Chapter 8: Three system functions

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“There are not enough permissions? You have to improve the authority first to use it’s functions.” Hearing the indifferent voice of the system, Naruto’s eyebrows wrinkled.

“It has some options to improve the System level authority, First level task has been given which is not completed yet; second level authority needs to spend the task point 5000, the task point will be obtained by constantly doing the task, according to the difficulty level of task, you will get a certain number of task points as rewards; and the third-level privilege promotion method needs the host strength to reach a certain level, and then spend 5W task points to improve…”

“Okay!…” Naruto nodded with getting it expression after hearing the introduction of the system, but there is no way to improve the authority, so Naruto can only helplessly shrug his shoulders and ask again: “So, what is the function of the system level authority?”

“Ting – To increase the level of authority, there are three options for it – the mission system, the lottery system, and the upgrade system.”

Naruto has just asked the question, and the reminder reappeared again in his line of sight.

The first system is the mission system, it is about the task release and reward collection. The system is divided into special tasks, main line tasks, branch tasks, and daily tasks and their difficulty level is rated into 1-5 stars.

Special tasks are released according to various situations of the host. The tasks can be difficult and easy. It’s rating is 1-5 stars, and the rewards is completely depended on the task and the current strength of the host. However, if the task is not completed, the punishment will be severe.

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Main line task, this task is released according to the current world story. The rating is usually 4-5 stars, the reward is rich, and the punishment is severe.

Branch tasks are the same as the special tasks. The rating is 1-3 stars. The rewards of this task are somewhat different from the main line task or special task, and the punishment is not too severe.

The final, daily tasks, it releases 5 daily tasks every day. The rating is only 1-2 stars. The reward is the rarest of the four tasks, but the only benefit is that there will be no penalty for not completing this task.

The second system is lottery system, it is just like it’s name. There are three types of lottery: Ordinary draw, Special draw and Lucky draw.

In ordinary draw, you will get a free lucky draw every month. The scope of the prize is only in this world. It may be a useless for daily necessities, or it may be a bloodline.

In Special draws, there is a chance to complete a special lucky draw, and the scope of the reward is not limited.

And in the final Lucky draw, three special lucky draw chances to synthesize a lucky draw, the draw is not limited, but will not be as useful as a special draw or a regular draw.

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The Third system is upgrading system, it is very simple and mainly to improve the character level and skill proficiency.

It is very easy to understand the level of the character. You can gain experience by killing a certain level of creatures. As long as the experience reaches a certain level, you can upgrade. If you don’t upgrade the level, the attributes will increase by 2 points in the original points.

Upgrade skill proficiency is divided into two small branches, one of which is life skills, such as cooking, as long as you cook regularly, the skill of cooking will become higher, when the proficiency reaches a certain level. The cooking will be upgraded, and the food will be tasted more delicious.

The other option is combat skill proficiency. This system is quite against the heavens. As long as the proficiency of Ninjutsu reaches a certain level, it can be upgraded. Even if it is a C-class Ninjutsu, It’s power can also be compared with the power of the S level or even the forbidden jutsu.


After reading the instructions of the three systems function, Naruto couldn’t help but swallow his throat and some excitedly said: “Is this… is it true?”

At the same time as the inquiry, Naruto seems to have seen himself punching Nagato. The foot is soiled, the mouth is blown, the spot, the six immortals, he defeat all of them.

Well, all of the above is just the fantasy of Naruto at this time, and this fantasy is quickly ruined by the system.

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“Ting – Please don’t overdo the illusion of hosting, according to your current strength, an ordinary adult can easily kill you.”

“What the hell is wrong with you, I just think about it, just think….” Hearing the system’s cold voice, Naruto woke up in an instant, and complained to the system’s prompts, but he also knew that the system is correct, so he just took a deep breath and asked: “System, I remember the lottery system every month. There is a normal draw. Right?”

“Yes, because the host activated the system for the first time, the system rewards a newcomer package, which contains 1 chance of ordinary draws, and a class of three-bady basic Ninjutsu.”

“What? Three-body basic Ninjutsu? Where? Why didn’t I see?”

“The three-body basic Ninjutsu practice scroll is in the host’s backpack, the host only needs to meditate ‘backpack’.”

“Look search storage memory to see.”

After hearing the explanation of the system, Naruto nodded his head, and muttered. Suddenly, a game box package like box pop up in the sight of Naruto, the box has a total of 10 grid, a grid in the first scroll has a similar icon.

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When he scroll down and saw, Naruto’s eyes widened in excitement. He knew that this was the system’s three-body basic Ninjutsu, so he quickly took out the scroll, but the scroll just arrived in Naruto’s hands. It release a ray of light which directly hit in the middle of his eyebrows.

At the moment, when the light spot was blended, Naruto vision shook, and then a blurred figure suddenly appeared in his sight. Constantly practicing the three-body basic Ninjutsu, Naruto’s body couldn’t help but follow the figure.

Once again… two times… three times… a hundred times… thousands of times… many times…

He don’t know how long he has been practicing, Naruto’s consciousness has long been numbed. But his body is still practicing three-body basic ninjutsu. At some point, Naruto felt a sense of coolness flowing through his body, he completely awake now, and the surrounding is no longer the vague scene, the blurred figure has disappeared.

However, in consciousness, the three-body basic Ninjutsu that has been used for tens of thousands of times has been thoroughly instinctive, and can be used anytime, anywhere.

“Just…what happened …”

Naruto awakened, and feeling a little confused. He didn’t know what happened just now. He only knew that he had a dream…


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