Space Rebirth - chapter 7

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translator: ethocra


Space and Rebirth: The Favored Genius Doctor and Businesswoman - chapter 7 - Absorbing the Jade Pieces (吸收纳灵玉)

The figure of the ancient being began to fade.

Jing Yunzhao suddenly felt a sense of unease and quickly got down on her knees. “Your junior will learn from the teachings of the ancestor. If I break my word, I will not die a peaceful death!”

“I’ve said what I needed to say. Do as you please. Oh, and the time flow in this space is five times faster than that of the outside. When you leave, do not panic. The way to enter and leave this space is simple. Just concentrate…”

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When he finished his sentence, his figure disappeared completely.

Jing Yunzhao engraved every word of their conversation into her heart and bowed a few times towards the place he had disappeared.

The gods pitied her and had given her a different way of living.

She bit her lip and stood up. She did as the old man had instructed. It was as he had said, she opened her eyes again, she was back in her bedroom.

But at that same time, her stomach growled. She remembered the porridge she drank before entering the space.

If she remembered correctly. she’d suffer a night of stomachaches. Tomorrow, she’d have a fever due to a night of struggle and would take a week to recover.

Ye Qin’s passing was also within this one week. Jing Yunzhao was too weak to even attend the funeral. The family and friends of the Qiao’s and Ye’s only shamed and criticized her. No one was there to sympathize with her.

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Jing Yunzhao held her stomach and ran out of the room only to find an occupied bathroom.

“Is it jiejie? I’m sorry, but my stomach hurts. You’re gonna have to wait…” Qiao Hongye’s voice carried a noticeable hint of laughter and smirks.

In her past life, Jing Yunzhao drank the porridge without a fight, so Qiao Hongye guarding the bathroom didn’t happen. But right now, Jing Yunzhao had no other choice. She remembered the space and went back to her room.

Her stomachaches felt less intense in that space.

She thought about things for a while and took out the scroll. She dripped a drop of blood onto the first jade piece.

Suddenly, the green light from the scroll gathered together, and a blur of things flashed through Jing Yunzhao’ eyes. They seem like letters bonding together, forming sentences. Before the blink of an eye, a bunch of information had already entered her mind.

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She never knew her mind could be controlled like this. Those letters and words seemed clearer than anything she had ever known. If she were to just think of something, all of the information regarding that topic would naturally come to her.

But looking back at things, she was surprised.

No wonder the ancestor told her to not be greedy. Just this one piece of jade contained a thousand books worth of information.

Qiao Hongye put laxatives in her porridge, so Jing Yunzhao searched through her mind, trying to find a solution. She had thoughts of giving up. The prescriptions for medicine were all good stuff, but the current her had nothing. Where would she get the herbs? If she wanted to make the medicine in her space, she also needed materials.

She could’ve, of course, just bought medicine, but she was penniless.

It is difficult to save a fire using water from far away. Whether it was Eastern of Western medicine, they were both useless to her.

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Jing Yunzhao was panicking, but she forced herself to think calmly. When her heart was finally calm, something began to appear in her head.

Massaging pressure points!

Press five fingers together. Gently massage the lower abdomen area and press downward. The tianshu. The guanyun. The big intestine pressure point. The arm three li pressure point. And then gently press down on the qihai using either the palm or the thumb…

(T/N: I know nothing about pressure points. “五指并拢,轻柔腹部,推下腕、天枢、关元、大肠俞、手三里等穴位,再以掌或拇指揉压气海……”)

Jing Yunzhao quickly did as instructed. The places she massaged felt sore, but her stomach felt better, She got a little excited and continued. Before long, everything calmed down.

She remembered that Qiao Hongye was still guarding the bathroom and sneered.

She likes being in the bathroom that much? Fine, then don’t come out tonight!

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