Tang San: "..."

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The owner of the blacksmith shop, seeing this, gave up on the idea, and the world of forging would be missing a future "master blacksmith."

What a pity...

"Xiao San, have you gone to the Nuoding City Martial Soul Hall for soul power assessment?" Ye Hao asked.

Tang San was taken aback and shook his head in confusion, "Not yet. I plan to go after I finish work. Have you been there already?"

Ye Hao nodded, took out a gold soul coin, and the medal that recorded Ye Hao's information.

"Yes, you'll receive one gold soul coin per month as a subsidy. Let me tell you, if you continue like this, it's just a drop in the bucket. Why not bring Xiao Wu along to forge together? More people mean more income, right?"

Tang San sighed helplessly, "Xiao Wu is the boss of the Nuoding Academy now. How could I convince her? Are you here to see me?"

"Just passing by, just passing by..." Ye Hao whispered, "Let me tell you a secret. Xiao Wu is really a rabbit."

After saying this, Ye Hao left, heading back to the Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy and returned to his dormitory to lie down...

"Xiao Wu is really a rabbit?"

Tang San repeated this to himself, thinking about it for a while, then shook his head and continued forging...

The sound of "ping ping pong pong" echoed once again...

Shortly after Ye Hao left, a man in a gray robe appeared silently. He glanced in the direction Ye Hao had left.

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A while later, the man shifted his gaze to Tang San, who was still engrossed in forging, sighed helplessly, and then disappeared into the distance...


Life at the Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy was monotonous, with each day starting at sunrise and ending with rest at night.

Tang San's daily routine consisted of shuttling between the academy and the blacksmith shop, aside from his regular training. There wasn't much else to do. Xiao Wu continued to act as the leader, establishing her own little force within the Nuoding Junior Soul Master Academy.

It was rumored that even the school principal knew about "Sister Xiao Wu" in the academy, but he couldn't be bothered with it. As long as there were no issues, he let things be. After all, Xiao Wu had innate full soul power.

As for Ye Hao, daily rest was essential, and his regular training continued. It seemed to be his only interest and hobby.


Did he still need the body the system gave him before leaving?

Romantic relationships?

He had no such plans at the moment.

Playing with the other kids?

Sorry, he was not in that age group to play with them.

Working at the blacksmith shop with Tang San?

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Working was not an option; he would never do that in his lifetime.

The academy had its rules, and during the school phase, students were not allowed to be visited by their parents. Only during breaks were students allowed to leave the academy and go home.

The usually bustling dormitory suddenly became desolate. Other work-study students went back to their homes and families, leaving each one to their own devices.

Xiao Wu sat alone on her bed, glancing at Tang San, who was diligently training. He was like a block of wood, all he did was train.

On the other side, Ye Hao lay flat on his back. Xiao Wu didn't have a good impression of him. When Ye Hao had just arrived at the dormitory, he had pinned her down in front of everyone. It was a very embarrassing moment for her.

For Xiao Wu, that was a lifelong shadow. Every time she faced Ye Hao, she couldn't look at him kindly.

Rabbits were known for holding grudges, especially when Ye Hao had mentioned his fondness for eating spicy rabbit heads.

"Aren't you guys going back home?"

Tang San slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, he was packing his things, preparing to return to Holy Soul Village. Time flew by so quickly; he had been away from home for half a year. He wondered how his father was doing. He probably was still drinking, knowing him.

Xiao Wu's gaze was vacant as she glared at Ye Hao, who was lying flat. She found his annoying face detestable. Every time she looked at Ye Hao, she couldn't help but think of that dark and cold night.

Having the same Death Spider Emperor martial soul, she witnessed her mother being killed before her eyes by Bibi Dong, under the leadership of several Titled Douluos. When the hundred-thousand-year soul ring lit up, everything sealed her hatred towards her.

There was no way around it; Ye Hao resembled Bibi Dong. The system had simulated Bibi Dong's martial soul for Ye Hao, which not only bestowed him with a strong physique but also with the same aura and facial expressions as Bibi Dong. When the two stood together, it was really hard for people not to associate them.

Were they mother and son?

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(Ye Hao: ???)

(Bibi Dong: ???)

That's a matter for later...

Ye Hao mumbled in a daze, "I grew up lonely and helpless, an orphan. Everyone in the academy knows this."

"Tang San, if I remember correctly, your home is in Holy Soul Village, right?"

Tang San nodded, "Yes, my home is in Holy Soul Village. It takes less than half a day to get there from Nuoding City. Why don't you come with me? I can't just leave you alone at the academy."

Ye Hao pondered for a moment. Holy Soul Village? It's said to be Tang San's birthplace. Since he had come to this world, it wouldn't hurt to check it out.


After saying that, Ye Hao bounced up from the bed, without much to pack, going on this journey with just himself.

"And you, Xiao Wu?"

Xiao Wu glanced at Ye Hao, feeling her heart in turmoil. Although she couldn't stand Ye Hao and that familiar, hateful face, he was not the one she hated.



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Holy Soul Village got its name from a Soul Saint-level soul master who appeared there a hundred years ago. It is a small village located at the border of two major empires. The villagers grow fruits and vegetables and trade between the two empires, leading a comfortable life.

After half a day of trekking, the three finally arrived at Holy Soul Village. The people in the village were simple and kind-hearted, and the air was much fresher than in Nuoding City.

Ye Hao strolled around, especially in the central area of the village, where he stopped to observe the legendary "Soul Saint's" handprint. He compared it to his own, thinking about leaving his own mark. Who knows, he might become famous in the future?

Tang San's family was poor, and he had lived with his alcoholic father since he was a child. His family ran a blacksmith workshop. Before they reached Tang San's home, Ye Hao already smelled a strong scent of rust in the air.

The smell of rusty iron.

The yard was overgrown with weeds, and the lock on the front door was covered in thick rust. It seemed that Tang San's alcoholic father hadn't been back for a long time.

Tang San was slightly startled. He took out a spare key and pushed the door open, revealing a scene of desolation inside.

Furniture was covered in a thick layer of ash, and the damaged floor was filled with overgrown weeds. Seeing this, Ye Hao couldn't help but shake his head. Alright, the sightseeing in Holy Soul Village was over, and he was now taking care of the protagonist's cleaning.

For people like him, who preferred a laid-back lifestyle, the only thing they needed to do wherever they were was to lie down.

Looking at the current state of the house, Tang San's father, Tang Hao, had already left. As for where he went...

Who knows?

"Huh? How come the door is open? Could there be a thief?"

At this moment, Old Jack hobbled over with a cane and arrived at the front door of Tang San's house. He glanced at Tang San, who was cleaning, and his heart finally settled. Thankfully, it wasn't a thief...

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