“Then…” Yunhao is shocked by this scene.

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In his eyes, Ye Shaohua is just a little woman who needs to be protected by cloud ink. She has never seen such a strong side.

“Don’t talk.” Barry hooks Yun Hao’s neck with his hand and takes him out of here directly. “The boss doesn’t like dobby.”

“Boss?” Until he got on the plane, Yunhao didn’t react.

Barry smiled. “Yeah, you were curious about who our boss is? It’s her. “

YunHao opened his mouth wide, but he couldn’t say a word at last.

Yun Mo had a long and long dream. Like many times before, in the dream, he could only watch that gorgeous woman die outside the city building. No matter how he called to save, he could not save it.

From the fragmentary dream, he knew the woman’s name was Ye Shaohua.

This time, without exception, he saw Ye Shaohua fall in front of him like he could do nothing.

“Where is Shaohua?” He woke up from his dream. All the people around him were bloodstained. He lay on the hospital bed. He thought it was reality, not a dream. He was relieved instantly.

He took a look at the officer near him and asked again, “what about her?”

Officer Tel said with a laugh, “boss, you just woke up, show the doctor first…”

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However, who is Yun Mo? Officer tel’s expression let him know the wrong person. He directly lifted the quilt and got out of bed. He asked again with his lips pursed, “what about her?”

The eyes were horribly dark.

“Sorry, boss, we didn’t protect Miss Ye! She stayed in the battlefield  to get us out of there! ” The officer did not hold up any longer, and knelt in the same spot with red eyes.

No one in the ward dared to speak, not even Yun father.

Everyone thought that Yun Mo was going crazy, but he was very calm. “I know. Take me there.”

Ye Shaohua didn’t leave her body, and the whole z-league people didn’t know that she was the one who made the whole planet restless.

Yun Mo was a little calm. He found Ye Shaoling, who told the tramp behind his back, and put him in the polar area. He didn’t torture people to death, but drew a sigh of relief his breath.

Yun Mo sits at the place where Ye Shaohua last appeared. He hasn’t left for a long time.

Before he left, he thought that when he came back this time, he must tell Ye Shaohua his dream from childhood.

Unfortunately, the story is too long.

Life is too short.

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* *

[Ding! Over completion of the main task, the system rewards 600 points, congratulations to the host get 600! ]

[Ding! System 008 serves the host. 600 points have arrived. Please select the disconnection method. 1. Select the replica to leave the host. 2. Directly disconnect! ]

Ye Shaohua stopped in the system space for a long time before the next task.

Again, the system carefully said a lot of things, she did not pay attention to it.

When I wake up again, I hear a very cold voice, which sounds a little low. “I’ll go back and have a good introspection first. Don’t count on your few useless relatives. Yizhou can bear you today, doesn’t mean he can bear it next time. Did he spend the 200,000 he gave you? Keep it for good use, a college student, or this point, do not always think about shortcuts

Next to her, a man in a black suit was sitting in front of Ye Shaohua.

Ye Shaohua raised her eyes slightly and saw the irony on the face of the man who spoke, without any concealment in his eyes.

“Zhehan, what’s the matter with you?” Before Ye Shaohua could accept the plot, a girl came not far away, dressed in a customized dress. She looked at Ye Shaohua with a cold and overbearing tone.

“This is?” The girl took a look and sat on the ground. Her chest was splashed with red wine, which made Ye Shaohua look embarrassed.

(*You can read the translated at

Yu Zhehan heard the words, and smiled ironically, “People brought by Yizhou, unfortunately do not understand the discretion and annoyed Yizhou.”

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A listen Yizhou to bring people, the girl can’t help but look at Ye Shaohua, the light box, she saw Ye Shaohua’s face, see after some surprise.

Then Yang Mou glanced at Ye Shaohua contemptuously, “it’s her……”

This sentence dragged on for a long time, with a very different meaning.

They did not pay much attention to Ye Shaohua and left directly.

Ye Shaohua sat there, took off her coat covered with red wine and pressed her temple.

It seems that the host of this body is not very popular. She thought and accepted the plot.

In this world, she is a student of a famous university. She has a single parent family. Her mother has worked hard to support her to the University. During her working life, she met her current boyfriend Liu Yizhou, a golden and perfect character who only appears in the novel.

Liu Yizhou has a gentle personality and treats her very well. She fallen from love since she was a child. But with a little self-respect, she never receives his expensive gifts. Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

But she had uremia, a very expensive disease.

Originally, she worked harder, but at the last ultimatum in the hospital, she couldn’t find a way to borrow 200,000 yuan from Liu Yizhou, who thought she was a lover in the pouring rain.

Since then, Liu Yizhou’s eyes have changed.

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In his eyes, Liu Yizhou didn’t ask for the original IOU, but asked her to go to him often to clean and cook for him.

The original body was remembered in her heart

Originally, she thought the relationship was closer, but she didn’t know that the relationship she thought was just a joke in Liu Yizhou’s eyes.

Liu Yizhou only takes her as a double, and kicks her off when Zhao Yijun, the Lord of white moonlight, comes back.

Even though, Liu Yizhou’s friends still humiliated her, saying that she made a fool of herself. Don’t think she can replace Zhao Yijun if she looks like Zhao Yijun. Zhao Yijun is an excellent student with double master’s degree from Harvard University. Where can she compare?

I don’t know who released the news that she wanted to get involved in Zhao Yijun’s and Liu Yizhou’s feelings, which made her an evil junior in school. The headmaster also talked to her and asked her to quit school.

Where the original body can stand these blows, she suddenly committed suicide without jumping off the building.

This is what ye Shaohua wears. It’s Liu Yizhou’s birthday when he invites his friends to drink.

All his friends know what day it is today, and they don’t disturb him.

The original body didn’t know that when she saw Liu Yizhou, she felt the four-leaf clover silver necklace around her neck. She asked more questions, but she didn’t think that it caused Liu Yizhou’s anger.

“Don’t do what you want if I treat you better. Ye Shaohua, remember your identity,” Liu Yizhou said, putting down his red wine glass and looking at Ye Shaohua. “Now, get out.”

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