Chapter 159

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Liu Yizhou’s words hit Zhao Yijun’s face like a slap.

To Zhao Yijun’s puzzlement, Liu Yizhou said that even though she had been standing beside him this time, Yu zhehan didn’t speak for her.

“Zhehan, why are you like this? Are you also confused by that woman? “

“Yijun, do you know why you are so protected from childhood to the big?” Yu zhehan looks at Zhao Yijun, his face is complex. “In his life, he has compromised for you alone.”

“Of course I know.” Zhao Yijun thought about this, but he was a little proud, not because Liu Yizhou liked her.

“No, you don’t know,” Yu zhehan shook his head. “You weren’t in the kidnapping case, so I don’t know. One person ran away. The person who ran away was Ye Shaohua, but she didn’t run away, but to save us and lead the two kidnappers away. At that time, someone in the society called the police. The kidnapper was armed with a bomb. She alone led everyone away. She said she ran faster than us. “

“Ironically, at that time, we were obviously older than her, but not as clear-minded as her. Finally, I heard that she was found in a ravine. If there was her, we would probably stay there forever. Then you just went abroad for cultivation at that time. All of us thought that person was you. That’s why Yizhou always gave in to you. “

Yu Zhehan now knows the mood of Liu Yizhou very well. He doesn’t know whether Ye Shaohua recognizes them or not.

He even prayed that Ye Shaohua did not recognize him.

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When he heard Liu Yizhou’s words, he also called to question Liu Yizhou, but didn’t expect to hear the news. Yu zhehan thought that at that time, his blood was coagulated.

He kept thinking about all these months, and that day in the villa, Ye Shaohua looked at his strange eyes.

Yu zhehan is scared. Is she ….. Recognized him long ago?

“So, you should beg now that Yizhou won’t do anything to you.” Yu zhehan took a deep look at Zhao Yijun and left directly.

Zhao Yijun fell down on the chair. She felt that she was getting cold all over. She also knew that she had made the most wrong decision.

Zhao family is like a flash in the pan. Grandpa Zhao and Zhao mother are repentant. They knew Ye Shaohua had such sharp means. How dare they try to suppress her and force Ye Dongxiang to leave at that time?

Where they used to live a hard life, they all looked for Ye Shaohua and wanted to plead with her, but they didn’t even see Ye Shaohua’s face.

In particular, Mr. Zhao, thinking that he almost became the richest grandfather, is more suitable to repent.

Zhao Yijun did not have an interview with other companies, but those companies all know that she had a conflict with Ye Shaohua, and Liu Yizhou secretly straightened her, where dare to accept her?

Ye’s family often ran into a wall, and because of debt, they couldn’t help but move out of the villa.

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Because before Liu Yizhou’s words, everyone knew that ye Shaohua didn’t step in, but Zhao Yijun was in a bad mood. Some rich people thought that Zhao Yijun was just like that, because they were willing to hook up with her and give her back money.

Many times, because of this, Zhao Yijun was caught with his face.

Today, she was caught by the original match again. She was kicked by several women. She had to protect her head angrily, but she was looking up to see Ye Shaohua’s advertisement.

She is still inviolable, but her Zhao Yijun has become a street mouse.

Liu Yizhou’s Yongteng suffered little fluctuation. Although the company is far from the previous scale, he doesn’t care anymore. He knows that ye Shaohua didn’t do anything to him because he borrowed her 200,000 yuan.

Standing in the international financial center, he knew that ye Shaohua would bid here today. He was waiting for Ye Shaohua’s arrival absently.

(*You can read the translated at

Suddenly an alarm sounded upstairs.

“Mr. Liu, go quickly. There’s a fire upstairs!” He was crowded out of the financial building.

The fire on the building is getting bigger and bigger. There are still a few people who haven’t come out. The firemen control the crowd and don’t let anyone near the source of the fire. Even the later firemen didn’t dare to enter.

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Liu Yizhou saw that some people were crying, and all of them were relatives who didn’t escape.

He also saw a lady crying. He recognized that it was Ji Yunshen’s mother. Was he also in it?

“Wait, miss, you can’t go in. The fire is out of control!”

“Get out of the way and let me in.”

Hearing the familiar cold voice, Liu Yizhou stared in that direction. To be honest, Ye Shaohua he saw from the beginning was calm. This was the first time he saw that her breath was so unstable.

She broke away from two firefighters, covered herself with a wet suit, and rushed straight into the fire.

Liu Yizhou looks at her back and suddenly remembers that this is Ye Shaohua. When she was only five years old, she would volunteer to lead away the kidnappers. She was like that from the beginning to the end. She would not say anything to anyone who was good to her, but she was dead in her heart.

In the end, everyone didn’t expect that she was in a big fire, and one person carried Ji Yun out of her coma. Ji Mu still remembered the tragic scene that day many years later, which often led to nightmares.

Ye Shaohua died, no one’s accident, everyone’s accident is that Ji Yunshen is alive.

He was rescued for three days and three nights and finally came back.

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After he woke up, he didn’t speak or inquire about ye Shaohua. Even Ji Mu was very strange. He just abandoned all the people and stayed in the ward alone for three days.

Three days later, he came out again and became Ji Yunshen, the one who killed the trees and made a final decision.

The Zhao family, who thought Ye Shaohua was dead and could make a comeback, was completely transformed by him.

Since then, people in the mall have learned a new rule: You can mess with Ji Yunshen, or even you can disrespect Ji’s family, because the bottom line of Ji Yunshen is the Ye family.

Many people have seen the tombstone of Ye Shaohua, which is a myth.

The introduction above is very simple——

Ye Shaohua a single – alone.

    I heard this was changed by Ji Yunshen later.

    These people found an empty tomb next to it, with a

    engraving on it – Ji Yunshen, lonely and valiant.

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