Special Fondness

Chapter extra 1

Special Fondness – Extra 1 – The fifth year

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PUBLISHED ON 28 May 2022

  The winter snow was getting thinner, welcoming another new year.

  Fang Su didn’t deliberately count the number of new years he spent together with Tang QiaoYuan, he was just as happy and cherishing as in the beginning, following everyone in the mansion to prepare together from early on, personally lending a hand to help, and adding some festive decorations in the room and on the porch.

  The last lantern in the main courtyard was hung, Fang Su bent over happily, and Tang QiaoYuan extended his arms to meet him, helping him get off of the stool.

  Fang Su hooked his neck and firmly stood on the porch, that person kissed his cheeks flushed from excitement, smiled, and asked: “Every year you have to hang the lanterns yourself and paste the good fortune paper1, don’t you find it troublesome?”

  “How could it be?” Fang Su shook his head, “These things look very good…”

  “It look better than me?” Tang QiaoYuan teased him.

  During all these years, jokes like these, Fang Su heard them countless times, now he can easily reply to them, stretching his hands to cover his face, saying with a smile: “You look the best.”

  “Su Su looks the best.”

  That person let out a low chuckle, and leaned to kiss his palm.

  Fang Su pursed his lips, the fluttering snow outside the porch was lined with a pure white velvet outline, clean and pleasing to the eye. Warmth passed through Tang QiaoYuan’s eyes, he couldn’t help but want to kiss those upturned lips, just as he tilted his head an inch closer, he got interrupted by footsteps that were nearing.

  The person who came was a girl, she was originally walking in a dexterous way, making her previously unnoticeable, just then she noticed the ambiguous atmosphere, she wanted to retreat but it would instead make it appear too abrupt, so she could only hide her smile in a very natural and poised manner, and come closer to salute with a formal bow.

  Fang Su put one hand on the man’s shoulder in front of him, slightly pushed away with a blushing face, and lowered his eyes, turning his head away in embarrassment. Bai Ping was amused after seeing this, when she opened her mouth to give her respect, she deliberately called “Madam” first.

  The person who had been called didn’t know how to respond, but Tang QiaoYuan couldn’t stop laughing, he loosened his arms around his waist, and turned toward Bai Ping to speak, distracting Fang Su from his thoughts.

  “Today is the twenty-first of the twelfth of the lunar month, when does Bai Ping plan to return home?”

  After saying that, Fang Su indeed raised his eyes to look over, looking at her with the same concern.

  The teasing in Bai Ping’s eyes dissipated, thinking of her family, her eyes couldn’t help but show some warmth, let out a shallow smile, and replied: “This servant has just come to inform you of my leave, and is leaving tomorrow right after dusk.”


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  Her home was in the North of Lin Zhou city, it couldn’t go as far as to count as running around, even if it wasn’t the new year, she could go back every now and then to visit relatives, additionally, Tang QiaoYuan was also kind to her, and she had even more freedom. Bai Ping felt lucky, and always felt grateful, after thinking about it, she said sincerely: “If there is any need in the mansion, Master can call this servant back at any time.” 

  “No need,” Tang QiaoYuan lightly shook his head, knowing that she had some worries, and said consolingly, “New year should look like new year, anyone who has a home to return to should accompany their family, it is enough for those who have no home to return to stay in the mansion, you don’t need to worry. Tomorrow before going, get enough lucky money, and do not forget to reward individually the people in the mansion.”

  “This servant naturally remembers.” Bai Ping made a reverence, after dealing clearly with trivial matters, she wasn’t in a hurry to leave, a desire to speak could be seen in her eyes.

  That person saw that she had something to say, but seeing that her expression was unusual, but really couldn’t figure out what could make him particularly concerned yet his attitude was full of disdain. Tang QiaoYuan found it vaguely interesting, and could not help but take the initiative to ask: “What do you want to say?”

  Bai Ping still did not speak bluntly, euphemistically hinting: “This servant has heard about a gossip today, it came from Liu City.”

  Tang QiaoYuan’s brow wrinkled indistinctly, on one side, Fang Su’s expression hasn’t changed, obviously hadn’t thought anything about an “old friend” from “Liu City”, or maybe since the beginning, he never knew about the connection between that place and that old friend.

  Tang QiaoYuan was silent for a moment, although he didn’t know what exactly happened to Qin MeiWan, he really did not want Fang Su to be reminded of her, the only thing he was afraid of is that it would turn inside out the terrible old things in his deep memories once again. 

  He stayed silent on his side, the ingenious Bai Ping understood in an instant, and casually said: “I heard that there has been heavy snow for many days there, the whole city is covered in silver clothes2, and it is hard to travel.”

  “It’s quite good,” Tang QiaoYuan said with his expression unchanging, “a timely snow promises a good harvest.”

  The conversation came to an abrupt end.

  Fang Su was puzzled by what he heard, and couldn’t tell what was wrong with it, but only smiled lightly.


  It was only in the afternoon, when Fang Su was taking a small nap, that Tang QiaoYuan left the bedroom alone to go to the main courtyard, and went to find Bai Ping again, to ask her in detail about what she hadn’t finished saying this morning.

  Bai Ping stated it in great detail, the protagonist in this matter used to be someone he hated, now that he heard that her fate was bleak, that hatred has also faded, only leaving indifference, and said: “Presumably, Master has already heard about it, the matter about Qin MeiWan who married someone earlier in this year, that person is the second son of the Li family, a big salt merchant in Liu City, usually ignorant and incompetent, live in idleness, and furthermore is an indecent and despicable playboy.

  Tang QiaoYuan nodded after hearing this, he indeed has heard about it before.

  When Qin MeiWan got married, she couldn’t be counted as young anymore, a young woman of twenty-something, one of the rare girls that weren’t betrothed yet in the local area. The Qin family that used to have matchmakers used to jostle each other became desolate, and the fact that Tang and Qin’s families cut off their ties has quickly spread over the Liu City, and became the topic of conversation for all kinds of people after tea and dinner, causing the Qin family to become the place avoided by matchmakers.

  Although Qin MeiWan did not really have anything to do with Tang QiaoYuan, the rumors were like spreading with double power, in that story, Qin MeiWan was like a discarded plaything, the talented woman who should have been sought after suddenly became a frivolous woman that was despised by others, Qin father lost his face, was so angered that his old illness relapsed, it wasn’t easy for him to be able to get out of bed but he was so angered that he had to lay down for few more months.

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  Qin MeiWan was disheartened and shut herself up in her boudoir in dejection, not aware of the time outside, until suddenly one day, the Li family came at their door to propose marriage. 

   A few years ago, the second son of the Li family had actually hired a matchmaker to propose marriage once, at that time, Qin MeiWan’s standards were over the top, how could she consider him, all her intentions were directed at Tang QiaoYuan, so ruthlessly rejected him. Now that she is in this state, not only the second young master Li did not look down on her, but on the contrary, felt that it was a rare opportunity, and took the opportunity to pick up this loaf of steamed bun3.

  ——Whether she was innocent or not, was not something the second young master Li took into consideration, there was also no need to mention talent and knowledge, anyway what interested him since the beginning was Qin MeiWan’s gorgeous face. 

  Although it was not true love, they were not in a position to talk about loyalty, after the second young master Li took Qin MeiWan as a wife, the feeling of freshness only lasted for half a year, after that he often linger in places of debauchery, and the wife at home was isolated in her room. 

  How could Qin MeiWan bear this kind of humiliation, not to mention the second young master Li was not even the one she loved, in her opinion, she only did herself wrong and married him because she was at an impasse, who know that person did not know what was good for himself, and didn’t know how to cherish her? So in that way, she could not tolerate his betrayal, it immediately brought out the evil root, and acted ruthlessly against all the persons who seduced the second young master Li. 

  The second young master Li wasn’t someone kind either, the day before, he was hugging the gentle beauties in his arms, what’s the harm if they were disabled or dead by the next day, he only need to change for another one, he enjoyed someone competitive like Qin MeiWan was generally enjoyable. 

  Until later, no one was unaware that Qin MeiWan was a scary jealous woman, and no one in brothels wanted to get together with the second young master Li. The second young master Li was extremely angry, and squandered his family fortune, tossing out thousands of gold, after a while, someone finally threw themself in his arms.


  That bold woman was Liu City’s popular prostitute, people call her lady Qing Ye, to be able to climb to the top, she is naturally not a simple and kind person, so after she got along with the second young master Li, constantly taking precautions against Qin MeiWan’s actions, and originally thought that if Qin MeiWan knew her place, she could overlook it, but if Qin MeiWan really did something to harm her, she will also not show mercy.

  But who was Qin MeiWan, how could she tolerate that, it would be strange if she didn’t make it difficult, thus just like in the old times, bribed bad persons to take action. After lady Qing Ye learned that, she was calm and unhurried, on the contrary, gave more money to those people who came to kill her, and on the same night, tied up Qin MeiWan in the abandoned temple outside of the city.

  Lady Qing Ye was someone extremely cruel and merciless, and did not let her off, in the past, Qin MeiWan was the only one who was ruthless against others, but now it was her turn, finally tasted the fear and a miserable end. 

  Tang QiaoYuan felt a chill when he heard that, he was conscious that he wasn’t some kind of good person, who knew that it would be nothing compared to these seemingly weak girls. He restrained nausea in his stomach and questioned: “So that lady Qing Ye, what did she do to Qin MeiWan?”

  Bai Ping spoke calmly at the beginning but at this point, she couldn’t help but pause, her tone dropped to a gloomy manner, and said with a low voice: “Eyes were poked blind, hand tendons and feet tendons were severed, then set the temple in a fire.”


  “No,” Bai Ping shook her head, “a few people happened to pass by at night, put out the fire, and saved Qin MeiWan, but the smoke was thick and heavy, fumigated and damaged her ears and throat.” 

  Tang QiaoYuan’s heart was uncomfortable, and after a while, reluctantly commented: “Rather be dead.” 

  After saying this, he remembered something, a strange thought emerged in his mind, and lingered on it for a while, a few shocking scenes flashed through his mind – – it was when he was young, the Tang mansion’s mirror lake’s water was supposed to be green, but on one day, a corner of it was dyed in blood color, the poor bunny was miserably floating in the water. 

  The young Tang QiaoYuan at that time was frightened into taking a step back, and stared at it blankly, after a long moment, bent down and dry retched, tears flowed out, could not speak, only a resentful thought remained, and thought that from now on he could not love other things unless he had enough power to put it under his protection, or that the vicious Qin MeiWan never appears around him.

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  The traumatic experience was buried in his heart, the ten or so years after that, Tang QiaoYuan gradually became mature, and many old things faded a lot, only that one idea had never been let go, he really did not raise any other pet, and did not love anyone. 

  If it wasn’t for the “Special fondness” mistake due to a strange combination of circumstances that created all of these, he was afraid that it would be hard for him and Fang Su to have such a fate.

  The cause was Qin MeiWan, and the consequence was also Qin MeiWan, Tang QiaoYuan was speechless, and only sighed and exclaimed “Good and evil will reap what they sowed.” 

  Now that Qin MeiWan’s end was weirdly the same as the bunny back then, Tang QiaoYuan couldn’t tell if he pitied her, but the hatred in his heart became shallow. 

  The snowflakes fluttered down, and a few crystal clear fragments stuck on Tang QiaoYuan’s sleeves, he sighed and shook his head, and thought about the new year, but master Qin’s house was gloomy and desolate, thinking about the old feelings he eventually couldn’t really bear it, thought about it and said: “Do not spread it, so as not to let madam know it… As for the Qin Mansion, it would be good to look for a miracle-working doctor, if not, then the end can only be a tragedy.” 

  Bai Ping knew how complicated he must feel, and couldn’t help but persuade: “It is this servant that shouldn’t have mentioned this matter to Master.” 

  “I would have learned it sooner or later.” Tang QiaoYuan waved his hand, signaling to her to not take the blame, and continued, “It is just that my emotions are rather strong, you don’t need to worry, I still remember the right and wrong from the past.” 

  Bai Ping let a sigh in relief, and shallowly curved her lips: “Master, this servant will say one more thing, this matter about Qin MeiWan, you’ve heard it, in this servant’s point of view, she did many injustices 4, and to you, now that madam and you are safe, then everything is fine.”

  Each word of this girl jabbed at Tang QiaoYuan’s heart, he smiled, some usual appreciation floated in his eyes, and said with a smile: “You’ve always been talking with talent.”

  Bai Ping was not modest and gave a hearty bow.

  A joke came and went and the heavy atmosphere slowly disappeared. 


  Tang QiaoYuan did not talk about it in-depth, after mentioning Fang Su his heart felt warm and returned to the bedroom to accompany the person who was still in a deep sleep. 

  Several stoves were burning in the room, Tang QiaoYuan was afraid that Fang Su would catch a cold during the winter season, at this time when he went back to the room, he saw the person felt too hot and had overturned the blankets, it made him laugh. 

  It was so counterproductive, Tang QiaoYuan thought while walking toward the windows, opening the windows a bit more, and moved two copper furnaces away, then sat next to the bed, carefully covering Fang Su with the quilt. 

  Fang Su felt cold and felt hot at times, he was originally deep asleep, but under such gentle movements, unexpectedly woke up, looked at the person who came with half-opened eyes, and smiled at him. 

  Tang QiaoYuan’s heart softened, simply took off his outer robe and lay on the bed, and wrapped himself with him under the quilt. 

  Fang Su slowly moved in his embrace, he felt that this body was a little cold, not as warm as usual, but did not let go, on the contrary, held him closer, and asked him with a soft voice: “QiaoYuan, your body is cold… you went outside?” 

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  “En,” Tang QiaoYuan kissed his brows and eyes, kissed to his heart’s content, and replied, “Stood a while under the snow, to talk to Bai Ping, she is going back home tomorrow, so she is going to be busier today.” 

  Fang Su listened to his words and nodded, stretching his hands to hug him, his palms rubbing his back lightly as if he could warm him up with these little movements. Tang QiaoYuan let a low laugh escape, couldn’t bear to stop him, after a while, really felt heartache for his sore hand, and just turned sideways happily, stopping his rubs and said: “Not cold.”

  Fang Su’s sleepiness hasn’t disappeared yet, it was the moment when he was to stickiest to people, and using the way that person’s hand was positioned, held his hand and put it on the back of his waist, and pushed himself further in his embrace, said with a glutinous voice: “QiaoYuan, accompany me to sleep for a while alright?” 

  “Alright.” Tang QiaoYuan’s pity for him was endless, he hugged him well and patted him to coax him, seeing that he closed his eyes before finishing his sentence, seemingly to be able to fall into a deep sleep in an instant. 

  The room was quiet, only occasionally hearing the sizzling “zi zi” sound of the burning charcoal on the stove. 

  That person couldn’t help but think once again about the matter he had heard just now, the more he thought about it, the more emotions were welling up, said to Fang Su in an extremely light voice: “Su Su, Bai Ping was right, as long as you are fine, how others are, why should I think too much.”

  Fang Su fell asleep again, but didn’t know why, still reacting after hearing this person speak, rubbing his cheek against his neck. Tang QiaoYuan couldn’t hide his smile, his eyes full of love, dropping a kiss on his hair.

  Counting the days, today was the twenty-first, tomorrow will be the twenty-two, wait until the twenty-third, the “year” is really going to be there.

  Before that, he never deliberately counted it, but now counting it, this is going to be the fifth year he is spending with Fang Su…… From now on, ten years, one hundred years, it will be easy to keep with it.

  — — It is good like this. 

  Tang QiaoYuan smelled Fang Su’s hair fragrance, he thought with a smile, that being like this is very good, he will do more good deeds in the future, accumulate more blessings to seek longevity, and the longer he lives the better.

  That way, for a long time, he can accompany the most important person to walk it step by step.

Translated and proofread by Milktea & Gemini


Covered in snow This expression doesn’t exist (as far as I know and I couldn’t find it), it just means that he took the opportunity.  多行不义必自毙, the full version of this idiom means that if you do too much injustice, you will inevitably bring your own destruction.


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