Special Fondness

Chapter extra 3

Special Fondness – Extra 3 – Cherishing good fortune

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PUBLISHED ON 17 July 2022

  Once upon a time, there was a big villain in Lin Zhou city, not to the point wicked to the extreme, they only opened a few little gambling dens, managed some restaurants, and kept a few thugs. On ordinary days they were taciturn, apart from close friends, few other people get to see his smile, and even less his enemies. If faced with an enemy, this big villain certainly has no room for mercy, frightening every family there so that they will lower their eyes when they see them, taking every step with caution, for fear that any carelessness would lead to misfortune. 

  But after that, Lin Zhou city suddenly had one less villain and one more good person. 

  It’s not like they were living bodhisattva, but they would help poor families from time to time, rescue a few stray girls that were kidnapped in passing, be more sympathetic to the brothers under him, and give some small money for everyone to eat and drink.

  Tang QiaoYuan slowly took a sip of tea, examining himself critically: What use does he have of the status of master. 


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  But his wife opened his mouth to speak: “QiaoYuan, the rain fell nonstop a few days ago, the water of the river rose, it flushed away the ZhuangYuan bridge in the East of the city…” 

  “Buy,” Tang QiaoYuan blurted out without thinking, when the words came out he felt that something was wrong, then changed his words, “repair it.”

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  Fang Su’s expression was docile, hasn’t finished speaking: “The wealthy households in the city have donated some, this morning when they came to ask at the Tang Mansion, it only fell short of a little.”

  “How much?”

  “Two hundred taels of silver.”

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  Tang QiaoYuan made an estimation, that these wealthy households probably didn’t even donate one hundred taels? If it wasn’t for the fact that there’s Fang Su now, no one would dare to come to the Tang Mansion with this kind of exploitative idea. 

  He smiled, the word “donate” hasn’t yet been pronounced, and he heard Fang Su hesitate first: “Two hundred taels of silver, it is a little too much this time.” 

  But he couldn’t help but laugh after all, put down the teacup in his hand, and sat by the window next to the person with interest: “Feeling distressed? It isn’t a problem, tomorrow your husband will go to the gambling den himself, and win a few games to get that money back.”

  Fang Su gently tugged at his sleeve, telling him to stop his nonsense without speaking a single word.

  “Not going, not going,” Tang QiaoYuan caught his hand, and brought him into his arms to coax him, “Su Su can be at ease, although your husband’s wealth isn’t equivalent to that of an entire nation, it isn’t a problem to repair those few bridges.

  Fang Su laughed out loud, however, there was still some guilt in his heart as if all this money for good deeds were all due to his fault, making Tang QiaoYuan bear the loss. But he didn’t know how to say it, there was a slight hesitation on his face, and Tang QiaoYuan, who knew he was thinking deeply about it, made a close guess. 

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  Tang QiaoYuan restrained from poking fun at him, embraced him against the wall, and pretended to be casual: “Su Su doing good deeds is accumulating virtue and merit on my behalf.” 

  Fang Su tilted his head to look over, listening to him seriously without blinking. 

  “I have never done good deeds before, I thought that I would be on my own, even if retribution came one day, even sudden death is nothing to fear.” Fang Su was anxious hearing this, he suddenly tightened his body, the person next to him patted his shoulder to reassure him, “It’s different now, I am older than you by eight or nine years old, I am only afraid to leave this world before you, leaving you alone and uncared for. That’s why Su Su doing good deeds, is making up for my past mistakes, to me this could not be better. Besides you, I don’t have any other relatives, riches are mere worldly possessions, you can deal with it as you’re pleased.” 

  Hearing that, Fang Su’s nose turned sour, before, when Tang QiaoYuan spoke kind words, it was mostly warm honeyed words, never like today’s, mentioning to be parted by death a hundred years later. But Fang Su didn’t want to hear about it, Tang QiaoYuan didn’t want him to be left alone and uncared for, but how could he be willing to be left to suffer alone.

  He suppressed the injustice in his heart, and spoke lively: “That would be hard, I will surely be gone later than you.”

  Tang QiaoYuan faked surprise: “My Su Su has learned to ‘talk back’”, pretending to look into his reddened eyes, dropped a light kiss on his forehead, and stopped talking about these gloomy things with him.

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  Fang Su laughed softly and lifted his head to meet his kiss.


  A gust of wind slips through the corridor, carrying along the fragrance of grass and trees, the endless rain has finally stopped, leaving a sunny day.

  Tang QiaoYuan readjusted his robe’s placket and carry along Fang Su to stand up, taking advantage that it was still daytime to take a walk outside the mansion, it just so happens that they can go to the East of the city to take a look at that broken bridge that needs to be repaired. 

  Not forgetting to carry some extra things before leaving, go to donate the two hundred taels of silver before turning back, so Fang Su could be at ease.

  So it can also add a few days of longevity for him, to accompany Fang Su to grow old, year after year, going through countless years.

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