Ye Shaohua has returned to Lu’s castle. His two cousins, including the king, are there.

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“Shaohua, you live here,” the king looked at Ye Shaohua, his eyes lovingly. “Your previous house is still there, you live with your mother.”

Ye Shaohua put the pen in his pocket, looked sideways at the king, and nodded slightly, “thank you, uncle.”

With a low head and delicate jaw, it looks very nice.

The two princes looked at Ye Shaohua and couldn’t help shaking. The Lu Yin of the Lu family has always been strong. Ye Shaohua has completely inherited the advantages of Lu Xiang, and there are few people who can match her in appearance on the whole Mo planet.

what’s more.

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The second prince found out that he had not seen them for more than half a month, and that his cousin was enough to overpower them on the aura.

Even if it’s just the back image, it’s also firmly catching people’s eyes.

My cousin is not bad either. She has the same appearance, physical quality and mental strength. Now she is MA’s number one. Last time, she said that she took good care of her cousin? Why are you changing your mind now?

Two princes really can’t think.

The king didn’t pay attention to what the two princes were thinking. He was just looking at Lu Rang. “Allen really said that?”

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“That’s right,” Lu rang nodded. “Father, why do you think he suddenly changed? He was very good to his cousin before. Even if his cousin’s family is gone, he doesn’t need to be so strange to me?”

The king pondered for a long time, then shook his head, “don’t worry about him, deal with the matter of Shaohua well, and don’t let her be looked down upon by the aristocrats. We owe her a lot. Since we don’t want to settle down, don’t force her.”

After all, Lu’s family has lived in Mo planet for so many years, and they are not being slaughtered by others. His sister and niece have already been wronged to this extent. At this time, if they are not brave enough, the king will look down on himself.

Ye Shaohua has arrived at the small building where Lu Xiang lives. The queen is comforting her. When she sees Ye Shaohua coming, both of them gather up their frustrations and begin to comfort ye Shaohua carefully.

Ye Shaohua said it really doesn’t matter if she can’t leave An jia. She’s talking to Josh about the multi-dimensional nano robot.

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The mecha that Jimmy built before has been tested successfully.

Mr. Josh asked her to re plan the parts. Mass production is impossible. Several kinds of nano metal materials are very rare.

Ye Shaohua probably looked at the information passed by. The remaining materials are enough to build several machine armours. According to the most precise finish, the machine armour may reach level 6 to level 7.

It is not an ordinary six to seven level, but a sixteen dimensional space six level seven that can be freely changed.

Ye Shaohua, a low-level multi-dimensional robot, has no intention of mass production for the time being, and the strength of driving the low-level robot is not very high. Ye Shaohua is afraid to fall into the hands of the Zerg and be studied by them, which will be a huge disaster for people on the planet.

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She had decided to turn it off. When she wanted to turn it off, she saw Allen’s call.

After the last showdown, Allen didn’t contact her once again. The meaning of estrangement was obvious.

Should I ask her about multidimensional space this time?

Not to mention that ye Shaohua is busy with machine armour now, she doesn’t have time to pay attention to it at all. Even if she has time, she doesn’t want to say anything more at all. She directly replies “no time”.

Allen would check whether ye Shaohua had replied to his message every few seconds, but he didn’t expect to wait until her reply.

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