After the cataclysmic battle, the universe lay in ruins, its once majestic stars reduced to flickering embers.

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Neron stood amidst the devastation, his body still charged with the remnants of power.

The Arcanas, which had once been the major source of Evil Neron’s power, now floated around him, their glow dimmed, almost as if acknowledging the gravity of the events that had unfolded.

As the dust settled, Neron gazed around, taking in the extent of the destruction. He knew that the consequences of this battle extended far beyond this single universe.

‘But none of that matters at this point…’

Evil Neron’s temporal erasure meant that not only had he been erased from existence, but the causality of countless other universes that the lunatic had destroyed would also be restored.

This one included.

‘It would be as if he never existed.’

~I can’t believe you summoned three of us just for that. How underwhelming…~

The moment Neron heard Capricorn’s words, he sense a good amount of tongue-lashing heading his way.

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Using the powers of Constellations to fight back the Nether was one thing, but to simply use all three of them on an opponent like the one he just defeated was another issue entirely.

~I know, right? Neron, you should be more responsible with your power.~ Sagittarius sighed, and Neron could feel it shaking its head.

The two who complained were self-proclaimed members of the upper echelon in the Constellation ranks, though Neron doubted such a thing really even existed.

Sagittarius and Capricorn wouldn’t stand for the casual use of their powers.

‘Well, they represent Adaptability and Liberation, so I can understand their skepticism…’

~You should both calm down and understand. He did this to save all those other universes. Right, Neron?~ Libra, always the voice of reason, gently spoke up in his defense.

She was always so nice and understanding when it came to him. As expected of the Representation of Balance.

“Um…” Neron didn’t know what to say since he knew deep down that he mostly did what he did out of pettiness.

‘I actually just wanted to show off a little…’

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Sure, he planned on saving all those other worlds, but he could have carried that out in another way.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. All’s well that ends well.” Neron shrugged aside the complaints of his nagging Familiars.


~I mean, it was slightly stimulating…~

~You did well, Neron!~

Sometimes, Neron felt like a kid when he was talking to these three. The Constellations felt like his parents or older siblings.

Though he knew they wouldn’t hesitate to heed his call if he wanted.

“Thanks, you three. What would I ever do without you?”

~Hehe… as long as you know that!~

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~Well, I wouldn’t mind coming to play next time too.~

~You know I’ll do anything for you, Neron!~

‘… And sometimes they act like kids.’ Neron smiled as he felt their warmth course through his soul.

With a deep breath, Neron finally deactivated his Grand Fusion State.

The immense power that had surged through his veins slowly dissipated, leaving him feeling drained but content.

He looked down at the universal landscape, his gaze traveling over the scars and marks that bore testimony to the intensity of the fight.

It was over, and he had emerged victorious.

“And now, it begins…”I think you should take a look at

As he focused his attention on the universe around him, he saw a sight that filled him with awe.

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Streaks of vibrant colors streaked across the cosmos, like paint on a vast canvas. Stars that had been extinguished reignited with newfound vigor, their light shimmering through the expanse.

Nebulas danced with renewed vitality, casting their cosmic hues across the celestial landscape. It was a symphony of cosmic rebirth, a visual feast that filled Neron’s face with satisfaction.

“Looks like this one occurred late because it was the last world he got to destroy. The other universes should already be restored by now.”

He smiled, everything else momentarily forgotten as he witnessed the beauty of the universe’s restoration.

“It looks beautiful.” He murmured to himself, his voice a mix of admiration and relief.

Neron took a step forward, his feet gliding over the ethereal remnants of the battle. The Arcanas, sensing his tranquility, began to hum softly, their power resonating with the harmony of the universe.

“Well, off you go.” With a gentle wave of his hand, he guided the Arcanas, releasing their energy back into the cosmos.

As he stood there, surrounded by the majesty of the restored universe, Neron felt a profound sense of peace.

The purpose that had driven him on this journey remained unchanged, and experiencing sights like this reminded him of the validity of his cause.

“Looks like it’s about time now.”


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