Lin Weiwei also saw the rune paper and cinnabar on Ye Shaohua’s desk.

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As the successor of modern socialism, Lin Weiwei is really sure. Ye Shaohua, she may be really crazy.

“By the way, Shaohua, I just asked my foreman, he would like you to go to the coffee shop part-time, you also know that I am there at Dior coffee, if you want, you can go to the shop to help me, a month’s salary is not low, absolutely can pay your tuition.” Lin Weiwei said a word.

After that, she waited for Ye Shaohua to thank her.

Unexpectedly, Ye Shaohua refused without thinking. “No, I haven’t got the idea of looking for a part-time job yet.”

“Forget it. You’ve been hit. You’d better have a good rest.” Lin weiwei took a look at her, then left without staying in the room for a long time.

Seeing that Ye Shaohua didn’t leave her much, Lin Weiwei went out of the door and frowned very tight.

In the evening, Ye Shaohua goes to the toilet.

The light in the bathroom is dim.

When Ye Shaohua washed her hands, she suddenly found that it was wrong to wash them. As soon as she bowed her head, the water of the tap gradually turned bloody.

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Looking up, her face was reflected in the mirror, but there was no change in that face. Ye Shaohua blinked, the face in the mirror was still motionless, and the black eyes were staring at himself.

Ye Shaohua slowly stepped back and finally found that the face in the mirror was not hers.

She put her right hand into her pocket, which contained a piece of paper she had drawn.

It’s said in the book that it’s not so easy to draw Fu Zhuan. In general, even if it’s a master of heaven, there are only a dozen Fu Zhuan in a thousand.

Ye Shaohua seems to have this talent. Looking at the runes in the book, she can draw them with your eyes closed.

I just don’t know if it’s powerful.

She has encountered many dangers from childhood, but it is the first time that she has encountered non-human dangers.

The face in the mirror gradually twisted into a pale face without facial features. It was like climbing out of the mirror. When ye Shaohua saw that she was not afraid, the face paused for a moment, as if surprised why she was not scared to faint.

Standing half a meter away from the pool, Ye Shaohua was stunned to see that face without facial features was just wandering by the sink. After that, she directly put the Fu Zhuan on the forehead of the thing.

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Seeing that the rune and seal script gradually turned to grey, and the thing without face shrieked and twisted back into the mirror.

Ye Shaohua continued to wash his hands calmly. At last, he looked in the mirror and said, “you are really ugly.”

Around the whole process in system space 008: “…”

It also seemed to see that the mirror was still shaking a little.

The next day, with two pieces of spell, Ye Shaohua took her textbook and went to school.

S University is not far from her school. She goes to school directly by car.

This body doesn’t know why it is very cold. Even in June, she went out wearing long divination pants. Now in this weather, even girls who are conservative for a day will wear short sleeves or a cool skirt.

When people on the road saw Ye Shaohua, they always thought the girl was a little weird.

The first course is advanced mathematics. Ye Shaohua and Lin Weiwei were majors.

In class, Lin Weiwei arrived breathlessly.

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Lin Weiwei is a good student in the school. The senior math teacher took a look at her, said two words without any pain, and let her in.

“Shaohua, why don’t you wait for me to come first?” after class, Lin Weiwei looked at Ye Shaohua wrongly. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, and you don’t say anything, but do you know who I saw this morning…”

I thought that ye Shaohua would comfort me more or less, but I didn’t expect that he just said that he would go to the next class after finishing his homework.

Lin Weiwei followed her a little incredulously. “Shaohua, because you and I were criticized by the teacher for the first time, didn’t you say a word to me?”

See Ye Shaohua took out the line generation to look at, Lin Weiwei looked at her one eye, also did not speak.

She doesn’t know why Ye Shaohua is just like a changed person, but she has only one friend. After a few days, when no one talks, she should come back and ask herself to talk to her.

“Wei Wei, someone on the forum said that you took Mr. Ning’s ride,” Lin Wei Wei looks no better than ye Shaohua, but she is also a beauty in the economic department, and her popularity is much better than ye Shaohua. Some people envied: “Lamborghini , I will be satisfied if I can touch Mr. Ning’s treasure car in my life.”

Lin Weiwei chuckled. “Ning Xuechang just saw that I was going to be late, and that I was a fellow student, so she would give me a hand.”

With that, she took a look at Ye Shaohua. There was no envy or other expression on Ye Shaohua’s face, which made Lin Weiwei seem to have punched cotton.

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Ye Shaohua didn’t care about these.

Just in between classes, the male monitor came over and said to her coldly, “the counselor is looking for you.”


Ye Shaohua nods. There are twenty minutes between classes. It’s time to go to the next building to find a counselor.

Her counselor is on the third floor next door. When Ye Shaohua went, she saw three girls coming out of the Counselor’s office.

She knows these three girls, and they are her three roommates.

“Ye Shaohua, right?” the female counselor glanced at Ye Shaohua. Ye Shaohua university has been almost a year. In this year, all the ambitious students of their department went to the student union to participate in community activities or brush their faces in front of the counselor. Only Ye Shaohua was very calm. “I heard something about you.”

“Just now, three of your roommates have come. They said they would change their dormitories. Your presence has seriously affected their physical and mental health.” The female counselor took a look at Ye Shaohua and said deeply: “but I also asked that no one in the same department would like to be your roommate. From today on, you should move out of school.”

The counselor also knows about several high-ranking students in the Department. Ye Shaohua’s household registration is very common, so she has no worries: “I’m afraid that two of you can understand the things between your girls, but everyone doesn’t want to be your roommate, ye classmate, you should review yourself.”

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