SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 109: Chapter 109 - An Answer

Edward knew most things about Anabelle, and it was vice versa.

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Their extremely straightforward relationship allowed the young martial artist to know of Anabelles ability to use mana, ultimately possessing the potential to perform Magic.

No, to simply call it an ability would not do it justice. Simply put, Anabelle was talented at Magic. With no tutor, she was able to sense mana freely and even use her Mana core which she established at an early age.

Anabelle was a genius!


I wont use Magic! It wouldnt be fair!

Anabelle decided not to sully her rivalry with the inept man who became the famous Great Sage, Lewis Griffith. In her words, she wanted to surpass him using pure wits alone.

Edward, who couldnt understand the refusal to use all that existed in ones arsenal to achieve greatness, tried to protest. However, after seeing the determination in Anabelles eyes, and her pure resolve to stick to this ideal, he gave up on the thought.

And so, years passed Anabelle didnt practice Magic.

She registered as a Scholar and, according to what she told Edward, intentionally scored low on the tests so she could be placed in the Lower-Class.

The final part annoyed and partly hurt Edward, since he couldnt understand why she would go so far to prove something. Unlike her, he wasnt privileged to choose the class he wanted.

Edward had skills with the blade, an art he sharpened ever since he was little. But, he couldnt escape his lack of talent in a qualifier that existed in the Academy.

His use of Mana!

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Perhaps it was due to the minuscule amount he possessed, or the fact that he preferred training with the blade and didnt pay much heed to magichis Mana Core Grade refused to improve beyond where its current level.

His Core Grade was Yellow, but only barely. As a result, it was only to be expected that he would be placed in the lowest class despite the abilities he showed in other departments.

So, that was why he was quite upset when Anabelle revealed the intentional part she played in ensuring her placement. Still, though, he endured.

Edward loved Ana and would always support her. If this was the path she chose to follow who was he to stop her?

He too had something he wanted to do!

That was what he thought of the matterall he made himself think of it.

Until she asked him a question he wasnt expecting.

Do you think I should have registered as a Magic-User?

At first, Edwards mind shut down.

Of all the questions simulated in his brain, none came close to what was playing in his ears.

Dazed and awestruck, Edward took a closer look at Ana, not even hiding the intensity of his observation.

Shes serious shes seriously asking me this?!

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Pushing down the saliva that had formed in his mouth, Edward swallowed hard and tried regaining his composure.

W-well, I think the decision was up to you, after all, you

No! I dont mean that! Anabelle gave a sharp, desperate cry.

Edward wasnt getting it, the true intentions behind her question.

Of course, he couldnt understand. The boy hadnt been there when Jared had spoken to Anabelle. He couldnt feel the intensity of her burning inquisition.

Right now, Anabelle was conflicted. Had she been wrong all along? Was it truly the best choice to try beating Lewis Griffith in his own game rather than following her oath and surpassing him in her own way.

Jared Leonard had inspired these questions within her, and now she felt restless. She desperately sought some sort of calmmaybe reassurance.

If her best friend, Edward would only speak perhaps she could finally have some clarity.

I wasnt wrong, right? I just wanted to be better than

If Im to be honest, Ana

Edwards solemn voice broke through her inner turmoil and bustling emotions. She looked at his face. It was hard, resolute a bit scared, though.

Edward looked weird, but the face he made was synonymous only with one thing. He wanted to be honest with her.

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I believe a person should use everything they have to get what they want. Thats the only way one can live without giving excuses for failure!

No what ifs or If I hads or Had I knowns one who gave their all to something felt very little regret! It was that simple.

Wouldnt it be better to use your full strength than half your strength? Especially when against a powerful opponent? Edward asked sincerely.

Anabelle didnt say anything, but she knew the answer to that question.

It was common sense to try ones hardest in a battle when victory wasnt certain.

Youre up against Lewis Griffith, the best of the best. Dont you think you need to give all you have at it?

These words resonated deeply in Anabelles soul as they aligned with the seeds sown by Jared not too long ago. Her heart beat fast as she received the picture being painted by both boys.

Her stubborn heart loosened, and she began embracing the possibilities.

Youre a Magic Genius, Ana. Ive known that since we were kids. I think its time you owned it.

Just like that the turbulent sea that was Anabelles inner consciousness experienced a great calm. The cloudy skies cleared up and brilliant rays of illumination burst forth.

It was warm all over her, no, within her. Anabelle didnt even realize when she had started smiling.

First came a smile, then came tears, then came a voice.

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Thanks, Ed I really needed to hear that.

Edwardwho had been a little surprised by his friends tears, but quickly realized it wasnt one of sorrowsmiled at the young, child-like girl, and gave his usual confident smile.

Youre welcome!

There was silence for a moment as both friends looked at each other, staring deeply into their eyes. But, Anabelle broke the decorum not long after.

Oh, you were wrong about one thing, though.

Edward gave a slight raise of his eyebrow, not really understanding what she meant by that.

Whats that?

Were still kids! Anabelle laughed.

Edward remembered his earlier statement where he mentioned their kid status as though it had passed. It was just like Anabelle to nitpick on such little detail.

Pfft, yeah youre right I guess we are.

And so, with their moods raised, the pair resumed walking this time, with a different air about them. They smiled, laughed, and enjoyed each others company.

Unknown to them, and nearly everyone in the whole Academy these times wouldnt last very long.

For Darkness would consume everything soon enough. After all, it had already arrived!

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