Ye Jin is just a collateral of the Ye family, but she stands out because of her outstanding talent.

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Especially under the strong contrast of Ye Shaohua’s being a waste, even the most powerful Duke Ye of Ye’s family is only level B spiritual power, and the preciousness of her A-level mental power can be imagined.

Duke Ye has only such a daughter as Ye Shaohua, who is a waste and has been determined to be hopeless.

But Ye Jin is not the same. She is the future of the whole Ye family. Those elders don’t care about Ye Shaohua’s feelings at all, so Duke Ye accepted Ye Jin as her adopted daughter.

Not only that, the treatment of Ye Jin is higher than that of Ye Shaohua before.

Before Ye Shaohua, there was a separate yard for practicing magic in Ye’s family. These were all made for her by Duke Ye at a large price, but now they have all become Ye Jin’s places.

“The steward Fu Bo said that the Duke adults had tried their best to oppose it,” Carrie clenched her fist and held back the tears in her eyes. “But the elders said that you have no magic talent. It’s a waste to occupy such a good place. It’s better to give Ye Jin a compromise.”

Can not do without tears, Kali was picked up by the Duke from outside, grew up with Ye Shaohua.

Although they are masters and servants, Ye Shaohua always treats her as her sister.

Duke Ye often practices magic in seclusion. These two people spend most of their time in that yard. Every place is the deepest memory in his mind.

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Now I said to Ye Jin and said that it is not difficult to be fake.

Ye Shaohua was silent for a moment. “I see.”

Carrie originally thought that Ye Shaohua would be sad. Unexpectedly, she said something so bland. She was shocked.

In the plot given by the system, there is also such a thing. At that time, Lance just dropped out of his marriage. Unexpectedly, his residence was robbed by his residence, even if his only father had become someone else’s.

He went to the Warcraft forest directly under the attack. When she was finally brought back by Duke ye, she almost became disabled, and Duke ye also lost his vitality.

I remember when she came back, Ye Jin had broken through the apprentice magician and became a first-class magician.

There is also a handsome young man around.

She only glanced at them one more time, and was directly knocked down by a wind wall of Gu Hong’s subordinates. Gu Hong’s high position is like looking at ants, which makes her original memory deep.

According to Gu Hong’s dead man, she doesn’t deserve to see him.

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It is precisely because of this that I made up my mind to practice magic, but I didn’t expect lance would do such a thing. In the end, she even died without a whole body. The Ye family was almost destroyed. Duke Ye died in the city.

(*You can read the translated at

This time, the system has two tasks.

One is to become the top magician in the mainland. He doesn’t want to involve anyone because of himself. The other is to protect Duke ye and Carrie from being attacked by Warcraft.

The reason why Ye Shaohua finds it difficult is that she still knows the plot after that.

This siege of Warcraft is a duel between the dark magician and the mainland magician, and even a saint level Warcraft capable of destroying the magic continent.

We need to know that although the magic continent is large, there are not many people who are suitable for learning magic. The probability is one in ten thousand, and few people can become level 3 magicians or above.

She is now in the kingdom of Canglang, where only one senior level six magician is in charge, which is enough to frighten a country.

Saint level Warcraft is equivalent to a saint level mage who is even higher than the seventh level mage.

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She remembered that the original plot suffered heavy casualties. At last, the son of the temple of light summoned the projection of the God of light, which prevented the catastrophe.

[the second task is a little difficult. Many hosts have failed in this world. I guess they helped you take this task,] 008 frowned, [you don’t have pressure, the first task can be easily completed with your qualification, at least we have guaranteed score. ]

“By Shaohua, Fubo is still waiting for you outside,” Carrie touched her eyes. “When the Duke heard about lance, he was furious and asked you to go back and get justice for you. By the way And attend Ye Jin’s inheritance ceremony. “

“Then go.” Ye Shaohua nodded.

A group of people went to cangyun city from the wild city to take the first-class wind Warcraft, and arrived at the destination in less than an hour.

“Fubo, you are back,” the soldiers at the gate of Ye family saw Fubo and bowed down respectfully. When they saw Ye Shaohua behind Fubo, their expressions were inexplicable and they called out strangely, “eldest lady.”

Ye Shaohua answered casually and walked into the door first.

Fubo, who was one step behind him, took a surprised look at Ye Shaohua.

This state of mind, if there are some talents, the final achievement can not be underestimated. Thinking of this, Fu Bo sighed, why did she not inherit the spirit of the Duke’s B-level spirit?

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“I’m happy to be my father’s daughter.” Before Ye Shaohua got to the house, he heard a clear voice.

Ye Jin is wearing the magician’s robe issued by the magician guild. At the neck is the sign of the novice magician. On her neck is the colorful fifth level magic core of the beast.

She sat at the bottom of Prince Ye’s head, next to him was a young blonde with a rebellious face.

The arrival of Ye Shaohua made the people in the hall quiet for a moment, and could not help looking in this direction.

Duke Ye’s hand for the cup also paused for a while, a little surprised.

He thought that his daughter would be angry and ignore himself, but unexpectedly she came.

Ye Shaohua also found that the hall was full of seats, and her previous position was the one Ye Jin sat in. She stood in the hall in embarrassment.

Around the Ye family’s children, looking at the once bright young lady, can’t help laughing.

“It was the first lady.” Several elders said coldly, in a tone of impatience that had never been heard before. “You came back just in time. Your mother left you with the five level magic core, which I have taken out to Ye Jin. Your qualification is useless anyway. Do you have any opinion on giving it to her?”

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