"From the time you awakened your martial soul until now, it has been a long time since you arrived at the academy. As a soul master, you must hunt soul beasts, obtain spirit rings, and continue your cultivation," the Master calmly explained.

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Upon hearing this, Tang San nodded deeply. In the previous confrontation between Ye Hao and Xiao Wu, the soul skill displayed by Xiao Wu's first spirit ring had caught Tang San's attention. It added another longing for the Douluo Continent in his heart.

"Little San, after you return, let Ye Hao know that we will depart together tomorrow morning," the Master instructed intentionally. Coincidentally, Ye Hao also possessed Innate Full Spirit Power, so having one more person wouldn't make a difference. The Master had some suspicions about Ye Hao's identity. Not only his demeanor and martial soul, but also his way of speaking and behavior resembled her too much.

However, it was a pity that Ye Hao only had the martial soul of the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor. If he truly possessed her other martial soul, the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor, it would have a different significance.

Ye Hao's identity remained a mystery. The Master had previously investigated the Nuoding Martial Soul Branch to learn more about him. The answer he received was that Ye Hao was an orphan. But the Master didn't believe that. He always felt that she still harbored hatred towards him, which was why she sent him here.

Therefore, the Master took Tang San to hunt soul beasts this time and also invited Ye Hao to come along. On one hand, he wanted to observe Ye Hao, and on the other hand, he wanted to confirm something.

There are no two people who look exactly the same in the world, and the resemblance between the two was uncanny. Apart from the mother and son relationship, the Master couldn't think of any other explanation.

(System: I'm not taking the blame for this!)

(Ye Hao: dog system!)

Tang San nodded readily and left...

"Is he really... her son?"

The Master felt restless, and his calm heart became unusually uneasy. Such thoughts hadn't plagued him for a long time. He had thought that after so many years, he could let go of the past. But who would have expected that Ye Hao's appearance would completely shatter the memories that the Master least wanted to mention.

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Shortly after Tang San left, an unexpected guest appeared in the Master's office. It was a man in a gray robe, looking to be in his fifties. His murky eyes were reminiscent of the Master's own, making them appear remarkably similar. They belonged to the same kind of people. His disheveled hair resembled a bird's nest, clearly neglected for a long time.

"Who... are you?"

The Master furrowed his brow. He managed to infiltrate the academy without making a sound and came to see him. For some reason, he felt familiar.

"Master, it's been a long time."

The man's voice was hoarse as he spoke expressionlessly to the Master.

"You... you're Tang..."

The man abruptly interrupted him, "I've come here to bid farewell. I'm leaving Little San in your care. He has accepted you as his teacher. As a father, I finally have no worries and can do the things I've wanted to do but didn't dare to."

"Hold on!"

The Master hastily called out, "He's your son. As a father, aren't you concerned about him?"

The man halted, his expression filled with melancholy.

"Don't forget, he is also your disciple."

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As soon as the words fell, the man disappeared without a trace. The billowing curtains dancing in the wind became the most convincing evidence of his arrival.

Now, the Master can finally confirm Tang San's true identity and his second martial soul.

In short, the day Tang San's martial soul is exposed will also be the day he meets his demise.

There's another saying, the day the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor is exposed will be the day Ye Hao gets captured.

"How did my idol end up like this?"

The Master shook his head in annoyance and sat down at his desk, starting to plan tomorrow's trip to acquire soul rings. He made simple notes on the specific soul rings Tang San needed.

As for Ye Hao...

He could come along too...


"What? We're going to hunt for soul rings tomorrow?"

Ye Hao pretended to be astonished as he looked at Tang San, who had come to inform him.

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Tang San nodded. "The teacher said that as a soul master, we need to obtain corresponding soul rings to continue our cultivation. You and I are innate full spirit power individuals and don't need to rely on external training. The Martial Soul Hall specifically sent someone today to inform the teacher and asked him to take good care of you. Tomorrow, we'll head to the Spirit Hunting Forest. Don't forget!"

After speaking, Tang San left without looking back. From the Master's words, Ye Hao understood that hunting soul beasts was undoubtedly a challenging process, even with potential dangers to one's life. Tang San needed to prepare several things, such as hidden weapons.

After Tang San left, Ye Hao returned to Dorm 7. Due to his previous battle with Xiao Wu, everyone in Dorm 7 had a psychological shadow regarding Ye Hao. They didn't dare to approach him or interact with him too much.

That was fine. Although Ye Hao had a small physique, his actual age was eighteen, and he possessed much more maturity in terms of mentality compared to these kids.

Ye Hao had no interest in the tricks and calculations of children. Otherwise, those noble kids who had lunch on the second floor would already be in their beds by now.

Dawn had yet to break, and the sky was still dimly lit.

Inside Dorm 7, Ye Hao got up quietly and sat on his bed for a while. He glanced at the work-study students around him who were still deep in sleep, unable to free themselves from their dreams. Ye Hao dressed himself, knowing that the agreed-upon time with the Master was approaching.

Tang San had already left, leaving only Xiao Wu sprawled across the bed, mouth drooling with glistening saliva. She still looked cute as a bunny.

In front of the academy's entrance, a carriage broke the silence of the night. The Master had been waiting for quite some time.

Before long, Tang San arrived first at the carriage and greeted the Master with a bow.

"Teacher, I apologize for the long wait."

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"It's not a problem. I just arrived myself," the Master smiled. "Tang San, for this trip to the Spirit Hunting Forest to hunt soul beasts, you must stay by my side the entire time. The soul beasts there are extremely fierce. Although the Spirit Hunting Forest is a forest artificially used to contain soul beasts, there are still quite a few powerful ones among them."

After learning about Tang San's identity, the Master had completely transformed into a caretaker. On one hand, he guarded against the Martial Soul Hall's covetousness, and on the other hand...

"Tang San, promise me one thing," the Master said solemnly.

"Teacher, please tell me."

The Master's expression turned serious. "Remember, you must never reveal your second martial soul in front of others. The consequences would be unimaginable."

Tang San was momentarily stunned. His father had said the same thing after his martial soul awakened.

Based on his understanding of martial souls in these past few days, Tang San realized that twin martial souls were extremely rare on the continent, to the point that one might not encounter even one in several hundred years.

So far, the only known twin martial souls on the continent were under the control of the current Pope of the Martial Soul Hall.

Tang San deeply understood the principle that an innocent person would be suspected if they carried a precious object. The exposure of his secret as a twin martial soul would undoubtedly bring him more troubles and even pose a certain danger to his teacher.

People's hearts were unfathomable.

"Teacher, I understand," Tang San nodded deeply, fully aware of the seriousness of the matter.

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