All the people in the z-league know that the Shu family joined Ye Shaohua, but none of them pay attention to the Shu family.

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Although Schumann’s energy has been restored, it’s hard to reach the level of master in a short time, let alone most of the energy in Shu jia’s body is in a mess.

And then there is stefan, who also relies on Ye Shaohua, who is more humble than the Shu family.

But no one thought that it was these unimportant existence. The Ye family and the experts sent by the Meng family couldn’t walk under their hands!

It is said that they plundered the things in Ye Shaohua’s laboratory. They didn’t even touch the door of the laboratory, so they were thrown out of the door by Schumann and others.

No one dared to report on the Star Online Network

“That is…” One of them, a close friend of the Meng family, saw the black ribbon tied on Schumann’s wrist. His face changed and he left directly, regardless of other people’s words.

“Don’t say I don’t want to be righteous, old man Meng. I warn you, if you want to live, don’t provoke Ye Shaohua anymore. The news I just got is that she likes that ancient medicine material  very much.” After that, she didn’t wait for the answer from Mr. Meng, and hung up the phone directly.

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And then spend a lot of money to reward ancient medicine around the world.

The response of the people waiting to eat melon in Z alliance is similar to that of Qiu family. No one thought that the people in the military region who used to help Meng family to collect the things in Ye Shaohua’s lab suddenly changed their attitude. They apologized to Schumann in panic and didn’t say anything. They also sent a bunch of gifts back.

Meng’s family is full of chickens and dogs. Some people who have made friends with them suddenly leave their Meng’s family.

Originally, they thought it would happen in Ye Shaohua’s place, but it actually appeared in their Meng family.

Let alone the Meng family. The Ye family is no better.

When the Lord of the Ye family heard the news, he sat down in a chair.

Ye Kun even came back from falling and running, “Dad, my task with Shaoling in the military region has been suspended. Not only that, but also my military position. What should I do?”

He has no master. If it wasn’t for their feud with Ye Shaohua, they wouldn’t believe that ye Shaohua could do it.

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“Don’t worry, let’s go to find major general Yun. He promoted us at the beginning, so we can’t ignore him.” The Lord of the Ye family calmed his mind and said, “major general Yun has come back.”

Ye’s family were shocked. They immediately cleaned up their appearance and went to find Yun Mo.

Yun Mo just came back, his face is not very good.

As soon as he asked Yunfu about his position, he was going to find him. He heard that the Ye family was looking for him.

What he didn’t want to see, he didn’t know what he was thinking of. He stopped again and looked at officer tel. “You let them in.”

Ye Kun and ye Shaoling didn’t expect Yun Mo to see them like this. They were overjoyed.

“Major general Yun!” Ye Shaoling was promoted by Yun Mo. Naturally, he was familiar with Yun Mo. He knelt down on the ground with a thump. “That ye Shaohua bullied people so much that she passed you and dismissed us all. Looking at the whole Z alliance, who didn’t know that you promoted our Ye family. She didn’t take you seriously!”

(*You can read the translated at

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When he heard that, he rolled his eyes.

There is not much change on Yun Mo’s face. Instead, he looks at Ye Shaoling calmly, “what are you going to do? I remember her as if she were your Ye family. “

“What kind of Ye family is she?” When ye Shaoling mentioned her, he flashed a disgust on his face, “I think it’s best to let her leave Z alliance and never let her in for life…”

Ye’s family didn’t see it. The more Ye Shaoling said, the heavier the air conditioner on Yun Mo.

“Leave the z-league, right, tel,” Yun Mo lightly ordered, “and meet their wishes.”

After that, he turned straight away.

Leave Ye family three people a blank face, just It’s that simple.

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However, before they could think of anything, officer tel ordered his subordinates to throw them outside the door. “You look at them until they are out of the z-league and are no longer under the protection of the z-league.”

Without the protection of Z alliance, any vagrant organization can take their lives.

“What are you doing, my lord?” The Lord of the Ye family was thrown to the gate of the cloud family. There was no sense of humiliation. Instead, a deep panic arose, “are you mistaken? Just now major general Yun didn’t mean to take ye Shaohua… “

When he heard that, officer tel stepped in.

He shook his head and sighed at Ye’s three. “I don’t think you know your situation yet.”

“Ye Shaoling, do you know why boss Yun asked you to be the team leader? So many people, he just picked the Ye family, which has no special features? “

Ye Shaoling was stunned, then filled with pride, “it’s because I’m good, so…”

He has always been proud of this. At the beginning, so many people, but he stood out.

“What did you do well? You still take it seriously. Your surname is ye. If it’s not because your name is Ye Shaoling, do you think the eldest brother will look at you? ” “You want to thank Miss ye, or it’s your Ye family. Do you think you can make a foothold in Z Union? Now it’s better. If you don’t thank her, you have to drive her away. If the master of the Yun family dies, why do you have to rush to die? “

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