‘What should I do?!’

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Ciara’s mind raced with conflicting emotions as she absorbed Jared’s words.

The possibility of returning to her original world, where she could finally see Jerry again, sent a surge of longing through her.

Her heart yearned for his familiar presence, the comfort of his warmth. She hesitated, her resolve wavering as she contemplated the choice before her.

But then, a deeper sense of compassion welled up within her.

Thoughts of her doppelganger, who had endured so much pain and loss, resonated strongly within her. It was more than just a desire to help, it was a fundamental need to support a friend in their time of need.

Ciara realized that her connection to her doppelganger ran deeper than mere resemblance; it was a bond forged through shared experiences and empathy.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Ciara voiced her decision, her words resolute and unwavering.

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“I… I have to help her!” She declared, her voice carrying a firmness that brooked no argument.

“As much as I miss Jerry and want to see him, I also want to be there for a friend in need. I just can’t abandon her.”

~Uh… what did you just say?~ Jared’s tone rang with confusion, but she didn’t let that bother her.

‘I gave her my word. I wouldn’t normally do this, but… this time I can’t back down! Not after everything!’

Ciara’s face scrunched up in resolve, and she nodded at her shell-shocked doppelganger. The reaction on her face when Ciara said she would not abandon her seemed to radiate sheer gratitude.

~Ciara. We have to hurry back, you know? We still have our problems to deal with. We don’t have time to spend here!~ This time it was Kuzon’s voice that radiated out.

“I understand! But I can’t back down now! I’m going to help my friend here and we’re going to crush the Grand Federation together!” Ciara raised her voice, ensuring her message reached her comrades.

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~Hold on… what did you just say?~

“Listen up, Jared, Aloe, Kuzon,” she called out, her voice clear and resolute. “I’m not changing my mind. Either you get on board and support me, or you step aside and let me do what needs to be done. This is my choice, and I won’t back down.”

There was a brief silence as her words hung in the air, the weight of her determination palpable.

And then…

~Slow down a little. Did you just say you wanted to take down the Grand Federation? We’re currently at the Headquarters. We’ve pretty much taken it over. That’s how we were able to pinpoint your location and communicate with you.~

“… Eh?”

Ciara’s eyes twitched as soon as she heard that. The idea that the mission was already complete before it started caused her heart to fall a little.

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~We even have the leader with us here. Neron, the Grandmaster of the Grand Federation.~

“H-hold on, Neron is involved in this? He’s the leader of the Grand Federation?!”

~Obviously not our Neron, but… yeah…~

Ciara’s thoughts mellowed out a little as she sorted through the new information in her head.

‘Neron, huh?’

“He was the one who scouted me himself back when I had nothing. He told me I had potential… that I was special, and then he brought me to the Grand Federation Military Academy…” Ciara heard her doppelganger speak, her voice now hollow.

“I trusted him, and even believed in his words. I had no idea he was just using me and everyone else. He was the one who assigned me to that dangerous task… and he was also the one who personally spearheaded the ambush against us.”

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Hearing her doppelganger’s tale reminded her very faintly of her own story. After all… it was also Neron who approached her and brought her to Ainzlark Academy.

Now that she thought about it, she wasn’t particularly close to Neron, and neither did he express any special interest in her besides acknowledging her talent and bringing her to the Academy.

‘But the resemblance is uncanny…’

And it made her wonder.

~Ciara, we may not fully comprehend your decision, but we respect it.~ Jared’s voice suddenly interrupted her thought.

~I would be a hypocrite if I said I didn’t~ He added.

“You said you’ve captured the Grand Federation Headquarters, right? And you’ve even caught Neron? I suppose there’s nothing left to do…”

~Not quite. Come over here first. I’ll explain in greater detail.~

“What do you—”


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