Liu Yizhou ignored her at all and stared at the screen from beginning to end.

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To be more precise, he never looked away from ye Shaohua’s face on the screen.

“From the perspective of your short-term investment in stocks, Miss Ye should know stocks. Why hasn’t she been speculating before? All of a sudden started it?” The supporter just asked this question.

Hearing that, Ye Shaohua whispered: “my mother said that stocks are gambling, so I never get involved, but when there is no way to go, I want to try whatever I want. Unexpectedly, I am still very talented.”

In the last sentence, she made a little self mockery.

When I saw this scene, Liu Yizhou was trembling.

He has investigated the data of that y for a long time. Y started to speculate a month ago, that is, after he lent Ye Shaohua 200,000 yuan, he said those excessive words to her.

Those desperate times, probably when she was in the most difficult time, he was still adding wounds to her wound.

No wonder…

No wonder she can pay him back 200,000 yuan so quickly. No wonder she didn’t change her face when she saw Zhao Yijun. In fact, she probably died when he spoke those words.

After Liu Yizhou watched the live broadcast, he drove directly out of here regardless of Zhao Yijun’s retention.

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After he left, Yixian didn’t respond. “Yijun, who is this Y? Why are people just as crazy? “

Zhao Yijun pulled his tongue, but he couldn’t laugh out. “I’m sorry, Yixian, I want to go home first.”

Yi Xian was also shocked by the live broadcast, so she didn’t act to keep Zhao Yijun, but went to find Yu zhehan full of worries.

* *

Liu Yizhou has driven his car to the road. He wants to find Ye Shaohua, but he doesn’t know where to find her. He only knows that she is at s University, but he doesn’t know anything about it.

I had to park outside major s.

After waiting for a long time, the assistant in the middle called him several times to deal with the matter, but Liu Yizhou pushed him off.

He didn’t see ye Shaohua until 7 p.m.

But she was not alone with her. There was a tall black figure. At a glance, the woman was as cold as jade, and the man’s eyes were as picturesque. Both of them were wearing white shirts, just like flying carnations.

The two stand in the crowd are all outstanding figures, not only Liu Yizhou, almost all around them are attracted by their eyes.

Liu Yizhou was still smoking. When he saw the man beside Ye Shaohua, he was almost choked by a cigarette.

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The man he knew, more accurately, had seen far away.

Almost no one in the circle dared to provoke the great devil. His life was more like a legend. He killed decisively, but the people were as elegant as lotus. There were many golden ladies who adored him in the circle, but no one succeeded.

Liu Yizhou’s dinner table has been teased by people. I don’t know what kind of people can enter his eyes.

But Liu Yizhou couldn’t imagine that this man was so familiar with Ye Shaohua today. There was clearly no more communication between them, but he felt that there was no tacit understanding between them when they raised their hands and raised their feet.

Yesterday, when seeing Fenghua Group forwarding Ye Shaohua’s Micro blog, Liu Yizhou thought it was just an accident, but today he saw such a scene.

Liu Yizhou looks at the two people. He doesn’t know when the smoke burns to his fingers. He knows that ye Shaohua disappears in his sight. He just returns to his mind. But this time, he doesn’t catch up.

Before ye Shaohua returned to the dormitory, he called from the hospital. “Hello, Miss Ye. Are you a member of Ms. Ye Dongxiang’s family? “

“Yes, what’s the matter?” Ye Shaohua steps.

The words of the doctor over there are very simple, “Ms. Ye is making a noise to leave the hospital. Her wound hasn’t grown well yet. There are still some follow-up treatments, which are not suitable for rushing back and forth.”

“I see.” Ye Shaohua took a deep breath. “Thank you, I’ll be right here.”

She didn’t go back to the dormitory, but went directly to the hospital.

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Now it’s evening. There are very few people in the corridor of the hospital. Only a few relatives of the patients in the accompanying rooms fetch boiled water or buy rice.

When ye Shaohua pushed open the door of Ye Mu’s ward, she was sitting on the chair beside the window, with several nurses and doctors persuading her.

“Mom, what’s the matter with you?” Ye Shaohua noticed that everything in the hospital bed had been put away.

Seeing ye Shaohua come in, ye Mu seems to react. She looks at Ye Shaohua in some panic. “Shaohua, hurry up. Let’s leave the capital overnight.”

“Leaving the capital overnight?” Ye Shaohua squints, “why?”

“We can’t fight those people, we can’t fight…” Ye Mu didn’t explain it, but shook her head. “Shaohua, listen to me. There’s absolutely nothing wrong. Leave now, or it’s too late.”

Ye’s mother believes that if she doesn’t leave the capital, Zhao’s group will fight against Ye Shaohua.

Just like the original Zhao banquet, there was no time for rescue.

She must not, and ye Shaohua must not follow his path.

“Who can’t fight? Mom, did you watch the news? ” Ye Shaohua holds Ye mu by hand.

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After her words, ye Mu’s mood was miraculously stable.

The doctor in charge of Yimu saw this scene and looked at yishaohua in surprise. The place where yishaohua just held Yimu was a few acupoints that could calm people down.


Ye Shaohua apologized to the doctors and nurses and asked them to leave. She knew that she needed to have a good talk with Ye mu, who didn’t seem to tell her some secrets.

“Now can you tell me what happened?” After the people left, ye Shaohua was able to do it.

Her voice seems to have reassuring power, and ye Mu slowly slows down, “this is…”

Seeing Ji Yunchen standing beside Ye Shaohua, she was shocked.

Ye Shaohua glanced at him, “don’t worry about him, mom, you tell me first.”

Ye’s mother obviously thought of the business, and her muddy eyes were full of perseverance. “Shaohua, listen to my mother, leave the capital right away. Let’s go to m City, downtown n. if we can’t get back to our hometown, we can’t stay in the capital in a word. Otherwise, you can’t fight them! “

“Zhao family?” Ye Shaohua picks eyebrows.

“Yes, it’s the Zhao family in the capital city,” said Ye mu, taking a deep breath. She picked up the bag she had packed in the morning. “I’ll tell you about this later. You’re still young. I don’t know that those people can crush our mother and daughter with one finger. Shaohua, let’s go before they start! “

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