire. I do not know well what kind of state this world is.
I was not interested and had no chance to know. It is a gossip rumor that I can only listen fragmentally, and there are many cases that I am strangely abbreviated. Even now it is only said to be an empire. …… What an empire.

“Anyway, those who are here are basic peers and you too, are not they? … Well that’s

what I was looking for, I was losing confidence.
I certainly do not have weapons that seem to be weapons, and the clothes in the cloak are dirty at a level where there is no discomfort even in the slum.

“… …. Um, so it seems that immigrants are not accepting … …”
“No, no problem with the aspiring
adventurers. ” “Yes … … what are you doing, do your best.”

That means that you are doing your best in adventurers’ work that’s right.
It does not mean that you have to work hard to get into the city.

-3 –

“Ohhhhhh … …”

Waiting for a long queue for hours. Several hours waiting for review and registration. Although it was early in the morning that I started to line up in the queue, around the afternoon when I entered the city.
The sight that spreads before my eyes is a scene suitable for calling as a city that could not see even the kingdom in this world.
Even though the kingdom seems to be only two-story buildings at most, except for the castle, there were dozens of huge buildings just by looking around here. Super cool.

Many people go and go. Even though I could hardly see any other species in my life, here is a crucible of various races.
Most of all, it is lively. There was a smile on the face of people. To be exactly this is a living city.
There are many ordinary shops, but here is a person who came from outside of the city or there are many stalls. A smell that seems to be very delicious comes from around.

“Oh, the dragon is flying” When

you look at the sky, the creatures with wings were flying above the building.
Is that a wyvern? It is a fellow who has heard rumors.
There are more carriages than the Kingdom, and not only horses but also dragons without wings are drawn, and it is because the city is still a city. Neither the frontier nor anything.

“Oh, it’s over, I finally ended up waiting.”

Yuki cried out if I was staring at the city like an idiot.
To be waiting for a long time is a rather ruler. I wonder if I thought about the possibility that it would be played on screening as that small screamer said.

“It’s bad, a homoiser is an examiner, I’ve been touched by the body all the time,
” he said. “Oh, Tsuna surely seems to be a good gay guy, I did it in the previous life It was also in the characters of BL Gay, you are like you ”

Stop it. Please stop it.

“I was enduring because I messed up, but my hands stretched out to my ass at last, my hands came out at last,” the hands came out. ”
” It was okay, were not you? ”
” If the spectators used the versatile professional wrestling technique that was acquired in the previous life, It was a little hero … I got a twist. ”
” It’s okay, this city ”

That demonic glasses will not be able to move for a while.
Or rather, do not make such an examiner. Is it harassment?

“Well, I got a strange ticket with a twist.This town has its own
banknotes ” “Ha what?”
“You do not know anything, because it seems you can use ordinary currencies, I do not think hesitates to be lost. ”

I thought what to do if the kingdom’s currency could not be used, but that is not the case. I do not know how much this ticket is worth, but he seems to be able to use it together.
Pictorial figures and figures of monsters are printed on tickets with good quality paper. Even if it is said to be 100 MP, the unit does not understand. Magic point?


Yuki looks into the paper with great care.
Because it is my twist, return it.

“It’s amazing, this is not a bargain in Japan, but I am using a fairly sophisticated technology, I have a watermark …. There are not any printing technologies in the outside …”
“No, I did not see a book, Is not it typography or not? It seems that someone is made by a reincarnation. ”

Modern technology cheat. The number was few compared to agriculture, but it seems that there were such creations as well.
… … No way, do you use papyrus paper or parchment in the kingdom?

“There is nothing, because the manuscript is about to be established as an occupation. Even though it is not popular with even vegetable paper, printing is hurdley and ink is also expensive.It is
only in the outline position of typographical printing, The technology that is circulating in the world at best is at most printmaking level.It is outside civilization less than medieval, it can not be compared even if there is magic
etc.I think that I can profit merely by establishing papermaking technology.I think that it is my home family I will be willing to buy it. ”

That reminds me, I have not examined the extent of the civilization of this world even while I am in the kingdom. Did not you even have a good medieval level?
When I was in the village I did not have the opportunity to touch civilization. When I returned to memory, I thought it was primitive. …… Although it was truly a primeval age, it was overkill. … …. Ancient?

“Technique of this hand can not produce results in the absence without knowledge without expert knowledge, even if there is knowledge there is no way to develop that skill
ahead of time.It originally cost money.I was born to a farmer and a fertilizer reservoir Will it be a catastrophe as a deaf? It is a parasite or a parasite? ”
” I was making a mulberry in the forest of a village outdoor ”
” Even if it is possible, I think that Tsuna is wise. I do not have knowledge, trial and error, NAISEI is impossible, since the person who failed is said to be wrong, it is no doubt

Incidentally, mulberry does not work at first, insects gush, it was serious.

“So, this city is funny, after all the smell of the cheat hero goes on.”

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is not it one thing so different ? Is credit currency (probably) just amazing?

“Tentatively, you had meat eaten in a carriage, but you stopped eating meals on the way and did not eat anything since yesterday.”
“Oh, yes, I want to save as much as possible, so cheap However …

What is the meal of the labyrinth city?
Overlooking the area, there are plenty of eateries unexpectedly. Many stalls have appeared because it is daytime. The entrance of the city may be related.
She seems to be a Japanese-born person, does not she have served rice? Grilled fish set meals.

Yuki pulled his sleeve silently and turned around, pointing to the signboard of the restaurant.

[Today ‘s daily mackerel’ s miso boiled food set lunch time rice miso soup alternately]

We nodded silently and went into the shop so as to be sucked in by the hula.
Savings and the signboard was written in Japanese, such things disappeared from the head and flew away somewhere.

-4 –

“Fu Oh Ohio”

We were deprived of the ultimate color that colors the tray placed in front of us, giving us a funny voice.
Mackerel miso boiled, miso soup, pickled eggplant, cold, raw egg, and cooked white rice. Every one, it is amusing to put out in modern Japan.
This world is an obvious overtechnology that anticipated the hundreds of years.
Or, even with each of the ingredients, I have not seen you in the outside world. Even raw eggs or modern earth could only eat in Japan.

“Oh, I will live here permanently”
“I also did not have a hometown to return home” Well

Or, in my case it is possible that my hometown will be gone if I do it in years.

People from outside are exaggerated. Do you need a spoon or fork? It is painful to eat with chopsticks.” Oddness ……
Cat ya waitress came with pretty clothes saying sleeping.
I thought that even if I could have such a meal, I could die.
Yuki said that he never starved, but what I eat is of this world standard, it can never be compared with what I can eat in Japan. Because I do not know what I am aware of.
We ignored the words of cat ear earrings and started dining to bit me. Yuki was obliged, but I said “I will receive” for the first time in years.
Even though the body has changed, it seems I did not forget how to use the stained chopsticks.

I ate it all.
I ate not to know how many times I had changed and continued to eat with rice and miso soup even if the side disappeared. That alone is a treat.
We stuffed into the belly to the limits where we could not move, and when we were teasing green tea after meals, we noticed that each other was crying.

“The outside meal is garbage.”

What I have eaten in my life is just the food you need to live. Call this a real meal. Too long I forgot because I was in this world.
We were tasting the ultimate excitement, which people who were born and raised here and who were not born outside but born outside the former Japanese do not know.

Oh, it’s almost time for noon, so I’d like to pay for it.” “Oh, sorry” The

ultimate impression was ruined.

Finished the bill, we were dropping down on the bench in the square.

“Hey, how about you”
“What is it”
“… I eat that much and it’s one small silver coin”

It’s not cheap as a meal fee. If it is the outside world, it will be normal for meals for several days.
It was the extravagant luxury I had if it was me until yesterday.
However, it is still several days worth. If you stand a few days, you can eat it. Impossible.

“Regional inequality is not a level”

, I think that it is a different world, it is different from the world we were in. ” That wall is the wall that separates the world.
Even this square is a maintenance situation that is not comparable to the dirty alleys of the Kingdom. There is no garbage.
What kind of bastards can you build the difference so far?

“If you can earn it in the labyrinth, will you be able to eat that every day
? ” “That’s not it, maybe I forgot,

but that dinner set meal,” it’s supposed to be a meal for the common people. I guess it is food like a Hijikata’s owner is eating.

“Okay, I want to eat cake.”
“Oh no, it can not be helped, which one is good?”
“Hey, Hey, Hey, Um, …… Strawberry’s shortcake !”

Parents and children walking around are saying such a thing to go into.
As I raised my face, there was a cake shop that was decorated with fairy tale in the place facing the square. It is a cake that is on sale in the former world in Japan.
I do not know how much it is sold, but it is probably the price range that people can reach. Far from the price, it is not sold in the first place.
Yuki who is falling by the side does not move, but I hear hearing about parent-child conversation.

“Hey you, I guess you are not going to eat cake.”

Our belly is on the verge of collapse.
No way, you should not say something sweet like another. You are a man right now.

“It’s useless” It

is decided to useless. Why my eyes are running away.
You ought to know this one. Even after a bite, if we say something, we are socially destroyed. There is a dirty bridge on this beautiful square.
Even men of Shimbashi will not vomit from daytime. It is a very good smile. It will not be solo, is not it? ” ” By the way, what is Rogue? “That , Yuki’s movements settled. You know the dungeon of the faction. A girl who attacks a zombie to a dungeon whose structure is changed every time he enters bread with bread. “Well, I do not know much about it …” Yuki who was quickly tired looked up. Rogue seems to be a MAP auto generation type dungeon search RPG displayed on a text basis. It seems that the dungeon of non-Osa is also a subspecies of it. Yuki was a fan of this and seems to have kept doing things in text display even though graphical games came out. By the way, it seems that there are various clones saying roguelike, but when I heard it, I could not understand the difference. In the first place, I do not understand well the difference between my husband and his 3rd shrimp. “In the first place, there were no game machines in the house when I was a child.It started with a UNIX machine that was covered with dust at the warehouse.What I did not know what at first … …” “No, the original game The story is good now. ‘ The market is decided if addicts of this hand talks out there is no dirt. I knew well because there were those guys in the past life as well. “More than that, that is, does the structure change every time a dungeon in a labyrinth city enters?” “No, I do not know it, I did not actually see it, I did not have any detailed information, I think that it will be advantageous if I know it, I think to a certain degree. ” Umm, I do not know well because I never did it . I did not get used to getting back to Lv 1. There is no concept of level in this world, so it may not be that specification. In the first place, computer games themselves, super-large titles and other standards have not done so far. From those who did not do it at all, I was told that I was playing games, but I think it was quite a light gamer. “By the way, it seems that it does not die in the dungeons of the case,” it seems, “It does not die” in the case of dungeon. ” ” Well, it does not die, what kind of technology is it? ” ” I do not know the mechanism and I do not know the details, I heard that I actually died in the dungeon. ” Is it okay if I die, does it mean I can do a zombie attack? Oh, but it’s not a game so do you taste the pain or suffering equivalent to death? “Well, if it works hard then I can easily clear it? No, it may be a system that is not clear.” “It does not matter that you can take the opposite meaning – you can die many times It is a natural difficulty, there are places like synonyms of games that you can remember by dead rogue “… ” ……………… ” That is tight. But is it better than to die? Are you okay? “Well, both the shabby and the shrine have come to see the wall, I still have a distance but that is a labyrinth city.” When I looked at the cart from a cart, the night was completely dawn. What you can see is the huge and heavy rampart to call local cities. There is a huge crack in the wilderness as far as the eye can see, there is a wall that gives an overwhelming presence at the end of the bridge hung there. “That … … labyrinth city” I do not know which way he said. However, it was overwhelmed by the heaviness that I had never seen in contemporary Japan. – Separated from the lizard of the lizard, labyrinth is a strict entrance to the city? While lining up in the column of judgment, Yuki waved a topic with no other love. It is a story of my name I did not want to touch too much. “That reminds me, is your name really doubt whether it is a Japanese, is your original name a chicken?” “Neeyo” Ordinary if there is no other love . But the story of my name is a demon. “Tuna” is a strange class in this world. In short, in modern Japan it sounds more unique. Oh, unlike Yuki, it is originally a tuna. It is a tuna can mostly remember when Japanese people hear it as tuna. It is a registered trademark somewhere, but Yuki says it can be a sexy shooter. The two are nicknames in the past life, which is the name used more than the real name. “By the way, what kind of letter?” “It’s a rope.” That which makes a mistake as “the net” It’s a strange name even if you know kanji. “Oh, the last name is Watanabe Kana Wonderful, you seem to be able to get rid of a demon, did not you have friends with Kintaro?” “Do you know …. Yes, the original surname is Watanabe Watanabe rope. Well, it is neither public nor relying on public time. ” Yes, the warlord of the Heian era, Watanabe rope is the original story. Even saying that parents are not familiar with such history, they searched for the great man of Watanabe surname. It is almost a DQN name. But my child never knew such history, and since my first grade of elementary school I was called “Tuna Can” my nickname was “Tuna Can” or “Shikkin” all the time. Rarely “Salad”. A friend who was close to me was forced to have a name that seems to have entered a salad. Some were gladly called tomatoes. Kintaro says by Yuki is Sakata Kozumi, who also served as Genji Watanabe as Watanabe rope. The childhood era who became a picture book is a famous great man. Of course there is no such friend. “Here in the dungeon, because seems likely to remember the skills with quality, Do not? Do not you remember or” sword surgery “skills in the name derived from” “I to do to remember.’ll Never seen here in Nante Japanese sword” If there Although I can use it, I have not even touched it even when I was in Japan in the first place. Is it different from classification as a sword? In general, the sword of the Heian era was supposed to be different from the so-called Japanese sword we know. “I have never seen it, but maybe it’s here, Katana” Yuki’s got a heavy labyrinth of a city gate. It certainly can not be. If you have the power to build a huge city so far, you can also make Japanese swords. “But I have never used a sword in previous life, I did not have any kendo classes at school, I did not have any club activities.” At best, I bought it for my souvenir of a school trip. It certainly had to be swung several times and it became fertilizer of the closet. “What, the one not to be prone sword hero those different world fantasy” Do were many Come to said, sword hero. “Well, what about weapons, what will we do, what weapons will do is only the knife position except the picked up sword.” Afterwards club stick. ” To tell you what I meant to be a good adventurer” I talked even in the carriage, There was not. “How about you, the hero of a different world fantasy?” “I am good at one hand sword and short bow, it is not big enough, so the size is small” Damn it was normal. Considering Yuki ‘s physique and weight of weapons it is a realistic line. I should have said that if you mention a big sword or a big sickle, you are the second and the sick. “Because I think that we are selling a weapon in many ways because it is a labyrinth city, I only have a knife for everyday use,” I can not say the answer, but since I’m betting everything in this city, I have money There is an end. For some reason the owner ‘s wagon was also free. Even though it is said that about one weapon will manage somehow. I should have bought the kingdom’s purchase as if I could search for a labyrinthine home better, but … I hope to buy it cheaply. For dungeon exploration, it’s nothing like a knife …. At the worst, there are hands to wield logs or squares, but I would like to be a weapon. “I buy something with a weapon before registering, but I’m told to party, but I do not want to relax as I wait to train.” “Nice, I,” Proximity Battle “and” One Hand Weapons “If it matches one of the two, it will be okay if it matches one of the two, if it is not a bow, the worst club will do something” ” ” Wow, that’s great, it’s a skill that is completely useless for farmers ” Skill “is a substitute as you read. Having this, technology improves and physical ability improves. It seems to be able to use magic. There are so many that it exists for this skill, every action, talent. And if you do not have this and you do not have that difference in every way. For example, there is a skill called “swordsmanship”. This can be anything as long as it is a weapon that is categorized as a sword, but corrections are applied to the technology when used. It seems that somehow good usage is understood. However, as an approximate measure to take to learn this skill from nothing, it is said that it is necessary to train for about a year. Of course, no matter how much effort you can not master what is not fit. Moreover, it is difficult to master and acquire the skill of “two handed weapons” while training training to acquire “swordsmanship”. Also, “swordsmanship” and “small swordsmanship” are different skills, there seems to be “dagger art” and “fine swordsmanship”. It is too fragmented. And “gift” refers to the skill that we have inherently. There is no distinction between the performance of both, the display position of the status column is different. However, there are those who rarely have unique skills, and I call them such as holding gifts. In my case seems to have “close battle” and “one handed weapon” from the time I was born. Basically, it seems that reincarnation is often born with a gift in the former skills, but for some reason I am extremely fighting skills. Is it because it was a warrior job with MMO-RPG who was playing? If so, it is really appropriate. “By the way, there are skills” survival “and” food appraisal “, ” Yes, I thought that I have that kind. ” ” Survival “and” food appraisal “are the skills I got acquired afterwards. It can be said that it was desperate for living. “Bow”, “hunting”, “animal demolition”, etc have not got talent or we do not have it. I wanted it to get animal protein. “How about you, ok? … oh, it’s OK to say it.” In this world, basically it does not teach others the skills, and you can not see it early unless you have special skills. Lifestyle and customs also appear as skills, so there are privacy concerns as well. However, there is no law not to teach, but if it is the partner who forms a party as an adventurer, you can listen to the battle related skills. “There are also” swordsmanship “and” throwing “, and” arithmetic “that are likely to lead to battle, I think that you also have.” “Well,” arithmetic “does not. In previous generation the elementary school lower grade level It seems to have just acquired myself in mathematics. “If you have learned mathematics to the extent that you can do basic arithmetic in previous life, it seems that it is born with” arithmetic “in general. It is a story heard from former Nepalese people. Nonetheless, learning arithmetic skills from scratch in the world is pretty tough and it seems that even if you learn mathematics that a merchant can use, it will not appear as a skill. Born this way, this skill has never worked, but it is a story that makes me think that I was good at studying in the previous life. Actually, this “arithmetic” is a skill that will be considerably advantageous when it gets merchanted by merchants, but I was out of scope because I can hardly read the letters. …… Well, it is also that I can not read the letter, but this world is told that the literacy rate itself is less than 10% in the first place. Most people can not read their status either. “Well then, we are pretty sure that avant-garde skills are fulfilling. ” “I think it’s better than two guards, but if you want a recovery job, you want a recovery wizard.” If you are a game, other thieves (scouts) A witch, if there is a priest, well-balanced. “I can hardly see you in this world, wizards.” “I know, I just said” This world is also a fantasy seemingly witch … … Although there are magicians, they are mostly above the clouds. I have never actually seen it, just by talking. Even if there is magical power, it is difficult to memorize magic, there is no manipulation ceremony open to the public. I do not know whether there is a manga-like chant. It is a world of almost a one-sided receiver. Magicians monopolizing such technology are basically rich. There is no need to bother to become such a dangerous adventurer. So, I am tempted by a net novel, since I was a baby I’ve trained magical power and I am almost impossible to do TUEEE. By the way, the Fathers in the church have the skill to see the status, but can not use the recovery magic. Recovery magic seems to be a magician’s territory. It treats with the power of God and does not fuck faith. They are quite serious people. Or … I have never heard of God’s story though there is a church. “Well, for a while it’s a muddy fistbeast with two people” “It looks like a plain picture ” There is no fragrance . Even though I’m going through a different world incarnation, the reality will be such a thing. But here it seems to be able to taste fantasy ingredients a bit. A boy would adore it. “Come to think of it, are people who line up in this row aspiring to adventurers?” If they are told, there are many people who look like rows of adventurers and mercenaries wearing weapons. I have never met real objects, but some people have worn magical robes. Or, a pretty person in front of me. “Is that so? It’s a labyrinth city.” “But usually it’s a little mixed with merchants, but there is no one like that.” To be sure, unnatural, you can fight There are only people. “You guys, you do not know?” The pretty little robe talked to me. I understood it by voice, but it seems to be a girl in the male rate of this threat. Oh no, there are cases like Yuki behind, so I do not know if it is still a girl or not. I can hardly see my face with a robe, but I think it is cute in the visible range …. “I do not know?” “The thing of judging here.The story that labyrinth city accepts only basic adventurers” “Is it such a rule?” By the way, even when you ride a horse-drawn carriage, I feel like I was told a thing. Do you like trade? Even though it is part of the kingdom, are you doing isolation in the country? “I do not know whether it’s a rule or not, but the information that is circulating among adventurers is that it seems like it was a story that refugees and migrants are not accepted.” “Hmm, adventure of the main business who is there has its own sources of information? I am me I was not heard that story. ” ” Yeah. in adventurers Guild of the empire, only the information that is published “to the person who is judged me there is a certain level of ability ‘s it , Yuki’s information network will not be stuck. Adventurers seem to have a place to build their own world. “Yeah, that’s … I came from the empire? It’s been a long journey.” “Yeah, it was quite a troublesome route, I do not know if I crossed the borders,” The murmuring appearance seemed very tired . It is probably far from the Yoko Empire. Well, I do not know what the empire is in the first place. I do not know the state system of empire. I do not know well what kind of state this world is. I was not interested and had no chance to know. If it is a rumor of a tavern, it can only be fractionally heard, and there are many cases that I am strangely abbreviated. Even now it is only said to be an empire. …… What an empire. “Anyway, those who are here are basic peers and you too, are not they? … Well that’s what I was looking for, I was losing confidence. I certainly do not have weapons that seem to be weapons, and the clothes in the cloak are dirty at a level where there is no discomfort even in the slum. “…… Well, the kind of thing, migrants …… because apparently do not accept,” “No, adventurer aspiring Hey no problem Why,” “so …… What. Good luck,” it is, meaning that work hard adventurers industry that’s right. It does not mean that you have to work hard to get into the city. -3 – “Ohhhhhh ……” Waiting for a long queue for hours. Several hours waiting for review and registration. Although it was early in the morning that I started to line up in the queue, around the afternoon when I entered the city. The sight that spreads before my eyes is a scene suitable for calling as a city that could not see even the kingdom in this world. Even though the kingdom seems to be only two-story buildings at most, except for the castle, there were dozens of huge buildings just by looking around here. Super cool. Many people go and go. Even though I could hardly see any other species in my life, here is a crucible of various races. Most of all, it is lively. There was a smile on the face of people. To be exactly this is a living city. There are many ordinary shops, but here is a person who came from outside of the city or there are many stalls. A smell that seems to be very delicious comes from around. “Oh, the dragon is flying” When you look at the sky, the creatures with wings were flying above the building. Is that a wyvern? It is a fellow who has heard rumors. There are more carriages than the Kingdom, and not only horses but also dragons without wings are drawn, and it is because the city is still a city. Neither the frontier nor anything. “Oh, it’s over, I finally ended up waiting.” Yuki cried out if I was staring at the city like an idiot. To be waiting for a long time is a rather ruler. I wonder if I thought about the possibility that it would be played on screening as that one was saying. “It’s bad, a homoiser is an examiner, I’ve been touched by my body for hours all the time.” “Oh, Tsuna surely seems to be a good gay guy, I did it in the previous life It was also in the characters of BL Gay, you are like you ” Stop it. Please stop it. “I was enduring because I messed up, but my hands stretched out to my ass at last, my hands came out at last,” the hands came out. ” ” It was fine, were not you? ” ” If the spectators used the variegated professional wrestling skills learned in the previous life, It was a little hero … I got a twist. ” ” It’s okay, this city ” That demonic glasses will not be able to move for a while. Or rather, do not make such an examiner. Is it harassment? “Well, I got a strange ticket with a twist.This town has its own banknotes ” “Ha what?” “You do not know anything, because ordinary currencies are likely to be used, I do not think hesitates to be lost. ” I thought what to do if the kingdom’s currency could not be used, but that’s not the case. I do not know how much this ticket is worth, but he seems to be able to use it together. Pictorial figures and figures of monsters are printed on tickets with good quality paper. Even if it is said to be 100 MP, the unit does not understand. Magic point? “Humphrey” Yuki looks into the paper with great care. Because it is my twist, return it. “It’s amazing, this is not a bargain in Japan, but I am using a fairly sophisticated technology and I have a watermark …. There are not any printing technologies out there … ” Eh, I certainly did not see a book, Is not it typography or not? It seems that someone is made by a reincarnation. ” Modern technology cheat. The number was few compared to agriculture, but it seems that there were such creations as well. … … No way, do you use papyrus paper or parchment in the kingdom? “There is nothing, because the manuscript is about to be established as an occupation. Even though it is not popular with even vegetable paper, printing has a high hurd.Ink is also very high.It is also familiar with typography only for outline printing, The technology that is circulating in the world at best is at most printmaking level.It is outside civilization less than medieval, it can not be compared even if there is magic etc.I think that I can profit merely by establishing papermaking technology.I think that it is my parent’s home I will be willing to buy it. ” That reminds me, I have not examined the extent of the civilization of this world even while I am in the kingdom. Did not you even have a good medieval level? When I was in the village I did not have the opportunity to touch civilization. When I returned to memory, I thought it was primitive. …… Although it was truly a primeval age, it was overkill. … …. Ancient? “Technique of this hand can not produce results in the absence without knowledge without expert knowledge, even if there is knowledge there is no way to develop that skill ahead of time.It originally cost money.I was born to a farmer and a fertilizer reservoir Will it be a catastrophe as a deaf? It is a parasite or a parasite? ” ” I was making a mulberry in the forest of a village outdoor ” ” Even if I can make it, I think that Tsuna is wise. I do not have knowledge, trial and error, NAISEI is impossible, since the person who failed is said, it is no doubt that it is a trial experience . Incidentally, mulberry does not work at first, insects gush, it was serious. “So, this town is funny, after all the cheat hero smells.” “Hmm,” is not it a different one? Is credit currency (probably) just amazing? “Tentatively, you had meat eaten in a carriage, but you have eaten food on the way, I have not eaten anything since yesterday.” “Oh, that’s cheap because I want to save as much as possible However … What is the meal of the labyrinth city? Overlooking the area, there are plenty of eateries unexpectedly. Many stalls have appeared because it is lunchtime. The entrance of the city may be related. She seems to be a Japanese-born person, does not she have served rice? Grilled fish set meals. Yuki pulled his sleeve silently and turned around, pointing to the signboard of the restaurant. [Today ‘s daily mackerel’ s miso boiled food set lunch time rice miso soup alternately] We nodded silently and went into the shop so as to be sucked in by the hula. Savings and the signboard was written in Japanese, such things disappeared from the head and flew away somewhere. -4 – “Fu Oh Ohio” We were deprived of the ultimate color that colors the tray placed in front of us, giving us a funny voice. Mackerel miso boiled, miso soup, pickled eggplant, cold, raw egg, and cooked white rice. Every one, it is amusing to put out in modern Japan. This world is an obvious overtechnology that anticipated the hundreds of years. Or, even with each of the ingredients, I have never met in the outside world. Even raw eggs or modern earth could only eat in Japan. “Oh, I will live here permanently” “I also did not have a hometown to return home” Well seriously. Or, in my case it is possible that my hometown will be gone if I do it for years. ” People from outside are exaggerated. Do you need a spoon or fork? It is painful to eat with chopsticks.” Oddness …… Cat ya waitress came with pretty clothes saying sleeping. I thought that even if I could have such a meal, I could die. Yuki said that he never starved, but what I eat is of this world standard, it can never be compared with what I can eat in Japan. Because I do not know what I am aware of. We disregarded the words of cat ear earrings and started dining to bit me. Yuki was obliged, but I said “I will receive” for the first time in years. Even though the body has changed, it seems I did not forget how to use the stained chopsticks. I ate it all. I ate not to know how many times I had changed and continued to eat with rice and miso soup even if the side disappeared. That alone is a treat. We stuffed into the belly to the limits where we could not move, and when we were teasing green tea after meals, we noticed that each other was crying. “The outside meal is garbage.” “Esa.” What I have eaten in my life is just the food you need to live. Call this a real meal. Too long I forgot because I was in this world. We were tasting the ultimate excitement, which people who were born and raised here and who were not born outside but born outside the former Japanese do not know. ” Oh, it’s almost time for noon, so I’d like to pay for it.” “Oh, sorry” The ultimate impression was ruined. Completed the bill, we were dropping down on the bench in the square. “Hey, how about you” “What is it” “… I eat that much and it’s one small silver coin” “Yeah” It’s not cheap as a meal fee. If it is the outside world, it will be normal for meals for several days. It was the extravagant luxury I had if it was me until yesterday. However, it is still several days worth. If you stand a few days, you can eat it. Impossible. “Regional inequality is not a level” “Actually , I think that it is a different world, it is different from the world we were in. ” That wall is the wall that separates the world. Even this square is a maintenance situation that is not comparable to the dirty alleys of the Kingdom. There is no garbage. What kind of bastards can you build the difference so far? “If you can earn it in the labyrinth, will you be able to eat that daily ? ” “That’s not it, maybe I forgot, but that dinner set meal,” you should have a meal of the common people. I guess it is food like a Hijikata’s owner is eating. “Okay, want to eat cake.” “Oh no, it can not be helped, which one is good?” “Hey, Hey, Hey, Um, …… Strawberry’s shortcake !” Parents and children walking along are saying such a thing to go into. As I raised my face, there was a cake shop that was decorated with fairy tale in the place facing the square. It is a cake that is on sale in the former world in Japan. I do not know how much it is sold, but it is probably the price range that people can reach. Far from the price, it is not sold in the first place. Yuki who is falling by the side does not move, but I hear hearing about parent-child conversation. “Hey you, I guess you are not going to eat cake.” Our belly is on the verge of collapse. No way, you should not say something sweet like another. You are a man right now. “It’s useless” It is decided to useless. Why my eyes are running away. You ought to know this one. Even after a bite, if we say something, we are socially destroyed. There is a dirty bridge on this beautiful square. Even men of Shimbashi will not vomit from daytime. It is a very good smile. It seems like that. “No, I do not know the mechanism, I do not know the details, but it seems to be that kind of thing, it seems to me that people actually died in the dungeon I met you. ” Is it okay if you die, does it mean you can do a zombie attack? Oh, but it’s not a game so do you taste the pain or suffering equivalent to death? “Well, if it works hard then I can easily clear it? No, it may be a system that is not clear.” “It does not matter that you can take the opposite meaning – you can die many times It is a natural difficulty, there are places like synonyms of games that are dead and memorized ” … ” ……………… ” That is tight. But is it better than to die? Are you okay? “Well, both the shabby and the shrine have come to see the wall, I still have a distance but that is a labyrinth city.” When I looked at the cart from a cart, the night was completely dawn. What you can see is the huge and heavy rampart to call local cities. There is a huge crack in the wilderness as far as the eye can see, there is a wall that gives an overwhelming presence at the end of the bridge hung there. “That … … labyrinth city” I do not know which way he said. However, it was overwhelmed by the heaviness that I had never seen in contemporary Japan. – Separated from the lizard of the lizard, labyrinth is a strict entrance to the city? While lining up in the column of judgment, Yuki waved a topic with no other love. It is a story of my name I did not want to touch too much. “That reminds me, is your name really doubt whether it is Japanese, is your original name a chicken?” “Neeyo” Ordinary if there is no other love . But the story of my name is a demon. “Tuna” is a strange class in this world. In short, in modern Japan it sounds more unique. Oh, unlike Yuki, it is originally a tuna. It is a tuna can mostly remember when Japanese people hear it as tuna. It is a registered trademark somewhere, but Yuki says it can be a sexy shooter. The two are nicknames in the past life, which is the name used more than the real name. “By the way, what kind of letter?” “It’s a rope.” That which makes a mistake as “the net” It’s a strange name even if you know kanji. “Oh, the last name is Watanabe Kana Wonderful, you seem to be able to get rid of a demon, did not you have friends with Kintaro?” “Do you know …. Yes, the original surname is Watanabe Watanabe rope. Well, it is neither public nor relying on public time. ” Yes, the warlord of the Heian era, Watanabe rope is the original story. Even saying that parents are not familiar with such history, they searched for the great man of Watanabe surname. It is almost a DQN name. But my child never knew such history, and since my first grade of elementary school I was called “Tuna can” my nickname was “Tuna Can” or “Shikkin” all the time. Rarely “salad”. A friend who was close to me was forced to have a name that seems to have entered a salad. Some were gladly called tomatoes. Kintaro says by Yuki is Sakata Kozumi, who also served as Genji Watanabe as Watanabe rope. The childhood era who became a picture book is a famous great man. Of course there is no such friend. “Here in the dungeon, because seems likely to remember the skills with quality, Do not? Do not you remember or” sword surgery “skills in the name derived from” “I to do to remember.’ll Never seen here in Nante Japanese sword” If there Although I can use it, I have not even touched it even when I was in Japan in the first place. Is it different from classification as a sword? In general, the sword of the Heian era was supposed to be different from the so-called Japanese sword we know. “I have never seen it, but maybe it’s here, Katana” Yuki’s got a heavy labyrinth of a city gate. It certainly can not be. If you have the power to build a huge city so far, you can also make Japanese swords. “But I have never used a sword in previous life, I did not have any kendo classes at school, I did not have any club activities.” At best, I bought it for my souvenir of a school trip. It certainly had to be swung several times and it became fertilizer of the closet. “What, the one not to be prone sword hero those different world fantasy” Do were many Come to said, sword hero. “Well, what about weapons, what will we do, what weapons will do is only the knife position except the picked up sword.” Afterwards club stick. ” To tell you what I meant to be a good adventurer” I talked even in the carriage, There was not. “How about you, the hero of a different world fantasy?” “I am good at one hand sword and short bow, it is not big enough, so the size is small” Damn it was normal. Considering Yuki ‘s physique and weight of weapons it is a realistic line. I should have said that if you mention a big sword or a big sickle, you are the second and the sick. “Because I think that we are selling a weapon in many ways because it is a labyrinth city, I only have a knife for everyday use,” I can not tell you the answer, but since I’m betting everything in this city, There is an end. For some reason the owner ‘s wagon was also free. Even though it is said that about one weapon will manage somehow. I should have bought the kingdom’s purchase as if I could search for a labyrinthine home better, but … I hope to buy it cheaply. For dungeon exploration, it’s nothing like a knife …. At the worst, there are hands to wield logs or squares, but I would like to be a weapon. “I buy something with a weapon before registering, but I’m told to party, but I do not want to relax as I wait to train.” “Nice, I,” Proximity Battle “and” One Hand Weapons “If it matches one of the two, it will be okay if it matches one of the two, if it is not a bow, the worst club will do something” ” ” Wow, that’s great, it’s a skill that is completely useless for farmers ” Skill “is a substitute as you read. Having this, technology improves and physical ability improves. It seems to be able to use magic. There are so many that it exists for this skill, every action, talent. And if you do not have this and you do not have that difference in every way. For example, there is a skill called “swordsmanship”. This can be anything as long as it is a weapon that is categorized into a sword, but correction is applied to the technology when used. It seems that somehow good usage is understood. However, as an approximate measure to take to learn this skill from nothing, it is said that it is necessary to train for about a year. Of course, no matter how much effort you can not master what is not fit. Moreover, it is difficult to master and acquire the skill of “two handed weapons” while training training to acquire “swordsmanship”. Also, “swordsmanship” and “small swordsmanship” are different skills, there seems to be “dagger art” and “fine swordsmanship”. It is too fragmented. And “gift” refers to the skill that we have inherently. There is no distinction between the performance of both, the display position of the status column is different. However, there are those who rarely have unique skills, and I call them such as holding gifts. In my case seems to have “close battle” and “one handed weapon” from the time I was born. Basically, it seems that reincarnation is often born with a gift in the former skills, but for some reason I am extremely fighting skills. Is it because it was a warrior job with MMO-RPG who was playing? If so, it is really appropriate. “By the way there are skills” survival “and” food appraisal “, ” Yes, I thought that I have that kind of sort. ” ” Survival “and” food appraisal “are the skills I got acquired afterwards. It can be said that it was desperate for living. “Bow”, “hunting”, “animal demolition”, etc have not got talent or we do not have it. I wanted it to get animal protein. “How about you, ok? … oh, it’s OK to say it.” In this world, basically it does not teach others the skills, and you can not see it early unless you have special skills. Lifestyle and customs also appear as skills, so there are privacy concerns as well. However, there is no law not to teach, but if it is the partner who forms a party as an adventurer, you can listen to the battle related skills. “There are also” swordsmanship “and” throwing “, and” arithmetic “that are likely to lead to battle, I think that you also have.” “Well,” arithmetic “does not. In previous generation the elementary school lower grade level It seems to have just acquired myself in mathematics. “If you have learned mathematics to the extent that you can do basic arithmetic in previous life, it seems that it is born with” arithmetic “in general. It is a story heard from former Nepalese people. Nonetheless, learning arithmetic skills from scratch in the world is pretty tough and it seems that even if you learn mathematics that a merchant can use, it will not appear as a skill. Born this way, this skill has never worked, but it is a story that makes me think that I was good at studying in the previous life. Actually, this “arithmetic” is a skill that will be considerably advantageous when it gets merchanted by merchants, but I was out of scope because I can hardly read the letters. …… Well, it is also that I can not read the letter, but this world is told that the literacy rate itself is less than 10% in the first place. Most people can not read their status either. “Well then, we are pretty sure that avant-garde skills are fulfilling. ” “I think it’s better than two guards, but if you want a recovery job, you want a recovery wizard.” If you are a game, other thieves (scouts) A witch, if there is a priest, well-balanced. “I can hardly see you in this world, wizards.” “I know, I just said” This world is also a fantasy seemingly witch … … Although there are magicians, they are mostly above the clouds. I have never actually seen it, just by talking. Even if there is magical power, it is difficult to memorize magic, there is no manipulation ceremony open to the public. I do not know whether there is a manga-like chant. It is a world of almost a one-sided receiver. Magicians monopolizing such technology are basically rich. There is no need to bother to become such a dangerous adventurer. So, I am tempted by a net novel, since I was a baby I’ve trained magical power and I am almost impossible to do TUEEE. By the way, the Fathers in the church have the skill to see the status, but can not use the recovery magic. Recovery magic seems to be the magician’s territory. It treats with the power of God and does not fuck faith. They are quite serious people. Or … I have never heard of God’s story though there is a church. “Well, for a while it’s a muddy fistbeast with two people” “It looks like a plain picture ” There is no fragrance . Even though I’m going through a different world incarnation, the reality will be such a thing. But here it seems to be able to taste fantasy ingredients a bit. A boy would adore it. “Come to think of it, are people who line up in this row aspiring to adventurers?” If they are told, there are many people who look like rows of adventurers and mercenaries wearing weapons. I have never met real objects, but some people have worn magical robes. Or, a pretty person in front of me. “Is that so? It’s a labyrinth city.” “But usually it’s a little mixed with a merchant, but there is no one like that.” To be sure, unnaturally, you can fight There are only people. “You guys, you do not know?” The pretty little robe talked to me. I understood it by voice, but it seems to be a girl in the male rate of this threat. Oh no, there are cases like Yuki behind, so I do not know if it is still a girl or not. I can hardly see my face with a robe, but I think it is cute in the visible range …. “I do not know?” “The thing of judging here.The story that labyrinth city accepts only basic adventurers” “Is it such a rule?” By the way, even when you ride a horse-drawn carriage, I feel like I was told a thing. Do you like trade? Even though it is part of the kingdom, are you doing isolation in the country? “I do not know whether it’s a rule or not, but the information that is circulating among adventurers is that it seems like it was a story that refugees and migrants are not accepted.” “Hmm, adventure of the main business who is there has its own sources of information? I am me I was not heard that story. ” ” Yeah. in adventurers Guild of the empire, only the information that is published “to the person who is judged me there is a certain level of ability ‘s it , Yuki’s information network will not be stuck. Adventurers seem to have a place to build their own world. “Yeah, that’s … I came from the empire? It’s been a long journey.” “Yeah, it was quite a troublesome route, I do not know if I crossed the borders,” The murmuring appearance seemed very tired . It is probably far from the Yoko Empire. Well, I do not know what the empire is in the first place. I do not know the state system of empire. I do not know well what kind of state this world is. I was not interested and had no chance to know. If it is a rumor of a tavern, it can only be fractionally heard, and there are many cases that I am strangely abbreviated. Even now it is only said to be an empire. …… What an empire. “Anyway, the people here are the basic peers and you too, are not they? … Well that’s what I was looking for, I was losing confidence. I certainly do not have weapons that seem to be weapons, and the clothes in the cloak are dirty at a level where there is no discomfort even in the slum. “…… Well, the kind of thing, migrants …… because apparently do not accept,” “No, adventurer aspiring Hey no problem Why,” “so …… What. Good luck,” it is, meaning that work hard adventurers industry that’s right. It does not mean that you have to work hard to get into the city. -3 – “Ohhhhhh … …” Waiting for a long queue for hours. Several hours waiting for review and registration. Although it was early in the morning that I started to line up in the queue, around the afternoon when I entered the city. The sight that spreads before my eyes is a scene suitable for calling as a city that could not see even the kingdom in this world. Even though the kingdom seems to be only two-story buildings at most, except for the castle, there were dozens of huge buildings just by looking around here. Super cool. Many people go and go. Even though I could hardly see any other species in my life, here is a crucible of various races. Most of all, it is lively. There was a smile on the face of people. To be exactly this is a living city. There are many ordinary shops, but here is a person who came from outside of the city or there are many stalls. A smell that seems to be very delicious comes from around. “Oh, the dragon is flying” When you look at the sky, the creatures with wings were flying above the building. Is that a wyvern? It is a fellow who has heard rumors. There are more carriages than the Kingdom, and not only horses but also dragons without wings are drawn, and it is because the city is still a city. Neither the frontier nor anything. “Oh, it’s over, I finally ended up waiting.” Yuki cried out if I was staring at the city like an idiot. To be waiting for a long time is a rather ruler. I wonder if I thought about the possibility that it would be played on screening as that one was saying. “It’s bad, a homoiser is an examiner, I’ve been touched by the body all the time, ” he said. “Oh, Tsuna surely seems to be a good gay guy, I did it in the previous life It was also in the characters of BL Gay, you are like you ” Stop it. Please stop it. “I was enduring because I messed up, but my hands stretched out to my ass at last, my hands came out at last,” the hands came out. ” ” It was fine, were not you? ” ” If the spectators used the versatile professional wrestling technique that was acquired in the previous life, It was a little hero … I got a twist. ” ” It’s okay, this city ” That demonic glasses will not be able to move for a while. Or rather, do not make such an examiner. Is it harassment? “Well, I got a strange ticket with a twist.This town has its own banknotes ” “Ha what?” “You do not know anything, because it seems you can use ordinary currencies, I do not think hesitates to be lost. ” I thought what to do if the kingdom’s currency could not be used, but that is not the case. I do not know how much this ticket is worth, but he seems to be able to use it together. Pictorial figures and figures of monsters are printed on tickets with good quality paper. Even if it is said to be 100 MP, the unit does not understand. Magic point? “Humphrey” Yuki looks into the paper with great care. Because it is my twist, return it. “It’s amazing, this is not a bargain in Japan, but I am using a fairly sophisticated technology, I have a watermark …. There are not any printing technologies in the outside …” “No, I did not see a book, Is not it typography or not? It seems that someone is made by a reincarnation. ” Modern technology cheat. The number was few compared to agriculture, but it seems that there were such creations as well. … … No way, do you use papyrus paper or parchment in the kingdom? “There is nothing, because the manuscript is about to be established as an occupation. Even though it is not popular with even vegetable paper, printing has a high hurd.Ink is also very high.It is also familiar with typography only for outline printing, The technology that is circulating in the world at best is at most printmaking level.It is outside civilization less than medieval, it can not be compared even if there is magic etc.I think that I can profit merely by establishing papermaking technology.I think that it is my parent’s home I will be willing to buy it. ” That reminds me, I have not examined the extent of the civilization of this world even while I am in the kingdom. Did not you even have a good medieval level? When I was in the village I did not have the opportunity to touch civilization. When I returned to memory, I thought it was primitive. …… Although it was truly a primeval age, it was overkill. … …. Ancient? “Technique of this hand can not produce results in the absence without knowledge without expert knowledge, even if there is knowledge there is no way to develop that skill ahead of time.It originally cost money.I was born to a farmer and a fertilizer reservoir Will it be a catastrophe as a deaf? It is a parasite or a parasite? ” ” I was making a mulberry in the forest of a village outdoor ” ” Even if it is possible, I think that Tsuna is wise. I do not have knowledge, trial and error, NAISEI is impossible, since the person who failed is said to be wrong, it is no doubt . Incidentally, mulberry does not work at first, insects gush, it was serious. “So, this city is funny, after all the smell of the cheat hero goes on.” “Hmm,” is not it one thing so different ? Is credit currency (probably) just amazing? “Tentatively, you had meat eaten in a carriage, but you stopped eating meals on the way and did not eat anything since yesterday.” “Oh, yes, I want to save as much as possible, so cheap However … What is the meal of the labyrinth city? Overlooking the area, there are plenty of eateries unexpectedly. Many stalls have appeared because it is daytime. The entrance of the city may be related. She seems to be a Japanese-born person, does not she have served rice? Grilled fish set meals. Yuki pulled his sleeve silently and turned around, pointing to the signboard of the restaurant. [Today ‘s daily mackerel’ s miso boiled food set lunch time rice miso soup alternately] We nodded silently and went into the shop so as to be sucked in by the hula. Savings and the signboard was written in Japanese, such things disappeared from the head and flew away somewhere. -4 – “Fu Oh Ohio” We were deprived of the ultimate color that colors the tray placed in front of us, giving us a funny voice. Mackerel miso boiled, miso soup, pickled eggplant, cold, raw egg, and cooked white rice. Every one, it is amusing to put out in modern Japan. This world is an obvious overtechnology that anticipated the hundreds of years. Or, even with each of the ingredients, I have never met in the outside world. Even raw eggs or modern earth could only eat in Japan. “Oh, I will live here permanently” “I also did not have a hometown to return home” Well seriously. Or, in my case it is possible that my hometown will be gone if I do it in years. ” People from outside are exaggerated. Do you need a spoon or fork? It is painful to eat with chopsticks.” Oddness …… Cat ya waitress came with pretty clothes saying sleeping. I thought that even if I could have such a meal, I could die. Yuki said that he never starved, but what I eat is of this world standard, it can never be compared with what I can eat in Japan. Because I do not know what I am aware of. We disregarded the words of cat ear earrings and started dining to bit me. Yuki was obliged, but I said “I will receive” for the first time in years. Even though the body has changed, it seems I did not forget how to use the stained chopsticks. I ate it all. I ate not to know how many times I had changed, and continued eating with rice and miso soup even if the side disappears. That alone is a treat. We stuffed into the belly to the limits where we could not move, and when we were teasing green tea after meals, we noticed that each other was crying. “The outside meal is garbage.” “Esa.” What I have eaten in my life is just the food you need to live. Call this a real meal. Too long I forgot because I was in this world. We were tasting the ultimate excitement, which people who were born and raised here and who were not born outside but born outside the former Japanese do not know. ” Oh, it’s almost time for noon, so I’d like to pay for it.” “Oh, sorry” The ultimate impression was ruined. Finished the bill, we were dropping down on the bench in the square. “Hey, how about you” “What is it” “… I eat that much and it’s one small silver coin” “Yeah” It’s not cheap as a meal fee. If it is the outside world, it will be normal for meals for several days. It was the extravagant luxury I had if it was me until yesterday. However, it is still several days worth. If you stand a few days, you can eat it. Impossible. “Regional inequality is not a level” “Actually , I think that it is a different world, it is different from the world we were in. ” That wall is the wall that separates the world. Even this square is a maintenance situation that is not comparable to the dirty alleys of the Kingdom. There is no garbage. What kind of bastards can you build the difference so far? “If you can earn it in the labyrinth, will you be able to eat that daily ? ” “That’s not it, maybe I forgot, but that dinner set meal,” you should have a meal of the common people. I guess it is food like a Hijikata’s owner is eating. “Okay, want to eat cake.” “Oh no, it can not be helped, which one is good?” “Hey, Hey, Hey, Um, …… Strawberry’s shortcake !” Parents and children walking along are saying such a thing to go into. As I raised my face, there was a cake shop that was decorated with fairy tale in the place facing the square. It is a cake that is on sale in the former world in Japan. I do not know how much it is being sold, but it is probably the price that the people can reach. Far from the price, it is not sold in the first place. Yuki who is falling by the side does not move, but I hear hearing about parent-child conversation. “Hey you, I guess you are not going to eat cake.” Our belly is on the verge of collapse. No way, you should not say something sweet like another. You are a man right now. “It’s useless” It is decided to useless. Why my eyes are running away. You ought to know this one. Even after a bite, if we say something, we are socially destroyed. There is a dirty bridge on this beautiful square. Even men of Shimbashi will not vomit from daytime.

“Because it’s a shortcake!

It’s strawberry !” I know. But, you seem to reverse also now.

“The boy may not know, but the sweet one is different yet.”
“You, man, okay?”
“Cut … …”

It seems like a serious regret. Because I am more than ten years passed, give me up.
Besides, there are opportunities to eat as much as you can in the state of that parent and child.

“By the way, what will you do after this?” Whether to decide an accommodation or an adventurer? ”
” Registering in the past. “If you register as an adventurer with the labyrinths guild, there are various discounts, so a leaflet is stretched over the wall of the dinner “Do

not look good. I focused only on rice and I did not see it.

“True is a labyrinth city feeling”
“Because it seems that there is no registration fee, so let’s go to the labyrinth guild for the time” The

guilds are like occupation-based unions in the Middle Ages . It exists close to the existence of mutual society, it is in the kingdom.
In order to register this guild, original identity guarantee is necessary, and it costs quite a lot of money. In some cases, it seems that there is a thing that will be pre-paid if you do not have specialized skills.
However, if you try to start something business without this backing shield, you will turn all those who join the guilds to their enemies.
It is organized to protect the interests of merchants and craftsmen, it is a terrible stain union. At least it is not an organization like Hello Work that introduces work just by registering.

Although the guild is originally such a thing, handling is different slightly in the game which is a theme of the different world incarnation thing and fantasy which was popular in the previous world’s net novel.
Adventurer Guild = There are many super-organizations that ignore the state power even if it guarantees the identity of unidentified and suspicious talent who does not charge registration fee, and arranges up to work.
Perhaps because it is treated as a gimmick to progress the game smoothly, it probably became such an organization. It is a very good smile. It seems like that. “No, I do not know the mechanism, I do not know the details, but it seems to be that kind of thing, it seems to me that people actually died in the dungeon I met you. ” Is it okay if you die, does it mean you can do a zombie attack? Oh, but it’s not a game so do you taste the pain or suffering equivalent to death? “Well, if it works hard then I can easily clear it? No, it may be a system that is not clear.” “It does not matter that you can take the opposite meaning – you can die many times It is a natural difficulty, there are places like synonyms of games that are dead and memorized ” … ” ……………… ” That is tight. But is it better than to die? Are you okay? “Well, both the shabby and the shrine have come to see the wall, I still have a distance but that is a labyrinth city.” When I looked at the cart from a cart, the night was completely dawn. What you can see is the huge and heavy rampart to call local cities. There is a huge crack in the wilderness as far as the eye can see, there is a wall that gives an overwhelming presence at the end of the bridge hung there. “That … … labyrinth city” I do not know which way he said. However, it was overwhelmed by the heaviness that I had never seen in contemporary Japan. – Separated from the lizard of the lizard, labyrinth is a strict entrance to the city? While lining up in the column of judgment, Yuki waved a topic with no other love. It is a story of my name I did not want to touch too much. “That reminds me, is your name really doubt whether it is Japanese, is your original name a chicken?” “Neeyo” Ordinary if there is no other love . But the story of my name is a demon. “Tuna” is a strange class in this world. In short, in modern Japan it sounds more unique. Oh, unlike Yuki, it is originally a tuna. It is a tuna can mostly remember when Japanese people hear it as tuna. It is a registered trademark somewhere, but Yuki says it can be a sexy shooter. The two are nicknames in the past life, which is the name used more than the real name. “By the way, what kind of letter?” “It’s a rope.” That which makes a mistake as “the net” It’s a strange name even if you know kanji. “Oh, the last name is Watanabe Kana Wonderful, you seem to be able to get rid of a demon, did not you have friends with Kintaro?” “Do you know …. Well, the original surname is Watanabe Watanabe rope. Well, it is neither public nor relying on public time. ” Yes, the warlord of the Heian era, Watanabe rope is the original story. Even saying that parents are not familiar with such history, they searched for the great man of Watanabe surname. It is almost a DQN name. But my child never knew such history, and since my first grade of elementary school I was called “Tuna Can” my nickname was “Tuna Can” or “Shikkin” all the time. Rarely “salad”. A friend who was close to me was forced to have a name that seems to have entered a salad. Some were gladly called tomatoes. Kintaro says by Yuki is Sakata Kozumi, who also served as Genji Watanabe as Watanabe rope. The childhood era who became a picture book is a famous great man. Of course there is no such friend. “Here in the dungeon, because seems likely to remember the skills with quality, Do not? Do not you remember or” sword surgery “skills in the name derived from” “I to do to remember.’ll Never seen here in Nante Japanese sword” If there Although I can use it, I have not even touched it even when I was in Japan in the first place. Is it different from classification as a sword? In general, the sword of the Heian era was supposed to be different from the so-called Japanese sword we know. “I have never seen it, but maybe it’s here, Katana” Yuki’s got a heavy labyrinth of a city gate. It certainly can not be. If you have the power to build a huge city so far, you can also make Japanese swords. “But I have never used a sword in previous life, I did not have any kendo classes at school, I did not have any club activities.” At best, I bought the wood sword I bought with a souvenir of a school trip. It certainly had to be swung several times and it became fertilizer of the closet. “What, the one not to be prone sword hero those different world fantasy” Do were many Come to said, sword hero. “Well, what about weapons, what will we do, what weapons will do is only the knife position except the picked up sword.” Afterwards club stick. ” To tell you what I meant to be a good adventurer” I talked even in the carriage, There was not. “How about you, the hero of a different world fantasy?” “I am good at one hand sword and short bow, it is not big enough, so the size is small” Damn it was normal. Considering Yuki ‘s physique and weight of weapons it is a realistic line. I should have said that if you mention a big sword or a big sickle, you are the second and the sick. “Because I think that we are selling a weapon in many ways because it is a labyrinth city, I only have a knife for everyday use,” I can not say the answer, but since I’m betting everything in this city, I have money There is an end. For some reason the owner ‘s wagon was also free. Even though it is said that about one weapon will manage somehow. I should have bought the kingdom’s purchase as if I could search for a labyrinthine home better, but … I hope to buy it cheaply. For dungeon exploration, it’s nothing like a knife …. At the worst, there are hands to wield logs or squares, but I would like to be a weapon. “I buy something with a weapon before registering, but I’m told to party, but I do not want to relax as I wait to train.” “Nice, I,” Proximity Battle “and” One Hand Weapons “If it matches one of the two, it will be okay if it matches one of the two, if it is not a bow, the worst club will do something” ” ” Wow, that’s great, it’s a skill that is completely useless for farmers ” Skill “is a substitute as you read. Having this, technology improves and physical ability improves. It seems to be able to use magic. There are so many that it exists for this skill, every action, talent. And if you do not have this and you do not have that difference in every way. For example, there is a skill called “swordsmanship”. This can be anything as long as it is a weapon that is categorized into a sword, but correction is applied to the technology when used. It seems that somehow good usage is understood. However, as an approximate measure to take to learn this skill from nothing, it is said that it is necessary to train for about a year. Of course, no matter how much effort you can not master what is not fit. Moreover, it is difficult to master and acquire the skill of “two handed weapons” while training training to acquire “swordsmanship”. Also, “swordsmanship” and “small swordsmanship” are different skills, there seems to be “dagger art” and “fine swordsmanship”. It is too fragmented. And “gift” refers to the skill that we have inherently. There is no distinction between the performance of both, the display position of the status column is different. However, there are those who rarely have unique skills, and I call them such as holding gifts. In my case seems to have “close battle” and “one handed weapon” from the time I was born. Basically, it seems that reincarnation is often born with a gift in the former skills, but for some reason I am extremely fighting skills. Is it because it was a warrior job with MMO-RPG who was playing? If so, it is really appropriate. “By the way there are skills” survival “and” food appraisal “, ” Yes, I thought that I have that kind of sort. ” ” Survival “and” food appraisal “are the skills I got acquired afterwards. It can be said that it was desperate for living. “Bow”, “hunting”, “animal demolition”, etc have not got talent or we do not have it. I wanted it to get animal protein. “How about you, ok? … Oh, it’s okay to say it.” In this world, basically it does not teach others the skills, and you can not see it early unless you have special skills. Lifestyle and customs also appear as skills, so there are privacy concerns as well. However, there is no law not to teach, but if it is the partner who forms a party as an adventurer, you can listen to the battle related skills. “There are also” swordsmanship “and” throwing “, and” arithmetic “that are likely to lead to battle, I think that you also have.” “Well,” arithmetic “does not. In previous generation the elementary school lower grade level It seems to have just acquired myself in mathematics. “If you have learned mathematics to the extent that you can do basic arithmetic in previous life, it seems that it is born with” arithmetic “in general. It is a story heard from former Nepalese people. Nonetheless, learning arithmetic skills from scratch in the world is pretty tough and it seems that even if you learn mathematics that a merchant can use, it will not appear as a skill. Born this way, this skill has never worked, but it is a story that makes me think that I was good at studying in the previous life. Actually, this “arithmetic” is a skill that will be considerably advantageous when it gets merchanted by merchants, but I was out of scope because I can hardly read the letters. …… Well, it is also that I can not read the letter, but this world is told that the literacy rate itself is less than 10% in the first place. Most people can not read their status either. “Well then, we are pretty sure that avant-garde skills are fulfilling. ” “I think it’s better than two guards, but if you want a recovery job, you want a recovery wizard.” If you are a game, other thieves (scouts) A witch, if there is a priest, well-balanced. “I can hardly see you in this world, wizards.” “I know, I just said” This world is also a fantasy seemingly witch … … Although there are magicians, they are mostly above the clouds. I have never actually seen it, just by talking. Even if there is magical power, it is difficult to memorize magic, there is no manipulation ceremony open to the public. I do not know whether there is a manga-like chant. It is a world of almost a one-sided receiver. Magicians monopolizing such technology are basically rich. There is no need to bother to become such a dangerous adventurer. So, I am tempted by a net novel, since I was a baby I’ve trained magical power and I am almost impossible to do TUEEE. By the way, the Fathers in the church have the skill to see the status, but can not use the recovery magic. Recovery magic seems to be a magician’s territory. It treats with the power of God and does not fuck faith. They are quite serious people. Or … I have never heard of God’s story though there is a church. “Well, for a while it’s a muddy fistbeast with two people” “It looks like a plain picture ” There is no fragrance . Even though I’m going through a different world incarnation, the reality will be such a thing. But here it seems to be able to taste fantasy ingredients a bit. A boy would adore it. “Come to think of it, are people who line up in this row aspiring to adventurers?” If they are told, there are many people who look like rows of adventurers and mercenaries wearing weapons. I have never met real objects, but some people have worn magical robes. Or, a pretty person in front of me. “Is that so? It’s a labyrinth city.” “But usually it’s a little mixed with merchants, but there is no one like that.” To be sure, unnatural, you can fight There are only people. “You guys, you do not know?” The pretty little robe talked to me. I understood it by voice, but it seems to be a girl in the male rate of this threat. Oh no, there are cases like Yuki behind, so I do not know if it is still a girl or not. I can hardly see my face with a robe, but I think it is cute in the visible range …. “I do not know?” “The thing of judging here.The story that labyrinth city accepts only basic adventurers” “Is it such a rule?” By the way, even when you ride a horse-drawn carriage, I feel like I was told a thing. Do you like trade? Even though it is part of the kingdom, are you doing isolation in the country? “I do not know whether it’s a rule or not, but the information that is circulating among adventurers is that it seems like it was a story that refugees and migrants are not accepted.” “Hmm, adventure of the main business who is there has its own sources of information? I am me I was not heard that story. ” ” Yeah. in adventurers Guild of the empire, only the information that is published “to the person who is judged me there is a certain level of ability ‘s it , Yuki’s information network will not be stuck. Adventurers seem to have a place to build their own world. “Yeah, that’s … I came from the empire? It’s been a long trip.” “Yeah, it was quite a troublesome route, I do not know if I crossed the border,” The murmuring appearance seemed very tiring . It is probably far from the Yoko Empire. Well, I do not know what the empire is in the first place. I do not know the state system of empire. I do not know well what kind of state this world is. I was not interested and had no chance to know. If it is a rumor of a tavern, it can only be fractionally heard, and there are many cases that I am strangely abbreviated. Even now it is only said to be an empire. …… What an empire. “Anyway, those who are here are basic peers and you too, are not they? … Well that’s what I was looking for, I was losing confidence. I certainly do not have weapons that seem to be weapons, and the clothes in the cloak are dirty at a level where there is no discomfort even in the slum. “…… Well, the kind of thing, migrants …… because apparently do not accept,” “No, adventurer aspiring Hey no problem Why,” “so …… What. Good luck,” it is, meaning that work hard adventurers industry that’s right. It does not mean that you have to work hard to get into the city. -3 – “Ohhhhhh ……” Waiting for a long queue for hours. Several hours waiting for review and registration. Although it was early in the morning that I started to line up in the queue, around the afternoon when I entered the city. The sight that spreads before my eyes is a scene suitable for calling as a city that could not see even the kingdom in this world. Even though the kingdom seems to be only two-story buildings at most, except for the castle, there were dozens of huge buildings just by looking around here. Super cool. Many people go and go. Even though I could hardly see any other species in my life, here is a crucible of various races. Most of all, it is lively. There was a smile on the face of people. To be exactly this is a living city. There are many ordinary shops, but here is a person who came from outside of the city or there are many stalls. A smell that seems to be very delicious comes from around. “Oh, the dragon is flying” When you look at the sky, the creatures with wings were flying above the building. Is that a wyvern? It is a fellow who has heard rumors. There are more carriages than the Kingdom, and not only horses but also dragons without wings are drawn, and it is all that this is a city. It is nothing to do with the frontier. “Oh, it’s over, I finally ended up waiting.” Yuki cried out if I was staring at the city like an idiot. To be waiting for a long time is a rather ruler. I wonder if I thought about the possibility that it would be played on screening as that one was saying. “It’s bad, a homoiser is an examiner, I’ve been touched by the body all the time, ” he said. “Oh, Tsuna surely seems to be a good gay guy, I did it in the previous life It was also in the characters of BL Gay, you are like you ” Stop it. Please stop it. “I was enduring because I messed up, but my hands stretched out to my ass at last, my hands came out at last,” the hands came out. ” ” It was fine, were not you? ” ” If the spectators used the variegated professional wrestling technique that was acquired in the previous life, It was a little hero … I got a twist. ” ” It’s okay, this city ” That demonic glasses will not be able to move for a while. Or rather, do not make such an examiner. Is it harassment? “Well, I got a strange ticket with a twist.This town has its own banknotes ” “Ha what?” “You do not know anything, because it seems you can use ordinary currencies, I do not think hesitates to be lost. ” I thought what to do if the kingdom’s currency could not be used, but that is not the case. I do not know how much this ticket is worth, but he seems to be able to use it together. Pictorial figures and figures of monsters are printed on tickets with good quality paper. Even if it is said to be 100 MP, the unit does not understand. Magic point? “Humphrey” Yuki looks into the paper with great care. Because it is my twist, return it. “It’s amazing, this is not a bargain in Japan, but I am using a fairly sophisticated technology and I have a watermark …. There are not any printing technologies out there … ” Eh, I certainly did not see a book, Is not it typography or not? It seems that someone is made by a reincarnation. ” Modern technology cheat. The number was few compared to agriculture, but it seems that there were such creations as well. … … No way, do you use papyrus paper or parchment in the kingdom? “There is nothing, because the manuscript is about to be established as an occupation. Even though it is not popular with even vegetable paper, printing is hurdley and ink is also expensive.It is only in the outline position of typographical printing, The technology that is circulating in the world at best is at most printmaking level.It is outside civilization less than medieval, it can not be compared even if there is magic etc.I think that I can profit merely by establishing papermaking technology.I think that it is my home family I will be willing to buy it. ” That reminds me, I have not examined the extent of the civilization of this world even while I am in the kingdom. Did not you even have a good medieval level? When I was in the village I did not have the opportunity to touch civilization. When I returned to memory, I thought it was primitive. …… Although it was truly a primeval age, it was overkill. … …. Ancient? “Technique of this hand can not produce results in the absence without knowledge without expert knowledge, even if there is knowledge there is no way to develop that skill ahead of time.It originally cost money.I was born to a farmer and a fertilizer reservoir Will it be a catastrophe as a deaf? It is a parasite or a parasite? ” ” I was making a mulberry in the forest of a village outdoor ” ” Even if it is possible, I think that Tsuna is wise. I do not have knowledge, trial and error, NAISEI is impossible, since the person who failed is said to be wrong, it is no doubt . Incidentally, mulberry does not work at first, insects gush, it was serious. “So, this town is funny, after all the cheat hero smells.” “Hmm,” is not it a different one? Is credit currency (probably) just amazing? “Tentatively, you had a meat eater in a carriage, but you stopped eating meals on the way and did not eat anything since yesterday.” “Oh, yes, I want to save as much as possible, so cheap However … What is the meal of the labyrinth city? Overlooking the area, there are plenty of eateries unexpectedly. Many stalls have appeared because it is daytime. The entrance of the city may be related. She seems to be a Japanese-born person, does not she have served rice? Grilled fish set meals. Yuki pulled his sleeve silently and turned around, pointing to the signboard of the restaurant. [Today ‘s daily mackerel’ s miso boiled food set lunch time rice miso soup alternately] We nodded silently and went into the shop so as to be sucked in by the hula. Savings and the signboard was written in Japanese, such things disappeared from the head and flew away somewhere. -4 – “Fu Oh Ohio” We were deprived of the ultimate color that colors the tray placed in front of us, giving us a funny voice. Mackerel miso boiled, miso soup, pickled eggplant, cold, raw egg, and cooked white rice. Every one, it is amusing to put out in modern Japan. This world is an obvious overtechnology that anticipated the hundreds of years. Or, even with each of the ingredients, I have never met in the outside world. Even raw eggs or modern earth could only eat in Japan. “Oh, I will live here permanently” “I also did not have a hometown to return home” Well seriously. Or, in my case it is possible that my hometown will be gone if I do it for years. ” People from outside are exaggerated. Do you need a spoon or fork? It is painful to eat with chopsticks.” Oddness …… Cat ya waitress came with pretty clothes saying sleeping. I thought that even if I could have such a meal, I could die. Yuki said that he never starved, but what I eat is of this world standard, it can never be compared with what I can eat in Japan. Because I do not know what I am aware of. We disregarded the words of cat ear earrings and started dining to bit me. Yuki was obliged, but I said “I will receive” for the first time in years. Even though the body has changed, it seems I did not forget how to use the stained chopsticks. I ate it all. I ate not to know how many times I had changed and continued to eat with rice and miso soup even if the side disappeared. That alone is a treat. We stuffed into the belly to the limits where we could not move, and when we were teasing green tea after meals, we noticed that each other was crying. “The outside meal is garbage.” “Esa.” What I have eaten in my life is just the food you need to live. Call this a real meal. Too long I forgot because I was in this world. We were tasting the ultimate excitement, which people who were born and raised here and who were not born outside but born outside the former Japanese do not know. ” Oh, it’s almost time for noon, so I’d like to pay for it.” “Oh, sorry” The ultimate impression was ruined. Finished the bill, we were dropping down on the bench in the square. “Hey, how about you” “What is it” “… I eat that much and it’s one small silver coin” “Yeah” It’s not cheap as a meal fee. If it is the outside world, it will be normal for meals for several days. It was the extravagant luxury I had if it was me until yesterday. However, it is still several days worth. If you stand a few days, you can eat it. Impossible. “Regional inequality is not a level” “Actually , I think that it is a different world, it is different from the world we were in. ” That wall is the wall that separates the world. Even this square is a maintenance situation that is not comparable to the dirty alleys of the Kingdom. There is no garbage. What kind of bastards can you build the difference so far? “If you can earn it in the labyrinth, will you be able to eat that daily ? ” “That’s not it, maybe I forgot, but that dinner set meal,” you should have a meal of the common people. I guess it is food like a Hijikata’s owner is eating. “Okay, I want to eat cake.” “Oh no, it can not be helped, which one is good?” “Hey, Hey, Hey, Um, …… Strawberry’s shortcake!” Parents who passed by, to go into. As I raised my face, there was a cake shop that was decorated with fairy tale in the place facing the square. It is a cake that is on sale in the former world in Japan. I do not know how much it is sold, but it is probably the price range that people can reach. Far from the price, it is not sold in the first place. Yuki who is falling by the side does not move, but I hear hearing about parent-child conversation. “Hey you, I guess you are not going to eat cake.” Our belly is on the verge of collapse. No way, you should not say something sweet like another. You are a man right now. “It’s useless” It is decided to useless. Why my eyes are running away. You ought to know this one. Even after a bite, if we say something, we are socially destroyed. There is a dirty bridge on this beautiful square. Even men of Shimbashi will not vomit from daytime. “Later” “Because it’s a shortcake! It’s strawberry !” I know. But, you seem to reverse also now. “The boy may not know, but the sweet one is different yet.” “You, man, okay?” “Cut … …” It seems like a serious regret. Because I am more than ten years passed, give me up. Besides, there are opportunities to eat as much as you can in the state of that parent and child. “By the way, what will you do after this?” Whether to decide an accommodation or an adventurer? ” ” Registering in the past. “If you register as an adventurer with the labyrinths guild, there are various discounts, so a leaflet is stretched over the wall of the dinner “Do not look good. I focused only on rice and I did not see it. “True is a labyrinth city feeling” “Because it seems that registration fee does not seem to be applied, so let’s go to the labyrinth guild for the time” The guilds are like occupation-based unions in the Middle Ages . It exists close to the existence of mutual society, it is in the kingdom. In order to register this guild, original identity guarantee is necessary, and it costs quite a lot of money. In some cases, it seems that there is a thing that will be pre-paid if you do not have specialized skills. However, if you try to start something business without this backing shield, you will turn all those who join the guilds to their enemies. It is organized to protect the interests of merchants and craftsmen, it is a terrible stain union. At least it is not an organization like Hello Work that introduces work just by registering. Although the guild is originally such a thing, handling is different slightly in the game which is a theme of the different world incarnation thing or fantasy which was popular in the previous novel network novel. Adventurer Guild = There are many super-organizations that ignore the state power even if it guarantees the identity of unidentified and suspicious talent who does not charge registration fee, and arranges up to work. Perhaps because it is treated as a gimmick to progress the game smoothly, it probably became such an organization. It is a very good smile.

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