“Fuck! That’s t!? “

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“Wait, this is the person you told me last time? It’s not the same as your picture. It’s much better than your picture. “

Several others are also stealing their thoughts.

“Ye Shaohua, Ye Shaohua, turns out that she is really a member of Ye’s family. Is she such a father”

“Why is she in the capital now? If she goes to Shen’s house to have fun, then we have no chance at all. She is such a person, the Shen family should be happy to let her see the Dragon pulse. “

“Nonsense, it’s said that Zhou Lao always wanted to invite her to visit the ancestral home, but she never agreed.”


Uncle Ye and ye’s eldest brother and so on found that they had not heard wrong. A group of friends of Fu Weifeng were talking about Ye Shaohua.

Miss Ye Er’s smile froze on her face, and she turned to see ye Shaohua inconceivably.

However, Ye Shaohua just nodded to Fu Weifeng lightly. The two seemed to know each other. She was not surprised by the fact that she was being discussed, as if she was used to it.

“Miss ye, there is a corpse driving village in the north of the city. I heard that you have been very interested in this matter. I wonder if there is an opportunity to invite you…” Fu Weifeng looks at Ye Shaohua, for a moment.

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Ye Shaohua put her hand in her pocket and shook her head: “I have other things.”

Then she left directly.

Fu Weifeng looked at her back and felt a little uncomfortable.

For the time being, he was not in the mood to take care of the people whose eyes fell to the ground and returned to Fu’s house in advance.

* *

Fu family, Fu Jinyun and his parents are sitting in the hall.

“This marriage is not a joke,” Fu’s mother looked at Fu Jinyun and sighed, but after so many years of preparation, she didn’t feel very sad. “The Ye family has an answer, and I think that girl is also a good one.”

Fu Jinyun only drinks tea at the same time, but doesn’t answer, “I can’t harm this girl in this situation.”

The patriarch Fu didn’t interrupt, because Fu Jinyun was precocious and had no guidance in Fengshui. The feelings between the patriarch and his son were very common, which was no better than Fu Weifeng.

He saw that Fu Weifeng had come back, so he forced him to stand up. “It’s just the right time to come back. Let’s discuss the matter of the corpse driving village.”

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Fu Weifeng said hello to Fu Jinyun and went straight to the study.

Fu Mu looked at the two with a smile, and then remembered Fu Jinyun’s story. “Otherwise, look at the picture. What’s the name of this girl? It’s a good name. If you don’t agree…”

Crack –

Fu Jinyun’s hand shook and the cup fell to the ground.

Rarely see Fu Jinyun this expression, Fu mother in front of a bright, “it seems that you are willing.”

As soon as the words came out, Fu Jinyun was still in a trance and didn’t say no, which surprised Fu Mu even more.

“Auntie, who did you just say you were going to marry your cousin?” Fu Weifeng also looked at Fu’s mother at this time, with a very surprised expression.

Patriarch Fu also stopped, some of them don’t know how to say.

Fu Mu was stunned for a moment. “It’s Miss Ye’s sister, Miss Ye’s third, Ye Shaohua. The other day, Ye’s side brought them here. Do you want to have a look?”

She showed Fu Weifeng the photos in her mobile phone.

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As soon as Fu Weifeng saw it, it was the face. He took his mobile phone and smiled on his always cold face. “Auntie, actually I know Shaohua, and they talk very well. The engagement with Ye family is very vague. Since cousin doesn’t want to, let’s change it.”

Fu Weifeng’s parents died when he was a child. Fu’s parents always regarded him as their own son, especially knowing that Fu Jinyun would die at the age of 22, and had transformed part of his love to Fu Weifeng.

This is the first time Fu Weifeng asked for something.

Fu’s mother took a look at Fu Jinyun, especially the other tea cups that had just been knocked over. She hesitated for a moment, then took a sip of her lips. “Jinyun, you just said that you don’t want to involve other good girls. Since that’s the case, your cousin also likes it. What you said is reasonable and can’t live for long. You can’t harm other girls. It’s better for your cousin.”

After the marriage of Ye family and Fu family.

Because the Ye family didn’t want people to marry Fu Jinyun, they added Miss Ye and Fu Weifeng, but their engagement was only verbal, and there was no coercion. It really depends on the meaning of the two children.

Only Fu Jinyun is mandatory here.

But now Fu Weifeng takes a fancy to Ye Shaohua, so Fu’s mother has such a saying.

She had already accepted the fact that Fu Jinyun died. After all, she was the master mother of Fu family. She did not put too much emotion on Fu Jinyun anymore, so she was afraid that she would not be able to reply after Fu Jinyun died.

Fu Jinyun has been used to his mother’s attitude for a long time, and he is also used to it. After all, he has stopped in his whole life. After his birthday this year, he will probably stay at 22 forever.

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Others despise him and sympathize with him. He is always in the eyes, and has been in the marrow for a long time.

From the time when he was sensible, his heart was a pool of stagnant water, and he had regarded himself as a dead man for a long time.

But at present, hearing Ye Shaohua’s name, his calm heart ripples for the first time. These three months are the first time for him to feel alive.

There was a kind of fate in his heart.

For the first time in my life, I want to be selfish.

Just once.

Fu’s mother felt that Fu Jinyun, who had always been obedient, had no opinion on this matter.

But I didn’t expect that for the first time in 20 years, Fu Jinyun began to contradict himself, “I don’t agree.”

“Don’t you agree?” Fu’s mother looked at Fu Jinyun in surprise. “How can you disagree?”

Fu Weifeng looked at Fu Jinyun and frowned deeply. “Cousin, I’ve always heard your aunt say that you don’t like the arranged marriage and have the idea of refusing to marry. I know you’ve been looking down on me these years, but I don’t care. It’s just that I won’t bow my head. Miss Ye and I have known each other in S city for a long time. If you don’t agree, you can ask her if you want to marry such a dying man or me! “

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