Souen no Historia

Chapter 10

“Wh-What is THAT!?”

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 In unison, all of the men opened their eyes because an orange object was flying in the sky. Moreover, there was a commotion because the the object was obviously approaching them.The men instinctively poised their weapons and they went further agape when they saw that people were on top of the orange object. “Y-You you’re-!?” The orange object was of course the flame created by Souji Alkasha. Moreover Yoyo and Ninthe were also onboard beside him. “Aren’t you the one who sent this?” Yoyo showed the threatening letter in a disappointed manner. “It’s written here to stop the negotiations with lord Hakuhou.” Although the men gritted their teeth, they laughed with Fuh. “J-just what is this miss saying. We did what? As if we know of such a thing.” The men grinned slightly as they regained their composure. “Is that so? Even if you’ve grown senile, our side already knows everything, you know?”“How annoying, miss you should go quickly. If you say any more than this, I’ll make you have some painful experiences; you know what I’m saying?” At the moment the men all let out killing intents. One of the men felt that his shoulder was tapped. “That won’t do.”“Eh? U-Uwah!”  The man leaped sideways to distance himself. Because Souji was there before anyone was aware of him, all of them were surprised. “Wh-What’s with this red hair….”“O-Oi, he is that, right? That miss’s butler-” When the man shared the information, “Oh my, to know a mere butler like me, and to be that detailed.”“Sh… … shut up! J-Just what are you blabbing about! You didn’t even have the proof we are the one who wrote that threatening letter!” Then, Souji niyah, and raised the corners of his mouth. “Is that so? Then, why did you know the paper Ojou-sama is carrying is a threatening letter?”“A….”

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“You idiot!” Even though the other men rebuked the man’s blunder, it was already too late. Certainly on the letter Yoyo was carrying was written “Stop the negotiation with lord Hakuhou. If not, your important people will disappear one by one.” It was certainly a letter of intimidation. “In addition, you have been carrying these things in your pocket all this time…” What Souji was showing to the men was a bunch of similarly threatening letters. “Hohou, are you going to send these next? I see; they are addressed to lord Hakuhou. For such things to be inside your pocket… do you still have any other excuses?” Souji said so even while keeping a smile on his face. The men’s expression gradually changed. Their impatience disappeared and it was replaced by their killing intent. “T-TTTThat’s, Yoyo-sama! If this keeps up, Souji-sama will-!” Ninthe, trembling in fear, raised her voice towards Yoyo, but “Just be silent and watch.” Maybe because she couldn’t believe Yoyo’s attitude that didn’t show any discomposure, Ninthe face became pale and stiff. The men tried to surround Souji and, “Then, we’ll use force. We will kill this butler, and then make that miss listen to us even if it’s something unreasonable.” The other men agreed to the man’s words as they nodded. However, Souji just shrugged his shoulders in amazement when he saw these men. “As expected, you’re bandits after all.”“What’s that, bastard!”“That’s good. Well then, about whom you picked a fight, I will give you a little study session.”“Don’t underestimate us!” The men pulled out the swords that hung on their waists, and then they approached Souji. Seeing the situation, Ninthe instinctively shut her eyes. Thus bata bata clunked the sound of people collapsing. Ninthe with an “Eh?” feeling slowly turned her gaze towards Souji. “Oy, shouldn’t you learn a little more on how to handle swords?” A lot of the men collapsed in around Souji’s. They were out completely. Souji was countering the attacks with a paper-thin margin. His chops promptly fell on the back of other party’s necks and they lost consciousness. Moreover, all of them in a very short time. “Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh….” Even though there was one bandit remaining, because he couldn’t believe what had happened in front of him, he began to back away. “Well then, you are the only one left, you know?”“D-Damn iiiiit-!” 

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The man charged while swinging his sword desperately. However, the sword’s path only ran through the air. Sounds of misses can be heard.Souji had completely seen through the sword path and avoided it. “H-Hit yooouu!” Bunbun, the brandished sword didn’t hit; it didn’t even graze him. Then, while the man was performing a great swing, Souji immediately shortened their distance and lightly kicked the man’s abdomen. “Gohooh!?” Although Souji went considerably easy on him, saliva shot from the man’s mouth as he tumbled into ground. The sword fell from his hand, karan, and made that sound as it fell on the ground. “Well then, let’s end this.” Souji approached him. The man, “Hih!” yelped a quiet scream and saw Yoyo at the edge of his vision, “Wi-With this, you bastard will be hosta-... … kh!” Just as he said, he started to leave his spot, planning to take Yoyo as a hostage. But, at the moment his foot left the ground, Souji grabbed his hand. “... … this won’t do, you’ll hurt now.”“A….” Souji narrowed his eyes for a moment, and suddenly a red flame gushed out from the hand he is gripping him with and it enveloped the man. “GYAAaaaaaaaaaaaaah!?” Becoming aflame tumbling doll, the man rolled on the ground. However, the flame didn’t easily disappear and the man started to convulse. Then, the flame suddenly disappeared and there was a man with a completely burnt body and very shallow breathing. “... … a… … ga….” Kohyu- kohyu-, strange breathing sound could be heard from him, as he seemed to still be alive. “Well, looks like you’re conscious. I will give you a warning. In the future, at the time you put your hand on Ojou-sama or anyone from the mansion….” Souji slowly drew his face next to the man’s ear, “you’ll be erased, kay?” Saying only that much, he returned to where Yoyo was while making kotsu kotsu footstep sounds. “As expected, these bandits are Lord Van Kurs’s handymen.”“That so. Well that one impatiently took this measure because he’ll fall into extreme poverty if his business fails after all.” 

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Yoyo shrugged her shoulders in amazement. Following that, because Ninthe was still in a shock, Souji called out to her. “Are you okay? Was the stimulus too strong?” Following that, kuwah, Ninthe raised her face with an earth-shattering look, “Wh-Whwhwhwhawhat’s with that! Souji-sama is su~per strong after all!”“Ahaha, even so I still have to make a desperate effort.”“... ….”“Furthermore….”“Eh?”“Furthermore, I am Yoyo Ojou-sama’s butler after all.” Ninthe’s face became agape while Yoyo smiled in satisfaction. And, the three returned to the mansion once again using the flame created by Souji.   There was someone who watched Souji and the others leaving in silence. From the shadow of the trees, it looked at the surrounding circumstances, “As expected of Souji Alkasha.” Another shadow appeared behind the one who muttered that. Apparently, there were two existences whose presences had been made to disappear to hide themselves. Although they were of a considerable distance from Souji and the others, they confirmed Souji defeating the bandits instantly using their farsight. Though how the last of the bandits suddenly rolled on the ground and fainted in agony was not clearly understood. But, they understood that those kinds of bandits couldn’t even be considered an enemy to Souji. “If it’s you, you can win right, Testa?” The other shadow that arrived at its side moved its head vertically. It communicated affirmation. “Fufufu, then shall we greet them first. Aa~ how enjoyable. I want that to be mine sooner… … just wait Souji Alkasha. I… … this Femme D. Dresoj-sama will snatch it away from you! O~hhohohohoho!” Shrill laughter rang out throughout the forest.   “Th-That’s… … Souji-sama?” Traveling in the sky, Souji turned around because Ninthe called him. “What is it?”“Ah, that… … may I ask something?”“Ee, I don’t mind.”“Th-Then… … about that, how did you know the bandits were there?”“Aa, about that huh. It’s all thanks to the threatening letter Ojou-sama is carrying.”“Eh? The threatening letter?” 

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Ninthe naturally turned her glance towards Yoyo. Yoyo was the one who explained it in Souji stead. “You know, Souji can use magic to read the memory inside objects.”“I-Is that so!?”“Ee, thanks to that magic, the location of the bandits and how they were hired by lord Van Kurs was known.”“Fue~ a-amazing, but… … is that true?” Ninthe looked at Souji with 100% doubt. Fumu, Souji put his hand on his chin, and then turned his left hand towards Ninthe. “... … eh? Th-That’s… … Souji-sama?” Blue flame came forth from Souji’s palm. The flame wrapped around Ninthe’s body. “Kyaah! It… … isn’t… … hot.” Souji smiled at Ninthe who watched him with mouth agape. With the appearance of blue flame in front of him, Souji dropped his line of sight towards the flame. Then, when the flame vanished, he drew his face near her ear. “The color of today’s underwear… … mumble mumble.”“E-Eeh!? H-Hohohow did you know!? That Ninthe’s underwear is pink!”“Souji… … you….” To the surprised Ninthe, Yoyo let out an amazed sigh as she gazed skeptically. “Ahaha, I just searched the memory from Ninthe’s clothes. Do you understood now? I can read the memory of objects. If you don’t believe, then where Ninthe hid the broken plate today-”“Aa! Aa! Aa! I-I believe you! I believe it so-!”“Ninthe, it’s okay that you broke it, just report it immediately.”“U-Uu~ I am sorry~.” Receiving Yoyo’s advice, Ninthe dropped her shoulders. “Also Souji, stop purposely informing a girl about what she is trying to hide. Next time, there’ll be punishment.”“Yes, I can’t say anything but sorry.” Souji once again received a warning as he bowed. “Fufu, but you did well. As expected of my butler, Souji.”“I am honored.”“Ninthe, this is Crowtail’s, no, the strongest butler who serves me. Remember it.”“Ah, yes!”“Fufu, that’s a good reply.” 


The three return with plenty of smiles.

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