Chapter 6: Biological Parents.

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“A teacher for a day is a father for life,” Tang San said decisively.

After the “master’s” series of brainwashing, Tang San felt pleased and convinced. With just a piece of proof, he could see that he possessed twin martial souls, and this person in front of him could truly be his teacher.

The “master” was delighted and repeated the word “good” three times, his mouth stretching into a smile resembling a chrysanthemum.

Then, after settling Tang San, the “master” shifted his gaze towards Ye Hao. Was he the second person with innate full soul power? But as the “master” looked at Ye Hao’s soul master certificate in his hand, he unintentionally froze.

“Death Spider Martial Soul, innate full soul power? This shouldn’t be!”

In an instant, a cloud of question marks surrounded the “master’s” head.

The Death Spider was considered a top-tier existence among beast martial souls, and even if Ye Hao possessed the Death Spider martial soul, the chances of achieving innate full soul power were extremely slim.

Currently, there were only a dozen soul masters in the entire soul master world with innate full soul power, excluding Tang San and Ye Hao. The “master” had thoroughly researched the others.

For example, the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon martial soul, which was the top beast martial soul. However, among the awakened members of the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon family, none of them had reached innate full soul power. At most, they had attained innate eighth-level or seventh-level soul power.

But Ye Hao’s Death Spider martial soul had thrown the “master” into doubt.

Unless… he was also…

No, it couldn’t be, it couldn’t be…

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A person cannot be hanged on the same crooked tree. Today must be the “master’s” lucky day, allowing him to encounter two twin martial souls. It was clear that the “master” couldn’t believe it.

The master said, “Your name is Ye Hao, right? Can you let me see your martial soul?”

Ye Hao was half skeptical. What kind of trick is this old fox playing?

With a mix of belief and doubt, Ye Hao cautiously released his Death Spider martial soul. In an instant, the temperature in the surroundings dropped slightly, and the phantom of the Death Spider appeared behind Ye Hao.

Tang San was slightly stunned as he looked at the Death Spider behind Ye Hao. He could clearly feel the strength of the other party’s martial soul.

Then, Tang San looked at his own left hand and found himself falling into confusion.

Is his Blue Silver Grass really a waste martial soul? If so, why does he possess innate full soul power, and what about…

What about the hammer in his left hand?

Tang San’s reaction was not the most significant. It was the “master” who, at this moment, had his mouth wide open, enough to fit an egg.

For some reason, the “master” himself became extremely excited as he looked at the Death Spider behind Ye Hao. He unintentionally thought of someone. Was it her?



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Death Spider, this is the Death Spider martial soul! Were the people in the Soul Hall of Nuoding City blind? They mistook the Death Spider Emperor martial soul for the Death Spider?

Now everything made sense. Ye Hao’s martial soul was the Death Spider, and having innate full soul power was not an exaggeration. He must have been incredibly lucky.

Death Spider, Death Spider…

Unintentionally, the “master” thought of her again. It had been more than twenty years, and he still couldn’t forget her, could he?

Perhaps if she knew that this child possessed the Death Spider martial soul, she would be very happy. After all, while there are various types of martial souls on the continent, the same martial soul is inherited in a lineage…

Wait a minute!


The “master” realized something was wrong and quickly asked, “Ye Hao, who are your parents?”

Ye Hao: “???”

It wasn’t a special occasion, so why was this “master” asking about his parents?

However, thinking back to the relationship between this “master” and the Pope, Ye Hao thought of something.

The “master” had mixed up himself with the Pope.

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It’s understandable, as the saying goes, “Seeing things reminds one of someone.”

Ye Hao retracted his Death Spider martial soul and looked at the “master” who was eagerly awaiting an answer.

Especially after seeing Ye Hao’s Death Spider martial soul, the “master” was dumbfounded on the spot. Even Tang San couldn’t help but be startled. These two were quite interesting.

The “master” carefully examined them, and it was too similar! Whether it was the martial soul, the aura, or the words spoken earlier, they bore a striking resemblance to her.

Little did they know, all of this was the work of the “previous” system, simulating the Pope’s martial soul. It was not surprising that Ye Hao had a hint of the Pope’s aura.

If the Pope and Ye Hao were compared, they were almost like carved from the same mold, easily mistaken as “biological” relatives.

Sometimes, such misunderstandings could be beneficial. After all, when people are drifting on the continent, it’s inevitable to encounter difficulties. With this identity, there would be some security.

Perhaps at a critical moment, Ye Hao could also assume a false air of authority?

Ye Hao pretended to be mysterious, allowing the “master” to indulge in endless imagination.

Immediately after that, the “master” gave up on the apprenticeship ceremony with Ye Hao and became despondent. He walked away unsteadily, appearing restless, like a walking corpse.

Tang San was puzzled. “Ye Hao, what did you say to the teacher? Why does he look abnormal?”

Abnormal? He looked perfectly normal.

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This is the true “Yu Xiaogang.” Children shouldn’t speak without understanding the situation.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. “Don’t worry, the master is, after all, the master. Let’s go to the dormitory quickly.”

Tang San nodded, not fully understanding…

Let the “master” continue to ponder about life. Perhaps he has started to suspect whether Ye Hao is “her” planted person or even “her” son.

Ye Hao and Tang San walked towards the student workers’ dormitory. It was time to meet that rabbit.

The student workers’ dormitory, Dorm 7, was the dormitory with the worst conditions, specifically designated for student workers.

The spacious area was over 300 square meters, with rows and rows of beds. Sitting on a separate bed was a little girl in a pink skirt, with pigtails tied at the back of her head. She was adorable and looked pitiful. In front of her were a bunch of “henchmen.”

There was an unwritten rule in Dorm 7: Might makes right. As long as you have enough strength, even if you’re young or a girl, it’s perfectly acceptable to be the leader.


The once lively Dorm 7 instantly fell silent. Almost everyone’s gaze was fixed on the “unlucky guy” who was about to enter.

Just now, just now…

A girl had actually defeated everyone here. Some of the beaten individuals secretly prayed, hoping that the new leader would go easy on them, as they still had classes tomorrow…

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