It’s possible for the capital to pull a person out of the crowd at will can be a second-generation child.

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Even if the Dragon comes here, it has to be set.

Uncle Ye knows the truth. Rao is so. When he saw the license plate hanging in front of the car, he was shocked.

There is a 6666 four character license plate with the Beijing character hangs.

This is not something that can be bought with money, just like Uncle Ye has seen a license plate with 0 characters before. This kind of license plate will not be put out, and it will be held in the hands of the people above. The person who wants it doesn’t even have the opportunity to auction.

But this kind of license plate is also assigned to specific people.

The Ye family’s atmosphere is so damaged that they can’t even recover their own dragon veins, let alone have the qualification to work for the country. This kind of car should appear at the Fu family’s side.

Just thinking, the royal blue door opened.

A middle-aged figure emerged from the driver’s seat.

“Liu Dui.” Uncle Ye recognized that this was a man from the military region. He was also an academic seminar for Fengshui when Shen family ordered Dragon Cave.

This is the people of the country. Uncle Ye immediately welcomes them.

The middle-aged man who called Liu Dui was not half surprised that Uncle Ye recognized him. He just nodded to Uncle Ye, as if he had been looked up to all year round.

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“I……” Uncle Ye didn’t say a word, Liu Dui passed him.

“Miss Ye, the chief knew that you were going to Beijing, and he had asked us to pick you up. Unexpectedly, those guys didn’t receive you at the airport. Fortunately, the boy ningzhou called.” Liu Dui saluted Ye Shaohua, and then said: “this car was prepared by Ning family for you. It was transported to Beijing a few days ago. Originally, Ning family was going to receive S City, but Ning Zhou said that you were going to Beijing, so It’s not shipped. The chief said that the boy has prepared everything for you. Without him, he has prepared a license plate for you. “

He said to pass the key and the newly issued driver’s license directly to Ye Shaohua.

Although Ye Shaohua didn’t expect Ning Zhou to arrange it so carefully, she didn’t refuse. She did need these things, but she had to go through too many formalities to buy a car. “Thank you. Where are you going? I’ll give you a ride?”

“No need,” Liu Dui waved. “Those boys are in this area. I’ll go to the branch first to see.”

Let Ye Shaohua send him, anyway, Liu Dui does not have the courage to refuse.

When Ye Shaohua’s low-key luxury car left, a car with a military license plate slowly came to this side.

Liu Dui got in the car and left.

Leaving Uncle Ye standing alone at the gate of Ye’s house, he didn’t react for a long time.

* *

When Fu Jinyun arrived, Ye Shaohua had already set the hot pot on fire.

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But compared with S City, the hot pot here is a little light.

“Fu Hengzhen really didn’t come?” Seeing that Fu hengzhen, who has never been separated from Fu Jinyun, didn’t keep up, Ye Shaohua was silent for a moment.

I wonder if she really brings bad children.

Fu Jinyun sat to her left hand, smelled the words, turned around and looked at her, “Ye Shaohua, did you think I was here when you came?”

Ye Shaohua looked into his eyes for a long time, leaned against the back of the chair and smiled, “no, I’m wrong. Come on, big meat. I won’t take the first piece from you.”

He put the hot meat in his saucer.

Look at him eating very fragrant, Ye Shaohua also slowly continued to burn a few, “Did you go back for dinner?”

She is just strange. Although the Ye family didn’t take much care of her, they prepared snacks for her, especially Uncle Ye asked her if she wanted anything else. Why didn’t Fu Jinyun go back to her home and get better treatment?

Smell speech, Fu Jinyun hand didn’t stop for a while, “no, my cousin also just came back.”

Ye Shaohua heard that his cousin also understood that Fu Weifeng, who was engaged to her second sister, had recently ordered a tomb, which was in full swing.

“Come on, look up,” Ye Shaohua picked up his mobile phone, turned to Fu Jinyun’s face and said, “smile …  Ah, that’s it. All right. “

“What?” Fu Jinyun looks at her.

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“Ye Ming asked me why,” Ye Shaohua sent the photos to Ye Ming, “and put a wave of smell on him. Just in time, he will come to eat our leftovers later.”

Fu Jinyun can be said to hate Ye Ming’s broken child very much. He smelt the words and snorted, “let me have a look.”

He wanted to take a look at Ye Shaohua’s mobile phone, but he accidentally met Ye Shaohua’s hand.

They have known each other for three months, but they only get along for two months.

Fu Jinyun always knew that he didn’t live long and didn’t care much about many things around him. The only thing he didn’t expect was that he had a heart for a girl when he was dying.

Of course he knew his situation, so he never said anything.

If you are a dying person, don’t disturb others.

But the idea is one thing. Fu Jinyun first found that his hand had its own idea.

Because of the close distance between the photos, they can also feel Ye Shaohua’s breathing sound. The gentle rhythm makes people calm down easily. It’s the first time they touch the hand of the opposite sex except his mother.

His heart rate was abnormal. Fu Jinyun wanted to distract himself. Then he went to see Ye Shaohua’s hand.

Did not expect to see a more out of control.

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Ye Shaohua’s hands are beautiful, not as delicate as those carefully cared for, but they are slender and clean. In a word, he feels that they are not tired of seeing.

“Sister!” Outside the box door, there was a clear voice, and then a shadow of a man came quickly.

Fu Jinyun subconsciously released his hand.

The face is still wind light cloud light, but the bottom of the heart is a sigh, there is a moment very desperate, he felt that there is always such a willful life.

But in the end, I gave up.

He can’t bear the consequences of this caprice.

“Ahead of time?” Ye Shaohua looks at Ye Ming with eyebrows.

Ye Ming smiled and didn’t deny it, but also saw Fu Jinyun at the dinner table. He said hello to Fu Jinyun. When the three ate, he also pestered Ye Shaohua to talk, which made Fu Jinyun seldom interrupt with Ye Shaohua.

Ye Shaohua has always been a strong person, which Fu Jinyun knows, but she has an unimaginable tolerance for Ye Ming.

When Ye Shaohua went out to answer the phone in the middle of the way, Ye Ming’s very good face changed.

His increasingly mature face was full of solemnity: “Mr. Fu, if you can, I hope you can keep more distance from my sister.”

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