Ning Zhou still has to distinguish, Ye Shaohua shook his head toward him.

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What the master said was right, so he waited at ease.

Ye Shaohua observed master Ku for a long time. After seeing master Ku read a mantra, he burned the rune paper. She looked carefully and found that the rune paper was not any kind of Rune at all.

For a while, she said, “I’m not sure.”

After a while, Grandpa Ning didn’t wake up. He sighed, “Mr Ning, the fierce ghost in the old man is too strong. I think…”

“Please help me, master. I’ll add another 300,000 yuan.” When he heard about 300,000 yuan, master Ku was very bright.

But he didn’t say anything. He also knew that Ning Zhou invited a master to come here. When he saw Ye Shaohua’s excessively young face, master Ku didn’t care.

In his mind, these days, being a liar doesn’t even dress up in the direction of being an expert, and the younger he is, the younger he is. He doesn’t even wear a decent dress. Someone believes that she is a ghost.

Someone will believe her to guess.

Of course, he didn’t believe that Ye Shaohua had real talent.

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Seeing that his father even asked his secretary to give money to the swindler, Ning Zhou said directly, “Dad, since he can’t do it, please let master Ye try.”

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother think Ning Zhou is getting more and more confused.

Master Ku generously asked Ye Shaohua to try. He didn’t believe that Ye Shaohua could do anything.

In the room, there is the incense table put by master Ku. Ye Shaohua didn’t look at it, but looked at the layout of the whole room.

In her eyes, the whole room was full of evil spirit. It was obvious that the evil spirit of Ning Zhou’s body was tainted from here.

Ye Shaohua took out a compass just bought from the used goods market from her pocket and played with it. Seeing how she played with the compass, master Ku said directly, “isn’t it the first time you use the compass?”

Ye Shaohua: “…” You can shut up quickly!

After this sentence, Ning Fu and Ning Mu didn’t believe Ye Shaohua any more.

However, the next second, the whole person’s momentum changed, she looked at the Buddha placed in the room, “when is this Buddha placed here?”

“My dad likes these things. It’s from an old friend of his.” This point, rather father has nothing to hide.

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Ye Shaohua nodded, she didn’t say anything, just walked two circles in the bedroom, as if measuring something with her feet.

She still looks a bit like an expert.

Then directly out of the door, went to the gate of the villa.

Master Ku and Ning’s parents also want to see what tricks she plays and follow her downstairs.

Ye Shaohua seems to be still measuring. She stops at the entrance of the gate and points to the land at her feet. “Dig along here.”

This is not a very difficult thing. In master Ku’s eyes at Ye Shaohua’s “what else do you have to do?” Ning’s father asked someone to dig here. Originally, there was nothing wrong with the party. When the servant dug a wooden box, all the faces of Ning’s family changed.

When Ning Fu got the box, he felt a chill on it. When he opened it, he found that there were four black coffin nails inside.

Even in the sun, they could feel a chill.

“Ye… Master ye, ” Ning fu held the coffin nail, his voice was shaking,” this is… “

“I think Ning had a headache a month ago. If you think about whether you have offended anyone recently, the other party? Spend a lot of money to set up a Fengshui Bureau in your residence. It must be to kill your Ning family.” Ye Shaohua said and ordered a few points.

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Ning Fu followed her direction and found another three coffin nails in the villa.

“Coffin nails are extremely Yin things. Even if it is not laid out, living here for a long time, their mental state will be affected. I think some of them should be very unlucky recently.” Ye Shaohua thought for a moment, and drew some runes from her pocket. “Put these in the place where the coffin nails were just discovered, and the Yin in the room will soon disappear. By the way, the Buddha statue in the old man’s room will be removed. This thing was taken out of the cemetery. The gloom gathered in the bedroom was poured directly from the top of the old man’s head, and so it was difficult for him to wake up.”

It’s also strange. As soon as the Buddha moved away, old man Ning woke up in a daze.

This makes the Ning family call ye Shaohua the master. Just now, master Ku didn’t know when he was embarrassed to slip away.

“Master Ye, I’ll let Ning Zhou take you home.” Ning father gave Ye Shaohua a big red envelope, and Ye Shaohua received it directly.

Along the way, Ning Zhou wanted to talk to Ye Shaohua excitedly, but seeing ye Shaohua’s cold appearance, he could only hold it in his heart.

When the car arrived downstairs, Ye Shaohua got off.

Not far away, Lin Weiwei just came back.

“Tiny, it’s Maserati!” One of her friends poked Lin Weiwei in the arm and exclaimed.

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Lin Weiwei’s eyes were very good. She recognized the driver. When she saw it, her face was very heavy.

What is Ye Shaohua doing?

On this side, Ye Shaohua didn’t know that Lin Weiwei saw her. Even if she knew it, she didn’t care. She stopped at her door and obviously felt that there were other people in her family.

And… There’s more than one.

Ye Shaohua takes out the key to open the door.

Seeing several people sitting in the room, there was no surprise on their faces.

“Miss Ye, strictly speaking, I am your elder.” the middle-aged man obviously occupies a high position and has great momentum. He glanced at Ye Shaohua. To be exact, he saw the jade plate on her neck: “today, I’m here to bring you Hui nationality.”

“In those days, the daughter of a gifted sorcerer was just an ordinary person. Who would believe it?” The girl sitting on the sofa glanced at the narrow hall and said directly, “come on, Uncle Ye, take her back directly. The master asked her to bring back more than one person. What are you talking about?”

There is no change in Ye Shaohua’s face with such merciless sarcasm.

The middle-aged man took a sympathetic look at Ye Shaohua, and then said, “Miss Ye, come back with us, and we will neverlet you live such a life again.”

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