Special Fondness

Chapter 13

After the long moment of tenderness, Fang Su couldn’t tell what time it was, only that he felt exhausted under Tang QiaoYuan’s demands, he snuggled softly in his embrace and let him do whatever he wanted. 

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    Tang QiaoYuan was actually very gentle, during the act he was very considerate towards him and was afraid of not having enough mercy on him, he doted on him to the bone. After all, Fang Su rarely experienced this, before meeting Tang QiaoYuan, even a sudden dream could make him feel embarrassed for a long time, not to mention this kind of unbridled enjoyment, it made him not only physically tired, but the blush on his face didn’t subside either. 

    Tang QiaoYuan was very restrained before, this time he was no longer worried about his resistance or fear, also because he heard his confession, he couldn’t help himself. So when Tang QiaoYuan was finally sated enough to stop, Fang Su was already drowsy and didn’t even want to move a finger. 

    Tang QiaoYuan kissed his burning cheeks with a feeling of soreness in his chest, a smile was deeply burned in the bottom of his eyes, and thought of letting him sleep like that, but then he also thought about the lunch they missed a long time ago and felt very conflicted. After wandering and hesitating, it was Fang Su who spoke first, and asked in a hoarse and low voice: “QiaoYuan, I want to drink water…” 

    “Alright,” Tang QiaoYuan propped on his elbows to sit up, put on a garment at random, and got out of bed, after a moment he came back with a teacup, Fang Su actually closed his eyes again, Tang QiaoYuan stretched his hand and stroked the side of his face, then coaxed him with a low voice, “Su Su, wake up and drink a sip of tea.”

    Fang Su half-opened his eyes, and after a long while, he slowly raised his arm. Tang QiaoYuan leaned over so he could hook on him, he embraced his back and held him to sit up, after Fang Su leaned on him, he brought the tea to his lips and carefully fed it to him.

    “Are you hungry?”

    Fang Su drank most of the cup of water, nodded after hearing the question, then immediately shook his head and replied: “Don’t want to eat, want to sleep…”

    Tang QiaoYuan felt a heartache but was also interested when he heard that, he put down the teacup with his backhand and helped him lie down again, his fingers lifted up the strands of hair scattered on his face and said: “It won’t do if you don’t eat, I will let the kitchen prepare it, you sleep for a while first.” 

    Fang Su sleepiness was near, he semi-consciously nodded, and refused to speak even half a word, his whole body was swept by exhaustion after the emotional tide, he just thought that whether to eat or not was fine, he only wanted to sleep for a while…thinking about it, his breathing gradually became even. 

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    Tang QiaoYuan couldn’t bear to disturb him, so he brought clean water by himself to help him wipe clean his body. The thin quilt on Fang Su was gently taken away, which made him slightly frown, then he fell into a deeper slumber. Tang QiaoYuan looked at him with a smile for a while, then stood up and pulled the curtains together, he also cleaned himself up, then put on his clothes, and left the room.

    The courtyard was still quiet, and no one dared to step in without his permission. Tang QiaoYuan only saw a maid waiting outside when he walked out of the courtyard, then instructed her: “Tell the kitchen to prepare some fresh porridge, one that is light and nourishing would be the best.” 

    The maid answered with a salute. 

    He turned around after speaking, not staying any longer, who knew that after he barely took two steps that he was called out by the maid behind him. Tang QiaoYuan turned his head, saw Bai Ping walking forward, two quiet little girls were following behind her. 

    Bai Ping gave him a slight bow, took a letter out from her sleeve, and gave it to him: “Master, your cousin is already on her way.” 

    Tang QiaoYuan took the letter, then when he heard the words, he didn’t open the letter to read it, he crumpled it into a ball and threw it on the ground.

    “Uncle’s illness couldn’t possibly have gone away this fast, she just went home for over a month that she is already back?” Tang QiaoYuan frowned unhappily and said with a cold voice, “Who allowed her to come?” 

    Bai Ping did not answer, thinking that this question wasn’t really for her, after all that cousin came and went at her will, she always treated the Tang Mansion like her own house mansion, does she even care about who would allow her or not? Moreover, she knew that Tang Qiaoyuan is someone who’s cold, there are many things he doesn’t put in his eyes, however, he respected his uncle, and to repay him for his old kindness, he couldn’t help but indulge this cousin of his a bit. 

    If the master is like this, what can a servant like her get to say. 

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    Bai Ping waited for him to drop a few words out of anger, and so did not answer. A moment later, she saw Tang QiaoYuan do just as she expected, but he did not close the door on the person who was on its way, and warned: “Since she has come, then serve her well, but one little thing…”

    Bai Ping’s eyebrows moved slightly, and looked forward to his unfinished words.

    A look of disgust came across Tang QiaoYuan’s face: “She is not allowed to come half a step near the main courtyard.”

    “Yes.” Bai Ping was happy, her lips revealed a delighted smile when she bowed her head.

    “One more thing, let the three people from the Fang Family go.”

    “This servant knows”

    Tang QiaoYuan turned back to his bedroom, the girl stood in the same spot while digesting his last two words, his words were related to Fang Su, especially his previous sentence – In the past, when that young female cousin came to the mansion, she was never forbidden from entering the main courtyard, to hear such instructions now, really mean that there is one more individual who’s not comparable in the mansion.

    Behind her were all the new maidservants, who had to learn the rules by following Bai Ping,  they listened from the side while trembling in fear, and only when they saw Tang QiaoYuan has walked far enough did they dare ask in a low voice: “Sister Bai Ping, Master doesn’t seem to be very happy… That young female cousin coming here, will it cause some trouble?”

    “So what if it does?” Bai Ping turned around, looked toward the young girls who were still young and innocent, and smiled: “There should have been someone to manage her long ago”

    One after another, the two maidservants looked puzzled, Bai Ping didn’t discuss this matter any further, and said, “Let’s go”, as she led the two of them away.

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    On the other side, Bai Ping has already made a big bet on the person who was unaware of everything, and slept soundly under the blanket till dusk.

    Fang Su’s body has been thoroughly scrubbed by Tang QiaoYuan, when he woke up, he felt fresh and comfortable. He has always hated sweating, however since the beginning of the summer, he still liked to wrap himself in a thin blanket, feeling warm all over when sleeping, and his cheeks slightly turning a light red.

    The small porridge boiling in the pot was silky and light, finely stewed chicken soup was also added to the boiling porridge’s water, after tasting one bite Tang QiaoYuan felt quite satisfied and generously rewarded the kitchen’s inside out, soon after he personally carried the small cup back to the room. On the way back, all the servants did not dare to look up at him.

    The bed curtain in the room was being lifted up, it was getting dark and the light in the room was not so dazzling anymore. Fang Su was still deep asleep without getting disturbed, after a short while, he was forcefully picked up by Tang QiaoYuan and had to wake up.

    Fang Su’s eyes were closed and didn’t want to open them, Tang QiaoYuan lowered his head to rub against his face, and rubbed continuously for a while, and got to bring out a bit of his weak temper, he was being groaned at and his head was being pushed away.

    Tang QiaoYuan could help but laugh, he got closer to kiss him and whispered: “Su Su, you should wake up, if you still don’t wake up, the moon will be seen throughout the entire night”

    Fang Su murmured in a low voice, as if he was complaining about being woken up, then reached out his hands again to push, he kept pushing again and again until he buried himself on his shoulders to continue sleeping. Tang QiaoYuan simply lowered his head and kissed him, he first licked gently, a moment later he stuck his tongue inside his mouth, making the kiss hot and intense.


    Fang Su groaned, woke up gradually and looked blankly at the man before him with half-opened eyes.

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    Tang QiaoYuan let him go with a low smile, then very slowly licked the saliva on his lips, and watched with great interest as his eyes became sober and his face red, he picked up his clothes then helped him get dressed up, and joked ”In the future when you’re lazing in bed, how about I wake you up like this?”

    Fang Su was already weak, after being kissed like that earlier his whole body became soft, he lowered his eyes without responding, and let him help himself get dressed. Although Fang Su didn’t say anything, he understood very well that this man was only just saying it without really meaning it. Usually, when he would wake up a little later, Tang QiaoYuan would normally watch over him quietly by his side, and would definitely not disturb him, but today, no matter how he had to coax him into waking up for fear he would be hungry

    Fang Su’s eyes curled.

    Tang QiaoYuan carried him up to the table, scooped from the bowl of porridge a smaller bowl of it, blew on each spoon then fed him. Fang Su who just woke up lacked appetite, but he couldn’t reject his considerate manners at all. After eating two mouthfuls his appetite then also improved, and instantly felt the emptiness in his stomach, he was really starving.

    The chicken soup in the porridge was delicious but not greasy, Fang Su saw that he only prepared one bowl and one spoon, so asked curiously: “Why are you not eating?”

    “I already ate,” Tang QiaoYuan answered, without forgetting to say nonsense in his words, “When you were sleeping like passed out under the blanket, I was in the kitchen stealing mouthfuls for a long time.”

    Fang Su listened till he laughed out loud, and the porridge in his mouth tasted even better.

    The two individuals inside were very cozy, and the feeding was also endlessly pleasing.

Note: Last update before a while!

Thank you for all your messages. I got some medicines (which are not even fully covered by the insurance, well, lol) and I am resting a lot but I am expected to return to work next Thursday, as Covid patient gets 10 days of quarantine only… Which I question a lot because I doubt whoever got Covid will be able to run around only ten days later but… I don’t make rules so…

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