As the first wave of alien soldiers charged, energy blasters aimed in her direction, Ciara unleashed her magic with a flourish.

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A torrent of flames erupted from her outstretched hand, engulfing the closest enemies in a searing inferno. Their screams of agony filled the air as they crumbled to the ground, charred remnants of their former selves.

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Using her heightened agility, Ciara leaped gracefully, dodging the incoming energy blasts with ease.

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With a swift motion of her hand, she conjured a gust of wind that propelled her forward, closing the distance between herself and the next group of adversaries.

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As she landed, her fist connected with the face of an alien soldier, her augmented strength shattering bone upon impact.

With each move, she danced with lethal grace, her spells unleashed in rapid succession. Ice spikes erupted from the ground, impaling her foes, while lightning crackled from her fingertips, reducing them to smoldering ashes.

She commanded the very elements, manipulating them to her will, as fire, water, earth, and air responded to her call, devastating her enemies with relentless force.


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